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Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 19, 2015 16:13

Anyway, it is sweet to see the individual people here taking so easily the voice of the collective here,
speaking by the behalf of that famous "we". I was just talking about funny generalations,
and shooting from the hip, but seemingly I catched something. So if anything good comes out of my few critical, party-spoiler remarks,
it is that of the identity and social attraction of "we" coming much stronger. At least there is one clear opponent or target for "we" now.

... Huh? I have tried and failed to understand what you're trying to say.

As for the "we" you bolded in my post: Yes, I am entitled to say Keithbabes have not been indulging
in any ganging up on anyone who has criticized Crosseyed Heart. Since I'm a Keithbabe myself,
the use of "we" was 100% appropriate, and it's plain kooky to point fingers at it
as if it were guilty of some imaginary meaning (or meaninglessness).

Now how about seeing if you don't feel better with some sunlight on your glands and some roughage in your diet

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 19, 2015 16:18

They could do a shortened a cappella, though. That would have been wonderful.
A la We'll Meet Again with the Faces winking smiley

Well, maybe after Keith has left the stage ... except that would be way too dark! eye popping smiley
If you watch Keith during the singalong bits at Stones shows he's usually busily doing ANYthing but participating.
I really don't think he likes the concept at all.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Date: October 19, 2015 16:19


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-11-10 14:52 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: October 19, 2015 16:29

with sssoul
I suppose Doxa realizes the "-ette" ending indicates a female,
so he must be referring to the miles of Keithbabes
(the preferred term)
who have been furiously pounding on anyone who says anything negative about the album.
Except that we haven't been. But since Doxa hasn't read the thread he doesn't know that.
I suspect he's just off his feed. Maybe some light therapy and some popcorn would help.

Of course he does. And the female ending is added for belittling the Keith fans, who, in his opinion, never are critical of Mr. Richards (mainly directed at me...).

I cannot know, of course, but I doubt that Doxa reflected, whether his term was female or male, when he sought a noun corresponding to "taylorite". A tentative "male" noun like Keithet" or "Keith'et" looks strange. Then it probably became "Keithette" without so much deliberation about the term's grammatical form. I guess.

Yeah, like always, the aesthetical side comes first ("Keithet" or "Keithist", "Keithite" just look stupid and boring), but I admit I also like that belittlening sexist vibe in it when directed to the mostly male macho audience.. (And what Jagger once said, "if you can't taka a @#$%& joke blah blah blah...")

- Doxa

As Keith would say, "Doxa is a nice bunch of guys". >grinning smiley<

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: October 19, 2015 17:00

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: October 19, 2015 17:06

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

he's just winding you up riffhards.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: October 19, 2015 17:24

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

he's just winding you up riffhards.

Yeah and making himself look ignorant at the same time lol

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 17:28

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

Well I think Keith missed an opportunity to do something different and interesting. I dont like his singing except for parts of Trouble. I dont like the drums. I dont think the songs are up to par. His voice was perfect on little Red Rooster (2014?). Same old tired riffing on the uptempo songs. Pity.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 17:29

with sssoul
Anyway, it is sweet to see the individual people here taking so easily the voice of the collective here,
speaking by the behalf of that famous "we". I was just talking about funny generalations,
and shooting from the hip, but seemingly I catched something. So if anything good comes out of my few critical, party-spoiler remarks,
it is that of the identity and social attraction of "we" coming much stronger. At least there is one clear opponent or target for "we" now.

... Huh? I have tried and failed to understand what you're trying to say.

As for the "we" you bolded in my post: Yes, I am entitled to say Keithbabes have not been indulging
in any ganging up on anyone who has criticized Crosseyed Heart. Since I'm a Keithbabe myself,
the use of "we" was 100% appropriate, and it's plain kooky to point fingers at it
as if it were guilty of some imaginary meaning (or meaninglessness).

