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Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: October 5, 2017 02:51

Race relations in America are very complicated to say the least. Things are very screwed because of the historical treatment of blacks. because of that the majority of blacks and many white liberals see racism and racists everywhere. Because of history it is somewhat understandable, especially amongst blacks themselves. I don't know the answer to it. I do know that one thing that has to stop is blacks and liberals accusing people of racism based on hunches or spidey senses. It has turned off others to the claims. I will admit that because of this i know longer take claims of racism seriously and many feel like I do.

In the Michael Bennett case for example ( the same with almost any case ) Michael Bennett claimed as a fact that his treatment was because of his race. now think about that for a minute. How the heck could he know that for a fact. The only one who could know that was the cop who stopped him, yet Bennett made the claim and blacks and liberals treated it like it was a fact. This goes on and on and on. Then blacks and liberal talk about the amount of racism there is and mentions things like that as proof.

This is a thread started about the Vegas shooting so lets talk about that. There is a story out there and the police are looking into it ( so I have read ) that the shooter might have tried this before at an earlier time and at that time I believe it was a rap concert going on. Now if that did happen and this guy killed 50 at a rap concert this country would have exploded. It was have been treated like a fact that the shooter just wanted to kill black people and CNN and MSNBC would be running that angle all day. People like me who would be saying that it's tragic but I don't know if he was a racist would be considered racist and evil for saying that.

Couple things-
First- The country is "going nuts" over the mass murders of Americans- country music fans or whatever. The last "biggest mass gun shooting" was at a gay nightclub where (obviously) gay people were the targets. Same reaction and horror as now (actually this is looking to be much bigger). I'm sure you would have thought us libs would go extra nuts over that based on their sexual orientation. Wrong. It's humans getting slaughtered we're against-turns out.

Second- Using Michael Bennett's example and then stating "the same as in most all cases" is just plain bigoted nonsense. Black people are racially profiled and far too often killed because of it.Period. The fact that you don't take racism seriously along with your circle of friends highlights the problem.
Funny, the country didn't go nuts when Dylann Roof shot up a black church. But he was just dismissed as a "lone wolf" nut and treated to Burger King by the cops because that nice young fella was hungry.

How sweet.

Two years later we had a modern-day Nuremberg Rally in Charlottesville and again people tried to dismiss them as isolated nuts, when in reality the white supremacist movement is burgeoning online and growing quickly.

The Bennett video was totally inconclusive, as the cops had their body cams turned off. The full video isn't available. They were Latino and black cops, btw.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: October 5, 2017 03:02

Race relations in America are very complicated to say the least. Things are very screwed because of the historical treatment of blacks. because of that the majority of blacks and many white liberals see racism and racists everywhere. Because of history it is somewhat understandable, especially amongst blacks themselves. I don't know the answer to it. I do know that one thing that has to stop is blacks and liberals accusing people of racism based on hunches or spidey senses. It has turned off others to the claims. I will admit that because of this i know longer take claims of racism seriously and many feel like I do.

In the Michael Bennett case for example ( the same with almost any case ) Michael Bennett claimed as a fact that his treatment was because of his race. now think about that for a minute. How the heck could he know that for a fact. The only one who could know that was the cop who stopped him, yet Bennett made the claim and blacks and liberals treated it like it was a fact. This goes on and on and on. Then blacks and liberal talk about the amount of racism there is and mentions things like that as proof.

This is a thread started about the Vegas shooting so lets talk about that. There is a story out there and the police are looking into it ( so I have read ) that the shooter might have tried this before at an earlier time and at that time I believe it was a rap concert going on. Now if that did happen and this guy killed 50 at a rap concert this country would have exploded. It was have been treated like a fact that the shooter just wanted to kill black people and CNN and MSNBC would be running that angle all day. People like me who would be saying that it's tragic but I don't know if he was a racist would be considered racist and evil for saying that.

Couple things-
First- The country is "going nuts" over the mass murders of Americans- country music fans or whatever. The last "biggest mass gun shooting" was at a gay nightclub where (obviously) gay people were the targets. Same reaction and horror as now (actually this is looking to be much bigger). I'm sure you would have thought us libs would go extra nuts over that based on their sexual orientation. Wrong. It's humans getting slaughtered we're against-turns out.

