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Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: July 8, 2012 16:01

I really have no interest in it, but I'll be seeing Bruce in 2 weeks, as I got free tickets and hotel room from somebody who thought I was a Bruce fan. Hope they have some good BBQ stands around the venue.
Maybe I'll post a review here. If anybody here cares for fried meat reviews anyway.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-07-08 16:02 by Erik_Snow.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 8, 2012 16:23


All time low. Is this what rock is becoming - happy smiling music.......yawning smiley

Yeah, because there's nothing that screams 'rock n roll' and 'rebellion' as loudly as playing corporate shows for billionaires, Pepsi or bank executives, right?

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 8, 2012 16:49

I really have no interest in it, but I'll be seeing Bruce in 2 weeks, as I got free tickets and hotel room from somebody who thought I was a Bruce fan. Hope they have some good BBQ stands around the venue.
Maybe I'll post a review here. If anybody here cares for fried meat reviews anyway.

Why not give or sell the package deal to someone whom will be excited about the venture?

It's win-win situation. A true fan gets a great experience and you can take the money and have a nice meal Please consider.

Respectfully Chris

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-07-08 17:00 by Chris Fountain.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 8, 2012 16:54

I really have no interest in it, but I'll be seeing Bruce in 2 weeks, as I got free tickets and hotel room from somebody who thought I was a Bruce fan.

sigh. and i really had great expectations for you. the search continues....

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: July 9, 2012 01:34

Chris Fountain
I think the US will get a third 'leg' in the first part of 2013, Chris.

Still think there's time to add a few arena shows for later this year as well.

Lots of gaps in the market there that haven't been filled yet.

There was talk a while back of an Australian jaunt as well.
2013? That's the first I've heard of US dates in early 2013. Most of the speculation is that their will be a round of arena shows in October and November.

If the E-Street band shows-up in Australia - I expect the Geico Lizard & Rockman both to be there in attendance-- if they are not one in the same grinning smiley (SCL it's American joke that they won't get, although funny in nature) I am seriously considering a trip down under this December or February, if Bruce announces shows there, I will have to remain flexible.

I went down under last night, phew boy, lemme tell ya. Luckily, Bruce Springsteen was nowhere to be found down there, though I think I felt a little Steven.

Jokes aside, his Roskilde gig gets some good reviews.
His entire tour has got good reviews non-stop.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: July 9, 2012 01:35

I really have no interest in it, but I'll be seeing Bruce in 2 weeks, as I got free tickets and hotel room from somebody who thought I was a Bruce fan. Hope they have some good BBQ stands around the venue.
Maybe I'll post a review here. If anybody here cares for fried meat reviews anyway.
No,nobody cares for anything you have to say. Period.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 9, 2012 01:36

I really have no interest in it, but I'll be seeing Bruce in 2 weeks, as I got free tickets and hotel room from somebody who thought I was a Bruce fan. Hope they have some good BBQ stands around the venue.
Maybe I'll post a review here. If anybody here cares for fried meat reviews anyway.
No,nobody cares for anything you have to say. Period.

i care deeply.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: July 9, 2012 13:10

Off to Zürich soon for tonights show... really looking forward to it.


Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: July 10, 2012 23:51

Showtime 19:20 End 22:45

And what a set list

2. Badlands
3. Ties That Bind
4. We Take Care of Our Own
5. Wrecking Ball
6. Death To My Hometown
7. My City of Ruins
8. Spirit In The Night
10. Growin' Up
11. Save My Love
12. Jack of All Trades
13. Youngstown
14. Johnny 99
15. Workin' On The Highway
16. Shackled & Drawn
17. Waiting On a Sunny Day
18. Promised Land
19. IF I SHOULD FALL BEHIND (solo piano)
20. The River
21. The Rising
22. Out In The Street
23. Land Of Hope And Dreams

24. We Are Alive
25. Born In The U.S.A.
26. Born To Run
27. Hungry Heart
28. Seven Nights To Rock
29. Dancing In The Dark
30. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
31. Twist And Shout

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: sam726 ()
Date: July 15, 2012 04:08

Just got back from Hyde Park. Personally very happy with the setlist, not least because it included five from Born in the USA. Bruce seems to be playing more hits these days.