Now how about seeing if you don't feel better with some sunlight on your glands and some roughage in your diet

That's pretty offensive.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Date: October 19, 2015 17:45


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-11-10 14:52 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:02

Maybe, but he was a big part of it in 75/76, though (YGM and WH) winking smiley

Well but those weren't crowd singalongs, which is what Maxtil brought up.
If Keith wants to sing it with or without his bandmates as backup I shall certainly not stand in his way :E

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:03

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

Well I think Keith missed an opportunity to do something different and interesting. I dont like his singing except for parts of Trouble. I dont like the drums. I dont think the songs are up to par. His voice was perfect on little Red Rooster (2014?). Same old tired riffing on the uptempo songs. Pity.

Thanks for explaining, he did sound good on little red rooster, maybe mick and Keith will do a blues album together that would be off the chart, I for one would love that, it's way overdue.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:06


Now how about seeing if you don't feel better with some sunlight on your glands and some roughage in your diet

That's pretty offensive.

Not in the least - it's excellent advice (not directed at you, dear, but since you're interested:
This time of year northern Europe is very short on sunlight, and that's hard on people.
And we all need roughage in our diets. Try it!)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-19 18:08 by with sssoul.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:26

«Same old tired riffing».

Really, Carpet? Have you even listened to the album? This statement might be true for Trouble, Substantial Damage, Blues In The Morning and perhaps Amnesia.

But certainly not for the rest of the album.

Sounds like he's playing the devils advocate, and seeking some reaction and/or attention. Or maybe he really feels that way?
Everybody has different ears, so maybe what he's saying is valid in his mind.

As for Doxa, usually always respected during my 11+ years here on IORR with interesting essays on various topics - though sometimes a bit rambling and long-winded if I do say so myself. cool smiley
But I think others have already spoken regarding his belittling and mocking tone towards those who are finding something positive happening in the Stones world.
There's been plenty of positive and negative criticism throughout this thread.The fact is the album has been well received by the press and most fans alike -
I was literally addicted to it for the first two to three weeks of release! Am I wrong for loving something so much? Or am I stupid? Should I have kept my thoughts to myself?
Should I have twisted my opinions so that they meet someone else's expectations? The answer to all of these is an obvious NO.

My main negative and critical reaction towards the album continues to be that it isn't long enough.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:26

with sssoul
I suppose Doxa realizes the "-ette" ending indicates a female,
so he must be referring to the miles of Keithbabes
(the preferred term)
who have been furiously pounding on anyone who says anything negative about the album.
Except that we haven't been. But since Doxa hasn't read the thread he doesn't know that.
I suspect he's just off his feed. Maybe some light therapy and some popcorn would help.

Of course he does. And the female ending is added for belittling the Keith fans, who, in his opinion, never are critical of Mr. Richards (mainly directed at me...).

A catchy word with that little twist. A bit like "Vegas Era" - neither invented by me, by the way - having that sort of inner self-explanatory content... And now when you two, and seemingly some others as well, made such a huge deal about it, I am afraid it will might start living its own life...grinning smiley

"Taylorite", "Woodist"... "Keithette" adds nicely to the vocabulary, taking - especially in contrast to Taylor fans - that the admiration for Keith Richards tends to include much more than just the musical aspect of him. Of course, Dandie got it right (and I hope with sssoul will hold her horses, and not use the sexist card any further, no matter how tempting it might feel like)...

Anyway, it is sweet to see the individual people here taking so easily the voice of the collective here, speaking by the behalf of that famous "we". I was just talking about funny generalations, and shooting from the hip, but seemingly I catched something. So if anything good comes out of my few critical, party-spoiler remarks, it is that of the identity and social attraction of "we" coming much stronger. At least there is one clear opponent or target for "we" now. Of course, my intention was opposite, and I should have known better...

- Doxa, an ex-Keithette

If I didn't know you better I would have thought you were jealous of the fans who love the album.. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I gotta take what you're writing seriously, right?

Have I, or any other poster here, done anything to make you to feel left out or sidelined in this thread? Had you expected more applause or recognition for what you posted?

It's a big thread, Doxa, containing just about everything you are calling for.

