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Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:11

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.

It's true, he DID completely murder the intro to SMU. I THINK (and possibly other people who were there could chime in on this) .......... he got the end of that bloody great big long orange wraparound scarf wedged in the guitar fretboard. The mistake was so completely out of character and there was nothing else in the way of "mistakes" that I picked up on throughout the entire show, that I think this is the most plausible explanation. You should've seen the faces on Mick and Ronnie when he hit those opening chords, which I admit DID sound like an absolute damp squib. Priceless !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:12 by paulywaul.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: SonicDreamer ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:14

Just to cheers you all up, while I was unsuccessfully trying to blag a free Guest Pass with AEG last night (came within a cat's whisker of it), I was rappin with the staff and they told me that the Tier 1 and King's View packages were not the top of the deck. There were six (count 'em) "boxes" that cost £35,000 each, lolllllllllllllllllll.

BTW met an old mate last night who had recent pics with Mick (an event at the Serpentine) and Keith. Apparently Mick hates to have his pic taken with fans. My mate managed to slink past his security when they were distracted with women and tried to get a pic with Mick, who was really like in no way mode, then he relented but when Mick placed his hand on his shoulder, it wasn't out of camaraderie, but kind of to push him away so he didn't get any closer ha ha. Keith was more agreeable, but no a push over either!


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:15

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

Yeh he played it in D instead of C amazingly! (or should I say G instead of F?) Anyway - that one won't be on the DVD!

I have to say overall I enjoyed the o2 more - maybe just because the feeling of anticipation surrounding those gigs. But there were many great moments. Midnight Rambler was fantastic. Charlie Watts....well, Charlie Watts. What else can you say?!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:17 by Roll73.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:20

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

He didn't start at the wrong fret. The first chord you hear is correct. The problem comes with the second one, where he places his two fingers on the B and D strings. From what I hear I think he placed them on the G and A (G in the open G tuning) strings instead. That is strange indeed and I think that it most likely happend because he was just nervous. I would not look for any more complex explanation.

What is strange is, that he didn't correct the placement of those two fingers after he hit the chord the first time, but played the whole bar like that, especially since he lifts and places those two fingers again then. But again, I think he was just nervous, that is all. I can imagine that the pressure of the moment - the long anticipated return to The Hyde Park was huge, much much bigger than before any other gig, maybe with the exception of the first gig the last year.

Anyway, the speculations that he does these things on purpose either to "try something new" or to make Mick angry are ridiculous. There is nothing artistic in playing totaly wrong notes, not in The Stones' music anyway and I really doubt that he would butcher a simple intro of the very first song they play on such a high profile gig just to piss Mick. That is a nonsence.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:25 by Happy24.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:27

Anyway, I think most people just said Oops! WTF? and then promptly forgot about it and enjoyed the rest of the show.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: klrkcr ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:29

Here's Keiths numbers

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:35

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

He didn't start at the wrong fret. The first chord you hear is correct. The problem comes with the second one, where he places his two fingers on the B and D strings. From what I hear I think he placed them on the G and A (G in the open G tuning) strings instead. That is strange indeed and I think that it most likely happend because he was just nervous. I would not look for any more complex explanation.

Yes - you're quite right. I stand corrected. My recording of it was pretty murky. Hope he gets it right next time!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:35

GL -thank for that!

A question - the "secret" area you refer to - it that the section you marked as "stand"? I've got this situation of having to plan the best compromise (13th show) of finding the best spot that in made of:

1. coming late enough to have my two boys (9 + 11) "fed" properly.
2. coming early enough to find a spot that would be good in terms of view
3. well... 2 boys... they are rather tall but still 9-11 YO. Dont want them to recall forever that they "heard the stones and saw the backs of many Englishmen" but on the other hand cant expect have people around me annoyed..

OH... I guess I'm the only one who wishes this was a seated event.

Green Lady

My attempt to draw the layout of the Hyde Park arena - the three things marked X are three enormous sound/film structures that block the view for miles, and therefore have a screen behind them so you can watch what you can't see. The thing that caused the difficulties is a big railed-off security area that runs practically the whole width of the field. I assumed at first that everything the other side of it was Tier 1 or 2, but no - THERE IS MORE T3 ON THE OTHER SIDE. The trouble is that to get to it you have to make an enormous detour around the end of the security area.

I found myself a nice spot on the rail of the security area - good view of screens and part of stage - but throughout the show security were dealing with people who arrived at the rails and couldn't work out
(a) whether their T3 tickets allowed them into the bit on the far side
(b) how to get there
(c) having got there, how to get back.

