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Re: What Would Keith Do?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: November 11, 2010 14:45

>> Here´s a translation of the interview´s last part. <<

thanks Svartmer - what's the source of that, please and thank you?

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Date: November 11, 2010 14:47

Where did you get this from, Svartmer?

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: November 11, 2010 14:52

Where did you get this from, Svartmer?

From today´s Aftonbladet. Here´s a link to the article. But the interview so far only exists in the paper version. That´s why I translated it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-11 15:00 by Svartmer.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: November 11, 2010 14:54

Q: "Funny thing that no one else felt the way you did. So now it´s personal. Now we say goodbye. (Keith gives the reporter´s head a little push). Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive". (Keith quickly leaves the room)

l think Keith head bump made him lose his memory,many people here, including some of his biggest defenders say that in that particular show he played bad.
If, this translation is correct ,then he comes across as a primadonna,and a bully,and actually threatening the reporter"Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive" What an a--hole.

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: November 11, 2010 14:58

From today´s Aftonbladet.

Great source LOL

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: November 11, 2010 15:01

The @#$%& of a journalist deserved it.Wa##ker.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: November 11, 2010 15:02

Rolling Hansie
From today´s Aftonbladet.

Great source LOL

Well, the reporter works for that paper so what do you expect?

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: tonterapi ()
Date: November 11, 2010 15:03

Damn, what a pathetic old arse Keith has become - so freaking filled with the myth about himself. He could have handled this much better and still make Markus look like the fool he is.

"Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive"

Yeah, because if there's somebody who would beat the crap out of you it's Keith Richards...

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Date: November 11, 2010 15:06

Much better than what? He told the reporter what he thought of him and left the room.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Addicted ()
Date: November 11, 2010 15:10

From Svartmer's post:
(Keith gives the reporter´s head a little push).
Please note that yesterday, the reporter claimed he was HIT IN THE HEAD by Keith.
The new version from the Swedish tabloid crap reporter is closer to the truth. But what he said yesterday was a totally different story.
I bet he wet his pants when his employer told him that he and the newspaper can be sued for telling lies about people. Slander, baby!

There's an article online from today, where the newspaper is bragging - again - that their article is quoted in papers and on sites and blogs world wide. They're so looking for attention. And trying to fix the rotten financial situation they're in.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-11 15:11 by Addicted.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: tonterapi ()
Date: November 11, 2010 16:16

Much better than what? He told the reporter what he thought of him and left the room.
With some pride and not like a cocky 20 year old looking for a fight. The "lucky to get from here alive" is just pathetic. I mean Keith already has the upper hand. Everybody knows Markus is shit.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: November 11, 2010 16:19

He could have handled this much better and still make Markus look like the fool he is.

Now you've got me interested. You sure must have an idea. Tell us

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: November 11, 2010 16:20

It's always the same on such boards.
Some people write a lot and take part and than suddenly, - something is not their way and they wanne leave. I don't get that.Why take something so personal?

I'm the last not to criticise the Stones or Keith. But in this case the swede guy just asked for it!

And my god, He pushed him aside. Big deal!Don't be so oversensitive.
In the 70's this happened every day . .

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Date: November 11, 2010 16:47

...and Keith always uses that "get outta here alive-line". No one takes that literally, or do they?

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: November 11, 2010 17:05

This thread is pure comedy. Thanks.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: November 11, 2010 17:17

Typical. The people are hurraying a violent childish behavior, "way to Keith!", and then someone says some critical words of such fanaticism, that post is reported and got delated.

Finally I started to get what being a "fan" is all about.

I guess I have said all I have to say, and a bit more, of The Rolling Stones during all these years. Time to go on.

Cheers.smileys with beer

- Doxa
Just for the record I didn't report you. Either someone else did or BV deleted the post on his own.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: November 11, 2010 17:28

This thread is pure comedy. Thanks.

I would agree if not so many folks here were going postal.

it sure ain't worth it!

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: pgarof ()
Date: November 11, 2010 17:57

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:03

Q: "Funny thing that no one else felt the way you did. So now it´s personal. Now we say goodbye. (Keith gives the reporter´s head a little push). Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive". (Keith quickly leaves the room)

l think Keith head bump made him lose his memory,many people here, including some of his biggest defenders say that in that particular show he played bad.
If, this translation is correct ,then he comes across as a primadonna,and a bully,and actually threatening the reporter"Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive" What an a--hole.

