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If that's the way Keith plays it, that's the way the song goes.
Let us know who these bands are that y'all listen to who never make a mistake, so that I can avoid them
To be honest I didn't even notice the mistake at the beginning of SMU as the roar of the crowd was so loud. I think people are making mountains out of molehills in regards to any mistakes by Keith. Its the risk you take by seeing a live performance be it a rock concert, a play etc. I'd rather have a fun, interesting show with a few mistakes than a note perfect recital. I don't go to live shows to hear note perfect renditions. I went to a Dream Theater show once, absolutely flawless playing but boring as hell to watch. I'd take Keith over John Petrucci any day. Plus, when you're actually at the show its a completely different feeling from dissecting it on the net.
Silver Dagger
And this is the inimitable Ulrich Schroder - German Stones super fan.
Are you so tolerant when mistakes come from another band /musician / guitarist ?
I was at the concert and noticed it but I do not think a casual fan would. I was excepting JJF so it kinda thru me anyway. Keith played absolutely brilliantly in the second half . Gimmie Shelter was best for many years. Satisfaction he nailed the solos to perfection!
What struck me most is that a daylight concert is just not the same. The magic happened after sunset from about miss you onwards.
U sure this hyde park festival concert was a good idea?
I was at the concert and noticed it but I do not think a casual fan would. I was excepting JJF so it kinda thru me anyway. Keith played absolutely brilliantly in the second half . Gimmie Shelter was best for many years. Satisfaction he nailed the solos to perfection!
What struck me most is that a daylight concert is just not the same. The magic happened after sunset from about miss you onwards.
I loved this show so much. A beautiful day, amazing setting(those trees!) and the Stones are, to me, always perfectly imperfect which is what makes them so unbelievably special. The only fault was the sound was much too low to drown out the idiots who would rather listen to their own voices than appreciate the spectacular performance in front of them but we were able to move away & get quite near the stage for the last half of the show. Great to see so many youngsters having a good time & dancing home at the end singing Miss You.
Thank you Stones. You just get better & better.[/]
The young woman wearing the leopard-skin-pattern scarf who was crying by the end of the show--and who kept showing up on the big screen--was iconic for me.