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Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 11:50

28. Bob Marley say this, "If you black, thank Jah every day.
And if you not, do the best you can."

And a hue and cry was raised. Racialist this and racialist
that! Predjudice!

But even way back then, I say to myself, "Why prejudice?
Isn't this what Mick Jagger and Keith Richards say all
them lives?"

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 13:15

27. The purpose of life is to love and evolve

Not to love so much that you don't evolve

And not to evolve so much that you don't love

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 13:55

Greetings again, everybody, this is revvy...

...and this is superrevvy, together we 2 being known as the Gibber Twins.
With the other three rev-revvies we have been hard at work again for over
hour and we afraid the news is not as hopeful as wish. Tempers
fire up and even names been called and the Gibber Twins
here to admit and confess and admonish upon ourselves how
we two are to blame big way big time. Remember that earlier testimony
cited from twenny revlights about him have "unbounded joy" about
everything that is happening? Him didnt say that, we 2 did. twenny basic been
basket case for week now and we put words in him mouth and we very
very sorry and will never do anything that way again. we suck bigtime
and thats last time for any fcukcrap like that. promise. As Jah be our witness.

Also we have a frend who hang out with rev-revvies like nas and help out with
rev-revvies and we need help so we bring him in now not to vote but him
get us back on track if anybody. all the way from hardscrabble slum of
geelong victoria oztralia give it up for wrapper Rev 20:2 who we feel confidence
star of 2morro.

Okay. Dokay. Time a play Pokay. rev-revvies, lets's work!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-06-10 14:03 by twenny revlights.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Rickster ()
Date: June 10, 2011 14:00

Mick drop this project now and get back to your real job working with the Stones we need a 50th anniversery tour.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 14:09

26) Everybody wants to go to heaven

But I want to be with my friends

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 10, 2011 14:29

26) Everybody wants to go to heaven

But I want to be with my friends

Okay rev take plenty of marshmallows with ya 'cause it gets a bit hot down there....


Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 15:29

Okay rev take plenty of marshmallows with ya 'cause it gets a bit hot down there....

me be meaning to ask Rockman music man number one. you ever live or hang
out seven eight years ago in melborn inner suburb elwood or elhamm or

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 10, 2011 15:33

......hey heck no rev .... I'm allergic ta leaves .....


Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 15:39

......hey heck no rev .... I'm allergic ta leaves .....

back den some cute smugg blonde chik name beverly from south africa
say she introduce me to bigger stonesman than me. i say ha! but it
never happen, him gone when we get bak. just wonderin. thanks for
all u lovely work here onelove! me getttin dragged back to
rev-revvies crisis fun sometime maybe whoknows peace!

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 17:24

Dudemans and dudesses, Gibber Twins here once more with
once more shit news. but do not dispair becuz it is also
good news at the same time in the way we have described.
what you call irony we call Jah-Joke and here it is.

Rev-I say this about rev-revvies "Bumba clot on you
chicken shit pansie coward craphead kiss-yer-mommy
make-it-all better say-nothing to offend run and hide
ostrich we-are-the-world compromise-at all cost just to
get a deal why dontcha just ask donal trump to be
a rev-revvie and be done with it i'am disgusted and
even more disgusted with you lack of fortitude
go fuk yuself and burn in hell!"

So we tink we mark Rev-I down as a "no" vote.

but here the Jah-joke. Rev-I always vote no and by
provoke him so sly Rev 20:2 get him out a room,
back where he belong, down by the water with him
chalice and him Lord, and we acttually got better
chance now to get threee votes with him not swinging
him shephard crrook at us and staring us down and
giving the creeps to one and all.

We love Rev-I. We need Rev-I. But him not a people
person and what we need is people people right now
or we never go to NJ for vacation. And we got tickets.

We got 2 votes, Gibber Twin votes, so all we need is
twenny or R'Twen an boom muthafukka done!

Back to business with force at this very moment!

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 19:05

twenny revlights
Rev-I say this about rev-revvies "Bumba clot on you
chicken shit pansie coward craphead kiss-yer-mommy
make-it-all better say-nothing to offend run and hide
ostrich we-are-the-world compromise-at all cost just to
get a deal why dontcha just ask donal trump to be
a rev-revvie and be done with it i'am disgusted and
even more disgusted with you lack of fortitude
go fuk yuself and burn in hell!"

another update. the very same draft ideas on how to
end this story that Rev-I thinked are pussy willlow
sweety pie toody goo shoes, the very same, R'Twen
still think are unneccesary harsh and full of pride
and obnoxious and bloated. so the Gibber Twins
are concentratin on compromisin with her because we
dont think we really got a choice because twenny
revlights is lettin us down, downin liquor and
not givin a fuk and payin no attention and kinda
noddin out almost. we think R'Twen is tryin to
whittle tings down to nuthin and we at least have
to say somethin Rev-I-ish or else wat was really
the point of all a this. man o man o man are we
glad that Rev 20:2 is on the case too now keepin
us working with R'Twen no matter what becuz we not too
happy with her at all but am holdin Gibber tempers.
good ting she an I-woman cuz if she wuz a guy i tink
already tings mite be lost. i sorry this update a bit
downbeat but we 2 Gibbers a bit beatdown. back soon onelove.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 19:21