If it can make it feel better for you I can offer you not to speak my mind when you're critical, so your points come through easier? confused smiley

Oh gosh, you make me sound like some miserable little boy who has been left out of the club or something... "Please, let me in, let me in."..grinning smiley

Oh no, I don't have anything to complain about my posts been neglected or anything like that. Quite the contrary. Besides, like I always have said I post just for fun (even though being somehow 'serious' is my kind of fun...), so if I have something to say I write it, and I'm happy with that. It's done. If someone feels like commenting that's always a bonus, and which probably inspires me just to write something more... and so on.

What I call with term "Keithette" is a certain phenomenon I have observed here at IORR during the years (and I can also look inside of myself too); it's always been there, but, of course, due to Keith's reborn as a recording artist, seem to have got more wind on its wings. I didn't have any special poster in mind, but it is just a caricature generalisation, or an imaginary position, probably fitting to some posters better than others (no, I didn't have you Dandie in my mind; you are actually a bad "Keithette" because you seem to lack one of the most important characterics of it: bashing and blaming Jagger for anything). As is with all labels, no one should take it seriously or personally (think of "cheerleaders" or "whiners", etc.). But hopefully, it might say something of one's own fanaticism, and how it looks or might look like for some other people. I don't have any use for the word "fan", but those who have I hope could see some irony in there. And were able to not take themselves too seriously.

It is actually on the behalf of some other posters - and positions - I did my 'intervention' here. Probably most of them who are not willing to particiate here any longer, since the consensus here doesn't really inspire to write anything controversial (who wants to spoil the party?). What I didn't like at all was the way LongBeachArena was treated for voicing a different, but very well articulated opinion. Losing him almost over-all from this forum was a major loss personally for me. I didn't voice my opinion back then, but I do it now. But it is not only this very thread in which this new-born "Keithette" ideology seem to prevail lately; its claim for mainstream stance seem to go all over the board. But I directed my 'attack' here, because this is the most natural place for that, a very home ground of 'Keithettes'. A bit challenge for me...

As for this claim of yours that 'why to critizice fellow posters', I don't see myself doing that really. There is only particular thing which bothers me; the one I articulated in my earlier post, and which probably is the reason for my rather rough tone: that of double standards as far as 'spoiling the party' goes. In some threads and topics that is alright, but not in some others. That's typical for "Keithettes" in my book.

This isn't personal at all, Dandie... I hope I got that through... And please don't hesitate voice your critical words for my views!

But tell me, Dandie, when the celebration/honey moon is over, so we can start discussing CROSSEYED HEART more seriously, what it really is...grinning smiley

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-19 18:33 by Doxa.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:31

Haven't checked this thread for some time, and seemingly the fanaticism just seem to go more and more out of hand... A few loud-voiced Keithettes having an competition how to praise Keith and CROSSHEARTED EYE more than the next one, ending up making good old Taylorites to sound common sensical and diplomatic...

Keith yeah yeah yeah... gotta have a grammy, gotta have a grammy... gotta have a recognition.... poor those so called "Stones fans" who don't realize that there is a new EXILE in our hands now... Stupid Mick, can't you see?

This thread makes Jane Rose very, very happy. A mission accomplished.

- Doxa


Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:42

The Mick bashing is totally unnecessary, but why on earth shouldn't the fans be allowed to celebrate Keith's album - the first new Stones related release in eons - here in a thread dedicated to that very release?

I'm sure both Jane Rose AND Mick are happy, btw.

Cheers to an excellent album, and may we keep on celebrating it for as long as we enjoy it smileys with beer

"Celebrate"? "We"? So the point of discussing a new Keith Richards album is to celebrate it? And those who don't hail it as a EXILE-like masterpiece - there starts to be a consensus about that among certain suspects here - should stay away and not spoil the party? Like what that LongBeachArena guy did? Usually this kind of mass psychological phenomenon, which externalize differing opinions, is usually is a bit scary.

