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7 ***years ***ago
I have a Zoom H4n and have had great results the few times I've used it to record a show. I know Zoom also makes some sort of attachment which connects to your smartphone. I don't know what the reviews are though.
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7 ***years ***ago
Update: Amazon won't send me another copy as is their policy but they offered me 20% off. They'd already knocked off $30 for another issue with the set and I originally paid $299.99 so, even with Beggars being crappy I feel like I did pretty well.
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7 ***years ***ago
Thanks for the replies. It boggles my mind that the quality control could be so poor. With both sets, especially the most recent one, a lot of the lp's were dusty or had little white bits on them. In the first set the UK Aftermath had "gunk" on it which caused playing issues but I cleaned that off successfully. The reason for the return was that My Obsession had a big gouge in i
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7 ***years ***ago
Long-time reader...infrequent poster... In a nutshell...I bought the Mono vinyl box from Amazon and there were problems with one of the records which necessitated me having to return it. And when I say return I mean Amazon sent me a whole new box rather than just replace the one record which had the issue. So when I initiated the return I had yet to play the copy of Beggars Banquet but d
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9 ***years ***ago
This thread is a pleasant distraction from my own personal conundrum as I'm trying to decide what's been my best ever poop.
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9 ***years ***ago
If I were a little closer I would but with the border it's probably 5 hours round-trip. I know it's not much but my girlfriend was cool enough with me going away for 24+ hours the other day and we have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. I don't want to push my luck...even for The Stones.
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9 ***years ***ago
It kills me a little but I decided to sit this show out even though I happen to be in my home town, a couple hours from Detroit (I now live in Halifax). I'm a Stones nut but am now a dad and elected to use my limited free time/money to take my dad go see the Tigers and a Rodriguez / Brian Wilson double-bill on Sunday. The closest I got to seeing the Stones was seeing the gent pictured joi
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9 ***years ***ago
I should add that if you're going to Nemo's it's quicker to take the bridge across and it's easy to get to Nemo's. It's not difficult to park around Comerica but I like to avoid driving in that area which was clearly designed with horses in mind.
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9 ***years ***ago
Whenever I go to baseball games I park at a bar called Nemo's for free and take their shuttle bus to the park for a couple bucks round trip. It's a bar I love and if you're a baseball fan you can get out on the field of old Tiger Stadium (just up the street) and play catch where all of the great of the 1900's played. As far as the Stones show goes, I'd just call the
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11 ***years ***ago
The Village Green Preservation Society.
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11 ***years ***ago
Losing Kevin Ayers hit me where it hurts. I've always felt like he was my little secret despite the fact that I'd play him frequently when I was doing college radio. Most of the articles on his life have focused on The Soft Machine and mentioned his solo career in passing but it's always been his solo work which I have loved. I would agree that Whatevershebringswesing is a good
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11 ***years ***ago
QuoteSilver Dagger QuoteHis Majesty Quoteuhbuhgullayew Is a CD considered to be an album? Yes. Ya can't roll a spliff on a bleedin' CD fer gawd's sake, so how can it be? A while back I wrote a song which deals with this very issue...almost.
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11 ***years ***ago
I could see Taylor joining them for Love in Vain. It's a simple blues and it gives him an excellent showcase to solo. I'd love to hear that and Dead Flowers.
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11 ***years ***ago
Fans of the original trilogy need to seek out Harmy's Despecialized Editions of those 3 films. In a nutshell, this dude Harmy has used the best source material available to put together releases that are as close to the original cuts as possible. I was absolutely stunned at the quality when I started watching. the Cantina, Han shot first.
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11 ***years ***ago
I was just about to post saying I had a similar download problem until I, after multiple attempts to download, disabled my firewall and antivirus. I'm posting this in case someone else is in a similar position. It's pretty silly that their download setup requires java to begin with and even more silly that you have to disable programs which are protecting your computer.
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11 ***years ***ago
I will relish every moment of it. During the surprising 2006 run I got way too uptight in the World Series which was entirely disappointing after a great run beating the Yanks and A's (I was in the park for Magglio's walk off). This year I am super into the games but with a bit of a different perspective. I don't really care who the Tigers play as either matchup would be prett
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11 ***years ***ago
Thankfully the Yanks didn't score in the 8th or 9th or that (horrible) blown call at second base would have been a huge play in the series. The Tigers are in a great position now and (despite what's posted above) Verlander isn't going to face off against CC unless the Yanks decide, now that they're down 2-0, to pitch him on short rest. Now it's supposed to be Scherzer v
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12 ***years ***ago
The photo of Sha Na Na boogy-ing down is awesome!
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12 ***years ***ago
QuoteStonesTod QuoteHighwireC Something will happen this week ... things happen almost every week. but, it's not a sure thing...i remember about 7 weeks back when nothing happened at all. that happens too sometimes. I hate it when that happens.
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12 ***years ***ago
Well Andrew wasn't the only member of the board at the show. I was there too and am thrilled to be getting a professional recording of a show I was at. For me, the whole thing was an incredible experience...Partying all night in line (sobering up while awake was fairly horrible), actually standing in line for tickets instead of logging on somewhere or calling a number, describing to the pi
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12 ***years ***ago
downagain In 1965 The Rolling Stones played (what is reported to be) the only Stones show which was stopped due to a riot and did not continue. This show was in London, Ontario (my home town) and if you go to the above link and scroll down to Thursday you can listen to Radio What Wave. This is always a great show with a really knowledgable host, Dave. He was going to do
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12 ***years ***ago
I suspect this is simply to bring Mick Taylor back into the public eye so, when he is introduced as part of whatever the Stones are going to do for their 50th, more people will have some idea of who he is. Lorne Michaels is affiliated with Fallon's show and SNL and both are filmed in 30 Rock. Perhaps Lorne is going to be somehow involved in the filming/staging of whatever shows they end up
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12 ***years ***ago
While Mick has never made any todger comments publicly, you can't forget that the two of them have known each other well since they were teenagers. During the early years Keith could have become aware of some sensitivy in this area on Mick's part (play on words intended) and still bug him about it to this day.
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13 ***years ***ago
This drives me bonkers! I wasn't about to sneak in my taping equipment as I couldn't risk getting tossed out but I was sure that somehow a tape would get out there.
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13 ***years ***ago
She Saw Me Coming is a completely boring, throwaway, hit "next" on your cd player remote kind of a song. I think it's fairly crappy from a writing and production standpoint. It's just boring.
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13 ***years ***ago
Watching Start Me Up, it's nice to see Mick moving...reacting to the music and generally letting loose. This was my first tour seeing the boys and I kinda always picture Mick's moves during "my era" as the contrived posing and motions we see today. I'm going to have to track down some video boots from this era.
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13 ***years ***ago
Lenny Kravitz had an especially strong debut.
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13 ***years ***ago
Hey kids, I'm on here most days but rarely post. However, this is something that I NEED TO KNOW! I was lucky enough to get into the "secret show" in Toronto, at the Phoenix, in 2005 (got the 3rd and 4th last tickets). As is the case with most of these club gigs I figured a tape would surface eventually but I've yet to hear about it. A couple numbers were on the offici
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13 ***years ***ago
They already did You Can't Always Get What You Want and it left something to be desired.
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