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Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: May 14, 2013 01:13

I invited a civil attorney as one of my guest.

By the time the attorney is done proving your case, the show might be over smiling smiley

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: May 14, 2013 01:27

I ended up in the nosebleeds for Las Vegas. Second last row of 206. I wouldn't say it was that random, when every single person in the last 3 rows in that section were $85. It was clear to me that they put most of the $85 into the purple areas on this map:


Maybe a handful got into the pit. But that's OK (under the pricing structure) ... last 3 rows $85, next 3 for $170, next few for $250. However, the jumbotrons were blocked, and the sound up there was absolutely abysmal. Just a rumble of muddy bass/drums/vocals and barely any guitar. I am very picky with sound at concerts.

After a little while, we left our seats and took off looking for somewhere better. Even walking down the aisle a little bit resulted in a dramatic improvement in sound. There were no obvious spare seats to try and steal, it was jam packed. Ended up going to that white space on the map in front of 216 and standing there. Could sort of see the stage OK (plus jumbotron just to the right), but the main thing was the sound was magnificent (speaker array pointed out to the side) and the concert was just fantastic.

The $85's that were issued to me were in the last row of 205. (The person two ahead of me in line got Pit.)

At about 8:30, I saw that there were still some vacancies in the first two rows of 213 and promptly went there. Section 213, Row 1 was the vantage point that I enjoyed for the entire show. smiling smiley

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: May 14, 2013 03:16

bye bye johnny
$85's dropped for Oakland a couple days before and San Jose day of show. No mention on the Stones website, Facebook or Twitter.

Haven't read about anyone getting e-mailed for those "second chance" $85's either.


Ah ok, had missed the discussions here about that. Flex pricing pushed to the extreme, eh!

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: joshbg2k ()
Date: May 14, 2013 03:23

Had 201 Row P for Vegas. As soon as we walked in we went straight into section 1, 5th row maybe. Dead center. Our row was almost empty, must have been reserved as comps or something. I couldn't believe that not more 85ers came down, there was plenty of room.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 14, 2013 03:42

I ended up in the nosebleeds for Las Vegas. Second last row of 206. I wouldn't say it was that random, when every single person in the last 3 rows in that section were $85. It was clear to me that they put most of the $85 into the purple areas on this map:


Maybe a handful got into the pit. But that's OK (under the pricing structure) ... last 3 rows $85, next 3 for $170, next few for $250. However, the jumbotrons were blocked, and the sound up there was absolutely abysmal. Just a rumble of muddy bass/drums/vocals and barely any guitar. I am very picky with sound at concerts.

After a little while, we left our seats and took off looking for somewhere better. Even walking down the aisle a little bit resulted in a dramatic improvement in sound. There were no obvious spare seats to try and steal, it was jam packed. Ended up going to that white space on the map in front of 216 and standing there. Could sort of see the stage OK (plus jumbotron just to the right), but the main thing was the sound was magnificent (speaker array pointed out to the side) and the concert was just fantastic.

The $85's that were issued to me were in the last row of 205. (The person two ahead of me in line got Pit.)

At about 8:30, I saw that there were still some vacancies in the first two rows of 213 and promptly went there. Section 213, Row 1 was the vantage point that I enjoyed for the entire show. smiling smiley

My friend and I were dealt Sec. 201 row R...literally the furtherst seats in the house last row dead center. But we didn't even go up to the seats.

Here's an excerpt from my post in the Vegas thread:


"Was dealt nosebleed $85's in the back, but before the show even started my friend and I went for the upgrade. Went to guest services, but were told it's a no go.
Screw that, we did it on our own. We first made it lower bowl, then split up and I made it down to the floor.There was an entire row of empty seats at the back, and I was able to "fit in" nicely. Had the entire row to myself for the entire show. At the encores I bounced down the aisle with a bunch of people to get to the wall of the Pit/ramp"

From looking at the map, we first found two empty seats in section 6 about 10 rows up from the floor. I then made my move and maneuvered down to the last row of Floor D. The various ushers we dealt with at the top of lower level and the entry to the floor were very kind and didn't even check tickets. I'm sure that changed as the it grew closer to showtime, but I managed to make friends with the ones where I needed to go in and out for a piss and some beer. I just told them I misplaced my ticket and to please remember my face when I come back. No problems.

Admittedly there was bit of luck involved regarding the nice ushers who let us in (and out), but it's always worth a try.

