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Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:14

john lomax wrtote:

(A) "I think all this talk about SMU and Keith's playing is getting totally out of hand.....yes, the intro was messed up, but the rest of the song was fine. The gig was great - there was lots of energy and lots of great interaction and smiles between band members (...) The sound quality at the gig was crystal clear, Mick's singing was fantastic and Keith's plain was brilliant on HTW, Midnight Rambler, All Down the Line, Its only Rock n Roll, Tumbling Dice, just to name a few."

I would name also Gimme Shelter, John. I wathched the clips once again and my opinion has been comfirmed. It got stronger: Yes, Keith was fine. It's incredible how a messed up intro can activate so much musical, medical or phsychological "analysis" (whether it's scarf's "mistake" or not) and so much underestimate as for Keith's overall performance and contribution to the gig.

The Stones are getting older, but they still play well, with lots if energy. Some fans are getting not only older, but also older farts. Nothing wrong with criticism itself, i mean it. I' m just saying that some people are bringing all this "drama" and "eschatology" here, while the occasion is mistakes (botched intros) like those which happened in 2003, 1994-94 or 1981-82. Are now many fans demanding perfection, as they didn't in the past years? I don't think so. Simply, the farts are older now...

(cool smiley "...The average age of the audience around me would have been around 25 (I am 42). THey were all singing, dancing ad going crazy to the Stones - they clearly loved every second of the show"

That's what happens when the Stones are playing in big venues! Come on guys, don't play only arenas in Europe... Add up some big venues. The atmosphere will be really enthousiastic.

Yes but it needs to be general admission. As soon as you put seats on the pitch it puts off the vast majority of people under 40.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Seb91 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:19

It was a great show. As has already been stated, there were a huge amount of young people in the audience and this was their first Stones gig. I lost count of the number of times I heard people remarking that this was the best show they had ever experienced. It was a great crowd and a fantastic atmosphere throughout the day. The sound was crystal clear and the band on cracking form. I can't believe the setlist whiners criticising from afar. The setlist was wholly appropriate to the occasion. This was not a crowd of connoisseurs, it probably had more first-timers than any other UK show I've ever seen and they had a ball!

So Keith fluffed a couple of notes? Big deal. Don't think I've ever seen a show in which he he hasn't in nearly forty years of seeing them live. The truth is that he's playing much better than he did on the last tour. He's much more focused, locking in with Charlie rather than mugging at the crowd. And with a sober Ronnie too!

Great to see Mick Taylor on Rambler. Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Anyway, I had a ball. Being a Scot, I found the heat a problem and didn't risk alcohol until after the gig and it was fun to see them completely sober! A fantastic show and hi to all the fans - old and new - that I met on Saturday and a special thanks to Belld for arranging tix, train, hotel and whisky. Ya Ya Ya.

Yeah, everyone I was around had a brilliant time and everyone outside afterwards was buzzing and saying how brilliant it was. Personally, I thought it was better musically than the other time I saw the band in Twickenham in 2006 and I enjoyed the fact that it was more a stripped down show without too many big effects so the music did the talking.

I also think it was great of the band to allow General Admission people to the front for a reasonable price, never dreamed I'd be able to see the Stones up that close. I think people will always moan from afar, I can't believe Keith's bum note has created all this debate! I think at most shows I've seen of any band there were some small mishaps.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: beepee2 ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:19

All right, that must be my 10th show.

I saw them at the O2 in London and I think that there were technically better there. However that was still a very nice performance, way better than the Bigger Bang tour, and the Gimme Shelter and Midnight Rambler were 4 stars.

As to the gig in itself, I was in T2 roughly in in the middle, between the tower and the stage, we arrived around 5PM. I thought the sound was a bit too low, when people behind me started talking it of covered the band, a bit like in a cinema when the row behind you is chatting.

The toilets/bar experience was rather far from what had been promised by AEG (toilets broke down and hundreds of people ended up peeing against a 3m wide wall), but overall that was a nice gig.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:20

It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 70.
If you're on stage you've got to deliver. People paid money to see you.
There won't be any excuses for me if I'm 70 and advising people to buy terrible funds.

If you know you can't do it anymore... Well, you can only do one thing. But that's up to him. As long he thinks he can still do it, I'll go and watch him.

