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Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 6, 2013 18:49


Anyway, when we were waiting to meet him, we were in the "guest services" area where people were talking to the Box Office manager. Some of the people had received the wrong tickets, or had price complaints, and others were there complaining about the $85 seats they got. He was just handing them all new tickets from a stack he had in his pocket (mostly much better seats in the 100's). So, if you end up in the upper level, I would suggest heading to guest services and asking to be relocated. It seems that they have so many extras that they are giving them out pretty freely.

Thank you. That's hard earned information people can use. Wish I'd known that ahead of time instead of being a guinea pig for the first concert.

Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: May 6, 2013 18:56

Wow...great for people who got upgrades, but what a friggin' fiasco! I wonder when it will start to take a toll on the overall vibe...

Agreed. The process for getting the $85 leaves much to be desired. Then for some to receive not only crappy seats, but obstructed ones just adds insult to injury.

This, but also seeing the Arena people with stacks of unsold great tickets handing them out, people at will call getting marked down tickets compared to what they paid for...must be a complete nightmare working on that tour, well I guess people are getting paid, but still, going from being involved in the top show in town to this train wreck, must be depressing.

Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:02

I'm hoping it's different in Boston, as least a bit quicker. You can always BUY a better seat once inside if you hate you $85 seat. Sell the $85 for face value, and buy an upgrade.

Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:49

I'm hoping it's different in Boston, as least a bit quicker. You can always BUY a better seat once inside if you hate you $85 seat. Sell the $85 for face value, and buy an upgrade.

Do you mean get your ticket and not go in? Go back outside and sell it?

Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:52

I'm hoping it's different in Boston, as least a bit quicker. You can always BUY a better seat once inside if you hate you $85 seat. Sell the $85 for face value, and buy an upgrade.

That seems difficult. Who would you sell your nosebleed, Limited View (stated on the ticket) to? Would they even let you go back outside to sell those turds? And people with $85 tickets are given their tickets and ushered directly into the venue. It's not like you can show up with those $85 tickets and just walk into any entrance. Maybe different arenas will handle this in different ways but you couldn't have done this at Staples.

Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: NWSooner ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:09

I might have missed this but I am still trying to learn if anyone that purchased two sets of $85's had trouble getting both pairs at either show?

Thanks in advance....MWSooner

Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:25

I haven't heard of any reports of upset people at the ticket window or of any riots or anything. So perhaps that's a good sign? Then again, we on this message board and other Stones boards are a small fraction of the people that attend the concerts.

Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: NWSooner ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:39

Yea, my concern is that I have two pairs of $85's for Vegas, a smaller arena, less seats to dump this week at $85, driving up from Phoenix, I really hope I will not get hassled.


Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: May 6, 2013 19:52

I also have two pairs for the Toronto show. I guess the scenarios are different for each venue. Considering how long the line ups were for the two shows so far, perhaps the ticket people in the booths didn't want any hassles and time-consuming arguments and let people with more than 1 pair of tickets to proceed into the building regardless of any rules that were in place. Who knows.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 6, 2013 21:41

I thought I posted this somewhere else, but here goes again:

To recap, what we've learned through hard earned experience with the $85 tickets is to....

A) Eat the $85 tickets when you discover you've been tossed into a nosebleed, LIMITED VIEW seat, and go buy an expensive ticket.

cool smiley Wait until the show starts and then stalk out a better seat. (But you'll already be on the highest level so you still might not get an entirely unobstructed view, but it's better than LIMITED VIEW).

C) Go to Guest Services and see if you can exchange them for a better seat. The answer is no until you ask.

This wisdom has been earned through the in place experiences of concertgoers on this site. I hope it helps you.

Re: $85.00 ticket experience and seating information
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 6, 2013 22:07

Note: One person had purchased $600 tix and when they picked them up at will-call, the ticket had a cheaper price listed on it (due to TM dropping prices the last day).

Well that would really suck!

