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18 ***years ***ago
I have wondered whether the misunderstanding, by the way cleared up in an early post on this very board (at a time when I myself had not yet obtained a vinyl version of the album), about whose point of view is taken during the verses of "Sweet NeoCon", in contrast to the short "answers", might have contributed to an amount of bad publicity. That is, some challenging lines are
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
F.U.C. the Captain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I fully agree with the filler comment. Anyway I > think it should be forbidden to release more than > 10 songs on an album, especially if it's one by > the Rolling Stones. However, this is my > selection:> > .............................. > Well, there are still fillers (*) b
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
bv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't think so. They have 40+ years of history > to take care of. The songs that made less crowd > reaction at Tampa tonight were "Rough Justice" and > "Back Of My Hand". It might be an interesting > experiment having half the show with new songs, > but I am afraid the queues fo
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Due to personal reasons of no common interest, I obtained my vinyl ABB rather late, and I have only slowly arrived at about 20 listenings. For me, that means it is early days yet. What the market says, is of course of importance. What will be the view of "posterity", it is impossible to state without doubt. - My personal view so far seems to be that aBB promises to be good enough an
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Meise Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Okay, I tell you one: Empty Heart > > ________________________________________ > > I can't imagine a world without the Rolling > Stones! (A. Erthegun) I like your attitude, Meise, voiced in another thread, not wanting to tell which two tracks that you did not like in a context , and even now
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
My situation at the moment is such that I have to obtain a vinyl version of ABB. Is it available in vinyl by now, does anybody know?
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
bv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Do you paint your car a new color every day? I > think they keep it like that because it is > working. And because they play new cities every > time. More than 99% of the crowd see only one > show. Why make it better for 1% and worse for 99% > ??? > > Bjornulf Well, I don't compare this b
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
OILY_DIPSTICK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think we should make the distinction between > diehard fans and stoopid, bitter, anal retentive > train spotters who continually whinge about fookin > set lists. Very well for the tone here then that Oily_Dipstick writes as the happy die hard fan, while it is left to me (among others) to serve as
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
I consider it very wise to give the people at large what they want. At the same time I think that is just as wise not to give the people all that they want. Give them part of it. That is, don't give them so much of it. Warhorses should be a mere privilege to experience, not the stable diet. Make people come back for more of something else of it - on another concert in some other city, possi
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
I don't really hate "Melody" even if it is probably the Stones track that I regularly least prefer.(I don't take Metamorphosis tracks into consideration, but I do not hate any of those.) However, I remember the distant time period when I had started to like some Rolling Stones music very much, as much as the band was comparatively new to me, but had not yet grown into unco
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
Oh, am I too late? Have I missed the train? Anyway, the following three songs today (most possibly some others another day): 1) "Tell Me" 2) "Good Times, Bad Times" 3) "Long, Long While"
Forum: Tell Me
19 ***years ***ago
One of a minority, I belong to those who think that there are no "worst Stones album(s)", only superb, good and a few least good ones. Neither have I got a fixed order of preference for Stones albums. It's still living for me and changes. As to least good ones, I would all the same at most times have to mention "Tattoo You". Not as a distaste of the individual tracks,
Forum: Tell Me
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