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Paris 2002 Sessions
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: April 12, 2018 00:51

So, those have been out for a while, but me and many others totally missed them. Thanks to Kent for mentioning the leak on Facebook!

For all of you who don't check the other IORR sub-forums, here is a link to the leak: []


1 Just Before
2 Dreams
3 Cried Out
4 Because
5 Love is a Test
6 When I Call Your Name
7 U Don't Wanna
8 Don't Stop
9 Keys To Your Love

Let's discuss here!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-13 12:34 by bv.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: April 12, 2018 02:37

I’m loving it

Now we know where Keefs Trouble came from

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: nick ()
Date: April 12, 2018 02:50

Make it apart of a Tattoo Too album and release it officially.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 04:08

Just Before sounds so much like Trouble! Amazing!

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 12, 2018 04:20

Skimming through some snippets...listening to the in studio chatter of Because...kicks back in to Just Before (working titles changed?)...which eventually will become Trouble in another life...sort of feels like eavsedropping...sort of miraculous...Micks vocals are sort of in "rough draft" mode but maybe that's the charm...this will take awhile to absorb....U Don't Wanna is sizzling through my laptop speakers...very Stonesy...can't really give a full opinion on everything as of yet...sort of shellshocked...

*Pardon the stream of random thoughts above, but just one question...ok two questions:

1. -Aside from Don't Stop and Keys to Your Love (the weakest tracks even here), why did none of this make an appearance on 40 Licks?! Or A Bigger Bang?!!! Or GRRRR?!!! Or ever?!!!!
(ok that was 4 questions under disguise as one)

2. -What in the heck are they waiting for...they have a foundation right here for a brand new album of originals...40 demos 3 dynamite riffs blah, blah, blah...

THANKS to whoever made this happen, and thanks to IORR! smileys with beer

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-12 04:21 by Hairball.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 12, 2018 04:25

A couple were reworked for ABB, Cried Out -> LIND and U Don't Wanna -> Driving Too Fast

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-12 04:36 by gotdablouse.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 12, 2018 04:31

Thanks gotdablouse - just quickly skimmed through some snippets while typing last post...listening more closely now... thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: April 12, 2018 04:34

Just Before sounds so much like Trouble! Amazing!

So THANKFUL to HAVE this "new Stones album"!

Yet I HATE the whiny, lazy vocals on it. The 'shuffling' drumming and 'riffing' though, are very Trouble-ish!

U Don't Wanna is the highlight to me. Great little riff, love the organ and the vocals on this one, especially towards the end, are beautiful.

When I call Your Name is also a favourite of mine in this batch, especially Charlie's drumming and, again, the organ.

Cried Out and Dreams belong on a Jagger solo record (Goddess springs to mind) but I do love a good Stones ballad, and both are.

Love is a Test is, to me, spoilt by the seemingly out of tune slide or pedal guitars during the solos - Ronnie? But still a nice track, very reminiscent of Laugh, I Nearly Died perhaps? Slightly under-produced...?

Also loved the banter. Mick gives a lot more direction that Keith!


Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: April 12, 2018 05:12

Is the WeTransfer link still active? Just takes me to an empty page.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 12, 2018 05:40

Thanks for posting this.

Great songs and the banter is really cool to hear, and revealing.
They really seem to have great chemistry in these cuts.

Love hearing Mick complementing Keith's intro on "Because"...
"you still gonna do that intro that you did? It was rather nice.. rather interesting actually".. "let's put it in ..somehow"

And he was right.. a great Keith riff in the making.
And then Keith asking Charlie "where were we Charlie.. it's your beat man".
And a great beat it is.. killer song.

Loving these songs.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 12, 2018 05:41

Still working.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: April 12, 2018 05:54

A couple were reworked for ABB, Cried Out -> LIND and U Don't Wanna -> Driving Too Fast

Wow, I don't hear U Don't Wanna morphing into Driving Too Fast at all. I LOATHE Driving....I love U Don't Wanna.

Cried Out is beautiful. Tones on guitars really REALLY nice.


Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: April 12, 2018 06:33

Is the WeTransfer link still active? Just takes me to an empty page.

