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Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: WorriedAboutYou ()
Date: July 2, 2019 12:08

I really don't like concerts with over 3000 people. Saw the Stones once in an Stadium and had a miserable experience. Never again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-02 12:08 by WorriedAboutYou.

Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: July 2, 2019 12:40

I´ve seen them in theatres, arenas, fields and stadiums.
Except for the fields, I love them all.

Stadiums are fantastic if you are close to the band
(but you have to see Charlie!) and 70.000 behind you.
Stade De France, London Stadium, Giants Stadium,
Olympiastadion München and Berlin....all fantastic
experiences when the band gets everyone out of their
seats. I love that.

Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: dgodkin ()
Date: July 2, 2019 14:41

cowboys stadium in Arlington was god awful,isaw them many times at the astrodome, and the most part it was always pretty good same with nrg in Houston it wasn't bad

Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: July 2, 2019 14:56

Bobby Dodd at Georgia Tech was okay in 2015. I had Lucky Dip and was on top but it was the side that was lower than the other so it was much closer to the side of the stage than most stadiums. And it was cool and mostly dry that night.

But, I agree with the op for the most part. The Stones are such an investment these days I would much prefer an arena or at worst a dome where climate control is guaranteed.

I also agree that sheds are the worst. It would have to be something unique to get me to go back to one. I have traveled more to see an artist at a different type of venue.

Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: ROLLINGSTONE ()
Date: July 2, 2019 15:41

Agreed. Stadiums are probably the worst place to experience a concert.

You're spot on Aqua, the music is the last thing to be celebrated. I've come away from stadium shows which I have enjoyed but truthfully couldn't tell you if the artist had played well or not and that includes The Stones!

"I'll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon."

Re: OT: About Stadiums...
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 2, 2019 19:43

That's true, Rollingstone. You walk off the stadium, you may have had a good experience, but you're thinking "it would be great to watch a DVD of the show so I can see how it was really like!"...

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 3, 2019 00:32

Stone-relics: I remember you as the number one Stones collector. I understand your sentiments. You have every right to feel that way. Don't mind the idiots making stupid remarks.
They don't know what they are talking about. I heard you have sold most of your collection. I hope you made a good deal out of it.

Please, stay on the forum. For old times sake or just for the banter. You don't have to worship every version of The Rolling Stones to be here. Some only appreciates the Taylor years for instance...
I hope you're doing well anyway.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 3, 2019 01:04

Lol...another merged thread Stoneage. Looks like your 0 for 2 in recent weeks in your quest to start a new thread. Or is it 0 for 3? grinning smiley

Meanwhile, back on topic to complaining about ticket prices, setlists, etc. in which I have to admit I have no complaints whatsoever for this current tour (so far) which is actually surprising!
I sort of miss having something to whine about lol, but for the most part the Stones have done no wrong on this tour...SEE THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH WHILE YOU CAN!!!

I suppose I can go over to the new album thread and vent out some pessimism and misery....winking smiley...15 years and counting!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: July 3, 2019 01:10

No complaints from me. Yes the ticket prices are obscene but that’s what Lucky Dips are for. I’ve Lucky dipped 12 shows out of my last 15, starting with Paris Nanterre 1 & 2. Pleased with my results. Most recent was Section 342 at Chicago 1.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 3, 2019 01:10

Yep, all my threads merges up here Hairball. Except my Homeland thread. Maybe BV missed that one?

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 3, 2019 01:15

Not sure about the Homeland thread Stoneage (I don't recall ever seeing it in the first place), but I think your roll call thread still exists?!!!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: December 13, 2019 11:10

Ticket-Prices - Beatles vs. Stones:

At the NoFilter-Tour 2017/18 the Stones charged € 799.00 for the Pit-Ticket in Germany. In 2020 the FOS-Ticket for Paul McCartney costs now (due to Dynamic Pricing) officially € 1,132.00:

Hanover (Germany), HDI-Arena, 4-Jun-2020 -- []

[For comparison: the minimum wage in Germany in 2020 is € 9.35 per hour]

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: bv ()
Date: December 13, 2019 22:17

If the Stones sold tickets at $10 each then they would sell out immediately, and scalpers would sell them on at $500 or more. There is no easy fix for selling out a stadium show with 50,000 tickets at super-low prices. Also, somebody have to pay for fivde star hotels and all of the cost of large touring parties. This goes for all bands. Stones, McCartney, they do all bring family and a large entourage. Also, they have a market value the scalpers will ask for if tickets are underpriced. I just wonder how cheap tickets are expected to stay cheap in a commercial market.


Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 13, 2019 22:28

If the Stones sold tickets at $10 each then they would sell out immediately, and scalpers would sell them on at $500 or more. There is no easy fix for selling out a stadium show with 50,000 tickets at super-low prices. Also, somebody have to pay for fivde star hotels and all of the cost of large touring parties. This goes for all bands. Stones, McCartney, they do all bring family and a large entourage. Also, they have a market value the scalpers will ask for if tickets are underpriced. I just wonder how cheap tickets are expected to stay cheap in a commercial market.

The only way to address the inflated secondary market would be ID checks on each ticket and resale only through box office/ticket vendor. That's what they are doing for Clapton's Ginger Baker Tribute where tickets are appx 100GBP at EventimIM Apollo with 3500 seats. Can't really imagine checking ID and the logistics of 60,000 tickets. It is bad enough having to coordinate getting my group of friends together for a small venue since I luckily scored a full allotment of tickets.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: bv ()
Date: December 13, 2019 22:46

ID checking and control of sales related to popular products will always be a challenge.

It is illegal to sell alcohol to "kids" all over the world (21 years of age in USA, 18 in Norway and so on). Yet kids all over the world are drunk whenever they like.

Same with tickets, same with everything else in a commercial market. It is a dream that cheap tickets will flow easily to the poor fans, while people with money will stay at home watching the video.


Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: July 14, 2023 01:05

On 11-Jul-2023, two members of the European Parliament (Lara Wolters & René Repasi) have written an open letter to EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, raising concerns about concert ticket prices:


Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: July 14, 2023 06:09

If dynamic pricing is banned in the EU countries, will the United Kingdom remain one of the few territories where it has a hold? Concertgoers won’t come to see the Stones show on their home turf.

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 14, 2023 08:18

I wish we had some dates for the new tour so I could complain about ticket prices. The wait is interminable!

Re: The ticket prices and other complaints thread
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 14, 2023 08:37

To my knowledge, in 1994 The Rolling Stones rented the Louisiana Superdome for 3 nights at a cost of $100,000 a night.

The show was underattended to the point of something like 27,000 of 65,000 tickets purchased.

I was at that show.

It was dismal.

U2 came three years later and had similar results.

Neither came back to New Orleans until 2017 and 2019 - and both were at the Superdome and "sold out" ie about 45,000 give or take - the arena is right next door and has concerts like any arena in North America.

What I paid to see the Stones vs U2 was absurd. Both expensive, yes, but the Stones were ridiculous.

However, excellent shows, great experiences, glad I went.

And neither will ever return to the Crescent City.

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