He can still give a decent performance, but it's becoming a rarity I'm afraid.

I think the biggest problem is that he's just so damn lazy and still floats on the thought 'I'm Keith Richards'.

With the excuse that he's 70; it sounds like a freak show.
Look boy, this man is 70 and plays guitar.

Well I hope you dont get arthritis! A family friend got it, was a jeweller, made cool silver jewellery, but in the end had to stop cos her hands cannot work properly.

eventualy if it gets worse it spreads to all your body and you cannot dress yourself or leave the house without help.

Keith & me shook hands a few years ago, and his hands are pretty knobbly then! poor guy. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who works with their hands.

there is no cure, no matter how much money you have.

anyway, so lighten up maybe?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: CalGonz ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:21

Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Mick J's been playing a third guitar on a number of tracks for years.

He's even started doing the opening chords of YCAGWYW, I've noticed.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:23

"Being a Scot, i found the heat problem and i didn't risk alcohol until after the gig"

So, teleblsater, you had to suffer two tortures... Which was the worst?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:34

It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 70.
If you're on stage you've got to deliver. People paid money to see you.
There won't be any excuses for me if I'm 70 and advising people to buy terrible funds.

If you know you can't do it anymore... Well, you can only do one thing. But that's up to him. As long he thinks he can still do it, I'll go and watch him.

He can still give a decent performance, but it's becoming a rarity I'm afraid.

I think the biggest problem is that he's just so damn lazy and still floats on the thought 'I'm Keith Richards'.

With the excuse that he's 70; it sounds like a freak show.
Look boy, this man is 70 and plays guitar.

Well I hope you dont get arthritis! A family friend got it, was a jeweller, made cool silver jewellery, but in the end had to stop cos her hands cannot work properly.

eventualy if it gets worse it spreads to all your body and you cannot dress yourself or leave the house without help.

Keith & me shook hands a few years ago, and his hands are pretty knobbly then! poor guy. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who works with their hands.

there is no cure, no matter how much money you have.

anyway, so lighten up maybe?

Why bring that up? I didn't say anything about that.
I don't see that as the main problem Keith has.
It's his timing and his unawareness of what to play.
As I said, probably his laziness.

May I add... I never said Keith is a disgrace on stage (well except for 2007). Not at all. I thought he was great at Glastonbury. And I enjoyed his playing last year at the O2 concerts. He can still do it. But not gig after gig anymore.
I just said that age can't be an excuse to judge someones performance.

I know what arthritis is btw. My mom has it.
It must be terrible.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-08 12:36 by BowieStone.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:39

Wow, and that's all? I am disappointed, I was expecting something a bit more dramatic. It probably was his scarf, and he fixed it in a few seconds. Not a big deal at all, even when watching it at home.
My favourite Stones f-up of all time is still "She's So Cold, 1982" ( After all, the only way to see how a watch works is by taking it apart. That, and the smile of Bill Wyman is enough reason to love it.

By the way, thanks to everyone who is taking all the effort to put all these videos onto YouTube. It's the only way for me to listen to these concerts, and I think they are doing great. From the Hyde Park concert, I thought Midnight Rambler and Gimme Shelter sound fantastic.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-08 12:40 by matxil.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:45

It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 70.
If you're on stage you've got to deliver. People paid money to see you.
There won't be any excuses for me if I'm 70 and advising people to buy terrible funds.

If you know you can't do it anymore... Well, you can only do one thing. But that's up to him. As long he thinks he can still do it, I'll go and watch him.

He can still give a decent performance, but it's becoming a rarity I'm afraid.

I think the biggest problem is that he's just so damn lazy and still floats on the thought 'I'm Keith Richards'.

With the excuse that he's 70; it sounds like a freak show.
Look boy, this man is 70 and plays guitar.

Well I hope you dont get arthritis! A family friend got it, was a jeweller, made cool silver jewellery, but in the end had to stop cos her hands cannot work properly.

eventualy if it gets worse it spreads to all your body and you cannot dress yourself or leave the house without help.

Keith & me shook hands a few years ago, and his hands are pretty knobbly then! poor guy. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who works with their hands.

there is no cure, no matter how much money you have.

anyway, so lighten up maybe?

