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hot smileyExperiance with the 85$ Tickets here!!!!!
Posted by: vintage stone ()
Date: May 5, 2013 02:16

Tell us your experiance with your 85$ Ticket her.
Many of our community buy a couple of these Tickets. let us know what we can epext.

BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:00

I hope enough people get to see this before it's incorporated into another thread. I got seats day of the LA show with high hopes that maybe my $85 dollar ticket wouldn't be in the PIT, or on the floor, but at least it would be a decent seat and would have to be better than those crappy $150 seats. WRONG.

We snaked along in a Disney type line for well over an hour just to get the tickets. And the line was a hell of a lot longer behind me than when we got in it. We got into a little inside info talk with one of the people working there and they told us these tickets went on sale because 2,500 had gone un-sold and that they just blasted out these tickets. We even asked her why they printed GA5 PIT on every ticket, giving some people the impression they were getting PIT tickets. She said that's just something they print on them.

We FINALLY got our tickets. They were letting everyone with $85 ducats in on the lower level, which got me more excited. We got past security and I couldn't stand it any longer. I opened our envelope and my heart sank. Section 322, row 10......LIMITED VIEW. Thankfully the person with me had agreed to the adventure and the gamble and so my fast approaching headache wasn't that bad. But it got worse when we got up to our seats. They were, and I have been going to concerts since 1966, the absolute worst seats I have ever seen for a concert.

Not only were they limited view of the stage (We could only see Chuck Leavell, a little bit of Ronnie, and Mick when he moved around). There was a screen on the stage, and get this, our view was so bad we couldn't even see the screen. I got to talking to a lot of disappointed people in that section, thinking some of them had paid $150, but that was not true. Everyone I spoke to had bought an $85 ticket. It became apparent that these laughably bad seats were the result of them opening up a previously not put on the market section for the suckers rushing in to buy $85 seats.

I always try to make a situation better. There was an unsold section next to us behind the stage. We went over there so we could at least see the screen, even though the image was reversed, with Ronnie on the right, etc. We were though only a couple numbers before the cruel bastard ushers made us move! They wouldn't even let us sit in even crappier seats! And you can't imagine how bad the sound was back there.

Look, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. Believe me, we got up after a while and carved a place to watch the show, finally finding good open seats for the magnificent encore. And the concert was fantastic. But if you take anything from this, don't think an $85 ticket could anything more than an $85 ticket, the worst seat in the house. Don't gamble on impressing a date. You could get screwed. I'm a big boy, but I felt really bad for a people who ended up being nothing but suckers for AEG.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:01

Oh yeah, one more thing, the laughably tight security measures for the suckiest tickets ever!

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:04

For those without the time or inclination to read the ungrateful "warning" post, warning us all of that the tickets were indeed as advertised, "all over the arena" I'll summarize...


Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Date: May 4, 2013 21:07

24FPS said: "They were letting everyone with $85 ducats in on the lower level"

Yeah, exactly it's a gamble. I bet all those people who got 85's in the lower level were not complaining what a rip off thier tickets were.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:08

There's a guy over on the Pearl Jam message board who says his friend got the $85 tickets and was sitting in the $600 seat section.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:15

Sorry to hear that 24FPS, should have sprung for better seats I guess. Couldn't have expected too much with that sized arena and last minute purchase.

I am a bit peeved that they would set expectations high with "PIT" and then let you down with the reality of the situation. I don't imagine the Stones would be too happy about that either. F u c k i n greedy promoters should be held accountable for that, imho. peace

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:22

Hey Mister DDDD, I told you not to feel sorry for me. It was more of a warning for others who might be pulled into this. And there was no mention of opening previously unsold sections. If they'd wanted to sell those for $85, and let everyone know they were crap seats, they should have. I'm doing this as a public service to others. Talk about ungrateful.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:25

Hey Mister DDDD, I told you not to feel sorry for me. It was more of a warning for others who might be pulled into this. And there was no mention of opening previously unsold sections. If they'd wanted to sell those for $85, and let everyone know they were crap seats, they should have. I'm doing this as a public service to others. Talk about ungrateful.