I probably have the exact layout of T1/T2 wrong, but I'm describing this because the bit of T3 on the Keith-side stage side of the security area was very thinly populated - plenty of room to dance and move about - so it's worth knowing that yes, you are allowed in there without a wristband. Useful information for next week.

That sketch is 100 percent correct. Beast & Kahoosier & I were in Tier 1 tucked in on the catwalk barrier about 3 yards out from the stage. What I could not see from that location was how far over to the left (as you're facing the stage) the Tier 2 area extended, but when I got out and went for a walkabout I could then see the division between the Tier 2 & 3 areas at the "end of the catwalk" location.

My own opinion is that Tier 2 was a CRAP location for this event, NOT worth the money in the slightest, and we DID hear general mutterings from those of us in Tier 1 that got out periodically and went walkabout that there were LOTS of mighty pissed off people in that area. I'm not in the least bit surprised.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:38 by paulywaul.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:36

Green Lady
Anyway, I think most people just said Oops! WTF? and then promptly forgot about it and enjoyed the rest of the show.

...or maybe didn't even say WTF. I know that when you are there the excitement is on such a level (or at least for me usually), that the mistakes really don't matter at all.

On the other hand, if Keith srews up like that, it is natural that we MUST discuss it. It would not be natural, if we all pretended it didn't happen. There is nothing bad about it, or at least I don't mean it in any way to undermine Keith or anything. I am sure the concert was amazing and everyone in attendance had a blast, just like I hope I will have this Autumn :-)

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:38

Here's Keiths numbers

so great to hear everyone singing along to you got the silver, and ronnie does a nice job on it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:39 by sonomastone.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:42

Midnight Rambler. Taylor doing a great job.


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: muppetmark ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:43

You could bring in several 500ml bottles of water (i brought 4) and the no food policy was hard, but between my dad and other members of the fast-track queue i met, I slipped away for some calimari and chips and got my spot back.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:43

Green Lady
Anyway, I think most people just said Oops! WTF? and then promptly forgot about it and enjoyed the rest of the show.

...or maybe didn't even say WTF. I know that when you are there the excitement is on such a level (or at least for me usually), that the mistakes really don't matter at all.

On the other hand, if Keith srews up like that, it is natural that we MUST discuss it. It would not be natural, if we all pretended it didn't happen. There is nothing bad about it, or at least I don't mean it in any way to undermine Keith or anything. I am sure the concert was amazing and everyone in attendance had a blast, just like I hope I will have this Autumn :-)

agreed. it's just so weird that he didn't immediately correct. maybe he couldn't hear himself.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:43

GL -thank for that!

A question - the "secret" area you refer to - it that the section you marked as "stand"? I've got this situation of having to plan the best compromise (13th show) of finding the best spot that in made of:

1. coming late enough to have my two boys (9 + 11) "fed" properly.
2. coming early enough to find a spot that would be good in terms of view
3. well... 2 boys... they are rather tall but still 9-11 YO. Dont want them to recall forever that they "heard the stones and saw the backs of many Englishmen" but on the other hand cant expect have people around me annoyed..

OH... I guess I'm the only one who wishes this was a seated event.

Green Lady

My attempt to draw the layout of the Hyde Park arena - the three things marked X are three enormous sound/film structures that block the view for miles, and therefore have a screen behind them so you can watch what you can't see. The thing that caused the difficulties is a big railed-off security area that runs practically the whole width of the field. I assumed at first that everything the other side of it was Tier 1 or 2, but no - THERE IS MORE T3 ON THE OTHER SIDE. The trouble is that to get to it you have to make an enormous detour around the end of the security area.

I found myself a nice spot on the rail of the security area - good view of screens and part of stage - but throughout the show security were dealing with people who arrived at the rails and couldn't work out
(a) whether their T3 tickets allowed them into the bit on the far side
(b) how to get there
(c) having got there, how to get back.

I probably have the exact layout of T1/T2 wrong, but I'm describing this because the bit of T3 on the Keith-side stage side of the security area was very thinly populated - plenty of room to dance and move about - so it's worth knowing that yes, you are allowed in there without a wristband. Useful information for next week.

That sketch is 100 percent correct. Beast & Kahoosier & I were in Tier 1 tucked in on the catwalk barrier about 3 yards out from the stage. What I could not see from that location was how far over to the left (as you're facing the stage) the Tier 2 area extended, but when I got out and went for a walkabout I could then see the division between the Tier 2 & 3 areas at the "end of the catwalk" location.

