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Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: July 8, 2013 20:04

bye bye johnny

Getty Images

That picture shows some real feelings IMO maybe their "relationship" is getting to heal and warm up, I really hope so!

Do you hope that they'll kiss?

They did jamesfdouglas...passionately, behind Keith's scarf. Why do you think he wears it? grinning smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Sister Marie ()
Date: July 8, 2013 20:06

Great show. I was there at the opening but enjoyed the place and looked for shadow areas before finally join the crowd for the Vaccines concert. So I was around the 6th row at the end of the stage (on the left, GA). Not a very good spot but Mick went to see us several times. Like most of you I enjoyed the atmosphere in the crowd, amazing audience! By chance people around were good public et the few ones who were too drunk are "self-ejected" at the mid-concert to go to the toilet (probably)... ah ah some young people need to learn a few rules grinning smiley
I preferred the setlist of the O2 show last year, if only I could have spent this O2 concert in the conditions of Hyde Park it'd have been perfect >grinning smiley<

Ah also, no queue at the toilets on the GA side, this, at least, was well organized! cool smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: July 8, 2013 20:15

The scarf had been busy writing songs for the new album, the first to include Jagger/Scarf collaborations along with one Jagger/Scarf/Wood b-side.

It opens with "Scarf Me Up".

followed by "scarf of the earth"

Then "You Got Me Knitting" and "All Darn The Line"

"Torn And Frayed" at the end, obviously


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: xox1111 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 21:09

Did see Keith smoking at least once this show (at YT offcourse). I didnt see him smoking at any of the shows earlier this year or in 2012 (RW did, however). I wonder if this was just a coincidence or was he indeed nervous and needed a fag to relax...

Incorrect. I've seen him smoking at almost every show I attended. Philly 2, Newark 2, DC, Brooklyn all from the pit. Wasn't close enough at O2-2 to see.

He also Did at Chicago 3 on June 3rd.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: marclaff ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:02




These snippets are my own property, i forbid Eagle Rock to say the contrary

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:45

Midnight Rambler, very good sound quality:

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:07


It opens with "Scarf Me Up".

Post of the month!!

grinning smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: DartfordRenegade ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:30

Silver Dagger
A few shots from me. I didn't really get close enough for good shots but these might give those who didn't go an idea of the perspective.

Here's one of Manofwealthandtaste. Thanks for the pint Chris.

And this is the inimitable Ulrich Schroder - German Stones super fan.

The second, third photo really capture what annoys me so much about concerts these days. Put your damn phones away and watch the concert in HD 3D right before you. Look how many people have their smart phones out! a pic or two ok, but why watch the whole show through a 3 inch square? If you want to watch it that way just go to youtube the next day and you can see 50 different versions!

I applaud artists who strictly enforce the no smart phone rule. It's so freaking rude

Totally agree guy in front of me had his camera up nearly the whole gig constantly bocking my view. Grrrr

great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:42

there wer great moments last saturday. mick in great shape and singing better than ever...was really amazed.the band sounded ready and tight somehow. but then the're is keith. my hero, king of feel, taste and groove and sad but true he no longer is anything of this.
from the grostesque opening riff of start me up that was as much out as it can be (wrong key, wrong rhythm - is that suposed to be charming or what?) through the disastrous beast of burboun where he only playd like the root of every second chord. it's just sad to watch.
from then on it was like watching your son playing the flute at a schoolconcert, knowing that he's not prepared. honestly every openinglick let my blood freze. i just didnt want him to lose it completely in front of so many people. somehow he came through the set with having his best moment on YGTS (that was wonderful).
but any attempt on soloing was so goddmamn bad, no feel, no driving rhyth no direction. hes just randomly hitting the right notes and the he smiles with his hollywood plastic teeth, wearing a combination of colours that make him look like a clown. damn it hurts to see the coolest dude that ever played music in such a state and looking that funny. he's pretty close to chuck berry nowadays. they should stop because of keith! i respect keith more than any other musician. he is the ONE. but let him retire gracefuly!