Besides, there is a a typical double standard among Rolling Stones discussions. If there is a Mick Taylor thread, it is perfectly alright that about half of the posts are critical - if nothing else but making fun of "Taylorites". Or think about that Jagger/Taylor S. thread... But when it is a Keith Richards thread, any differing - critical - opinion is destroying all the fun of the majority, and should be rejected, banned or whatever. There is nothing wrong with liking, if even adoring Keef Richards, but the amount of fanaticism - with the power and justification by this new album - directed most clearly against that horrible Jagger (the reason for all bad things) makes at least myself feel a bit uncomfortable as a Rolling Stones fan. "Keithettes" in this sense seem to have a lot thinner skin than "Taylorites" (and since there are so many more of them they have more power to dictate the opinions) or even Jagger fans (a bit like their idol?grinning smiley). That's why I made the Jane Rose remark in my sarcast pos tabove - she has done her living for making that distinction within the masses of Rolling Stones fans (naturally, serving the best interests of her client). But not all of us do think that Keith Richards is The Rolling Stones.

Anyway, I have probably discussed enough of CROSSEYED HEART in this thread (some 150 pages ago or so), so I don't really feel adding anything, especially taking the supposedly achieved 'consensus' here. But in principle, I don't like the idea that critical, differing opinions are not accepted or even allowed. Or if one does not hail something, one should not say anything. That gives a bit biased picture of the whole thing, and leads to a rather one-sided account of reality, when the 'truth' is dictated by a community of 'yes-men', that is "we".

But yeah, go on with your celebration, folks... "Best Stones Ever". etc. etc.

- Doxa, not one of "we"

Yeah, it's a strange phenomenon. Crosseyed Heart is okay (and better than the two first), but I've already stopped listening to it. ABB I heard for months and SuperHeavy for weeks. I played Crosseyed Heart for a couple of days.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:46

«Same old tired riffing».

Really, Carpet? Have you even listened to the album? This statement might be true for Trouble, Substantial Damage, Blues In The Morning and perhaps Amnesia.

But certainly not for the rest of the album.

Sounds like he's playing the devils advocate, and seeking some reaction and/or attention. Or maybe he really feels that way?
Everybody has different ears, so maybe what he's saying is valid in his mind.

As for Doxa, usually always respected during my 11+ years here on IORR with interesting essays on various topics - though sometimes a bit rambling and long-winded if I do say so myself. cool smiley
But I think others have already spoken regarding his belittling and mocking tone towards those who are finding something positive happening in the Stones world.
There's been plenty of positive and negative criticism throughout this thread.The fact is the album has been well received by the press and most fans alike -
I was literally addicted to it for the first two to three weeks of release! Am I wrong for loving something so much? Or am I stupid? Should I have kept my thoughts to myself?
Should I have twisted my opinions so that they meet someone else's expectations? The answer to all of these is an obvious NO.

My main negative and critical reaction towards the album continues to be that it isn't long enough.

Yes but only in my twisted mind. I must be insane of course. grinning smiley The album is the best since Exile and Im sorry. I was wrong. 10/10 is the correct rating.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:47

What I didn't like at all was the way LongBeachArena was treated for voicing a different, but very well articulated opinion.

Yes his differing opinions were worth reading to a point, and it's a shame he couldn't tough it out.
But as someone pointed out, his tactics were getting a bit bizarre (bordering on trollishness) by posting little jabs/insults in random threads at the oddest times.
I believe he thought it was humorous, but at the same time it was becoming repetitive and a bit obnoxious for most people who had to endure it.

If you're reading LongBeach, it was interesting to read your opinions from the perspective of 'everything the Stones have done since c.'72 sucks', and would welcome more thoughts from your point of view.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:47

with sssoul
Anyway, it is sweet to see the individual people here taking so easily the voice of the collective here,
speaking by the behalf of that famous "we". I was just talking about funny generalations,
and shooting from the hip, but seemingly I catched something. So if anything good comes out of my few critical, party-spoiler remarks,
it is that of the identity and social attraction of "we" coming much stronger. At least there is one clear opponent or target for "we" now.

... Huh? I have tried and failed to understand what you're trying to say.

As for the "we" you bolded in my post: Yes, I am entitled to say Keithbabes have not been indulging
in any ganging up on anyone who has criticized Crosseyed Heart. Since I'm a Keithbabe myself,
the use of "we" was 100% appropriate, and it's plain kooky to point fingers at it
as if it were guilty of some imaginary meaning (or meaninglessness).