My own opinion is that Tier 2 was a CRAP location for this event, NOT worth the money in the slightest, and we DID hear general mutterings from those of us in Tier 1 that got out periodically and went walkabout that there were LOTS of mighty pissed off people in that area. I'm not in the least bit surprised.

sorry. I have teir2 next week. Why is teir 2 "crap" in your opinion? in the drawing it seems to go right up to the catwalk with good views.

So why is it "crap"?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:45

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

He didn't start at the wrong fret. The first chord you hear is correct. The problem comes with the second one, where he places his two fingers on the B and D strings. From what I hear I think he placed them on the G and A (G in the open G tuning) strings instead. That is strange indeed and I think that it most likely happend because he was just nervous. I would not look for any more complex explanation.

What is strange is, that he didn't correct the placement of those two fingers after he hit the chord the first time, but played the whole bar like that, especially since he lifts and places those two fingers again then. But again, I think he was just nervous, that is all. I can imagine that the pressure of the moment - the long anticipated return to The Hyde Park was huge, much much bigger than before any other gig, maybe with the exception of the first gig the last year.

Anyway, the speculations that he does these things on purpose either to "try something new" or to make Mick angry are ridiculous. There is nothing artistic in playing totaly wrong notes, not in The Stones' music anyway and I really doubt that he would butcher a simple intro of the very first song they play on such a high profile gig just to piss Mick. That is a nonsence.

Well, now that I actually hear the song it sounds really weird but really not so bad as I thought, Keith must have been just really nervous, certainly he didn't do this on purpose, and after the beginning he plays just all right and the audience seems to be fantastic and involved from the very beginning and the feeling seems to be just great!!!

In 1969 the guitars were totally out of tuning so it did sound all the time like the start of the song Start Me Up sounds now.

In a way I even like listening to that 1969 Hyde Park sound because it's so weird...

Maybe we shouldn't make a huge fuss about the opening chords after all, it's a little embarrassing thing for Keith but still... They can replace those chords with Chuck's keyboard chords on the upcoming DVD/Blu-ray. cool smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 11:46 by rollingon.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: SonicDreamer ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:55

Did anyone hear about the mass gate-crashing incident towards the end of the show. I was walking past the entrance and guys with a film camera told me that 10 minutes before, about 500 had just charged the metal barricades at the entrance, pushed them all down and flattened security and gained access to the compound, then was a lull then about 2000 people followed them!


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: still ill ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:55

The clips sound great to me. Apart from the botched SMU intro, they sound in top form. Also, after all the bad things i've heard about Hyde Park, it sounds like it was loud and clear, can anyone confirm that.

Really looking forward to next week. Aim to get there nice and early with my T3 ticket and see what happens.

Think we'll get Live With Me in the Bitch slot and Knocking instead of Rambler. Would prefer Rambler but i'll never complain about seeing Knocking with Taylor.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: July 7, 2013 11:56

Start Me Up intro is really weird; I don't see how you can make a mistake like that. Are you guys sure that the scarf he is wearing didn't blow across the strings?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:03

Really liked the Gimme Shelter version! am a great fan of the STP tour versions but it has been long since I let down my hope to ever see that one live. The 2012 O2 version with Florence W. was a bomb but usually I'm a bit frustrated by the post 1975 versions with LF screaming and MJ doing these body gestures at that time, but I guess its just me. Anyway this version was really really good!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 12:04 by Wroclaw.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:06

Start Me Up intro is really weird; I don't see how you can make a mistake like that. Are you guys sure that the scarf he is wearing didn't blow across the strings?

it wasn't the scarf. ah well. sounds like the rest of the show was good!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:08

Really liked the Gimme Shelter version! am a great fan of the STP tour versions but it has been long since I let down my hope to ever see that one live. The 2012 O2 version with Florence W. was a bomb but usually I'm a bit frustrated by the post 1975 versions with LF screaming and MJ doing these body gestures at that time, but I guess its just me. Anyway this version was really really good!

They should really invite Fergie (I mean the singer/actress Fergie!!!) to perform GS with the Stones, she did duet with Jagger on GS and it was a fantastic performance.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Seb91 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:10

still ill
The clips sound great to me. Apart from the botched SMU intro, they sound in top form. Also, after all the bad things i've heard about Hyde Park, it sounds like it was loud and clear, can anyone confirm that.

Really looking forward to next week. Aim to get there nice and early with my T3 ticket and see what happens.

Think we'll get Live With Me in the Bitch slot and Knocking instead of Rambler. Would prefer Rambler but i'll never complain about seeing Knocking with Taylor.