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:45

Why do you guys even waste your time posting? Whether you're correct or not, he's not retiring, so you really aren't typing all this out for no reason.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:48

Why do you guys even waste your time posting? Whether you're correct or not, he's not retiring, so you really aren't typing all this out for no reason.

on forums people share thoughts. thats all my dear! you can agree, disagree, convince me of the oposite. these were just my thougts. hope you get the concept of the thing called "forum"

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:52

How can anyone expect Keith to play properly in the day? "The sunshine bores the daylights out of me"

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: July 8, 2013 22:57

Can it be a great gig if Keith is terrible?
I though it was a good gig with a mediocre Keith.
Jagger & Wood were terrific.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-08 23:08 by BowieStone.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:02

I can see this from both sides, I understand exactly what guitarbastard is talking about, Keith is undoubtedly a shadow of his former self in terms of performance...but, he is playing better than the ABB tour and as a whole the band is playing better and sounding better and appear to be genuinely enjoying playing together rather than just going through the motions which is essentially what happened on the ABB tour.

Whilst it is sad to see how limited Keith's playing is, we are still getting one hell of a show, so I'm happy with that and happy for the guy to be up there playing as best he can and having a great time doing it. Every now and then he does pull out some great touches and Ronnie is covering his back really well. Remember 81/82 when Keith was the work horse covering Ronnie, well now it;s pay back time!

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: kees ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:04

Sad but true, and wonderfully said...Damn the blind woreshippers
It's the reason I don't want to see them anymore.
And these days suddenly Ronnie is considered to be in great shape. But it's only because Keith his terrible playing that now Ronnie looks so good. Although he is for sure better than during the 98/99 tours when he was a useless clown.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:04

Dammit Keith

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:17

Sad but true, and wonderfully said...Damn the blind woreshippers
It's the reason I don't want to see them anymore.
And these days suddenly Ronnie is considered to be in great shape. But it's only because Keith his terrible playing that now Ronnie looks so good. Although he is for sure better than during the 98/99 tours when he was a useless clown.

You assume that those who still enjoy seeing the band are blind (or deaf) worshippers.

Why can't you accept that some people can come to terms with the Stones as they are now and still enjoy going to see them ? If you don't like it then fine don't go. But you're pretty blind yourself if you think that all 65000 people there who had a great time are blind or deaf. And even if they are, they had a good time whilst your sat there being miserable so I know which camp I prefer to be in, blind or not.

Keith made a 1 second mistake on the opening chords that most of the audience didn't even hear and people say he should call it quits? If we all applied the same logic to ourselves very few people would be left doing anything.

Very sad that you have such contempt for your fellow stones fans.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:17


from the grostesque opening riff of start me up that was as much out as it can be (wrong key, wrong rhythm - is that suposed to be charming or what?) through the disastrous beast of burboun where he only playd like the root of every second chord. it's just sad to watch.

Beast of Burden was the weakest song of the night, I'll grant you that. In general I thought Keith had a good night though - a botched intro isn't the end of the world. The rest of Start Me Up was fine. Would you not at least agree that Keith was really great on Gimme Shelter? That's what I thought on the night and the YT footage seems to substantiate that.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:22


from the grostesque opening riff of start me up that was as much out as it can be (wrong key, wrong rhythm - is that suposed to be charming or what?) through the disastrous beast of burboun where he only playd like the root of every second chord. it's just sad to watch.

It was a wrong note that most people didn't even notice and the rest of the song was fine. Don't exagerate!

As for BOB - I thought it was great to hear and everyone near me was singing along and having a great time. There was nothing sad about being in a crowd of people having a good time and singing along.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: rvfowler ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:28

How many people are as good at anything at age 70 as they were at 24? 34? 54? He seems healthy enough, and happy to still be up there. God bless him, he's the only Keith Richards we have and it's not 1972.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:31

How many people are as good at anything at age 70 as they were at 24? 34? 54?