Was a browser problem, apparently. My Firefox refuses to open the page but Opera does ...confused smiley

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 08:49

Very good stuff. Dreams, Cried Out, You Don't Wanna. They should have finished this.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 10:03

Really good very Stonesy stuff. This exactly should be a new album. Up the audio a bit, some words.
But e.g I can hear "Just Before" turn into "Let you down slow".
"Dreams" which at this stage has a great 70's ballad charm. But I fear they would turn it into "Sweethearts Together".
"Cried Out" - hm, it's good, but Jagger does this in his sleep by now.
I actually like the unfinished-ness of "Love is a test". It wants to go over into the "Already over me" territory
Another thing that is interesting is just how many tricks they know; e.g. that stop in "Call out your name" that is a classic stop.
"U dont wanna' IMO sounds like "Doom & Gloom" precursor
I'm over thinking this. It sounds great. Love it.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 10:31

Palace Revolution 2000
Really good very Stonesy stuff. This exactly should be a new album. Up the audio a bit, some words.
But e.g I can hear "Just Before" turn into "Let you down slow".
"Dreams" which at this stage has a great 70's ballad charm. But I fear they would turn it into "Sweethearts Together".
"Cried Out" - hm, it's good, but Jagger does this in his sleep by now.
I actually like the unfinished-ness of "Love is a test". It wants to go over into the "Already over me" territory
Another thing that is interesting is just how many tricks they know; e.g. that stop in "Call out your name" that is a classic stop.
"U dont wanna' IMO sounds like "Doom & Gloom" precursor
I'm over thinking this. It sounds great. Love it.

Not Trouble??

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 10:39

2 Trouble songs. I like those two very much

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: April 12, 2018 11:24

As somemone had noticed here a few months ago, the Stones did put the more mundane material from Suresnes on 40 licks and kept the good stuff for later use.
Out of these 8 songs the weaker two are the ones Mick chose to release officially.

if you follow that train of thought you can logically (hopefully?) deduct the unreleased Suresnes material penned/sung by Keith ("Smooth 180" "Only Found Out Yesterday") must be kick-ass.

Ok now please liberate the B2B outtakes! grinning smiley
Hoarders of all size and color please make the IORR crowd happy and give us "Don’t Apologize" "Ever Changing World" "High Or Low" and "I’m Cured"!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-12 12:33 by dcba.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:07

"Lost Licks"

1. Don't Stop*
2. Stealing My Heart*
3. Just Because (Trouble)
4. Cried Out
5. Keys To Your Love*
6. Hurricane#
7. When I Call Your Name
8. Extreme Western Grip+
9. U Don't Wanna
10. Dreams
11. Love Is A Test
12. Well Well+
13. Losing My Touch*

Bonus Tracks:
14. Don't Stop (alternate)
15. Keys To Your Love (alternate)
16. Just Because (alternate)

* from "Forty Licks"
# from "Vintage Vinos"
+ from "Four Flicks"

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:08

Changed my mind on Love is a Test - AWESOMENESS

And on the NEW tracks (not the 2 released tunes) another thing I absolutely LOVE is the DRUM SOUND they have captured. Powerful, crisp, sharp.

Sounds like Charlie is playing a set of drums and NOT cardboard boxes which he sounds to be playing in both Keys to Your Love and Don't Stop


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-12 12:11 by bitusa2012.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:15

Well. they sure didn´t leak into my house...guess I´ll have to wait for the youtube-version...

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:19

While I do think there are gems here, I also see the usual hyperbole are taking place: Right now there are plenty of joy from people because we are discovering unheard material. But frankly, the songs here, both in terms of sound and performance, sounds very close to what in the end came out on "A Bigger Bang".

Of course I'm glad it has been leaked, and as you can see above, we can make our own little 'lost album' out of it, but it is not anything special. In a couple of months we will be yearning to hear something completely different and from other sessions.

I'm glad we can now put this to rest as another 'missed opportunity", because frankly, it is not. I'll take finished products anyday and "A Bigger Bang" became the end result, which was fine.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 12:21

Well. they sure didn´t leak into my house...guess I´ll have to wait for the youtube-version...

Here it is, Bjorn.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:24

While I do think there are gems here, I also see the usual hyperbole....

You think there are gems, yet there;s hyperbole too...

....agreed! There are gems to be hyperbolic about!


Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: April 12, 2018 12:46

While I do think there are gems here, I also see the usual hyperbole....

You think there are gems, yet there;s hyperbole too...

....agreed! There are gems to be hyperbolic about!

The hyperbole is in the claims by some here, that this is what should have been released instead of what we got. Calm down, please. In a couple of months, people a tired of listening to it already. Watch this space...

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Monsoon Ragoon ()
Date: April 12, 2018 13:12

"Lost Licks"

1. Don't Stop*
2. Stealing My Heart*
3. Just Because (Trouble)
4. Cried Out
5. Keys To Your Love*
6. Hurricane#
7. When I Call Your Name
8. Extreme Western Grip+
9. U Don't Wanna
10. Dreams
11. Love Is A Test
12. Well Well+
13. Losing My Touch*

Bonus Tracks:
14. Don't Stop (alternate)
15. Keys To Your Love (alternate)
16. Just Because (alternate)

* from "Forty Licks"
# from "Vintage Vinos"
+ from "Four Flicks"

That's the tracklist for a CD Goldplate will release in a couple of weeks ;-) At least I hope so. DAC doesn't make compilations like this.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: April 12, 2018 13:17

While I do think there are gems here, I also see the usual hyperbole are taking place: Right now there are plenty of joy from people because we are discovering unheard material.