I thought the sound level was fine, louder than at the Pearl Jam show I went to there in 2010 which was too quiet. I seem to think on the BST site it said they changed the layout a bit to allow it to be louder.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Jaggeresque ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:12

The whole tier debacle ended up okay as far as I'm concerned. Great view near the catwalk in Tier 2 last night. Fabulous sound, visuals and energy. Couldn't have been happier. Keith intro screw-up didn't bode well, but he made up for it in You Got The Silver. Him and Jagger had plenty of interaction and even a slight bromance at one point. The look of the show and the atmosphere was magical, a bit like Midsummer Night's Dream with Jagger as Puck.

Met a couple of IORR folks from Chicago (a father an son) who were great fun. Can't wait for next week in Tier 1, though honestly Tier 2 was far better than I expected especially as we're on Keith's side of stage. It all turned out happy in the end...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: muppetmark ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:14

still ill
The clips sound great to me. Apart from the botched SMU intro, they sound in top form. Also, after all the bad things i've heard about Hyde Park, it sounds like it was loud and clear, can anyone confirm that.

Really looking forward to next week. Aim to get there nice and early with my T3 ticket and see what happens.

Think we'll get Live With Me in the Bitch slot and Knocking instead of Rambler. Would prefer Rambler but i'll never complain about seeing Knocking with Taylor.

I thought the sound level was fine, louder than at the Pearl Jam show I went to there in 2010 which was too quiet. I seem to think on the BST site it said they changed the layout a bit to allow it to be louder.
The sound level is only meant to be 2db higher
I think its just the position of the speakers relative to the wind that made it sound like it was louder (it didn't sound any louder from any of the previous 6 Hyde Park gigs from where i was)

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:17

OH dear... the suffer we take... I feel as if I get prepared to climb the Everest - and I'm usually not the worried type. I guess we should walk up till coming across "green boots" to know the peak is at hand, ha? Need now to check wheres the closest Burger King is, stuff ourselves with that eatable poison, rush to the gates, hold hands as if we are on the way to the life boats on a sinking ship, use all the pre arranged intelligence, aerials, secret drawings, insider tips and much good luck. They better play good that night.

Green Lady
Wroclaw - "Stand" is a Grandstand - marked as the Kings View on official plans. The area I mean is the bit marked "more T3" in front of Security - which probably doesn't go as far forward as I have drawn it, but if you can work your way around the Ronnie-side end of Security and over to Keith-side, there is a relatively uncrowded bit which most people were not in because they assumed anything forward of the security barrier Keith-side was T2 (I thought so myself until I saw Security assuring people that they could go there without a wristband), and I wound up there myself accidentally on the way back from food/toilets to my spot on the Security rail.

Actually the Security rail would be a good place for kids - you can see several screens plus a good if distant view of the stage (depending on sightlines between those damn speaker towers) and you've got a rail to hang on to and an absolute guarantee that you have a clear space of several metres to look across instead of the back of some enormous bloke in front of you. Being very short myself it's a better option for me than trying to be as far forward as possible, and I didn't have much trouble getting a spot there at about 4 p.m. when Gary Clarke was on. I had a young boy next to me enjoying his first show.

Of course, AEG might change the layout completely next Week...

(Age range at Hyde Park? About 7 to 70 and all points in between).

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:21

Green Lady
Anyway, I think most people just said Oops! WTF? and then promptly forgot about it and enjoyed the rest of the show.

...or maybe didn't even say WTF. I know that when you are there the excitement is on such a level (or at least for me usually), that the mistakes really don't matter at all.
OK, hands up, this comes over as a real howler with the hindsight of YouTube, but last night, this barely registered with me. I was so caught up in the rush of them finally arriving on stage after such a long day (I arrived around 6:30, unnecessarily early), that the momentum swept away my critical faculties for a while!


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:23

GL -thank for that!

A question - the "secret" area you refer to - it that the section you marked as "stand"? I've got this situation of having to plan the best compromise (13th show) of finding the best spot that in made of:

1. coming late enough to have my two boys (9 + 11) "fed" properly.
2. coming early enough to find a spot that would be good in terms of view
3. well... 2 boys... they are rather tall but still 9-11 YO. Dont want them to recall forever that they "heard the stones and saw the backs of many Englishmen" but on the other hand cant expect have people around me annoyed..

OH... I guess I'm the only one who wishes this was a seated event.

Green Lady

My attempt to draw the layout of the Hyde Park arena - the three things marked X are three enormous sound/film structures that block the view for miles, and therefore have a screen behind them so you can watch what you can't see. The thing that caused the difficulties is a big railed-off security area that runs practically the whole width of the field. I assumed at first that everything the other side of it was Tier 1 or 2, but no - THERE IS MORE T3 ON THE OTHER SIDE. The trouble is that to get to it you have to make an enormous detour around the end of the security area.