Second- Using Michael Bennett's example and then stating "the same as in most all cases" is just plain bigoted nonsense. Black people are racially profiled and far too often killed because of it.Period. The fact that you don't take racism seriously along with your circle of friends highlights the problem.

In the case of Michael Bennett he disobeyed the officer's commands to stay put and bolted. Therefore he was detained because of his behaviour, and not because of his colour. And then we all know that he made false statements about his treatment from the police because the police released the videos. This skewing of both the narrative of what takes place in situations like this and of the the behaviours of the police officers happens too often, and is irresponsible and only fans the flames of division and is contrary to justice.

Black people are racially profiled because of their behaviours, period. In other words, they have created so much negative political capital that the police are going to be wary around them and sometimes literally be in fear for their lives. This is the reality. And the solution is for black people to change their behaviours around the police and start building up some positive political capital. The police are people too and they want to live another day and love their spouses and see their children grow up. Make no mistake, the burden to improve relations falls on the black community. After 50 years, I submit to you that this is where we are today.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: October 5, 2017 04:03

Two years later we had a modern-day Nuremberg Rally in Charlottesville and again people tried to dismiss them as isolated nuts, when in reality the white supremacist movement is burgeoning online and growing quickly.

Let's try to put this into perspective. That rally was awful, but in my opinion the movement is not growing quickly. There were probably a few hundred white supremacists max, that's including the KKK. Mixed in with that there were perhaps a thousand to 1500 Alt Right people of various flavours. The Alt Right people would not consider themselves to be in alignment with the KKK. The rally effectively killed the "brand" of the Alt Right. In the lead-up to the rally the Alt Right was already imploding because of the horrible antisemitism that was starting to become predominant within the Alt Right mix. To sum it up, there were perhaps a few hundred true hard-core people in that rally, and a lot of young Alt-Right dupes that bought those Tiki torches and completely destroyed themselves with the optics that they created. Then of course the right-wing nut plowed into people with his car and killed somebody.

Now for the somewhat difficult issue of completing the perspective to give the discussion some balance. We all saw what took place in Ferguson and Baltimore and Milwaukee and other places. We are all aware of gang culture. So how many hard core people are in this mix on the "other side" for lack of a better term. The answer is that there are literally millions. They might not all be true hard core gang bangers, but they will gladly destroy a police car and set fire to it or smash up a business or throw a brick at an innocent person walking down the street in a riot setting. Again, there are millions of them. Contrast that with a few hundred hard-core people at the Charlottesville rally.

Is there something that can give you a sense of this that is more tangible? The answer is yes there is. Going back to my little football story: Assault can mean anything, just stealing someone's newspaper out of their hands can be considered assault. But aggravated assault refers to when you actually beat up someone and injure them. In the United States today, a black person is two hundred times more likely to commit an act of aggravated assault against a white person than a white person is to commit an act of aggravated assault against a black person. There is the issue in real terms, and it is very sobering. This is a shocking statistic that some of our more liberal and left-leaning participants may not have been aware of. This is all being stated with the goal of understanding the bigger picture that encompasses mass murdering shooters to shooters on the street that rob a store and kill the clerk or the pizza delivery man. Both need attention, and the store clerk killings and the pizza delivery man killings and other crimes are a much much bigger problem. We have to find a way out of this mess and my contention is that the black community has to fix itself all by itself. It's just the only way because everything else has failed. I have followed this issue because I want to try in my own small way to help to effect change and save lives.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 04:07 by MileHigh.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: October 5, 2017 04:18

Two years later we had a modern-day Nuremberg Rally in Charlottesville and again people tried to dismiss them as isolated nuts, when in reality the white supremacist movement is burgeoning online and growing quickly.

Let's try to put this into perspective. That rally was awful, but in my opinion the movement is not growing quickly. There were probably a few hundred white supremacists max, that's including the KKK. Mixed in with that there were perhaps a thousand to 1500 Alt Right people of various flavours. The Alt Right people would not consider themselves to be in alignment with the KKK. The rally effectively killed the "brand" of the Alt Right. In the lead-up to the rally the Alt Right was already imploding because of the horrible antisemitism that was starting to become predominant within the Alt Right mix. To sum it up, there were perhaps a few hundred true hard-core people in that rally, and a lot of young Alt-Right dupes that bought those Tiki torches and completely destroyed themselves with the optics that they created. Then of course the right-wing nut plowed into people with his car and killed somebody.

