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black limousine
Beast Of Burden
Green Lady
If you haven't looked lately, the Show Reports bit here [] is now full of reviews and some excellent pictures. Glad to see someone got a pic of the fan (male) wearing a much more exact copy of the Mr Fish dress than Mick did - I saw a girl wearing one too.
It's that german dude from Modern Talking!
Based on what I said in an earlier post, I'll just amend that slightly. Of the total "width" of the stage, I would say that Tier 1 has about 60 percent of it, the catwalk ramp takes up about a further 20 percent, and Tier 3 probably has a narrow strip of also not much more than 20 percent. Tier 2 is "set back" and is about 40 metres away from the stage. How "wide" it is I cannot really see in full, because I cannot see across the top of the catwalk from where I'm standing
black limousine
Beast Of Burden
Thanks for posing. Mick came in early on the second verse before the chord resolved and the band quickly pulled it together. It ain't quite Keith's missing the chord in Start Me Up, but just to show this stuff happens all the time. Also, this is an elegant version, very Curtis Mayfield, and that's with the thin video sound.
Keith doesn't know that much about scales. I've read he has a limited knowledge of chords, as well. He used to have a feel/ear for it, when he was younger.
A level-headed, no bullshit kind of fellow once told me the following story. I've never been able to confirm it but it's worth passing along. The aforementioned guy was a drummer, and in some drumming magazine or another he read a feature about Yogi Horton, a relatively well known session drummer. The 'story' goes: Horton was awoken by a phone call from his agent suggesting that he (Horton) should go to some New York studio. Horton says something along the line of, 'but it's 3 in the morning!' Not having the luxury of turning down a session, Horton gets to the deserted (except for a security gaurd) studio and upon entering hears a solo guitar player. Nothing else. By the time he reaches whatever studio room he's headed, he's ascertaines based on what he's hearing that it's going to be a jazz session. He was most surprised when the gutarist turned out to be Keith Richards.
Now I've no reason to think the man who told me this was a teller of tales but still, I've always been a bit dubious about that story. Nevertheless I have on occassion heard Keith play some things live that are completely over the moon from what you'd expect from him and which invariably causes me to think maybe that story really did happen.
Go to 4:01 of this and put on some cans. He plays a beautifully executed (and swift) minor line and you wouldn't think it was Keith Richards, but it is. This is but one example
Described the band as fantastic and the experience as unbelievable. Best live concert she has attended.
Enough said.
Live Stones = at least 15 pharmaceutical hits.Quote
Described the band as fantastic and the experience as unbelievable. Best live concert she has attended.
Enough said.
Well did she confess she was high on 12 pills of E.? ><
Some nice pictures Simon.............especially the one with the fans............
black limousine
Beast Of Burden
Not where I was standing (further in the back, we barely saw the stage), but maybe I felt that way because I was rather into it myself.I was thrilled to hear Beast of Burden!
lem motlow
keith does derserve the fans ripping looks like after so many great shows in a row,from the arenas in the states and then glasto he got a little full of himself and turned into hollywood keith again.
he stopped playing for a second and waved to someone in the crowd during rambler,as if blowing that intro wasnt enough to get him pay attention.
he needs to lay off trying to compete with mick-dont spin,hold your hand in the air and pose-just play your fcking guitar.
Strange, after two gallons of tequila I like this rendition, Kleer. Is that a good or a bad sign ?