I found myself a nice spot on the rail of the security area - good view of screens and part of stage - but throughout the show security were dealing with people who arrived at the rails and couldn't work out
(a) whether their T3 tickets allowed them into the bit on the far side
(b) how to get there
(c) having got there, how to get back.

I probably have the exact layout of T1/T2 wrong, but I'm describing this because the bit of T3 on the Keith-side stage side of the security area was very thinly populated - plenty of room to dance and move about - so it's worth knowing that yes, you are allowed in there without a wristband. Useful information for next week.

That sketch is 100 percent correct. Beast & Kahoosier & I were in Tier 1 tucked in on the catwalk barrier about 3 yards out from the stage. What I could not see from that location was how far over to the left (as you're facing the stage) the Tier 2 area extended, but when I got out and went for a walkabout I could then see the division between the Tier 2 & 3 areas at the "end of the catwalk" location.

My own opinion is that Tier 2 was a CRAP location for this event, NOT worth the money in the slightest, and we DID hear general mutterings from those of us in Tier 1 that got out periodically and went walkabout that there were LOTS of mighty pissed off people in that area. I'm not in the least bit surprised.

sorry. I have teir2 next week. Why is teir 2 "crap" in your opinion? in the drawing it seems to go right up to the catwalk with good views.

So why is it "crap"?

Depends on what your idea of a good view is. Mine is not a panoramic view of the surroundings from 40 metres back, mine is proximity to the stage. Feel free to disagree though ..... whatever turns your crank ? You pays your money and you makes your choice, as they say.

What I CAN tell you however is that the fact that a lot of us in Tier 1 did become aware of the fact a considerable numbers of people in Tier 2 were expressing anger/frustration/disappointment with the view and distance from the stage that THEY had ended up with. If you want further information on that particular issue, I suggest you enquire of people that were in that area ............

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:25

Did anyone hear about the mass gate-crashing incident towards the end of the show. I was walking past the entrance and guys with a film camera told me that 10 minutes before, about 500 had just charged the metal barricades at the entrance, pushed them all down and flattened security and gained access to the compound, then was a lull then about 2000 people followed them!


WOW !!

Far out. if I hadn't been otherwise distracted by watching the Rolling Stones, I'd love to have seen THAT !!!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:29

Green Lady
Wroclaw - "Stand" is a Grandstand - marked as the Kings View on official plans. The area I mean is the bit marked "more T3" in front of Security - which probably doesn't go as far forward as I have drawn it, but if you can work your way around the Ronnie-side end of Security and over to Keith-side, there is a relatively uncrowded bit which most people were not in because they assumed anything forward of the security barrier Keith-side was T2 (I thought so myself until I saw Security assuring people that they could go there without a wristband), and I wound up there myself accidentally on the way back from food/toilets to my spot on the Security rail.

Actually the Security rail would be a good place for kids - you can see several screens plus a good if distant view of the stage (depending on sightlines between those damn speaker towers) and you've got a rail to hang on to and an absolute guarantee that you have a clear space of several metres to look across instead of the back of some enormous bloke in front of you. Being very short myself it's a better option for me than trying to be as far forward as possible, and I didn't have much trouble getting a spot there at about 4 p.m. when Gary Clarke was on. I had a young boy next to me enjoying his first show.

Of course, AEG might change the layout completely next Week...

(Age range at Hyde Park? About 7 to 70 and all points in between).

grinning smiley With AEG in charge of proceedings, ANYTHING could happen.

A priceless observation Green Lady winking smiley

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 7, 2013 12:31

Good idea but Florence W. was just perfect!

I wonder whats the inner group politics behind these issues... I mean - surely there is much of it. When do they invite a guest to take the lead on GS etc. (much like how come they finally added MT for a 2nd song but only to give a marginal 3rd guitar support on Satisfaction). I would really like it to have a charismatic guest and not the Lisa F. thing.

Really liked the Gimme Shelter version! am a great fan of the STP tour versions but it has been long since I let down my hope to ever see that one live. The 2012 O2 version with Florence W. was a bomb but usually I'm a bit frustrated by the post 1975 versions with LF screaming and MJ doing these body gestures at that time, but I guess its just me. Anyway this version was really really good!

They should really invite Fergie (I mean the singer/actress Fergie!!!) to perform GS with the Stones, she did duet with Jagger on GS and it was a fantastic performance.

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