25) There is no such thing as art for art's sake.
There is no such thing as art that has nothing to do with politics.
There is no such thing as art that stands above the class struggle.
Ah, to hell with it. There is no such thing as art.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 19:30

24) Here, darling, save yourself months of therapy:
You fell in love with an ass hole,
And became something of one yourself.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 19:47

notice everbody, we two Gibber Twins, revvy and superrevvy,
have just about had it. with that bitch R'Twen pushin us aroun.
so we gonn go farther than we should by a mile and then
no farther. as we tell you beforehands, I and I revvy and
superrevvy am mainly not words men. we mainly music men
and pretty picture men. so what does this pushy pushy
woman want but for us to eliminate ALL music and pretty
pictures from end-of-story statement! ALL she say or forget it!
ok, u are all witnesses now. Gibber Twins go the extra mile
as we say. we hate this idea. u know what she say? "For
fcuk'sake let them look it up themself for once!" ok, we say,
and now we not compromise one bit more. ok, no music, no pics,
just fukkin words and less of them of what we want too i'm sure.
you can paint picture with word too, but she not want to
paint anything. just the facts man like she policewoman.
so R'Twen ball in your court now and that is that is that!

we bet more news sooner than later.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:09

So, after 15 pages: Isn't it time for the final revelation? If there is one... ?

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:10


Put the white smoke up the chimney!

Agreenment in principal on end-of-story achieved!

And get this>>> UNANIMUS! votes none against!

here the recount:

Rev 20:2 >>>> ineligible to vote

Rev-I >>>> since him always vote no, we no longer count him vote

twenny revlights >>>> "Fukc you all! Do what the fcuk u want!"
before him down the resst of bottle and pass out.

R'Twen >>>> "Sorry, I can't stay in this room with you two anymore.
You know my opinions, so you two do what you want" and stomp out

superrevvy >>>>> dazed and confused and scare

revvy >>>>>>>> dazed and confused and scare



Details to follow after these commercial breaks.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: ineedadrink ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:21

Shoelaces, which are also called shoe-strings, shoe laces, or boot laces, are a system commonly used to secure shoes, boots and other footwear. They typically consist of a pair of strings or cords, one for each shoe, finished off at both ends with stiff sections, known as aglets. Each shoelace typically passes through a series of holes, eyelets, loops or hooks on either side of the shoe. Loosening the lacing allows the shoe to open wide enough for the foot to be inserted or removed. Tightening the lacing and tying off the ends secures the foot within the shoe.

Shoelace construction

Traditional shoelaces were made of leather, cotton, jute, hemp, or other materials used in the manufacture of rope. Modern shoelaces often incorporate various synthetic fibers, which are generally more slippery and thus more prone to coming undone than those made from traditional fibers. On the other hand, smooth synthetic shoelaces generally have a less rough appearance, suffer less wear from friction, and are less susceptible to rotting from moisture. Specialized fibers like flame resistant nomex are applied in safety boots for firefighters.

There are also various elasticized shoelaces:

1. Traditional "elastic" laces look identical to normal laces, and can simply be tied and untied as normal. They may also come with a permanent clip so they can be fastened invisibly.
2. "Knotty" laces have a series of "fat" sections, which restrict movement through eyelets. These can be used to adjust tension throughout the lacing area. These laces can be tied or the ends can be left loose.
3. "Twirly" laces are like a tight elastic helix, which can simply be pulled tight without requiring a knot.

Elastic laces both make the lacing more comfortable as well as allowing the shoe to be slipped on and off without tying or untying, which makes them a popular choice for children, the elderly and athletes.
Three shoelaces tipped with three different aglets: copper, plastic, and brass

The stiff section at each end of the shoelace, which both keeps the twine from unraveling and also makes it easier to hold the lace and feed it through the eyelets, is called an aglet, also spelled aiglet.

Shoelaces with a flat cross-section are generally easier to hold and stay tied more securely than those with a round cross-section. Very wide flat laces are often called "fat laces." Leather shoelaces with a square cross-section, which are very common on boat shoes, are notoriously prone to coming undone.

Shoelaces can be coated, either in the factory or with aftermarket products, to increase friction and help them stay tied.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: ineedadrink ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:26


The existence of Urart.u was hardly even suspected until so much about it was found in the Assyrian annals. Even the name Urart.u is Assyrian. In Urartuan it was Biainili. This a good clue that Urartuan was an unrelated language. It was. The language was one of the non-Semitic and non-Indo-European languages of the ancient Middle East, like Sumerian, Elamite, Hurrian, and Kassite, and like three separate groups of surviving languages in the Caucasus (Georgian, Circassian, etc.). The language is known from Urartuan inscriptions; but there are no other texts or literature surviving in the language, so our knowledge of Urartuan history is relatively impoverished. When the Assyrian records cease to be informative, and Urartuan inscriptions thin out, events disappear from history.