Bruce was scheduled to perform from 7.00 until 10.15, but he didn't start until 7.30. The sound was cut at 10.45 during Twist and Shout - presumably because of the curfew. I guess these curfews need to be observed but who pulls the plug when The Boss and Macca are jamming? Bruce didn't even get to say thanks and goodnight.

The backlash has begun at

1. Thunder Road
2. Badlands
3. We Take Care of Our Own
4. Wrecking Ball
5. Death to My Hometown (with Tom Morello)
6. My City of Ruins
7, Spirit in the Night
8. The Promised Land (with John Fogerty)
9. Take 'Em As They Come
10. Jack of All Trades (with Tom Morello)
11. Empty Sky
12. Because the Night
13. Johnny 99
14. Darlington County
15. Working on the Highway
16. Shackled and Drawn
17. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
18. Raise Your Hand
19. The River
20. The Ghost of Tom Joad (with Tom Morello)
21. The Rising (with Tom Morello)
22. Land of Hope and Dreams
23. We Are Alive
24. Born in the U.S.A.
25. Born to Run
26. Glory Days
27. Dancing in the Dark

28. I Saw Her Standing There (with Paul McCartney)
29. Twist and Shout (with Paul McCartney)

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: July 15, 2012 04:32

Is he still using sign language interpreting?

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: July 17, 2012 14:40

Okay, I will steal this thread for a little while again and post a review and some pictures from the two concerts I attended the last week - the first one in Prague and the other one next day in Vienna.

It was the second time Bruce played Prague, the first time being in 1996 during his small Ghosts Of Tom Joad acoustic tour, and he started off right where he finished 16 years ago. Twenty minutes past seven Bruce appeared alone with an acoustic guitar and played Ghosts Of Tom Joad. What a gem for starters. Unfortunately the vast majority of people was not aware of the fact that that was something special. Pretty much the same can be said about the whole first half of the show. Bruce has played and amazing concert for something which might be the worst audience he has ever played to, but he didn't give up and he won in the end. But we'll get to that.

It was obvious that the audience won't be the best one long before the show started. Everywhere around Europe Bruce plays huge stadiums; he plays for crowds of 50-60 k people. The tickets are always gone within weeks, sometimes within hours. The front of the stage sector is always sold out within minutes. The Prague stadium is a funny tiny little structure, able to hold up to 30 k people for a concert. The concert was not sold out and the FOS tickets were available for weeks, maybe months. Bruce simply doesn't have the same following here as in the Western Europe or in USA. Why? Hard to say, probably because we were deep in socialist block when his major records were released. Other artist, like Dylan, Beatles, The Stones, were covered and their song were sung by Czech singers with Czech lyrics (and some of the covers did the original songs great justice), that's how people got to be at least remotely familiar with what was happening in the normal world. Bruce was never covered and the only record that somehow made it to the Czech shops was Born In The USA, which was the only song most of the people at the concert knew. At least it looked like that.

Okay, so the audience was generally lame. It cannot be actually said about the front of the stage sector, which was very international, I have heard only one couple speaking Czech within my hearing distance. I was lucky to stand next to really nice people, a Canadian couple (they met Bruce on a street in Prague the previous day and the lady had a really nice photo with him), another Canadian guy and one guy from Italy. The Canadian couple was also about to go to Vienna the next day. They had only one FOS ticket for Vienna, so the man was about to sit and when we were saying goodbye, I told the lady half joking, that with a little bit of luck I was going to see her in Vienna the next day...and...wait for it... :-)

Another really stupid thing about this particular show was, that the stadium, although almost brand new, is located right in the middle of a residential area, which means a 10 p.m. curfew. I reckoned the show would start at 7 p.m. and would last the standard 3 hours. It was before 7 p.m. when a man from the crew brought a setlist. He brought another one ten minutes after and then yet another one. I could see there were a lot of songs crossed on the third one...

So Bruce started at 7.22 with GOTJ and the band joined him after that on Badlands. The atmosphere in the pit was great, really great, when I looked behind and on the stands, I felt sorry for Bruce though. The audience couldn't respond less. But it was actually good for us in a way, since Bruce seemed to be playing really for the people in the pit, he spent a lot of time, definitely more than usual, on the little pear 1,5 meters from where I stood. I could not complain about that.