From what I saw, there seemed to be plenty of random empty seats throughout.

Had 201 Row P for Vegas. As soon as we walked in we went straight into section 1, 5th row maybe. Dead center. Our row was almost empty, must have been reserved as comps or something. I couldn't believe that not more 85ers came down, there was plenty of room.

Good move joshbg2kthumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-14 03:46 by Hairball.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: May 14, 2013 04:36

Have been trying to get 85 dollar seats in DC, but none on sale yet. Or they were sold out, but we logged on as soon as tickets went on sale for both the presale and regular sale. Tried the 45 miniute trick too, but nothing. Now only the 600 dollar seats are available. crazy.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: headly123 ()
Date: May 14, 2013 05:09

I tried DC as well. Went to the Stones website where it had a link for 85 dollar tickets. But of course they were all gone. I am not sure if there ever were any

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: May 14, 2013 06:38

Yeah, I really don't think they were released yet. We were on with four different computers and nothing. Even now when you try to buy the 150 dollar tickets, and 250 dollar tickets you can select them from the drop down menu, but then says none are available. Even if I put in just 1 ticket. The only ones that seem to be available are the VIP and 600 dollar tickets. Ridiculous.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Date: May 14, 2013 08:30

Got in line fairly early to get my $85 tickets at MGM Grand Garden arena. There were three ladies at a long table with 3 stacks of envelopes containing tickets. You could not pick which stack you wanted; it was determined for you when you arrived at the table. After you presented your ID, a man standing behind the ladies checked a list to see if you were on it. After I got my tickets (nosebleed section 203, right next to section 201, second row from the very top) then we proceeded to walk to the waiting area which offered a great view of who was getting what as far as the 85's were concerned. Nobody got any pit tickets during the first 30 to 45 minutes while I waited. Very few smiles LOTS of bitching and a few fools actually went back to the table to try to exchange thier tickets for a new envelope and were told flat out "NO". Then it happened first two girls and a few minutes later a guy maybe in his 20's with dreads wearing a Stones t-shirt and his clean cut friend got PIT tickets. I could not see the envelope but people who were close by said it had a yellow marking. Another MGM staff lady had wristbands and double checked the PIT tickets before putting on the wristbands on the lucky winners.
After about an hour PIT tickets started really rolling. I saw at least 10 pairs of people get PIT tickets before they allowed us to enter the arena. I am greatful that the Stones did the $85 tickets for the fans otherwise I could not have afforded to go. Three empty seats next to us and lots of room to dance with out some a**hole yelling to sit down... Much younger crowd way up top and the sound was simply outstanding. The view was almost dead center just way too far away. I would have paid $85 for these seats no problem whatsover...Hopefully, I get even better $85's (PIT) for Philly 2.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-14 08:32 by its good to be anywhere.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: Harpo ()
Date: May 14, 2013 20:35

85 tickets now for Anaheim 15th show on ticketmastr

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: May 14, 2013 20:46

85 tickets now for Anaheim 15th show on ticketmastr

Where? showing sold out since 7AM this morning?

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: May 14, 2013 20:51

85 tickets now for Anaheim 15th show on ticketmastr

Nothing available using the link from the initial on-sale - []

Is there another? If so, please post it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-14 20:54 by bye bye johnny.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: May 14, 2013 21:22

Now only the 600 dollar seats are available. crazy.

Keep trying I'm sure they're bluffing.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: May 14, 2013 21:49

the 85s will show up dcba said"they're bluffing"

its not really complicated at all,they sell the tickets to people who have the money and dont want to worry about where they're gonna sit and fill in the empty spaces with the 85s.

and there will be empty spaces to fill in. its the old airline and hotel room move and it works pretty well.i didnt walk around much but vegas looked sold out to me.

maybe the next tour we can buy tickets on priceline or expedia.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: tnhybrid ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:44

What time would folks recommend getting in line to pick up $85 tickets? I've looked all over, can't seem to find any info and it's midnight here in Anaheim... I figure the box office won't open till noon tomorrow and was sort of looking to plan my day before then... Would appreciate any 2 cents anyone's got!

