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Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 27, 2015 20:22


To me it is like being married for 40 years and then starting to complain about how your partner is kissing, talking, thinking or eating. Really. Then start thinking about a divorce. Old people don't change.

I think it is more like one starts to realize that her/his greedy partner is starting to get a bit too demanding luxurywise to live with. You realize that you simply don't have afford to it... Besides, being married to the Rolling Stones is not one could call a happy marriage, since the love tends to go only one direction; the bitch doesn't love you, but just wants your money... but of course, there are lots of marriages like that I guess... Even happy ones... so who am I tell what makes one happy...grinning smiley

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-27 20:24 by Doxa.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 27, 2015 20:48

But I have been always a fan of BV's metaphories and analogies. But even those tell something how the things have changed... There was a time when the question of going to a Rolling Stones concert was that of choosing it over a dozen or so beers at pub. Now the choice is over one's family holiday at Bhuket/Canarias/Hawaii...tongue sticking out smiley

- Doxa

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Mr.D ()
Date: April 27, 2015 21:13

If this was Facebook I would "like" your post!

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 27, 2015 21:18

But I have been always a fan of BV's metaphories and analogies. But even those tell something how the things have changed... There was a time when the question of going to a Rolling Stones concert was that of choosing it over a dozen or so beers at pub. Now the choice is over one's family holiday at Bhuket/Canarias/Hawaii...tongue sticking out smiley

- Doxa

Your analogy is good Doxa. When you add the other more giving things we could do with hundreds or even thousands of dollars it becomes even more of a dilemma. Not to say people paying $3000 for a ticket aren't also doing good things for the planet and it's people but it sure puts things in perspective when the average yearly per-capita income is only $2,920.


Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: RomanCandle ()
Date: April 27, 2015 21:23

But I have been always a fan of BV's metaphories and analogies. But even those tell something how the things have changed... There was a time when the question of going to a Rolling Stones concert was that of choosing it over a dozen or so beers at pub. Now the choice is over one's family holiday at Bhuket/Canarias/Hawaii...tongue sticking out smiley

- Doxa

funny, I wanted to post "we should make a top 100 of bv's weirdest analogies." eye rolling smiley

Re: jagger says the high ticket prices are because of the cost to put on the show
Posted by: indystonesfan ()
Date: April 27, 2015 22:17

Jesus, why can people never understand they are doing it for the money and NOT the fans?

They've been doing it for the money since 1962.
That's why I love the Stones. If you don't pay you don't get to hear no more music.

Always loved the way they didn't give a damn about fan letters, etc...

By the way I never did get my poster and fan pack from the fanclub website for Licks but I don't care. The payoff was getting 10th row side arena tickets and being eye level with the band on Ronnie's side. Ronnie came over a lot as did Mick and Ketih did his sympathy solo up against the rail.

Those seats were 350 each. Given that was 13 years ago and we get another North American tour I'd say they have not gone up that much.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: rambler44 ()
Date: April 27, 2015 22:43

I am thinking of going to Orlando from NY to see the show. So today I went to purchase tickets of which there are PLENTY left. I truly was appalled at the ticket prices. $251 for the Upper level!!!
I am sorry but that is disgusting greed and to just churn out the same tired setlist. At least make a new Album. Frustrating.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Gfmsoccer ()
Date: April 27, 2015 22:51

for all the complainers, prices are dropping. Right now you can get $39 tickets for Columbus. Not Lucky Dips, but just regular seats. This will happen in all the stadiums that have not sold out. So be patient, and keep checking the ticket links.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 27, 2015 23:00

for all the complainers, prices are dropping. Right now you can get $39 tickets for Columbus. Not Lucky Dips, but just regular seats. This will happen in all the stadiums that have not sold out. So be patient, and keep checking the ticket links.

Hey pal...this is the complaining thread...take your optimism somewhere else

Re: jagger says the high ticket prices are because of the cost to put on the show
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: April 28, 2015 00:13

Always loved the way they didn't give a damn about fan letters, etc...

By the way I never did get my poster and fan pack from the fanclub website for Licks but I don't care. The payoff was getting 10th row side arena tickets and being eye level with the band on Ronnie's side. Ronnie came over a lot as did Mick and Ketih did his sympathy solo up against the rail.

Those seats were 350 each. Given that was 13 years ago and we get another North American tour I'd say they have not gone up that much.