Now for the somewhat difficult issue of completing the perspective to give the discussion some balance. We all saw what took place in Ferguson and Baltimore and Milwaukee and other places. We are all aware of gang culture. So how many hard core people are in this mix on the "other side" for lack of a better term. The answer is that there are literally millions. They might not all be true hard core gang bangers, but they will gladly destroy a police car and set fire to it or smash up a business or throw a brick at an innocent person walking down the street in a riot setting. Again, there are millions of them. Contrast that with a few hundred hard-core people at the Charlottesville rally.

Is there something that can give you a sense of this that is more tangible? The answer is yes there is. Going back to my little football story: Assault can mean anything, just stealing someone's newspaper out of their hands can be considered assault. But aggravated assault refers to when you actually beat up someone and injure them. In the United States today, a black person is two hundred times more likely to commit an act of aggravated assault against a white person than a white person is to commit an act of aggravated assault against a black person. There is the issue in real terms, and it is very sobering. This is a shocking statistic that some of our more liberal and left-leaning participants may not have been aware of. This is all being stated with the goal of understanding the bigger picture that encompasses mass murdering shooters to shooters on the street that rob a store and kill the clerk or the pizza delivery man. Both need attention, and the store clerk killings and the pizza delivery man killings and other crimes are a much much bigger problem. We have to find a way out of this mess and my contention is that the black community has to fix itself all by itself. It's just the only way because everything else has failed. I have followed this issue because I want to try in my own small way to help to effect change and save lives.
So basically we should all be terrified of any black person we see in public. I don't live my life that way.

Oh, you're SURE to effect change if you tell black people they're 100% responsible for their plight, police brutality and institutional racism are generally myths, racial profiling is completely justified, and the average black man on the street can be assumed to be just as dangerous as an alt-right neo-fascist. It just might not be the change you're aiming for.

I'm going to tap out of this thread. Thanks for the discussion everyone.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: October 5, 2017 04:36

Two years later we had a modern-day Nuremberg Rally in Charlottesville and again people tried to dismiss them as isolated nuts, when in reality the white supremacist movement is burgeoning online and growing quickly.

Let's try to put this into perspective. That rally was awful, but in my opinion the movement is not growing quickly. There were probably a few hundred white supremacists max, that's including the KKK. Mixed in with that there were perhaps a thousand to 1500 Alt Right people of various flavours. The Alt Right people would not consider themselves to be in alignment with the KKK. The rally effectively killed the "brand" of the Alt Right. In the lead-up to the rally the Alt Right was already imploding because of the horrible antisemitism that was starting to become predominant within the Alt Right mix. To sum it up, there were perhaps a few hundred true hard-core people in that rally, and a lot of young Alt-Right dupes that bought those Tiki torches and completely destroyed themselves with the optics that they created. Then of course the right-wing nut plowed into people with his car and killed somebody.

Now for the somewhat difficult issue of completing the perspective to give the discussion some balance. We all saw what took place in Ferguson and Baltimore and Milwaukee and other places. We are all aware of gang culture. So how many hard core people are in this mix on the "other side" for lack of a better term. The answer is that there are literally millions. They might not all be true hard core gang bangers, but they will gladly destroy a police car and set fire to it or smash up a business or throw a brick at an innocent person walking down the street in a riot setting. Again, there are millions of them. Contrast that with a few hundred hard-core people at the Charlottesville rally.

Is there something that can give you a sense of this that is more tangible? The answer is yes there is. Going back to my little football story: Assault can mean anything, just stealing someone's newspaper out of their hands can be considered assault. But aggravated assault refers to when you actually beat up someone and injure them. In the United States today, a black person is two hundred times more likely to commit an act of aggravated assault against a white person than a white person is to commit an act of aggravated assault against a black person. There is the issue in real terms, and it is very sobering. This is a shocking statistic that some of our more liberal and left-leaning participants may not have been aware of. This is all being stated with the goal of understanding the bigger picture that encompasses mass murdering shooters to shooters on the street that rob a store and kill the clerk or the pizza delivery man. Both need attention, and the store clerk killings and the pizza delivery man killings and other crimes are a much much bigger problem. We have to find a way out of this mess and my contention is that the black community has to fix itself all by itself. It's just the only way because everything else has failed. I have followed this issue because I want to try in my own small way to help to effect change and save lives.
So basically we should all be terrified of any black person we see in public. I don't live my life that way.