Somewhere in the middle of the show it seemed to me that he decided himself that he was gonna make it, no matter what. He was gonna prove those dumplings who was the best live performer. He started to play one rocker after another. Atlantic City, Because Of The Night, My Love Won't Let You Down...and people started to stand up. The last hour of the concert was amazing. The whole stadium was having a ball, which was impossible to imagine two hours earlier. At 10 p.m. was Bruce in the middle of the "greatest hits" block and it was obvious we were not to get any short version of the show. After 10th Avenue Freezout, when I thought it was over, Bruce asked Little Steven what was the time and said we could not go home, it was too early and launched into the Twist And Shout. The climax of the show was unbelievable and one could clearly see how Bruce was happy that he managed the impossible. The contrast between the atmosphere during the first half of the show and during the last hour could not be bigger. We got a 3 hour 20 minutes show full of fast rocking numbers and everyone including The Boss himself was leaving with a huge smile on his face.

...a couple of hours of sleep and hooray to Vienna.

I was expecting the Vienna show to be really special, since the one I saw there 3 years ago got something of a legendary status I feel. The crowd was great back then and I was really looking forward to it.

When I got to the stadium, I got a very similar spot as in Prague. I looked around for the Canadian lady, an impossible thing of course, but still...At 7 p.m. we all stood up and moved towards the stage. I realized she was some three meters away from me. It was really dense to move, so we stayed where we were, but a couple of minutes after the show started, we were standing next to each other, which was really great, she was a nice company, which I can not say about the other people around me. The Austrian audience was a bit of a letdown this time, mostly probably because of my high expectations. There was nothing wrong with the audience, but nothing special about it either, and we really had a nice time with the people around me in Prague, while I didn't get to talk to anybody around me in Vienna during the 3 hour waiting inside the stadium.

The show itself was very different from the Prague one, Bruce played a lot of slower songs and the atmosphere was very very intimate during some of those. He did some very rear numbers as request. He played Empty Sky, just him on an acoustic guitar. Had to take some time to figure out the chords and he did a beautiful version of the song. Another one was Tougher Than The Rest - just Bruce on piano. Beautiful, fragile version. It took some time again, he had to be fetched the lyrics. But he did both those songs flawlessly. Tougher Than The Rest was followed by beautiful Racing In The Street. As I wrote, the atmosphere was very intimate at that point of the show. A funny little moment was when he failed the intro of Johnny 99; he had the guitar in wrong tuning, abandoned the song and did Darlington Country instead. The encores we rocking again of course and Bruce ended with Twist and Shout just like in Prague. The show was 3 hours 40 minutes long! He played 29 songs in Prague, 31 in Vienna and he played 41 different songs during those two shows! Those two shows in two following days were 7 hours long together. Who else could do that? And who else could do that at the age of 62?

I hope the rumors about the European dates the next year are true :-) I

Okay, here are some pictures from Prague. I am sorry for posting so many of them, but I could not reduce it more :-)

And here are some from Vienna:

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-07-18 08:16 by Happy24.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 17, 2012 15:21

Why so few pics Happy. C'mon, let's see 'em all! thumbs up

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: July 17, 2012 19:57

Silver Dagger
Why so few pics Happy. C'mon, let's see 'em all! thumbs up

>grinning smiley< & yes that's a REVIEW! Bravo Happy24!

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: dimrstone ()
Date: July 18, 2012 02:14

Thank you Happy 24!!

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: July 18, 2012 18:58

Nice pics Happy!smoking smiley

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: July 18, 2012 20:39

Bruce okay after falling?

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: July 18, 2012 20:45

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

[ EDIT: A good "torrent-friend" of mine contacted me - and he's dying for a ticket. So he'll get it. Sorry, DandelionPowderman ]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-07-18 22:03 by Erik_Snow.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:09

Elmo Lewis
Bruce okay after falling?

He's okay. He's special.
BTW, does he wear earplugs or those in-ear monitors?
I don't seem him wearing any, unless his are pretty well-hidden.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:10

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

are you doing the right thing at last and giving away your ticket, erik?

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:19

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

are you doing the right thing at last and giving away your ticket, erik?

I'll include a free copy of A Bigger Bang in the deal !

No seriously; I have several tickets. And I'm not a Bruce-hater. I just don't care for him after 1981. I've got enough stomach problems allready. Don't have to hear another one like me, who's even being happy while doing it.

So I look forward to the concert....maybe I'll dig the show, and maybe I'll loathe it. Then again; I won't be posting a review here, since I'm not wanted by a certain charmed lifed angry imbecil here

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-07-18 21:31 by Erik_Snow.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:36

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

are you doing the right thing at last and giving away your ticket, erik?