Sorry Indystonesfan but I don't get that at all. I DISLIKE the way we are generally treated. They do not reward fans, or even seem to really respect us. The only times I really felt like they showed some love was No Security and Licks. Licks was a great tour. Themed setlists, cool stage design inside and out. Stadium/arena/club shows with unique setlists and vibes. Man what a challenging tour.

They could have easily given BV (IORR) and Doug (Shidoobee) a presale code for all shows good for 24 hours, for them so share with us on these fan sites. That would have reached the vast majority of hardcore fans. Instead, we get lumped in with the casual fans who just want to hear the hits.

Sorry buddy, I love the band but do not love them personally. Throughout my lifetime I have paid far more money than I would like to admit to the Stones. They have given me some great music, but never really appreciated/thanked me as a fan. Just saying.

Re: jagger says the high ticket prices are because of the cost to put on the show
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 28, 2015 00:35

Always loved the way they didn't give a damn about fan letters, etc...

By the way I never did get my poster and fan pack from the fanclub website for Licks but I don't care. The payoff was getting 10th row side arena tickets and being eye level with the band on Ronnie's side. Ronnie came over a lot as did Mick and Ketih did his sympathy solo up against the rail.

Those seats were 350 each. Given that was 13 years ago and we get another North American tour I'd say they have not gone up that much.

Sorry Indystonesfan but I don't get that at all. I DISLIKE the way we are generally treated. They do not reward fans, or even seem to really respect us. The only times I really felt like they showed some love was No Security and Licks. Licks was a great tour. Themed setlists, cool stage design inside and out. Stadium/arena/club shows with unique setlists and vibes. Man what a challenging tour.

They could have easily given BV (IORR) and Doug (Shidoobee) a presale code for all shows good for 24 hours, for them so share with us on these fan sites. That would have reached the vast majority of hardcore fans. Instead, we get lumped in with the casual fans who just want to hear the hits.

Sorry buddy, I love the band but do not love them personally. Throughout my lifetime I have paid far more money than I would like to admit to the Stones. They have given me some great music, but never really appreciated/thanked me as a fan. Just saying.

Hey pal....this is the complaining thread...take your...wait

Actually that was beautifully written. Nevermind

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: April 28, 2015 01:36

Yes, and in Stadiums, I never stay in my seat if it's a don't have to because the security crew cannot check on 90,000 fans. I hate stadium shows now as I'm over 50. I did it a lot in my younger years but it is not as much fun now because I GO TO HEAR THE MUSIC! Someone admitted that many of those attending stadium shows go to PARTY.
I always complain about ticket prices but I agree that if these stadiums don't sell out---and I doubt they will---prices will fall fast! Gee, I just talked myself into one more stadium show!hot smiley

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Date: April 28, 2015 03:41

But I have been always a fan of BV's metaphories and analogies. But even those tell something how the things have changed... There was a time when the question of going to a Rolling Stones concert was that of choosing it over a dozen or so beers at pub. Now the choice is over one's family holiday at Bhuket/Canarias/Hawaii...tongue sticking out smiley

- Doxa

Excellent point Doxa and very true as well. I don't remember any other tour having a ticket prices and other complaints thread. The cost of me going to one of these shows covers a good portion of a 7 day cruise.
Good point in your other post about the marriage. Its like seeing how far they can push people. I had no problem paying $286 for a upper level seat in a major city with transportation and good logistics. However, spending 2 days travel + rental car + motel. no thanks.
Instead I am focusing on some other smaller shows like Justin Hayward etc...

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Witness ()
Date: April 28, 2015 04:03


To me it is like being married for 40 years and then starting to complain about how your partner is kissing, talking, thinking or eating. Really. Then start thinking about a divorce. Old people don't change.

I think it is more like one starts to realize that her/his greedy partner is starting to get a bit too demanding luxurywise to live with. You realize that you simply don't have afford to it... Besides, being married to the Rolling Stones is not one could call a happy marriage, since the love tends to go only one direction; the bitch doesn't love you, but just wants your money... but of course, there are lots of marriages like that I guess... Even happy ones... so who am I tell what makes one happy...grinning smiley

- Doxa

More oriented towards the "other complaints" component of the thread, I have not read that much here, but, despite that,I want to suggest another analogy. It emerges from the worship element of this otherwise utterly onesided relation.

Then what applies, to me is not an old relationship between two persons of the opposite (or of the same) sex. Instead it is about a thisworldly religion.