It is a good thing to bring up, everybody wants to know what they may or may not be paying for. I think when you put "BEWARE" and "Ripoff City" in your subject heading you were kind of inviting some hostile comments. I'm glad you ended up finding a spot to see that latter part of the show.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:32

I hope enough people get to see this before it's incorporated into another thread. I got seats day of the LA show with high hopes that maybe my $85 dollar ticket wouldn't be in the PIT, or on the floor, but at least it would be a decent seat and would have to be better than those crappy $150 seats. WRONG.

We snaked along in a Disney type line for well over an hour just to get the tickets. And the line was a hell of a lot longer behind me than when we got in it. We got into a little inside info talk with one of the people working there and they told us these tickets went on sale because 2,500 had gone un-sold and that they just blasted out these tickets. We even asked her why they printed GA5 PIT on every ticket, giving some people the impression they were getting PIT tickets. She said that's just something they print on them.

We FINALLY got our tickets. They were letting everyone with $85 ducats in on the lower level, which got me more excited. We got past security and I couldn't stand it any longer. I opened our envelope and my heart sank. Section 322, row 10......LIMITED VIEW. Thankfully the person with me had agreed to the adventure and the gamble and so my fast approaching headache wasn't that bad. But it got worse when we got up to our seats. They were, and I have been going to concerts since 1966, the absolute worst seats I have ever seen for a concert.

Not only were they limited view of the stage (We could only see Chuck Leavell, a little bit of Ronnie, and Mick when he moved around). There was a screen on the stage, and get this, our view was so bad we couldn't even see the screen. I got to talking to a lot of disappointed people in that section, thinking some of them had paid $150, but that was not true. Everyone I spoke to had bought an $85 ticket. It became apparent that these laughably bad seats were the result of them opening up a previously not put on the market section for the suckers rushing in to buy $85 seats.

I always try to make a situation better. There was an unsold section next to us behind the stage. We went over there so we could at least see the screen, even though the image was reversed, with Ronnie on the right, etc. We were though only a couple numbers before the cruel bastard ushers made us move! They wouldn't even let us sit in even crappier seats! And you can't imagine how bad the sound was back there.

Look, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. Believe me, we got up after a while and carved a place to watch the show, finally finding good open seats for the magnificent encore. And the concert was fantastic. But if you take anything from this, don't think an $85 ticket could anything more than an $85 ticket, the worst seat in the house. Don't gamble on impressing a date. You could get screwed. I'm a big boy, but I felt really bad for a people who ended up being nothing but suckers for AEG.

No great surprises there then ?

There was little doubt the place would ultimately be packed on the night, but it does kind of say something about the insane pricing structure overall if on the day of the show they had to unleash some 2,500 tickets at $85 just to get the requisite number of bums on seats so that the place was actually full !!

Shame to hear about your $85 ticket experience, hope some other folks fared better by ending up in more agreeable parts of the venue.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:34

reprint - April 25, 2013 23:05 []

All I can say is...
And my intent to do someone a favor...
And this may sound mean, and it not for the timid,
some may want to even skip reading and just be obedient... BUT

I say IF anyone gets escorted UP UP UP to those nose bleed seats, and they just accept it, and they just sit there... and pout like a little sissy.... and just steam about it.... and curse The Stones for ripping them off... and they let shitty seats for a bargain price ruin the show..... and all they do is imagine how they will whine about it on IORR as soon as the show is over... then ALL I CAN SAY IS YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!! YOU GOTTA BE MOVIN ON

Now I know some folks are perfectly happy up htere, but I was born and raised on the 1ST ten rows and I cant do it, I cant sit that far away..... it is like hell to me up there.... but some like it.... no problem, But if you are not happy with it THEN FIX IT!!! GET UP AND Go dance your way around that arena.

I would no more stay sitting in those shitty nose bleed seats than I would eat a hot dog at a concert. I might allow them to escort us up there.... I might even sit in the seats for a minute and catch my breath... and then I would never see that area again. MOVE IT ON OVER.... ROCK IT OVER!!!!

