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7 ***years ***ago
the A chapter, without a bass, the guitar start, and the income of the drums at the beginning, all very special.. love it. have covered it in a very slow version. ( dinner music).
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
can agree on JJF. The riff is simple but very agressive, the chord sequence very simple, yet attractive, the lyrics are funny, the groove is very catchy, yea I love that song. on the morning of president election day in Iceland.
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
WE icelanders are of course over the moon qualifying from our group to 16 finals the only nordic side to do so this time. ! And we have lost NO games in EM finals, the ONLY country having done so.. ok I am quite big talking, but the atmosphere now in this country of 300 tho population is amazing everyone going wild..
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
1995 In Lissabon.
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
we iceland (popultaion 300 tho) are totally on the side, celabrating two draws !
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
real is much better than portugal, much stroner as a team, so he is struggling with portugal because he needs a special kind of support on the field.
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
he was angry after portugal iceland 1,1, and did not want to swop shirts
Forum: Tell Me
7 ***years ***ago
iceland is the only country never having lost a game in EM euro finals !!! try to top that.! ( it is our 1st time we have qualified, have played 2 games and drew both 1.1. )
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
I think Beatles songs and Stones songs ARE Beatles Songs and Stones Songs,so to speak. The bands made them World famous, and it is a let down that one individual member, with a backup-band copies the songs on concerts.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
no. and as well, not the other way around ie individual bandmembers playing stones songs in their "private" bands, so to speak. just does nnot fit in. fx think it is absolutely lame when Paul McCartney is playing Beatles songs in his band.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
it would be intersting to ask Bill how his baseline came about.. my suggestion is hw wouuld answer : "you know, it was a complete coincidance" almost all the time time the bass plays the root of the cord, exceptiones are the Jazz, where the base hits the root just on the 1st beat, in satisfaction bill hits A on 1.beat ower the D cord.. very unusual. is that correct analysis ?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
my country was an absoulute surprise qualifier We amo beat Holland ! we qould surfprise a few peole in the finals.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
the baseline under the satsifaction riff, guitar riff b b b cis d d d cis chords e e e d d d a bass e e e a a e bass is very agressive going to A when the chords are D
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
musical authority: dunno .. was watching jj cale and clapton playing (on the web) "after midnight" loved it , the are totally different players. but played great together... jj cales style : lacy laied back ,,, beetween rock and blues... love it
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
like jj cale.. like a midnight, and more.. my band cover 2 3 of his songs. easy, groovy..
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
too fast....could be useful if slower ?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
great pictures. !!
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
bit of springi days last days in iceland,, but next days forecast is cold, frosty time again like 5 degrees minus.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
19. Melody
Have always found that a bit strange song. Not "stonesy", but in a way charming. Whatchja think ?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
sad to hear that. did he play with his nationalteam in 1979 ? I remember he played in 1978 when Holland lost to Argentina in the world cup final If he played in 1979 in his national team, I with Iceland played aganinst him, Holland Iceland 3-1 in Nijmegen.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
ASMB is a weak song imo. is ok on the cd though, with lot of fillings etc..
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
just curious,,,
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
dont think it is a bad song. but it does not fit in big gigs. rakter than other other slow stones songs like "to tears go by" or "wild horses".. when i play dinner music in a big hotel we usually play "as tears" and "angie" as "wallpaper" music...
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
that is right.. I am sorry.. of course Lisa with her unbeliveable high high tones, fantastic
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
good to hear ! maybe I go to south america for a show.? from iceland is a long way... now there wont be any Lisa Fisher though, she was a big factor in the perfomance of Miss you ...?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
coffee, juice, milk water. Stopped drinking beer and alcohol over a year ago. love the freedom.
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Miss you is debatible Stones song, I know. I must admit, I like this combination of disco and R and roll ( ?). Gets me dancing etc. good groove. Are the playing it any more..?
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
i went to church. there was this direct radio-broadcasting from the mizza (?) the priest is quite humorous, and has all kind of performances ( kidsband, solo-singer, reader of an selfwritten artice etc.) afterwards there is always a coffee and cakes for everyone. The priest calls it the "first half" ie the mizza, and the second half (the coffe time ), Dont ask me who gave him this idea,
Forum: Tell Me
8 ***years ***ago
nice sunday morning.. bit cold though... minus 5 ? gona walk to the church... m
Forum: Tell Me
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