There we then also see the outspring of the deep schisms and need for revelations of old and new material involved, in part interconnected with the splits. Besides, there is holyness or lack of holyness present. And also the turns all this have from time to time during the years. In addition, the role of expositions to the different stanzas, where a forum like this, and this one especially, plays an important part.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-28 04:07 by Witness.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 28, 2015 04:19


To me it is like being married for 40 years and then starting to complain about how your partner is kissing, talking, thinking or eating. Really. Then start thinking about a divorce. Old people don't change.

I think it is more like one starts to realize that her/his greedy partner is starting to get a bit too demanding luxurywise to live with. You realize that you simply don't have afford to it... Besides, being married to the Rolling Stones is not one could call a happy marriage, since the love tends to go only one direction; the bitch doesn't love you, but just wants your money... but of course, there are lots of marriages like that I guess... Even happy ones... so who am I tell what makes one happy...grinning smiley

- Doxa

More oriented towards the "other complaints" component of the thread, I have not read that much here, but, despite that,I want to suggest another analogy. It emerges from the worship element of this otherwise utterly onesided relation.

Then what applies, to me is not an old relationship between two persons of the opposite (or of the same) sex. Instead it is about a thisworldly religion.

There we then also see the outspring of the deep schisms and need for revelations of old and new material involved, in part interconnected with the splits. Besides, there is holyness or lack of holyness present. And also the turns all this have from time to time during the years. In addition, the role of expositions to the different stanzas, where a forum like this, and this one especially, plays an important part.

The moneychangers need to be thrown out of the temple.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Date: April 28, 2015 04:21

It kind of reminds me of the "sacrifices" one has to make to attend the show;
i.e. 1989 I won tickets took the train, 1994 drove to giants stadium 1997: got ride to Philly, got ride to Giants Stadium 1998, stayed at Hotel Penn..
Then you get to higher ticket prices, days off from work, travel costs. After awhile it does indeed become a "one sided relationship". There has to be some give and take on both sides.
I didn't find the arenas to require as much on my end as it was to cities I go to anyway and I was able to integrate other neat things in for the other 22 hours a day.
Now the relationship feels as though we are somewhat taken for granted and it is assumed we will all be scurrying to spend $420 for Stadium Seats + travel +hotel etc..
In terms of it being like a marriage- its almost like who is attending the wedding? You might be inclined to attend a wedding of friend in 2013 who got married in Las Vegas, NYC, Chicago and most of all Philadelhpia and DC, but come 2015 you might not want to attend a wedding of a friend in Buffalo and Pittsburgh.
Then you worry about the wedding being called off, maybe to due rain etc...

Don't get me wrong- I will be attending shows on the Sweet Sixteen tour next year and will attend MSG in 2017.

Right now I am taking the money I would be spending on one 2015 show and investing it in my portfolio target fund and will use some of the profits for a nice stay at the Hotel Penn.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 28, 2015 04:23

for all the complainers, prices are dropping. Right now you can get $39 tickets for Columbus. Not Lucky Dips, but just regular seats. This will happen in all the stadiums that have not sold out. So be patient, and keep checking the ticket links.

Hey pal...this is the complaining thread...take your optimism somewhere else

I'd like to complain about your rebuttal. It doesn't go far enough.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 28, 2015 05:02

for all the complainers, prices are dropping. Right now you can get $39 tickets for Columbus. Not Lucky Dips, but just regular seats. This will happen in all the stadiums that have not sold out. So be patient, and keep checking the ticket links.

Hey pal...this is the complaining thread...take your optimism somewhere else

I'd like to complain about your rebuttal. It doesn't go far enough.

I'll kindly thank you to leave my buttal outta this...

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: April 28, 2015 13:25


To me it is like being married for 40 years and then starting to complain about how your partner is kissing, talking, thinking or eating. Really. Then start thinking about a divorce. Old people don't change.

I think it is more like one starts to realize that her/his greedy partner is starting to get a bit too demanding luxurywise to live with. You realize that you simply don't have afford to it... Besides, being married to the Rolling Stones is not one could call a happy marriage, since the love tends to go only one direction; the bitch doesn't love you, but just wants your money... but of course, there are lots of marriages like that I guess... Even happy ones... so who am I tell what makes one happy...grinning smiley

- Doxa

More oriented towards the "other complaints" component of the thread, I have not read that much here, but, despite that,I want to suggest another analogy. It emerges from the worship element of this otherwise utterly onesided relation.

Then what applies, to me is not an old relationship between two persons of the opposite (or of the same) sex. Instead it is about a thisworldly religion.

There we then also see the outspring of the deep schisms and need for revelations of old and new material involved, in part interconnected with the splits. Besides, there is holyness or lack of holyness present. And also the turns all this have from time to time during the years. In addition, the role of expositions to the different stanzas, where a forum like this, and this one especially, plays an important part.