Thats one way of looking at it.

Another way could be that if the reporter was faced with the same scenario with someone else who wasn't a public figure (say, a gang leader) or someone younger and in better shape, that he'd been telling lies about, the interview may not have ended simply with the interviewee walking out and giving him a harmless tap on the head.

I've seen it happen.

Bottom line is for the journalist - if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-11 18:08 by Gazza.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:16

Q: "Funny thing that no one else felt the way you did. So now it´s personal. Now we say goodbye. (Keith gives the reporter´s head a little push). Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive". (Keith quickly leaves the room)

l think Keith head bump made him lose his memory,many people here, including some of his biggest defenders say that in that particular show he played bad.
If, this translation is correct ,then he comes across as a primadonna,and a bully,and actually threatening the reporter"Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive" What an a--hole.

Thats one way of looking at it.

Another way could be that if the reporter was faced with the same scenario with someone else who wasn't a public figure (say, a gang leader) or someone younger and in better shape, that he'd been telling lies about, the interview may not have ended simply with the interviewee walking out and giving him a harmless tap on the head.

I've seen it happen.

Bottom line is for the journalist - if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Point taken Gazza,but l don't think that anyone has the right to threaten someone with violence just cause you didn't like a review he did,l don't know anything about this reporter,but he was doing the job that he gets paid for.
Keith should not be so sensitive after so many years dealing with the press..
Some will like you some will not,big deaa is not the end of the world.

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:28

This turned out to be a very funny thread.

Reminds me of a great scene in the Marx Bros Duck Soup, where Rufus T. Firefly (Grouch Marx), the president of Freedonia, was preparing to receive Mr. Trentino, Ambassador of Sylania, to try to avoid a war between the two countries and seal a peace treaty.

So you see Rufus rehearsing his what to say secondsbefor the arrival of Trentino.

Found the exact quote on imdb:

"I'd be unworthy of the high trust that's been placed in me if I didn't do everything in my power to keep our beloved Freedonia in peace with the world. I'd be only too happy to meet with Ambassador Trentino, and offer him on behalf of my country the right hand of good fellowship.

And I feel sure he will accept this gesture in the spirit of which it is offered.

But suppose he doesn't.

A fine thing that'll be. I hold out my hand and he refuses to accept. That'll add a lot to my prestige, won't it?

Me, the head of a country, snubbed by a foreign ambassador!

Who does he think he is, that he can come here, and make a sap of me in front of all my people?

Think of it - I hold out my hand and that hyena refuses to accept.

Why, the cheap ball-pushing swine, he'll never get away with it I tell you, he'll never get away with it!"

At that point Ambassador enters and Rufus T. Firefly goes: "So, you refuse to shake hands with me, eh?" And slaps him on the face


Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: andrea66 ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:31

On August 4, 2007, The Rolling Stones, got a 2 out of 5 review for the gig at Ullevi in Gothenburg, Sweden, of tabloid Aftonbladets music reviewer Markus Larsson, 34.

A review that enraged guitarist Keith Richards, 67.

Afterwards, he demanded a public apology.

What was at that review that Keith demanded an apology then and still after 3 years is so angry? Did somebody say he has a little cock?

great proudmary, this is really good!
such a reaction for a bad is hard to believe

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:42


Point taken Gazza,but l don't think that anyone has the right to threaten someone with violence just cause you didn't like a review he did,l don't know anything about this reporter,but he was doing the job that he gets paid for.
Keith should not be so sensitive after so many years dealing with the press..
Some will like you some will not,big deaa is not the end of the world.

I agree with what youre saying. I dont think that his final comment is a threat though. The earlier one about putting the lights out - well, it seems Keith took the guy's review very personally. I assume it was the personal attack on him that he took serious exception to, after all Keith must be thick-skinned enough by now to ignore five decades of being slagged off in tabloids.

If someone you dont know and have never met prints a comment about your personal habits which you know is untrue - and which the writer has no way of validating - its not always that easy to just shrug it off when you know that the journalist's 'version' is the one thats going to be circulated worldwide and accepted as 'the truth'.