I'll include a free copy of A Bigger Bang in the deal !

No seriously; I have several tickets. And I'm not a Bruce-hater. I just don't care for him after 1981. I've got enough stomach problems allready. Don't have to hear another one like me, who's even being happy while doing it.

So I look forward to the concert....maybe I'll dig the show, and maybe I'll loathe it. Then again; I won't be posting a review here, since I'm not wanted by a certain charmed lifed angry imbecil here

he wants you. he just has funny ways of showing his affection. post it! especially if you loathe it...

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:42

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

are you doing the right thing at last and giving away your ticket, erik?

I'll include a free copy of A Bigger Bang in the deal !

No seriously; I have several tickets. And I'm not a Bruce-hater. I just don't care for him after 1981. I've got enough stomach problems allready. Don't have to hear another one like me, who's even being happy while doing it.

So I look forward to the concert....maybe I'll dig the show, and maybe I'll loathe it. Then again; I won't be posting a review here, since I'm not wanted by a certain charmed lifed angry imbecil here

he wants you. he just has funny ways of showing his affection. post it! especially if you loathe it...

There's enough bitter old men in the world. I'll just untill they die, without starting any fuzz before that.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: July 18, 2012 21:43

Hey DandelionPowderman; are you reading this thread? You're in Oslo, just like me, aren't you?
I got a spare ticket for Bruce on Saturday. If you're not reading this thread....then you probably don't care for the concert anyway. But if you do read it; give a shout out, and you'll get a free ticket from me.

are you doing the right thing at last and giving away your ticket, erik?

I'll include a free copy of A Bigger Bang in the deal !

No seriously; I have several tickets. And I'm not a Bruce-hater. I just don't care for him after 1981. I've got enough stomach problems allready. Don't have to hear another one like me, who's even being happy while doing it.

So I look forward to the concert....maybe I'll dig the show, and maybe I'll loathe it. Then again; I won't be posting a review here, since I'm not wanted by a certain charmed lifed angry imbecil here

he wants you. he just has funny ways of showing his affection. post it! especially if you loathe it...

There's enough bitter old men in the world. I'll just untill they die, without starting any fuzz before that.

dammit. ok, well, then be sure to send me your scathing review by email. (then, I can post it here).

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: July 22, 2012 21:22

The Oslo stelist:
7.34 PM Local Time (19.34)
1. The Promised Land (Acoustic)
2. No Surrender
3. Two Hearts
4. We Take Care Of Our Own
5. Badlands
6. Wrecking Ball
7. Death To My Hometown
8. My City Of Ruins
9. Spirit In The Night
11. Hungry Heart (Sign)
13. Prove it All Night
14. Johnny 99
15. Working on the Highway
16. Shackled & Drawn
17. Waiting on a sunny day
18. Raise Your Hand
19. Rocky Ground
20. The River
21. The Promise (Solo Piano)
22. The Rising
23. Lonesome Day
24. Land of Hope & Dreams

25. We Are Alive
26. Born In The USA
27. Born To Run
28. Glory Days
29. 7 Nights To Rock
30. Dancing In The Dark
31. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
32. Twist & Shout
33. Night

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Heartbraker ()
Date: July 22, 2012 21:33

Bruce is about to play ata memorialshow in Oslo this evening due to terrorism in Oslo one year ago today. Sweet of him to do this before his two shows in Bergen on monday and tuesday..

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 22, 2012 22:03

Links for the live stream here :

SVT (Sweden) - []

NRK (Norway) - []

Expect it to be just a song or two, acoustically.

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Date: July 22, 2012 22:18

Links for the live stream here :

SVT (Sweden) - []

NRK (Norway) - []

Expect it to be just a song or two, acoustically.

right now

Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: SimonN ()
Date: July 22, 2012 22:50


Was lucky enough to see a pair of back-to-back shows in Dublin last week. A band at the top of their game, and no mistake!

Same old, same old from me of course unlike Bruce who changed 16 out of the 32 songs for the second night. Not quite Pearl Jam-levels of variety but he's getting there, hah-hah!

I've kept you all for far too long already!



Re: OT:Bruce Springsteen 2012 Tour
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 23, 2012 00:41

Dublin was an outrageous couple of shows. Great to see you again, mate.

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