The moneychangers need to be thrown out of the temple.
the moneychangers are the ones running the temple.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: April 28, 2015 13:28

LOL, this thread makes for a great laugh! Thanks!

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: April 28, 2015 15:19

[email protected]
It kind of reminds me of the "sacrifices" one has to make to attend the show;
i.e. 1989 I won tickets took the train, 1994 drove to giants stadium 1997: got ride to Philly, got ride to Giants Stadium 1998, stayed at Hotel Penn..
Then you get to higher ticket prices, days off from work, travel costs. After awhile it does indeed become a "one sided relationship". There has to be some give and take on both sides.
I didn't find the arenas to require as much on my end as it was to cities I go to anyway and I was able to integrate other neat things in for the other 22 hours a day.
Now the relationship feels as though we are somewhat taken for granted and it is assumed we will all be scurrying to spend $420 for Stadium Seats + travel +hotel etc..
In terms of it being like a marriage- its almost like who is attending the wedding? You might be inclined to attend a wedding of friend in 2013 who got married in Las Vegas, NYC, Chicago and most of all Philadelhpia and DC, but come 2015 you might not want to attend a wedding of a friend in Buffalo and Pittsburgh.
Then you worry about the wedding being called off, maybe to due rain etc...

Don't get me wrong- I will be attending shows on the Sweet Sixteen tour next year and will attend MSG in 2017.

Right now I am taking the money I would be spending on one 2015 show and investing it in my portfolio target fund and will use some of the profits for a nice stay at the Hotel Penn.

I bet that's what they do end up calling it!

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Snoopy ()
Date: April 28, 2015 22:48

c r a p

Who do i think I am to trust TM. since last week I've been trying to buy row 6 tickets next to catwalk at decent price that TM said were somehow "locked" in the system cuz two people tried to buy them at same time, but since I kept calling they took my # and were gonna call me the second the tickets were released ... hahaha

they're gone, and you know what? I'm just the kinda guy to get fooled a second time if something comes up again. Maybe even a third

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-28 22:51 by Snoopy.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: April 28, 2015 22:57

Funny its never said but I remember camping out to
get Stones tickets and still end up way in the back.

Back then 75, 78, 81, etc. the scalpers got ALL the great tickets.

So if you wanted good seats back then you paid a scalper
big $$ for better seats.

Stones shows were never cheap or easy.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: April 29, 2015 00:06

For me, since I live faraway from big cities, the ticket price is usually about 1/6 of the total cost going to a big concert. 3/6 is travel and 2/6 hotel and other expenses.
Which, in a way, makes the ticket price a bit less important.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-29 00:44 by Stoneage.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Snoopy ()
Date: April 29, 2015 00:41

hot stuff
Funny its never said but I remember camping out to
get Stones tickets and still end up way in the back.

Back then 75, 78, 81, etc. the scalpers got ALL the great tickets.

So if you wanted good seats back then you paid a scalper
big $$ for better seats.

Stones shows were never cheap or easy.

True, but if I remember correctly face value for '81 was $15 and we paid scalper $40 each for them. Decent bleachers next to stage...So the jump from $40 to $4000 is kinda accelerated...Then again, my parents 4 bedroom house with a great view was only 60K back then too.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Date: April 29, 2015 02:26

Seems to be less complaints on the Who turns 50 thread. How many more Who shows are you attending? 3 for me.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: April 29, 2015 03:58

I don't have anything new to say but instead would just like to complain again about the ticket prices. Way too many people will sit out this tour because of it.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: April 29, 2015 04:04

.....and yet in the end all the shows will be packed to the rafters....

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Bsebastian ()
Date: May 4, 2015 11:17

.....and yet in the end all the shows will be packed to the rafters....

... with a bunch of people who barely know the warhorses much less ever listened to Sticky Fingers all the way through, they'll get their ticket's comp'd by the company they work for or a company that is trying to sell them something.

A stones concert in 2015 is a corporate event for corporate America to entertain employees and customers. Don't expect more or less and you won't be disappointed. And as BV said, don't blame the band. They've been doing it for the dollars and glory since 1962.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-04 11:19 by Bsebastian.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: josepi ()
Date: May 8, 2015 02:02

Ahh, got my 15th row Stones tickets. I can sleep easy now….

But, but…. maybe there are better seats out there. Maybe I should check again.


Maybe I can sell the other pair. Yeah, that’s it. I’ll sell the other pair.

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