Easy for us sitting at a keyboard to pontificate on it regardless of whose side we take - but we're not ever going to be in a position where we have to put up with being fodder for tabloid journalists.

He's human. Someone posted a story about him that he took exception to at the time and it still needles him 3 years later when the journalist chooses to bring it up again. I dont see why he should have been expected to just shrug his shoulders and laugh it off - by doing so, he'd be effectively acknowledging that he overreacted when it first happened. Personally, I think its in some way good to see that he still cares enough to be pissed off.

No right to threaten violence? Correct, but a reporter has a moral duty to report something accurately and truthfully so that such a scenario is unlikely. There seems to be a different rule for journalists when it comes to morality - giving the gig a bad review if he didnt enjoy it is perfectly reasonable, however when it gets beyond that, it crosses the line as to what is and isn't acceptable journalistic standards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-11 18:47 by Gazza.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:50


Point taken Gazza,but l don't think that anyone has the right to threaten someone with violence just cause you didn't like a review he did,l don't know anything about this reporter,but he was doing the job that he gets paid for.
Keith should not be so sensitive after so many years dealing with the press..
Some will like you some will not,big deaa is not the end of the world.

I agree with what youre saying. I dont think that his final comment is a threat though. The earlier one about putting the lights out - well, it seems Keith took the guy's review very personally. I assume it was the personal attack on him that he took serious exception to, after all Keith must be thick-skinned enough by now to ignore five decades of being slagged off in tabloids.

If someone you dont know and have never met prints a comment about your personal habits which you know is untrue - and which the writer has no way of validating - its not always that easy to just shrug it off when you know that the journalist's 'version' is the one thats going to be circulated worldwide and accepted as 'the truth'.

Easy for us sitting at a keyboard to pontificate on it regardless of whose side we take - but we're not ever going to be in a position where we have to put up with being fodder for tabloid journalists.

He's human. Someone posted a story about him that he took exception to at the time and it still needles him 3 years later when the journalist chooses to bring it up again. I dont see why he should have been expected to just shrug his shoulders and laugh it off - by doing so, he'd be effectively acknowledging that he overreacted when it first happened. Personally, I think its in some way good to see that he still cares enough to be pissed off.

No right to threaten violence? Correct, but a reporter has a moral duty to report something accurately and truthfully so that such a scenario is unlikely. There seems to be a different rule for journalists when it comes to morality - giving the gig a bad review if he didnt enjoy it is perfectly reasonable, however when it gets beyond that, it crosses the line as to what is and isn't acceptable journalistic standards.

smileys with beer

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: November 11, 2010 18:55

I am not very informed on press conferences in the music business, but in football it is perfectly normal that players or managers refuse to talk to journalist that - in their opinion - don't write fair reports. Outbursts and figths are daily business. Mourino was a master "fuckoffer". News papers love to make up stories etc. etc.

Something new in the show biz?


Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: November 11, 2010 19:00

That's why I never talk to the press hot smiley


Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: November 11, 2010 19:27

Question: I have to ask you. A couple of years ago you played in Gothenburg and got a lukewarm review from a Swedish critic.
Answer: Oh, you mean the man from Gothenburg? He put me down even before I played Gothenburg. And when I wanted to see him he already had left the town. I hate cowards.
Q: Well...
A: He has a malevolent pen. He doesn´t like me. One day I want to meet him in a dark room.
Q: But I, eh.
A: It´s not you?
Q: Yes. And I´m not a coward. (Keith slams his glass down on the table)
A: It´s you!
Q: Yes, it´s me.
A: So you are the man who hates me?
Q: No, I don´t hate you.
A: (Keith rises) Let´s turn out the lights here and now. You´ve really been writing a lot of shit about me.
Q: I wanted to come here and look in your eyes and...
A: So it´s you. Why am I talking to you? You´re full of shit. When I wanted to talk to you, you ran away.
Q: No, I didn´t. And I´m here now.
A: What do you want? Slit my throat?
Q: I don´t want to fight. I want to explain...
A: On what did you base your review?
Q: I didn´t think the show lived up to my expectations. But I stand for it and I...
Q: Funny thing that no one else felt the way you did. So now it´s personal. Now we say goodbye. (Keith gives the reporter´s head a little push). Consider yourself lucky to get out from here alive. (Keith quickly leaves the room)

Great by Keith. Give that m****rf****r a kick in the ass, so he can learn how to behave.