Urart.u was regarded by the Assyrians as a major enemy. They were ultimately able to defeat and roll back the Urartuans, but never overrun or conquer them. More damaging for the survival of the Kingdom were nomadic inroads by the Scythians and Cimmerians. After Rusa II things get very obscure, and the only certain thing (more or less) is that the Medes end up in possession of the area, variously stated as by 590 or 585 -- part of the campaign that led to Lydia and the Battle of the Eclipse. What is curious is what emerges next: the Armenians. The Urartuan language disppears, like the closely related Hurrian. The classic Kingdom was already a mixture of various groups, as can easily happen in a mountainous region with isolated valleys, including speakers of an Indo-European language, Armenian, apparently closely related to Phrygian and Cappadocian further west. The Urartuan speakers ended up linguistically and/or demographically overwhelmed. Urart.u thus tends to be regarded as the institutional predecessor of the later Armenian kingdoms. The word "Urart.u" itself is evidently preserved in the name of Mt. Ararat (16,940 ft.), an active volcano now just within Turkey (and called Büyük Agri) but traditionally symbolic of the Armenian heartland and visible across the valley of the Aras river from the capital of the modern Republic of Armenia, Yerevan. It has gained the reputation of being the site of the resting place of Noah's Ark.

The list of Kings is from Amélie Kuhrt, The Ancient Near East, c.3000-330 BC [Routledge, 1995, 2000, Volume II, p.552] and A.E. Redgate, The Armenians [Basil Blackwell, 1998, 2000, pp.29-30].

A noteworthy detail in Redgate is that a title of the Urartuan King was "Kings of Kings" [p.43]. This is familiar from the Assyrians, Medes, and Persians, but Redgate says that before Tukulti-Ninurta I (1244-1208) used it, it was previously just used for gods (apart from the name of the Sargonid Shar-kalli-sharri, "King of all Kings"). Redgate thinks this implies a claim to divine kingship, passed on to the Persians, not so much from Assyria as from Urart.u.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:42

Very good, ineedadrink. Now post Youtube videos to go along with the posts.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:43


As we had earlier intimated, any celebration of today's historic
agreement would be premature, because we don't yet know the final
outcome. Our sources indicate that the Gibber Twins and their
adviser Rev 20:2 must now essentially start from scratch to
assemble the end-of-story statement from notes and scraps of
paper and scraps of memory about promises and reasons and
talking points that flew like autumn leaves a short while
ago but are now just a wet slippery sheet of ook beneath
their feet. If SUPERHEAVY has been appropriately compared
to the Justice League, then these three survivors and their
three missing-in-action colleagues must be properly equated
with the Inferior Five (I5), which I'm sure you know are a
parody superhero team that premiered in the DC Comics title
Showcase #62 (1966). The group was intended as a parody not
only of the Fantastic Four, but of all superhero teams.
Because unlike any real superhero team, composed of legends,
the I5 had to work as a team, as none of them could have fought
crime on their own because they were retards and losers,
just like the rev-revvies. Can the rev-revvies now achieve
something on the same level that the Inferior Five achieved?
We'll soon know.

Back after this.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:49

I have to wonder what would happen to you if you run out of pot.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:50

The streets would run red with the blood of his enemies.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: June 10, 2011 20:59

I have to wonder what would happen to you if you run out of pot.
He might start making sense?

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:09

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:18

Twenny, maybe you prefer this version:

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:32


Sorry for the slight delay. We are still scared shitless. We want our
mommies. We are getting chest pains. We need to end this story
and go sleep on the beach for a year. Our hands are shaking.
We wish we knew how to write better.

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: ineedadrink ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:36

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:47

This story got me revved up a bit. But I'm starting to feel slightly betrayed. It feels like that "Lost" series. There will be no solution, no enlightenment, no revelation - it just goes on and on... .

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: twenny revlights ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:48


I made a big mistake
A stepped-on-the-end-of-the-rake mistake
A fell-once-again-in-the-lake mistake
A for-goodness-gracious-sake mistake
A bought-a-Picasso-that's-fake mistake
A built-on-top-of-a-quake mistake
A one-that-takes-the-cake mistake
A please-tell-me-I'm-not-awake mistake
A how-much-dear-Lord-can-I-take mistake
The kind not even George Bush would make
Yes, I made a big mistake

Re: Mick Jagger's "Supergroup"?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: June 10, 2011 22:52

twenny revlights

I made a big mistake
A stepped-on-the-end-of-the-rake mistake
A fell-once-again-in-the-lake mistake
A for-goodness-gracious-sake mistake
A bought-a-Picasso-that's-fake mistake
A built-on-top-of-a-quake mistake
A one-that-takes-the-cake mistake
A please-tell-me-I'm-not-awake mistake
A how-much-dear-Lord-can-I-take mistake
The kind not even George Bush would make
Yes, I made a big mistake

Make no mistake

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