Now how about seeing if you don't feel better with some sunlight on your glands and some roughage in your diet

That "Keithbabe" is news to me, but I'm glad you are able to label yourself as one. I respect that kind of self-reflection.

Yeah, it's not dark yet, but it's getting there...

- Doxa

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:48

I give it one out of ten.grinning smiley

Look why just say I give it one out of ten. Use some intelligence and at least try to explain why you give it one out of ten. Thanks

Well I think Keith missed an opportunity to do something different and interesting. I dont like his singing except for parts of Trouble. I dont like the drums. I dont think the songs are up to par. His voice was perfect on little Red Rooster (2014?). Same old tired riffing on the uptempo songs. Pity.

Thanks for explaining, he did sound good on little red rooster, maybe mick and Keith will do a blues album together that would be off the chart, I for one would love that, it's way overdue.
Id love that. A blues album but Mick must do what he does best: real emotion and a nice harmonica. Real down dirty blues. Revisit Brian if you like. Go down the road to the debut album or the late 60s/early to mid 70s.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:49

with sssoul

Now how about seeing if you don't feel better with some sunlight on your glands and some roughage in your diet

That's pretty offensive.

Not in the least - it's excellent advice (not directed at you, dear, but since you're interested:
This time of year northern Europe is very short on sunlight, and that's hard on people.
And we all need roughage in our diets. Try it!)

I know that but I dont see how that's relevant to Doxas post.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 19, 2015 18:55

«Same old tired riffing».

Really, Carpet? Have you even listened to the album? This statement might be true for Trouble, Substantial Damage, Blues In The Morning and perhaps Amnesia.

But certainly not for the rest of the album.

Sounds like he's playing the devils advocate, and seeking some reaction and/or attention. Or maybe he really feels that way?
Everybody has different ears, so maybe what he's saying is valid in his mind.

As for Doxa, usually always respected during my 11+ years here on IORR with interesting essays on various topics - though sometimes a bit rambling and long-winded if I do say so myself. cool smiley
But I think others have already spoken regarding his belittling and mocking tone towards those who are finding something positive happening in the Stones world.
There's been plenty of positive and negative criticism throughout this thread.The fact is the album has been well received by the press and most fans alike -
I was literally addicted to it for the first two to three weeks of release! Am I wrong for loving something so much? Or am I stupid? Should I have kept my thoughts to myself?
Should I have twisted my opinions so that they meet someone else's expectations? The answer to all of these is an obvious NO.

My main negative and critical reaction towards the album continues to be that it isn't long enough.

Yes but only in my twisted mind. I must be insane of course. grinning smiley The album is the best since Exile and Im sorry. I was wrong. 10/10 is the correct rating.

Haha well I was being sincere, and didn't intend that to be an insult or however you interpreted it.
There's several people in the world who have the same critical view as you, but whether you truly dislike the album or not is still open for debate!

At any rate, welcome to the 10/10 club! smileys with beer

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:31

What I didn't like at all was the way LongBeachArena was treated for voicing a different, but very well articulated opinion.

Yes his differing opinions were worth reading to a point, and it's a shame he couldn't tough it out.
But as someone pointed out, his tactics were getting a bit bizarre (bordering on trollishness) by posting little jabs/insults in random threads at the oddest times.
I believe he thought it was humorous, but at the same time it was becoming repetitive and a bit obnoxious for most people who had to endure it.

If you're reading LongBeach, it was interesting to read your opinions from the perspective of 'everything the Stones have done since c.'72 sucks', and would welcome more thoughts from your point of view.

agreed. the thoughtful posts were good. the other ones... i never understood people who get upset at the idea of someone else enjoying a piece of music. it doesn't upset me that HMS likes Dirty Work.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-19 19:32 by Turner68.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:36

What I didn't like at all was the way LongBeachArena was treated for voicing a different, but very well articulated opinion.

Yes his differing opinions were worth reading to a point, and it's a shame he couldn't tough it out.
But as someone pointed out, his tactics were getting a bit bizarre (bordering on trollishness) by posting little jabs/insults in random threads at the oddest times.
I believe he thought it was humorous, but at the same time it was becoming repetitive and a bit obnoxious for most people who had to endure it.