Oh, you're SURE to effect change if you tell black people they're 100% responsible for their plight, police brutality and institutional racism are generally myths, racial profiling is completely justified, and the average black man on the street can be assumed to be just as dangerous as an alt-right neo-fascist. It just might not be the change you're aiming for.

I'm going to tap out of this thread. Thanks for the discussion everyone.

I don't have the answers but a new approach can't hurt. Trust me, there are black people, albeit in a small minority, that completely agree with me and I have spoken with them. Just the other day at a Six Flags amusement park there was a family of three, the parents in their early fifties and a 12-year-old son. A dozen black kids went to cut into the line in front of them. They were all underage except for one of them that was eighteen. When the parents objected all three of them were attacked and brutally beaten. There were multiple frantic 911 calls and they all had to go to the hospital. Things like this happen all the time. In my opinion the only people that can fix this dysfunction and violence are the majority good folk in the black community themselves. I hope it happens one day soon.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: October 5, 2017 06:45

Sorry, accidentally hit post - may come back later when I've had time to think.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 06:52 by Green Lady.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: October 5, 2017 06:51

Race relations in America are very complicated to say the least. Things are very screwed because of the historical treatment of blacks. because of that the majority of blacks and many white liberals see racism and racists everywhere. Because of history it is somewhat understandable, especially amongst blacks themselves. I don't know the answer to it. I do know that one thing that has to stop is blacks and liberals accusing people of racism based on hunches or spidey senses. It has turned off others to the claims. I will admit that because of this i know longer take claims of racism seriously and many feel like I do.

In the Michael Bennett case for example ( the same with almost any case ) Michael Bennett claimed as a fact that his treatment was because of his race. now think about that for a minute. How the heck could he know that for a fact. The only one who could know that was the cop who stopped him, yet Bennett made the claim and blacks and liberals treated it like it was a fact. This goes on and on and on. Then blacks and liberal talk about the amount of racism there is and mentions things like that as proof.

This is a thread started about the Vegas shooting so lets talk about that. There is a story out there and the police are looking into it ( so I have read ) that the shooter might have tried this before at an earlier time and at that time I believe it was a rap concert going on. Now if that did happen and this guy killed 50 at a rap concert this country would have exploded. It was have been treated like a fact that the shooter just wanted to kill black people and CNN and MSNBC would be running that angle all day. People like me who would be saying that it's tragic but I don't know if he was a racist would be considered racist and evil for saying that.

Couple things-
First- The country is "going nuts" over the mass murders of Americans- country music fans or whatever. The last "biggest mass gun shooting" was at a gay nightclub where (obviously) gay people were the targets. Same reaction and horror as now (actually this is looking to be much bigger). I'm sure you would have thought us libs would go extra nuts over that based on their sexual orientation. Wrong. It's humans getting slaughtered we're against-turns out.

Second- Using Michael Bennett's example and then stating "the same as in most all cases" is just plain bigoted nonsense. Black people are racially profiled and far too often killed because of it.Period. The fact that you don't take racism seriously along with your circle of friends highlights the problem.

If it was a rap concert and 55 blacks were killed the story would be much different and you know it. It would be all about racism. I hope you are not trying to deny that. It would be 24 hours a day about white racism and people just like you would be claiming as a fact that these people were killed because they are black and insulting anyone who did not agree.

2- My point about Bennett was he can't tell if it is about racism or not yet he claimed as a fact that it was about racism. Almost all cases are like this. The cop knows if it is about someone being black not the person who was stopped. This is very obvious. Yet liberals and blacks think they can claim racism ( despite not having the ability to know ) and that makes it a fact. It is irrelevant if the body cameras were on or that the cops were not white.