And to add insult to injury, that person might have been sitting next to someone who only paid $85!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: livewithme ()
Date: May 6, 2013 22:11

I had $85 tickets at Oakland. The line started moving at 7pm. Thousands of people in line I would guess but it snaked around so could not see the whole line. I got section 114. Side of stage on left side 7 rows from floor. Very good seats. The people in front of me in line got the pit. The envelope had a black line on it. The person passing out the tickets waved to the wrist band guy behind them. they got wrist bands and they stamped their tickets and took the envelope. It was definitely random and they had not been preselected.
We only showed ID (not credit card). The people handing out the envelopes had people behind them with lists. They did verify that your last name was on the list and then they handed the envelope.
BTW awesome show. My expectations were exceeded. Our local paper gave a bad review. Said Stones should retire and implied Keith was a non factor. Jerk off did not know what he was talking about. Keith was more than good. Ron was on most leads but Keith did his share. Just like the PPV.
I am going to SJ with my expensive floor seat bought day 1. Wish I waited now but who knew. On average I am doing just fine and show was worth it!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-07 00:53 by livewithme.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: May 6, 2013 23:21

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news! new
Posted by: livewithme ()
Date: May 6, 2013 12:11

Our local paper gave a bad review. Said Stones should retire and implied Keith was a non factor. Jerk off did not know what he was talking about. Keith was more good. Ron was on most leads but Keith did his share. Just like the PPV.

What local paper was that? Have a link?


Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: May 7, 2013 01:49

I might have missed this but I am still trying to learn if anyone that purchased two sets of $85's had trouble getting both pairs at either show?

Thanks in advance....MWSooner

Alot of people would like to know this.

Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: May 7, 2013 02:34

I might have missed this but I am still trying to learn if anyone that purchased two sets of $85's had trouble getting both pairs at either show?

Thanks in advance....MWSooner

Alot of people would like to know this.

Yes, can anyone answer this?? We have been trying and trying to get a response but without answer.


Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: erbissell ()
Date: May 7, 2013 02:46

I had 3 pairs. no problems. 2 of us ended up in 200 level, 2 in 100, and 2 in the pit!

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: May 7, 2013 04:21


thanks for your response. Did you have to bring all your guests to the window with you or did they just give you the 3 pairs when you showed your ID?

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: IGTBA ()
Date: May 7, 2013 04:46

Good for you, makes up for the aggravation AEG gave you for HP, eh ;-)

So your name had apparently been drawn before hand since you were "flagged" at the window as opposed to just being given an envelope at random. So was that a paper list or a list on a computer/tablet?

Yes, it did make up for the Hyde Park July 6 Tier 1 lying. I had decided to resell my HP ticket, but now I might reconsider attending - big decision, since I live in the US.

I do not think I was "flagged" for $85 pit tickets, although I am not 100 percent sure. I think it was random luck, but they did verify my name was on their list. I think the lady only had one stack of ticket envelops - but I am not sure, so it's possible when they found my name, that the lady pulled the pit tickets separately. I probably was one of the first people to get through and purchase the $85s for Oakland, so ??

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: erbissell ()
Date: May 7, 2013 05:28

They were giving out the tickets at a table in front of the queue, so basically you picked up your tickets then got in line. I had all my guests present, as I believe is required to pick up the tickets. It was a lot more low stress than I was imagining.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: clance65 ()
Date: May 7, 2013 05:43

They were giving out the tickets at a table in front of the queue, so basically you picked up your tickets then got in line. I had all my guests present, as I believe is required to pick up the tickets. It was a lot more low stress than I was imagining.

I had pit tickets....that happened at a table, not the $85's

Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 7, 2013 06:16

I haven't heard of any reports of upset people at the ticket window or of any riots or anything. So perhaps that's a good sign? Then again, we on this message board and other Stones boards are a small fraction of the people that attend the concerts.

Then again, have you ever seen fifty year olds riot over anything?