If you're reading LongBeach, it was interesting to read your opinions from the perspective of 'everything the Stones have done since c.'72 sucks', and would welcome more thoughts from your point of view.

Personally I find his 'bordering on trollishness' posts as one of the most funniest and cleverest I've seen in this board for a while (a great showcase of ridiculing 'Keithette' sentiments), but I do see that not everybody liked his rhetorics (guess who?). He had a clear stance there. But when he talked more 'seriously', he had always interesting things to say. And still does.

What goes for his view about the Stones in general, I was very impressed of what he said about the 'relevance' of the Stones back in the day, and over-all about those crucial years from the late-60's to early 70's. But of course, I have a bit more more positive account of their doings since 1972... But you know, that is a matter of taste... grinning smiley

But one more thing, probably regards to him as well... I've seen one reason for making him silent being that of 'saying the same thing over and over again', with the moral of "yes, we already know what you have to say about CROSSEYED HEART, so shut up". Does that go only to one direction: when one expresses a critical opinion, that is only allowed to do once or twice? Then its get 'repitive', having not 'informative' value or something? But when one only praises something, how "great" and "wonderful" this and that is, that never gets 'repitive'? Well, for me also that does (check this thread)... Just wondering...eye rolling smiley

My point: whatever your opinion is, voice it, and as many times as you wish! (Extra kudos to HMS and his Don Quixote-like defence of DIRTY WORK!)

- Doxa

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:40

«Same old tired riffing».

Really, Carpet? Have you even listened to the album? This statement might be true for Trouble, Substantial Damage, Blues In The Morning and perhaps Amnesia.

But certainly not for the rest of the album.

Sounds like he's playing the devils advocate, and seeking some reaction and/or attention. Or maybe he really feels that way?
Everybody has different ears, so maybe what he's saying is valid in his mind.

As for Doxa, usually always respected during my 11+ years here on IORR with interesting essays on various topics - though sometimes a bit rambling and long-winded if I do say so myself. cool smiley
But I think others have already spoken regarding his belittling and mocking tone towards those who are finding something positive happening in the Stones world.
There's been plenty of positive and negative criticism throughout this thread.The fact is the album has been well received by the press and most fans alike -
I was literally addicted to it for the first two to three weeks of release! Am I wrong for loving something so much? Or am I stupid? Should I have kept my thoughts to myself?
Should I have twisted my opinions so that they meet someone else's expectations? The answer to all of these is an obvious NO.

My main negative and critical reaction towards the album continues to be that it isn't long enough.

Yes but only in my twisted mind. I must be insane of course. grinning smiley The album is the best since Exile and Im sorry. I was wrong. 10/10 is the correct rating.

Haha well I was being sincere, and didn't intend that to be an insult or however you interpreted it.
There's several people in the world who have the same critical view as you, but whether you truly dislike the album or not is still open for debate!

At any rate, welcome to the 10/10 club! smileys with beer
smileys with beergrinning smiley

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Date: October 19, 2015 19:44


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-11-10 14:54 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:46


i never understood people who get upset at the idea of someone else enjoying a piece of music. it doesn't upset me that HMS likes Dirty Work.

That is strange, indeed. As is the one that if someone doesn't like something and voices that that seemingly spoils the enjoyment of the others liking it... It has always been one of the oddest phenomenons here at IORR learning how much what the others think about music affects on one's own personal listening experiences...

But great you acknowledge the merit of HMS as well (I wrote mine without seeing yours yet)!

- Doxa

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:49

Does it bother anyone that Keith is very critical and basically bashing other artists and genres?

Re: Keith Richards solo album 'Crosseyed Heart' - out September 18
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: October 19, 2015 19:49

Doxa, you are being a little inconsistent....

"My point: whatever your opinion is, voice it, and as many times as you wish!"


Haven't checked this thread for some time, and seemingly the fanaticism just seem to go more and more out of hand... A few loud-voiced Keithettes having an competition how to praise Keith and CROSSHEARTED EYE more than the next one, ending up making good old Taylorites to sound common sensical and diplomatic...


- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-19 19:49 by Turner68.

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