And just as I point it out you pull the same thing. You just stated as a fact that blacks are killed because of their race, despite you having no way to know that. We heard that in the Trayvon Martin case and the DOJ put a ton of work into trying to prove that and they ended up admitting that race had nothing to do with it.

You claimed as a fact that blacks are killed because of their race then tell us what blacks have been and what you proof is.

You just love works like Bigot and racist. It's a reflex to someone like you. I hate to tell you but the power is gone. It has been overused so badly that nobody cares anymore. Now get some new material.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 07:32 by stanlove.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: October 5, 2017 07:27

Race relations in America are very complicated to say the least. Things are very screwed because of the historical treatment of blacks. because of that the majority of blacks and many white liberals see racism and racists everywhere. Because of history it is somewhat understandable, especially amongst blacks themselves. I don't know the answer to it. I do know that one thing that has to stop is blacks and liberals accusing people of racism based on hunches or spidey senses. It has turned off others to the claims. I will admit that because of this i know longer take claims of racism seriously and many feel like I do.

In the Michael Bennett case for example ( the same with almost any case ) Michael Bennett claimed as a fact that his treatment was because of his race. now think about that for a minute. How the heck could he know that for a fact. The only one who could know that was the cop who stopped him, yet Bennett made the claim and blacks and liberals treated it like it was a fact. This goes on and on and on. Then blacks and liberal talk about the amount of racism there is and mentions things like that as proof.

This is a thread started about the Vegas shooting so lets talk about that. There is a story out there and the police are looking into it ( so I have read ) that the shooter might have tried this before at an earlier time and at that time I believe it was a rap concert going on. Now if that did happen and this guy killed 50 at a rap concert this country would have exploded. It was have been treated like a fact that the shooter just wanted to kill black people and CNN and MSNBC would be running that angle all day. People like me who would be saying that it's tragic but I don't know if he was a racist would be considered racist and evil for saying that.

Couple things-
Funny, the country didn't go nuts when Dylann Roof shot up a black church. But he was just dismissed as a "lone wolf" nut and treated to Burger King by the cops because that nice young fella was hungry.

How sweet.

Two years later we had a modern-day Nuremberg Rally in Charlottesville and again .

I am sure being a SJW you never bothered to read up on the Burger King story with Roof. You just went with the crowd on that. Maybe you should read up on that.

They bought him BUrger King because he had barley eaten in days and it's their policy not to deny prisoners food and they had no food where they were holding him. But you and others or course have made an issue of it in your cherry picking ways. Could you tell me if they ever got food for a black prisoner? I bet not.

Roof was sentenced to death correct? The cops who arrested him where the ones who collected the evidence to convict him to death but you like other lamely try to make an issue out of the Burger King story. More proof that someone who wants to claim racism is an irresistible force.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 07:30 by stanlove.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Niek ()
Date: October 5, 2017 12:58

My friend and I have travelled the USA and Canada by bicycle for more than 6 months.
We camped out in the wild and on campsites.
We saw bears, mountain lions elk etc.
We loved the nature and people.
But people keep on asking why we don't had a gun/ weapon.
It was very astonishing for us, coming from Europe.
We never need weapons or wanted them.
It would scared me.
We saw people walking with a gun in their back pocket.
If it's so accessible then you can easily choose to use it.

But I guess that people think the same about our drugs policy in The Netherlands.

(Always took candy from strangers)

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: October 5, 2017 13:13

My friend and I have travelled the USA and Canada by bicycle for more than 6 months.
We camped out in the wild and on campsites.
We saw bears, mountain lions elk etc.
We loved the nature and people.
But people keep on asking why we don't had a gun/ weapon.
It was very astonishing for us, coming from Europe.
We never need weapons or wanted them.
It would scared me.
We saw people walking with a gun in their back pocket.
If it's so accessible then you can easily choose to use it.

But I guess that people think the same about our drugs policy in The Netherlands.

Not a valid comparison. People take drugs through wilful choice and in most cases (except when the drug taker commits a drug induced act of violence against others), the resultant harm is to the person making that choice. The sole purpose of guns is to injure or kill other people or animals, whether for reasons of self defence, hunting or malice. The 3rd party has no input to the choice and suffers all of the harm.