And I would find the "easy aisle", I would find easy going ushers, or I know how to time moving down when the usher is busy with others.... and then I would find my spot, even if for a song or two.

I am guessing I would find the spots while walking down the aisle between section 111 and 112 OR between section 101 and 119...

I would glide down one, or eventually both, of those aises and find the empty pocket of seats which are always there, and I would ease in there.... and I would enjoy the show, and if/when the people show up, I would move on again... outta of there... no problems, I am smiling and rocking, finding a new spot, GOTTA A MOVE IT OUT!!!

I would be happy to be in the door for $85.00 and know that means I might have to work a little harder than someone who paid $600.00 for a guaranteed spot, if I want to see the show as good as they do.

I would doubt I could make it into the pit, but I would have a look at trying to...

So thats how you do it... it is easy... go have fun.

I have been to many many shows doing it exactly like that... no one ever got mad, no one ever had to argue with me to move, I just moved on... to even better seats/stands/views.... and if when there was an opening to the floor I took it too. Did my best to keep moving never getting to be too known by any security people.

The moral? Dont be a pussy. Dont sit in nose bleed seats which should not exist. Dont have a bad time. Have a rocking time, have fun, if you're not, keep moving until you do..... move around, you might have more than you have ever had a concert.... and you sure as hell will have more fun than sitting up in hell, up in nose bleeds, up where seats should not exist. Ya got to move


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-04 21:35 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:36

I've read some mixed reviews here, with most being on the positive side.
Sorry to hear you got shitty seats, but for $85 it's a gamble where not everbody wins.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:40

Nothing worse than lousy tickets but as has been opined, we all knew what we were getting into with these tickets.

The labelling on the ticket is a bit suspect, I wonder who messed up on that one?

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:44

Personally, I would pay $85 for the 24FPS experience. Started out with lousy seats sure, but got to hear the show, and eventually migrated to a spot where he saw the encore. I would have loved to get more for my money, but I think I could probably swallow that as being worth the cash. I've paid more for less, but paid less for much more.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:47

I appreciate you bringing this up. The promotion did not state that they were going to open up new terrible seats. This makes me heavily reconsider the Chicago shows I am planning on attending..

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: clance65 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:52

No ripoff, exactly as advertised. "Spread throughout the arena".

NOT "spread throughout the arena except for sec. 322 - you will be guaranteed not to be placed there, and will not experience a limited view"

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:57

I don't know why you didn't just visit the Ticket Oak

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: May 4, 2013 21:57

The promoter messed up and gave the Stones a monster guarantee. The Stones took the cash in a huge money grab, maybe not questioning how what a promoter would have to do to raise that kind of cash for each show. Now we have ridiculous ticket prices. I can pay $600 for a seat, but the principle of it annoys me. That they papered LA with $85 seats to fill in the gaping holes left by slow sales (by several reports) underscores how bad they fu&^ed up. Why even push people into obscured-view seats when there were plenty of empty seats in multiple sections?

Sounds like a poorly run least the LA show.

Stones next great idea: a free show at the end of the tour at Golden Gate Park that they will then move to another location and to save money, hire Hells Angels for security. Ooops, they did that already.

Love much of the music. It was a soundtrack for parts of my life. Hate what they are doing now.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:01

I might have tried migrating seats earlier, but instead of going behind the stage would have gone in the opposite direction.
It was written somewhere here on IORR that there were patches of empty seats throughout the venue.

Definitely sucks that they opened up new terrible seats, and the mislabeling of the tickets (GA-PIT, etc.) is easily misleading for some.

They should have labeled $85 tickets: "Expect the worst, and hope for anything above that".

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:05

I appreciate you bringing this up. The promotion did not state that they were going to open up new terrible seats. This makes me heavily reconsider the Chicago shows I am planning on attending..

Thank you. Somebody got it. This is not about me. I am giving you information you wouldn't have had. I dealt with the situation and got a better seat. This is more for the poor guy who takes some date he's trying to impress and he ends up looking bad.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:06

Hey Mister DDDD, I told you not to feel sorry for me. It was more of a warning for others who might be pulled into this. And there was no mention of opening previously unsold sections. If they'd wanted to sell those for $85, and let everyone know they were crap seats, they should have. I'm doing this as a public service to others. Talk about ungrateful.