Why bring that up? I didn't say anything about that.
I don't see that as the main problem Keith has.
It's his timing and his unawareness of what to play.
As I said, probably his laziness.

May I add... I never said Keith is a disgrace on stage (well except for 2007). Not at all. I thought he was great at Glastonbury. And I enjoyed his playing last year at the O2 concerts. He can still do it. But not gig after gig anymore.
I just said that age can't be an excuse to judge someones performance.

I know what arthritis is btw. My mom has it.
It must be terrible.

ok, maybe it's a language thing. maybe english is not your first language.
have a nice day.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:47

If to sum up the Keith & chords episode:

MJ said about a week ago they will reenact the HP 1969 setlist. WE assumed he referred to the song lists. HE meant that the they will reenact the 1969 KR guitar sound...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:51

Wow, and that's all? I am disappointed, I was expecting something a bit more dramatic. It probably was his scarf, and he fixed it in a few seconds. Not a big deal at all, even when watching it at home.
My favourite Stones f-up of all time is still "She's So Cold, 1982" ( After all, the only way to see how a watch works is by taking it apart. That, and the smile of Bill Wyman is enough reason to love it.

By the way, thanks to everyone who is taking all the effort to put all these videos onto YouTube. It's the only way for me to listen to these concerts, and I think they are doing great. From the Hyde Park concert, I thought Midnight Rambler and Gimme Shelter sound fantastic.


It's great to see that the She's So Cold from 1982 is still available on YouTube. There was a thread recently where people were asking about this, because previously available footage had been removed from YouTube.

So, thanks! This should also be posted on the "Greatest Train Wrecks Onstage" thread, as it really is a hoot and a howl, and quite endearing the way band members, Wyman and Watts in particular, react.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:54

It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 70.
If you're on stage you've got to deliver. People paid money to see you.
There won't be any excuses for me if I'm 70 and advising people to buy terrible funds.

If you know you can't do it anymore... Well, you can only do one thing. But that's up to him. As long he thinks he can still do it, I'll go and watch him.

He can still give a decent performance, but it's becoming a rarity I'm afraid.

I think the biggest problem is that he's just so damn lazy and still floats on the thought 'I'm Keith Richards'.

With the excuse that he's 70; it sounds like a freak show.
Look boy, this man is 70 and plays guitar.

Well I hope you dont get arthritis! A family friend got it, was a jeweller, made cool silver jewellery, but in the end had to stop cos her hands cannot work properly.

eventualy if it gets worse it spreads to all your body and you cannot dress yourself or leave the house without help.

Keith & me shook hands a few years ago, and his hands are pretty knobbly then! poor guy. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who works with their hands.

there is no cure, no matter how much money you have.

anyway, so lighten up maybe?

I think the laziness is really part of Keith's artist character,
you can tell this by the tales that when he's really pissed off to something or someone he also plays significantly better, this is because the anger gives him extra energy. GRRR!!!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:54

Ha, that reminds me, I used to play in a band where I was the only one with a tuning device. For a particular song, we all tuned our instruments one note down and the bass player asked me to do it for him too. However, I somehow forgot to tune the 3th string along with the rest. It's a pity that our style wasn't avant-garde enough to mask the mistake.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: teleblaster ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:55

"Being a Scot, i found the heat problem and i didn't risk alcohol until after the gig"

So, teleblsater, you had to suffer two tortures... Which was the worst?

Definitely the heat! It just doesn't get that hot where I live and, if it did, I would seek out shade. Not that we always have bad weather in Scotland; I've twice had sunstroke in the Hebrides.

As for alcohol, I enjoyed a quiet drink after the show, followed by several noisy ones!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:56


In defence of Keith, I've done exactly the same thing at a gig before. I remember plaing an intro in G to what should have been in A and then looking around the rest of the band and thinking WTF, why are they all playing in the wrong key! I then realised it was me and quickly adjusted. We all had a laugh about it afterwards and I had to take a few good humoured jibes afterwards!

Ha, that reminds me, I used to play in a band where I was the only one with a tuning device. For a particular song, we all tuned our instruments one note down and the bass player asked me to do it for him too. However, I somehow forgot to tune the 3th string along with the rest. It's a pity that our style wasn't avant-garde enough to mask the mistake.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Jaggeresque ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:59

What would we do without Scarfgate!