Re: Anyone buy 2 Pairs of $85's and have problems?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 7, 2013 08:37

I haven't heard of any reports of upset people at the ticket window or of any riots or anything. So perhaps that's a good sign? Then again, we on this message board and other Stones boards are a small fraction of the people that attend the concerts.

Then again, have you ever seen fifty year olds riot over anything?

the lineup at starbucks

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: roby ()
Date: May 7, 2013 09:44

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: May 7, 2013 13:29

Good for you, makes up for the aggravation AEG gave you for HP, eh ;-)

So your name had apparently been drawn before hand since you were "flagged" at the window as opposed to just being given an envelope at random. So was that a paper list or a list on a computer/tablet?

Yes, it did make up for the Hyde Park July 6 Tier 1 lying. I had decided to resell my HP ticket, but now I might reconsider attending - big decision, since I live in the US.

I do not think I was "flagged" for $85 pit tickets, although I am not 100 percent sure. I think it was random luck, but they did verify my name was on their list. I think the lady only had one stack of ticket envelops - but I am not sure, so it's possible when they found my name, that the lady pulled the pit tickets separately. I probably was one of the first people to get through and purchase the $85s for Oakland, so ??

I still think your name would have been "asterisked" on her list, if not she would have to be making the calls to give people the "golden" envelope? It doesn't sound like she picked a random envelope and opened it to find out where your sears were?

PS - Hope you can make it to HP, there'll be a good group of us in T1 on the 6th ;-) I'll be roughing it out on the 13th though.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: May 7, 2013 17:04

I had 3 pairs. no problems. 2 of us ended up in 200 level, 2 in 100, and 2 in the pit!

did you use the same name and same card for all three pairs?


Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: NWSooner ()
Date: May 7, 2013 17:36

Friends, is there anyone who bought 2 pairs of $85's for Vegas that will be arriving in Vegas earlier in the week like Thursday or Friday? I'm driving up early Saturday morning, it sure would be nice if someone could wander over to the arena box office and get the scoop for us and post it here because I called the arena again yesterday and they still don;t have a clue as to when will call will start handing out tickets on Saturday.

Thanks in advance....NWSooner

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: erbissell ()
Date: May 7, 2013 20:18

Yep same name and card. And the 85's did happen at a table clance

Wells Fargo Sucks Philadelphia
Posted by: MJRocksoff ()
Date: May 7, 2013 01:02

After logging in twice buying 2 tickets each time at the $85 price range they emailed me 3 weeks after getting my money to refund two tickets and said there is a 2 ticket max per order! Total BS!!! Have a great day they say.... yeah go bleep yourself wells fargo you f*%*@ed up my plans!?!?!? Here is what they emailed me:

There was a 2 ticket limit for the $82 Rolling Stones. One of the orders was refunded. Your confirmation number will still be the same: 143079800. If you have any further questions or concerns, please call 1-800-298-4200
Thank you and have a great day!

Re: Wells Fargo Sucks Philadelphia
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: May 7, 2013 01:31

I know Wells fargo center did not use ticketmaster as the vender so who knows how each Venue will handle this issue.

On ticketmaster it said they would be sold in pairs only. There was no mention what so ever about limits on the pairs. RS. com also had no mention of limits on pairs until 4 or 5 days ago. I printed out the original posting on RS. com on the day of the general public sale and like i said no limits listed. So I also bought two pairs for Boston no emails from TM yet.

On the $85 dollar page during the general public sale it is cleary marked ( There is an 8 ticket limit during the general public sale). I also have a print out of that. So I bought two pairs of $85's during the General public sale. I also bought a pair of $250's as back up during the presale so a total of 6 tickets for june 14th well under the 8 ticket limit.

So now they want to change the rules.

Re: Wells Fargo Sucks Philadelphia
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: May 7, 2013 01:34

I gave up trying for Philly tickets. They can keep it

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