In responsible hands I'm sure guns are fine but there are far too many unstable people out there and few effective obstacles for them getting their hands on guns and doing untold damage. 1-5% of the population being unstable to a lesser or greater degree is still a lot of people and repesents a huge public safety hazard, if they have the easy opportunity to obtain guns.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 13:28 by grzegorz67.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: October 5, 2017 13:22

If it's so accessible then you can easily choose to use it.

But I guess that people think the same about our drugs policy in The Netherlands.

If I had a drug I would shoot first -- in the arm or up the nose or wherever -- and ask questions later.

Hope you enjoy your bike ride here in North America (i.e., the U.S. and Canada).

Just a helpful tip -- when I first started riding bikes on roads and highways in the early seventies (I was born in 1966), the bicyclists rode on the left side of the road/highway.

I don't know, looking back that makes a bit more sense. I mean, if someone's going to hit you with their car or truck, then at least on the left side of the road you can see them coming at you and you have the best chance of swerving out of their way.

I'll never understand why they changed it, so that bicycle traffic was later switched to the right side of the road, so the traffic is coming to the back of you.

Well, again, enjoy your bike rides here, and be careful of where you stop off to eat. Remember, here in the U.S., if the guns don't get you, the GMOs will... eventually. smoking smiley

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 5, 2017 13:59

Feel free to discuss this for a bit still. The thread will be closed soon.

It would be great if someone could just summarize in a one liner. How many fully automatic guns that may shoot 8-10 bullets per second I may own as a private person. I mean since the fix to make a weapon fully automatic is 100% legal and cost less than $95, how many should I be allowed to own as a private person? The sick guy in Las Vegas had 10-20 of these in the hotel room, and more at home. What should the legal number be? Zero? One? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I just wonder. There must be someone out there who could help me out on this question, before this thread is closed.


Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: October 5, 2017 14:11

The common sense answer to Bjornulf's question is zero.

There are obviously limits to our second amendment rights here in the US and weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many humans as possible, as quickly as possible, have no place but in the military.

When our second amendment was drafted it's authors owned muskets and humans and likely never envisioned today's firepower. Just as owning grenades and bombs are not allowed, assault weapons should be added to that list.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 14:14 by MisterDDDD.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: October 5, 2017 14:17

Feel free to discuss this for a bit still. The thread will be closed soon.

It would be great if someone could just summarize in a one liner. How many fully automatic guns that may shoot 8-10 bullets per second I may own as a private person. I mean since the fix to make a weapon fully automatic is 100% legal and cost less than $95, how many should I be allowed to own as a private person? The sick guy in Las Vegas had 10-20 of these in the hotel room, and more at home. What should the legal number be? Zero? One? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I just wonder. There must be someone out there who could help me out on this question, before this thread is closed.

I think if i lived in a place where my neighbors and everyone else had these weapons, to protect myself, and only for that reason, i would feel safer with one in my car, one in my wife's car and one for each of us in the home.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 14:18 by stone4ever.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: October 5, 2017 14:37

As long as people believe violence is a solution and want to be John Wayne, I’m afraid the answer is not zero.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: October 5, 2017 14:46

1,516 mass shootings in 1,735 days: America's gun crisis – in one chart:


Data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive reveals a shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident, not including the shooter – every nine out of 10 days on average.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: October 5, 2017 14:53

1,516 mass shootings in 1,735 days: America's gun crisis – in one chart:


Data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive reveals a shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident, not including the shooter – every nine out of 10 days on average.

If the UK ever synchronised its gun laws with America's, I would leave. The evidence that it's not a good thing is overwhelming. But gun ownership has been embedded into the US Constitution and culture since the beginning with attitudes so deeply entrenched that they'll be pretty much impossible to shift. Very sad, but it's the way it is.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Date: October 5, 2017 15:14


What should the legal number be? Zero? One? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I just wonder. There must be someone out there who could help me out on this question, before this thread is closed.


Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: October 5, 2017 16:00

As this thread is coming to a close, I would like to post a couple links to stories that highlight the hero's of that horrific night. There were many.
As Mr. Rogers said about coping with tragedies.. look for the helpers.



Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: October 5, 2017 16:02

As this thread is coming to a close, I would like to post a couple links to stories that highlight the hero's of that horrific night. There were many.
As Mr. Rogers said about coping with tragedies.. look for the helpers.



Thank You MisterDDDD thumbs up

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: October 5, 2017 16:25

Please God take care of all the people that were victims of the shooting.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: October 5, 2017 16:37


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-06 12:55 by stone4ever.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: October 5, 2017 17:32

Why do they play the anthem when two American teams play, btw?
Because we're AMERICA. @#$%& you. That's why.

No real good reason. It's just hyper-nationalist nonsense.

That's one way to put it ... it was a tradition from earlier days. Americans used to take great pride and it would have at one point been unthinkable to not stand, salute, etc., as a tribute and honor to those that sacrificed their lives for the Country to be independent. At one point the country had a war it seemed, every few years, and each time with many human lives sacrificed to fight for/represent his/her country.

It has now been a long time since there were drafts and any "major" world war where there are a million of lives lost, so many Americans have now become complacent, disgruntled, expect everything ... become 'spoiled', some may say.

Older people, like my father, get incensed at this prevalent attitude amongst the younger generation. But some may say the younger generation is now more educated, or privy to more info than before that some wars are not in the best interest of the country ... the Vietnam war was the trigger, so many kids were killed, on both sides, with no real gain it seems. So now many think there is no reason to ever be at war. This type of attitude then leads many to think of the salute as perfunctory, or some may call it "hyper-nationalist nonsense".

That's my take, anyway, for what it's worth.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: October 5, 2017 17:35

Feel free to discuss this for a bit still. The thread will be closed soon.

It would be great if someone could just summarize in a one liner. How many fully automatic guns that may shoot 8-10 bullets per second I may own as a private person. I mean since the fix to make a weapon fully automatic is 100% legal and cost less than $95, how many should I be allowed to own as a private person? The sick guy in Las Vegas had 10-20 of these in the hotel room, and more at home. What should the legal number be? Zero? One? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I just wonder. There must be someone out there who could help me out on this question, before this thread is closed.


it seems People want an answer explaining why the gunman did this. My feeling is that we're not gunna get one. Life doesn't always work that way. There's not always a simple explanation. What is clear is that we need safeguards put into place. It's not political. It's a safety issue.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 19:10 by ryanpow.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: October 5, 2017 17:38

As this thread is coming to a close, I would like to post a couple links to stories that highlight the hero's of that horrific night. There were many.
As Mr. Rogers said about coping with tragedies.. look for the helpers.



Thank you. It helps to remember that there were many more heroes than there were homicidal crazies that night.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: October 5, 2017 17:40

Why do they play the anthem when two American teams play, btw?
Because we're AMERICA. @#$%& you. That's why.

No real good reason. It's just hyper-nationalist nonsense.

That's one way to put it ... it was a tradition from earlier days. Americans used to take great pride and it would have at one point been unthinkable to not stand, salute, etc., as a tribute and honor to those that sacrificed their lives for the Country to be independent. At one point the country had a war it seemed, every few years, and each time with many human lives sacrificed to fight for/represent his/her country.

It has now been a long time since there were drafts and any "major" world war where there are a million of lives lost, so many Americans have now become complacent, disgruntled, expect everything ... become 'spoiled', some may say.

Older people, like my father, get incensed at this prevalent attitude amongst the younger generation. But some may say the younger generation is now more educated, or privy to more info than before that some wars are not in the best interest of the country ... the Vietnam war was the trigger, so many kids were killed, on both sides, with no real gain it seems. So now many think there is no reason to ever be at war. This type of attitude then leads many to think of the salute as perfunctory, or some may call it "hyper-nationalist nonsense".

That's my take, anyway, for what it's worth.
There's more to any country than its military prowess. The Anthem should be a celebration of the country in total, not an ode to military might and escapades.

If we're all to be bullied and coerced into standing for fear of reprisal, then how special is the act?

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: October 5, 2017 18:03

Feel free to discuss this for a bit still. The thread will be closed soon.