Had it been Clint, he would have said:
"I know what you're thinking — 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But, being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" yawning smiley)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-11 19:27 by mtaylor.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: November 11, 2010 20:11

Good ol' Keef

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: Back Of My Palm ()
Date: November 11, 2010 21:28


You are full of shite

”*It was a joke” Richards spokesperson to Rolling Stone magazine
Keith Richards hit me in the head
The RS guitarist attacked Nöjesbladet's Markus Larsson in the midst of an interview.

The purpose was a 30 minutes long interview about KRs bio. But after 15 minutes is all f***ed up. Then Keith started to mention that notorious Göteborg man. When he eventuelly realizes that this man is in the very same room, he coughes out death threats. The rock legend slaps Markus Larsson and rush outta the room.

At least it starts out pretty fine.

Keith Richards, 66, features a splendid mood when he strolls into the hotel room.

He has a cig in his and and a glass with a yellow brew in the other.

Keith looks like Gollum the Fairy figure's cool granddad. The arm jewellery rattles when he ashes and the significant pirate laugh is always a-crackin: herrgh, herrgh, herrgh.

The book is rich in details. How come you remember things so well?

- James Fox, whome I wrote the book with, has a keen gift to provoke memories. He asked special questions. Among other things he dug up folks from my school years. And they said: "Spot on! It all went precisely like that!". And if I could recall such old stuff I might as well do the whole trip.

How come Bill Wyman mentioned so rarely?

- Bill always took the shady back round role. He is a mean bass player. Noone were more pissed off than meself when Bill said he intended to leave the band.
No one leaves this band, except in a coffin (laughter). But Bill Wyman is Bill
Wyman. He is the "silent Stone". I acytually couldnt fit him into the plot. Had I only focused on the musical part he should have been given more space. I had much fun with Bill. On the other hand he was older the the rest. He always kept some kind of distance.
And this is a book about me, Keith, and not about Bill Wyman.

Reading the book, its pretty obvious you really do like the drummer, Charlie Watts..

- I feel a great love for Charlie.

Is he your favorite Stone?

- Herrgh, herrgh, herrgh.I dont think Stones ever would have existed without him. The first time I heard him play - he played with Alexis Korner and such bands at that time - I understood that... if the Stones ever really would be a band we just had to have Charlie.

But intially you couldnt afford him.

- No. His demands was that we needed to shake forth two gig every week. It gave us circa 50 quid ti split between us. If so, he could afford to transport the drum set on the subway. That was how it was done these days.

- I thought you liked Charlie because he has punched Mick Jagger's face?

- Herrgh, herrgh, herrgh. Charlie's got a mean mofu of a punch. He is the only one in the band who ever punched Jagger.

Not even yourself have ever hit Mick?

– No, no.

Considering how you paint MJ in the book - how could you cope with him during all these years?

- Herrgh, herrgh. You need to squeeze everything into the proper context and perspective. Mick and me are getting along mighty fine now.
Well, sure; now he hides for my book. But I let heim read it before it was released. But I wanted to tell everything from my point of view. And I have told Mick that>; hey, you can always write yourself an own one.

”Hey, see that lil cock”

You refer to him as Brenda in the book.

- Nah, thats just a backstage joke, man. If someone cocks himself up you start pulling his leg. "See that lil cock", sort of. Come on. Thats nothing. Other might wanna do a great thing outta his cock, I wont.

Ok (laughter). Right. But when did you relation with Mick start souring?

– Eeh, 1985-86, sort of.

Not back when he nailed your current gf, Anita Pallenberg, then?

- No, no, no - thats just bs. It was when he signed a record contract behind our back. This is how I see it:
I have to consolidate a tight, little army and what Mick did was betrayal. Simultaneously its comprehensible. If you have cooperated as long as we have, it aint weird if someone wants to try his wings, make something different and develop oneself. I just didnt like the way he did it. Thats what *I try to explain in the book.

You can also tell from the book how much you miss Gram P.