That's happened before... When I first laid my hands on an original "US" Voodoo brew box I was in awe. But frankly the music itself was a bit bland at times. The material on "Voodoo Stew" and "Voodoo Residue" was much more exctiing imo.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 12, 2018 13:25

Thank you all whoever let this leaked and brought up here to our consciousness!

What a pleasure is to listen 'new' Rolling Stones songs. It's da sound, man... I've read reports and listened rumours how fruitful those LICKS sessions were, but I've been rather skeptical. But yeah, they did have good chance to make an album out of those sessions. But what did happen? The schedule? The whole 40 Anniversary project already laid down - so no time to utilize a sudden moment of creativity? Listening the easiness and chemistry going on there, one can only think of a missed opportinity taken how hard it now seems for the guys to come ups something releasable. But then again, we really don't know what they've been cooking up lately. Who knows if they have much better things out there to be released soon.

Listening the freshness of these cuts is just so enjoyable that any critical thought feels irrelevant now. It could be the one what I could call 'VOODOO LOUNGE effect' - first impression is just so full of joy - the trademark sound, the trademark everything - the familiarity of all that which always works for an old Rolling Stones fan like me. But after some listenings the magic tends to disappaer, the attraction being more like a fancy dress but nothing really inside there - everything starts to sound too obvious and 'by-the-numbers' and the songs or even the delivery have no substance enough in compared to their actually 'original' things.

But at the moment I don't even try to compare the quality of these songs to relevant material with which I am already familiar (and, unfortunately, mostly bored) with, such as BRIDGES TO BABYLON, officially released LICKS numbers or A BIGGER BANG. I am just enjoying the 'fix'.

Just some random observations.

The looseness of "Just Before/"Because" reminds me positively of "Rocks Off". The piano has a huge role there, but also that of the natural 'groove' with which the whole thing rolls, the melody having nice melodic hooks and Jagger's delivery having that 'lazy but edgy' attitude. Keith's intro is also a stand-out thing (Jagger's 'cool' remarks about it is a great reminder what an English band this is - no room to throw any high-fives or 'awesome/brilliant' at least without irony..). I hear there a potentiality for a great latter-day Stones rocker, and a part of me feels disappointed that Keith used it later for his solo needs. "Trouble" is a nice little track full of Keith's charm, but after hearing the potentiality here, I think Keith screwed it up with the muddy mess of Winos sound married with 'poppish' vocals - and what happened to that cool intro?

Of the ballads a soulful blues "Cried Out" stands out positively and - unlike the others sounding a bit too obvious latter-day Jagger throw-away ballads - reminds me of "No Use In Crying" - those guitar licks and the atmosphere full of air. Thee is a certain depthness there. Actually many of these tracks reminds of me TATTOO YOU product- and soundwise. Probably it is the demo-like looseness and freshness. No 'over-produced' or anything (and not either end up emphasizing that 'rawness' too much of a value of its own aas they did with A BIGGER BANG - haha, now I did that comparison). Charlie, especially compared to A BIGGER BANG song s(yeah, let's go aheadgrinning smiley), sounds great.

- Doxa

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-12 13:35 by Doxa.

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: April 12, 2018 13:44

Just got these now. Wife and kiddies are out of town, and I'm about to fire up a little bowl and check the tunes out!

What excitement!

smoking smiley

Re: LEAK: 2002 Sessions - Discussion Thread and Info
Date: April 12, 2018 14:21

Palace Revolution 2000
Really good very Stonesy stuff. This exactly should be a new album. Up the audio a bit, some words.
But e.g I can hear "Just Before" turn into "Let you down slow".
"Dreams" which at this stage has a great 70's ballad charm. But I fear they would turn it into "Sweethearts Together".
"Cried Out" - hm, it's good, but Jagger does this in his sleep by now.
I actually like the unfinished-ness of "Love is a test". It wants to go over into the "Already over me" territory
Another thing that is interesting is just how many tricks they know; e.g. that stop in "Call out your name" that is a classic stop.
"U dont wanna' IMO sounds like "Doom & Gloom" precursor
I'm over thinking this. It sounds great. Love it.

Not Trouble??

Not so much. ""Trouble" seems obviously the one with Jagger and Keith talking about the intro etc beforehand. I think 'Because'.

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