Not "feeling sorry" for you at all. Quite the opposite.
The only potential legitimate complaint (I say potential because I don't find anywhere near a "rip off" was the "pit designation on your ticket.
Of course, with the slightest bit of effort, you would have been aware
that most all $85 tix were given that designation.

The seats next to you cost $150 + fees. You got in the bldg for half that.
I think hat you really should be saying to the Stones and the Promoters is.. "Thank You".

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:12

Hey Mister DDDD, I told you not to feel sorry for me. It was more of a warning for others who might be pulled into this. And there was no mention of opening previously unsold sections. If they'd wanted to sell those for $85, and let everyone know they were crap seats, they should have. I'm doing this as a public service to others. Talk about ungrateful.

Not "feeling sorry" for you at all. Quite the opposite.
The only potential legitimate complaint (I say potential because I don't find anywhere near a "rip off" was the "pit designation on your ticket.
Of course, with the slightest bit of effort, you would have been aware
that most all $85 tix were given that designation.

The seats next to you cost $150 + fees. You got in the bldg for half that.
I think hat you really should be saying to the Stones and the Promoters is.. "Thank You".

If they had wanted to sell those crappy sections at $85, they should have sold them at that price to begin with. You may be the type to bend over and thank AEG for that, but I'm not.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: nick ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:24

Treat the $85 ticket as a limited obstructed view seat. That is the true break even point.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: May 4, 2013 22:53

There's a guy over on the Pearl Jam message board who says his friend got the $85 tickets and was sitting in the $600 seat section.
So was I, and Rockman, and a few others. They were spread out.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:12

I can sympathize for sure. Having been in the upper deck at Staples, they are not worth $85. Or even $50 for that matter. I have never paid more than $22 for an upper deck ticket and even that seems like a ripoff.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:13

How can anyone complain about $ 85 tickets ? We all knew the risks when we bought them yes?

Anybody who expected better then the worst nosebleeds when they bought the $85 tickets should not have bought them to begin with as there was no guarantee you would get anything better.

I have $85 tix to both Boston shows and if I get good seats great but if not then I will do as MKC suggested and go hunting.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:21

How can anyone complain about $ 85 tickets ? We all knew the risks when we bought them yes?

Anybody who expected better then the worst nosebleeds when they bought the $85 tickets should not have bought them to begin with as there was no guarantee you would get anything better.

I have $85 tix to both Boston shows and if I get good seats great but if not then I will do as MKC suggested and go hunting.
thumbs upsmileys with beer

It really is a fun way to go to a show... and if what they are saying about large pockets of empty seats, then it will be all too easy to slide in and that is it, VOILA! enjoy the rest of the show.

Best Tip- dont become known by the ushers, let the other nutty people get/keep their attention, but if you possibly have too memorable of an "encounter" with them, move to the flip side of the arena... and try to wear "average" looking clothes ( what ever that means winking smiley )

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:23

They never even bar code scanned my tickets. If I wasn't happy I could have gone outside and sold them.

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:23

I can sympathize for sure. Having been in the upper deck at Staples, they are not worth $85. Or even $50 for that matter. I have never paid more than $22 for an upper deck ticket and even that seems like a ripoff.

Which begs the question.... why the hell did they ever even build those seats? Has anyone, ever, attending any event, sitting in those shitty seats, ever been happy one time? Has anyone ever honestly "just been happy to be there?"

Re: BEWARE of the $85 Ticket! Ripoff City
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: May 4, 2013 23:29

I can sympathize for sure. Having been in the upper deck at Staples, they are not worth $85. Or even $50 for that matter. I have never paid more than $22 for an upper deck ticket and even that seems like a ripoff.

Which begs the question.... why the hell did they ever even build those seats? Has anyone, ever, attending any event, sitting in those shitty seats, ever been happy one time? Has anyone ever honestly "just been happy to be there?"

My friend says they are great for hockey.

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