– "GP", yeah. A great loss for Music that he went so early. He pointe out a new path for country. Many tried to imitate hius style since, like Waylon Jennings and such dudes.

He made you rediscover country.

– Nah, nah, I had been digging country since Johnny Cash, 1955. But thanks to Gram I reached a deeper comprehension and feeling for that genre.

You had a project going where you should work together.

- Yeah, we though we had many years to go. There were no rush. We worked with Flying Burrito Brothers ans on Gram's solo album "Grievous angel" and we also had other things coming. But it didnt turn out that way.

Whats the thing with you and Smith & Wesson?

– What?

Smith & Wesson?

- Oh, you mean the gun. Caliber .38 .. A very good weapon. [what] Do you really wanna know?

Dunno.. Why?

– Why I carried it?


- Try to be an addict.

No thank you.

- Try to be a drug addict in the 70s. You needed a little protection. I couldnt carry around a bunch of life guards in my pocket, man. I circulated in dangerous environments. Happily I never got to use it. Perhaps because I had it. There were kinda wild west back then at times.

I see. Today you carry a knife instead. ”The ratchet”.. A Jamaican knife.

– Mm-hm? Yeah. I do carry a knife. But I aint wearing it now (Keith laughes and pounds his belly in order to show that he aint lying.) When I gave up the revolver I started carry knife instead. Prolly something that has stucked after the smack years, when I could find myself endeing up in tough and tricky situations. It always a benefit to feel steel to your body.
Need to be prepared if stuff gets nasty.

You write that the key to a successful knife fight is to just show the blade and kick in the enemy's balls instead. The point is not to need to use the steel.

- In that particular case I just kicked in the guy's balls, yeah (laughter).

Did hide for Britt

Did you meet your wife, Patti Hansen, when you hide for Britt Ekland in NY?

- Yeah, har har har. Thats my Scandinavian influence.

So thanks to Britt you are married today?

- Yeah, thats true allright. I used to hang pout with John Phillips, and by some strange reason Britt Ekloand was a diehard Keith Richards-fan. But I didt want in that direction herrgh, herrgh, herrgh. Once she chaed me and John down the road.
I asked: "John, where can we flee?" He suggested a place around the corner, Studio 54. We could always get there. Patti sat by a table in there. I got to hear she had her birthday, so I bought a bottle of champ and went up t her and said: "Hey, a bottle of champagne? I hide for Britt Ekland!"


- So thats was our first encountering. Later on, a half later, we meet again, for real.

You recorded mixed home-made cassettes and gave to her when dating?

- Yeah, yeah. She recorded a movie. I made some cassettes which she could listen to in the dressing room between the shootings.

What kinda music were there on those tapes?

- Ecclectical. Lemmie see. Prolly a bunch of reggae. And rhythm & blues, in deed.

Thats a good way of courting a lady.

– Yup, to seduce with music, you know.

Speaking of Sweden I have to ask one more thing. Couple of years ago you played a concert that received a luke-warm review by a Swedish music critic.

- Oh, dunno if he was Swedish. You mean the Göteborg man?? Yeah, that dude, he writes me down already before I enter the stage in Göteborg. And when I'm there, accessible, ready to meet him.. he already left the town. I hate cowards.


- He possess a evil pen. He doesnt like me, simple as that. One of these days, I wanna meet him and greet him in a darkened room (the managing woman who has been quiet and been listrening breaks in. She wants us to switch topic.)

But, I.. Err...

– It aint you, huh!?!

Well, yes. And I aint no coward.

(Keith slams the glass with the yellow brew into the table.)

The rest is translated by Svartmer. ---

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-12 10:38 by Back Of My Palm.

Re: Keith kicks out Swedish journalist Markus Larsson
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: November 11, 2010 21:36

Again, - Keith is not without mistakes for shure.
If someone only learnded that by now I'm kinda sorry for him.

But in this case it was all clearly planned by the guy and his paper to get a nice scoop.

Keith may be sensitive to such things (and maybe more so with age), but he had lots of bad press before and didn't always act like this.
There seems to be something very personal about the whole incident and the interviewer now got him by surprise (like he wanted it). Keith didn't have time to choose his words.

After all it's still RocknRoll and I can't understand why some people take it all so seriously . .

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