The only reason it's a talking point is cos it was the show's opening riff - it was the very first thing we heard before the rest of the band kicked in. But a lot of people didn't notice or care, only we afficionados... When I played back SMU to my wife at home she said: "What's wrong with that, sounds fine...". Mind you she's used to listening to the bum notes I play on a daily basis!

Keep calm and carry on...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: teleblaster ()
Date: July 8, 2013 12:59

Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Mick J's been playing a third guitar on a number of tracks for years.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: teleblaster ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:04

Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Mick J's been playing a third guitar on a number of tracks for years.

Yes, but he's usually barely audible and, besides, he's playing rhythm.

Keith Richards still don't need no rhythm guitarist.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:09

Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Mick J's been playing a third guitar on a number of tracks for years.

Yes, but he's usually barely audible and, besides, he's playing rhythm.

Keith Richards still don't need no rhythm guitarist.

Jagger has played some traditional rhythm guitar, Keith is not a traditional rhythm player, it's hard to put Keith in some category, there is not really anyone who plays guitar like Keith, there should be a third category for his type of playing.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: OneHit ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:21

WTF happened during You Got the Silver?!! eye popping smiley What a disaster.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: chriseganstar ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:29

Big Al

What is Let it Be as referenced in this advert? Please tell me the film is getting a proper release?

Sadly not. It's a stage show by the looks of the advert.

It's a stage show at the Savoy Theatre, it really is very very good, the guy who plays John is the absolute spit of him. You get around 40 songs in historical order with stage sets and clothes changes. Just do not buy a beer in there.....a small bottle of Becks and a wine & soda cost £15 !!!!!

Satisfied since 1976

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:35

"Yes but it needs to be general admission. As soon as you put seats on the pitch it puts off the vast majority of people under 40."

Agree, sjs12. In addition, there are many fans over 40 who don't need seat, at a Stones concert (like me, i am 52). For those who need, OK, there are arenas. Since the Stones are planning to play basicallly arenas, i don't see any reason to avoid adding some big venues, which mean lower prices of course, for younger audiences.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:38

What would we do without Scarfgate!

The only reason it's a talking point is cos it was the show's opening riff

But that's also what I don't understand.

Okay Keith: 65000 people are there. Everything is set up. Cameras for a dvd release. Clearmountain came over to record the show.
Last concerts of the tour.
Opening riff should blow everyone away. Go for it!

And then...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:39

Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Mick J's been playing a third guitar on a number of tracks for years.

Yes, but he's usually barely audible and, besides, he's playing rhythm.

Keith Richards still don't need no rhythm guitarist.

Jagger has played some traditional rhythm guitar, Keith is not a traditional rhythm player, it's hard to put Keith in some category, there is not really anyone who plays guitar like Keith, there should be a third category for his type of playing.

He's a "groove player " ...and the best there ever was

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 13:55

john lomax wrtote:

(A) "I think all this talk about SMU and Keith's playing is getting totally out of hand.....yes, the intro was messed up, but the rest of the song was fine. The gig was great - there was lots of energy and lots of great interaction and smiles between band members (...) The sound quality at the gig was crystal clear, Mick's singing was fantastic and Keith's plain was brilliant on HTW, Midnight Rambler, All Down the Line, Its only Rock n Roll, Tumbling Dice, just to name a few."

I would name also Gimme Shelter, John. I wathched the clips once again and my opinion has been comfirmed. It got stronger: Yes, Keith was fine. It's incredible how a messed up intro can activate so much musical, medical or phsychological "analysis" (whether it's scarf's "mistake" or not) and so much underestimate as for Keith's overall performance and contribution to the gig.

The Stones are getting older, but they still play well, with lots if energy. Some fans are getting not only older, but also older farts. Nothing wrong with criticism itself, i mean it. I' m just saying that some people are bringing all this "drama" and "eschatology" here, while the occasion is mistakes (botched intros) like those which happened in 2003, 1994-94 or 1981-82. Are now many fans demanding perfection, as they didn't in the past years? I don't think so. Simply, the farts are older now...