It would be great if someone could just summarize in a one liner. How many fully automatic guns that may shoot 8-10 bullets per second I may own as a private person. I mean since the fix to make a weapon fully automatic is 100% legal and cost less than $95, how many should I be allowed to own as a private person? The sick guy in Las Vegas had 10-20 of these in the hotel room, and more at home. What should the legal number be? Zero? One? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I just wonder. There must be someone out there who could help me out on this question, before this thread is closed.


it seems People want to an answer that explains why the gunman did this. My feeling is that we're not gunna get one. Life doesn't always work that way. There's not always a simple explanation. What is clear is that we need safeguards put into place. It's not political. It's a safety issue.

That's an excellent point (imo) .......a leader of a country's first obligation is to keep the citizens safe, whether the threat to safety comes from without or within. It seems to me, given the inordinate amount of domestic slaughters that have happened inthe US which don't seem to happen on such a scale in other western countries, the US gun laws as they stand are not helping, at all.

Self defence?...........I always wonder what happened to "In God we trust"?........Maybe it only applies to the Government (which issues those notes) (and it's Nuclear arsenal et al?............confused smiley

A bloke got stabbed right outside my house yesterday. I won't arming myself today, 'just in case'.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-05 18:07 by EddieByword.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: October 5, 2017 18:04

My two cents: the Second Ammendment Right to Bear Arms was for protection against tyranny. That is irrelevant in today's America. The militia groups or lone wolf types who hole themselves up someplace with an arsenal now face a whole different world. This isn't the days when the government has muskets and farmers have muskets and it's an even playing field. A guy in my hometown of Cleveland (he was the older brother of one of my sister's school friends and worked at the same place as me) snapped and did the whole siege mentality thing with weapons. The SWAT team brought a tank, yes a tank down a residential street to blast out his bunker and stop him from hurting his family or neighbors. If he was the good guy in the situation (he wasn't, he was mentally ill), the right to bear arms wouldn't have meant a thing. Tanks beat guns in the rock, paper, scissors game. Today, they would likely just send in a drone.

What sounds reasonable to this American? A handgun and a hunting rifle per adult is the most that should be sold. No more than one of each should be legal.

What sounds perfect to me? A world with no guns.

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: October 5, 2017 18:40

There was a photograph that I saw on tv the other night. I think it was CNN..can't remember really. It was so chilling and in an instant captured the innocence and insanity of that terrible night.

I've been looking for it online but I can't handle going on these websites any longer because many of the pictures are too graphic. It's sickening.

Anyway, it was a young woman in a white cowboy hat if I remember correctly who was looking over her shoulder when the photo was taken. Obviously someone from behind her snapped her picture on an iPhone. She had a big beautiful smile. However,in the background was the Mandalay Bay Hotel and you saw a huge golden flash from the window;ie, the gunfire. This is when it just started otherwise this gal wouldn't have been flashing that huge smile. I hope she's okay. Just can't imagine this nightmare. Going to concerts and festivals is a shared experience for most of us and we survive. The worst thing that ever happened to me was getting hit in the head by a projectile beer can. Thankfully it was empty!!

My country has a love affair with guns. It's beyond politics; it's a religion. They're worshipped. America is great because of guns. You just can't imagine how many people think this way. I sincerely hope I'm mistaken, but I just don't think any legislation would do much good at this point. I really don't. There are too many guns out there and they can be obtained very easily illegally. Now we know a rifle can be turned into an automatic weapon. Plus, there are too many sick individuals that are capable of carrying out this type of act. They just have to take that one extra step. They may never know why this guy did what he did. His deception is probably part of the plan. So many times, especially in the case of serial killers, their families and friends had absolutely no idea that this person could commit such crimes.

I heard a report on the news last night where they may have snipers on rooftops when they have these outdoor concerts. That's just wonderful.

This is not what the Second Amendment is all about and I'm sure our founding fathers are rolling over in their collective graves...many times over. I'm just heartbroken about this, but we all know it's going to happen again and again....

Re: OT: Las Vegas concert shooting
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: October 5, 2017 19:22


What sounds perfect to me? A world with no guns.[/quote]

It's A nice thought but we know the reality.

Little FYI.

In no particular order The top five arms producing countries in the world are China, Russia , USA, France, and England. Does this ring any bells? They are the five permanent members of The United Nations security consul.

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