Mick Jagger?

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:33

It's possible to have a blast at the show and see Keith's fading abilities for what they are...I did twice in Toronto.

He did great on SFM opening night but butchered Gimme Shelter, IORR, Honky Tonk Women and some others.

I still danced, I still cheered, I still yelled KEEEEEF when he got introduced.

He did better on Gimme Shelter second night but dropped the ball on some other tunes.

Still had fun. Still could admit our man was treading water.

I don't see the disparity between the two.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:50

He's played badly at times for years, especially on song intros. He created those intros, so you'd think he'd know them by heart and not make those mistakes. I suspect he gets nervous or is too busy posing for the crowd. I'm not sure he's gotten any worse, though, and if people have put up with it this long, he's not going to change.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:55

other than that Start Me Up, and a few other intros, whats he done ..

he plays pretty much the same as he did on the last few tours...whats different?

he's wearing really brightly colored head scarves is about the only thing..

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: July 8, 2013 23:57

He's better than in 2007, mainly because he is concentrating more and posing less (also, he has less to worry about, because Wood is delivering the goods this time). But that SMU intro was horrific. And he should simply stop the SFTD solos. It's far too much time to indulge in his aimless soloing. A real embarrassment.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: July 9, 2013 00:01

How could it be a great gig if the heart of the band was terrible?

Which he wasn't.eye rolling smiley

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: July 9, 2013 00:02

He's better than in 2007, mainly because he is concentrating more and posing less (also, he has less to worry about, because Wood is delivering the goods this time). But that SMU intro was horrific. And he should simply stop the SFTD solos. It's far too much time to indulge in his aimless soloing. A real embarrassment.

yeah i never understood why he goes for those trademark solos just as in gimme shelter ans smypathy. leave them to ronnie.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: July 9, 2013 01:41

It's possible to have a blast at the show and see Keith's fading abilities for what they are...I did twice in Toronto.

He did great on SFM opening night but butchered Gimme Shelter, IORR, Honky Tonk Women and some others.

I still danced, I still cheered, I still yelled KEEEEEF when he got introduced.

He did better on Gimme Shelter second night but dropped the ball on some other tunes.

Still had fun. Still could admit our man was treading water.

I don't see the disparity between the two.

My god!!! That sounds like a mature, knowledgeable honest assessment of Keith and the Stones.......Close the forum.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: RG ()
Date: July 9, 2013 01:45

We are all talking about the misnote of Keith's intro during SMU. I think it's just an accidence.. It could happen, ok. I was in 2007 at Düsseldorf show, where he killed the complete Brown Sugar intro (he missed the riff in the beginning). It's something what belongs to Keith nowadays we have to accept that. And after all the rest of the gig, just like in Düsseldorf, he still brings it on imo.

Re: great gig - terrible keith
Posted by: jazzbass ()
Date: July 9, 2013 02:09

He's better than in 2007, mainly because he is concentrating more and posing less (also, he has less to worry about, because Wood is delivering the goods this time). But that SMU intro was horrific. And he should simply stop the SFTD solos. It's far too much time to indulge in his aimless soloing. A real embarrassment.

The poor soloing on SFTD is inexplicable. It was bad all the way back to Steel Wheels/ Urban Jungle. (Seriously, listen Highwire, Wembley '90 or Tokyo '90). What's even harder to understand is it's actually a pretty easy solo. If he lacks the finger dexterity to get way high on the neck, it's an easy solo to improv on using notes lower on the neck. Even more baffling is his solos on some of the more Berry-esque numbers and bluesy numbers are more than adequate. So he does still posses the ability to pull off solos that are coherent, in key and for lack of a better term, proper. (The solo he plays nightly on Satisfaction is actually pretty darn good, and he does it all the while strolling the tongue.) He just can't, or won't seem to do it on Sympathy. I mean, any garden variety pentatonic scale in E should work fine. I don't get it.

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