(cool smiley "...The average age of the audience around me would have been around 25 (I am 42). THey were all singing, dancing ad going crazy to the Stones - they clearly loved every second of the show"

That's what happens when the Stones are playing in big venues! Come on guys, don't play only arenas in Europe... Add up some big venues. The atmosphere will be really enthousiastic.

Yes but it needs to be general admission. As soon as you put seats on the pitch it puts off the vast majority of people under 40.

You should've been at Toronto 1, arena show, and everyone was on their feet and dancing the whole time, even during Angie.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 14:00

It doesn't matter if you're 18 or 70.
If you're on stage you've got to deliver. People paid money to see you.
There won't be any excuses for me if I'm 70 and advising people to buy terrible funds.

If you know you can't do it anymore... Well, you can only do one thing. But that's up to him. As long he thinks he can still do it, I'll go and watch him.

He can still give a decent performance, but it's becoming a rarity I'm afraid.

I think the biggest problem is that he's just so damn lazy and still floats on the thought 'I'm Keith Richards'.

With the excuse that he's 70; it sounds like a freak show.
Look boy, this man is 70 and plays guitar.

Well I hope you dont get arthritis! A family friend got it, was a jeweller, made cool silver jewellery, but in the end had to stop cos her hands cannot work properly.

eventualy if it gets worse it spreads to all your body and you cannot dress yourself or leave the house without help.

Keith & me shook hands a few years ago, and his hands are pretty knobbly then! poor guy. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who works with their hands.

there is no cure, no matter how much money you have.

anyway, so lighten up maybe?

I think the Stones would be the first to admit they are not running a charity.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 14:03

It wasn't the scarf.
He played the wrong chord (checking it on my guitar now, I have no clue if that can be catogorised as a chord) as someone explained here earlier.

no we have to pretend a scarf muted a guitar chord. thats one heavy duty scarf

If you look closely you see the scarf go back and to the left. Back. And to the left. That is one magic scarf.

Lol......killing me. Best Andrew ever!

Was there a "second scarf?"

There must be plenty of grassy knolls in Hyde Park...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: July 8, 2013 14:15

Latest news .

The Scarf has been arrested but was shot on its way to the magistrates court by a Mrs Jaqueline Ruby , the owner of a local haberdashery emporium...thought to have close links with the Hermes Mafia.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 8, 2013 14:26

The scarf had been busy writing songs for the new album, the first to include Jagger/Scarf collaborations along with one Jagger/Scarf/Wood b-side.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: belld ()
Date: July 8, 2013 14:31

It was a great show. As has already been stated, there were a huge amount of young people in the audience and this was their first Stones gig. I lost count of the number of times I heard people remarking that this was the best show they had ever experienced. It was a great crowd and a fantastic atmosphere throughout the day. The sound was crystal clear and the band on cracking form. I can't believe the setlist whiners criticising from afar. The setlist was wholly appropriate to the occasion. This was not a crowd of connoisseurs, it probably had more first-timers than any other UK show I've ever seen and they had a ball!

So Keith fluffed a couple of notes? Big deal. Don't think I've ever seen a show in which he he hasn't in nearly forty years of seeing them live. The truth is that he's playing much better than he did on the last tour. He's much more focused, locking in with Charlie rather than mugging at the crowd. And with a sober Ronnie too!

Great to see Mick Taylor on Rambler. Am I The only one on this board who's glad he doesn't play on everything? It would just be too messy; the Stones have always been a two guitar band. You can't simply add a third electric no matter who it might be. You can add an acoustic to most tracks like they do in the studio and like Blondie did on previous tours and it works with Taylor on Satisfaction, although this, too, has attracted moaners.

Anyway, I had a ball. Being a Scot, I found the heat a problem and didn't risk alcohol until after the gig and it was fun to see them completely sober! A fantastic show and hi to all the fans - old and new - that I met on Saturday and a special thanks to Belld for arranging tix, train, hotel and whisky. Ya Ya Ya.
Not often we concur however I agree entirely with your review. A fantastic happening and I still feel elated at being there. Rambler and Shelter get a special mention. I have never seen so many young people at a UK gig for decades, great to see and they added much to the atmosphere.
Attendees next Saturday are in for a treat.
Were we on a train?

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