"Just a poor girl in a rich man's house" * Rockin' in Nashville, TN!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-15 09:44 by tnhybrid.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: May 15, 2013 10:15

The time doesn't matter. I know the person who was first in line for the Staples 85s. He ended up in the very last row at the very top of the arena at the opposite end.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: tnhybrid ()
Date: May 16, 2013 04:31

300 ppl in line so far for $85 - everybody got 400s except six ppl Who got pit. Glad I bought an extra!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-16 10:08 by tnhybrid.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 16, 2013 06:55

300 ppl in line so far for $85 - everybody got 400s except six ppl
Who got pit. Gla I bought an extra!

Looks like this is the view for most 85s...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-16 07:20 by flacnvinyl.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: May 16, 2013 07:42

That's a pretty cool picture - panorama function on the mobile?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-16 08:31 by drbryant.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:29

300 ppl in line so far for $85 - everybody got 400s except six ppl
Who got pit. Gla I bought an extra!

Looks like this is the view for most 85s...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh shriek, that's up in the gods !!!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .... never ever, it's the pit, immediately stage left or stage right, or NADA !!

I'd rather not attend a Stones concert than have a bloody god awful view like THAT of the action, f**k that for a game of soldiers !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:32

It's not as bad as it looks. Anaheim is much better than staples for nosebleeds

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:44

It's not as bad as it looks. Anaheim is much better than staples for nosebleeds

I was way early for a show once at London's O2 Arena, and out of curiosity my friend and I went up to the top level in there to see what the view of the stage was like. AWFUL, just plain AWFUL. Not to mention how steep the rake of the seats is. We fled for our lives, back to the sanity of the floor blocks. I've never actually attended a show from up there, neither at the O2 itself nor at any other arena or stadium in fact. I just can't see the point, not being that kind of distance from the action. It might suit some, or be able to be tolerated by some ..... fair enough, but it's not for me I have to say, I couldn't cope with it at all.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:47

Yes, that is a panorama from twitter. Great photo really.

I could deal with it if the Stones had a larger PA for these shows. With all of the line array hung from the stage itself, and no second row of speakers, or anything pointed to the back... the sound is bound to be terrible.

Most line arrays do not point up there because they are attempting to reduce echo, not create it. Pointing powerful speakers toward the most reflective corner of the room is not a good move. Would be a nice one though!

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: clance65 ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:49

It's not as bad as it looks. Anaheim is much better than staples for nosebleeds

Well, that's good for me to know for Sat., but a bit depressing for Mon.

I'm flying in with my wife from Portland for those 2 shows, with $85 tickets, and keep showing her the pictures and the posts of all the 85's in nosebleeds......she keeps saying, "oh those are fine".

The 85's were my bait with she won't budge. Part of the reason is that I went with a friend to Oakland and bought "pit".

I just can't believe I'm going from pit to the last row. Oh well, it was exciting the 1st days of scoring those 85's, when everyone on here thought they were going to be in the pit or somewhere close to the stage....had me thinking the same.

So, to all my fellow 85'ers.......I'll see ya in the rafters....n I'll bring my nice binoculars to share smiling smiley

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:00

@clance65 - I have a plan for Chicago... It involves looking out for empty sections, then having a phone tree/twitter-tree/email-tree........

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:03

Now you can see that they're actually selling seats behind the stage. Not behind the stage like you can see them or hear them, but literally behind the stage where you cannot see them, except for one or two musicians on stage, but behind those tiny little screens above the stage on the stage. Having this view would have been much better than behind the stage at Staples.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: CarlG ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:05

Has anyone noticed that later entry $85 seats are better? I found in Oakland tat people entering after posted show time (8pm) but well before the show actually started had lower levels. My guess is that the box office gave up that there would be a walk up crowd to buy seats and started to fill the unsold seats with $85 people. I entered Oakland arena at 7:15 and San Jose at 7:30 both times upper deck and no lowers in sight. I found open seats at the lower level for both shows and later found I was surrounded by 85$ seats that entered the building an hour after I did. Just saying... Wait it out, no need to arrive early.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:07

Has anyone noticed that later entry $85 seats are better? I found in Oakland tat people entering after posted show time (8pm) but well before the show actually started had lower levels. My guess is that the box office gave up that there would be a walk up crowd to buy seats and started to fill the unsold seats with $85 people. I entered Oakland arena at 7:15 and San Jose at 7:30 both times upper deck and no lowers in sight. I found open seats at the lower level for both shows and later found I was surrounded by 85$ seats that entered the building an hour after I did. Just saying... Wait it out, no need to arrive early.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

That's an interesting theory. Let them fill up those crap seats in LIMITED VIEW first and then wait for them to have to fill seats on the floor to have it not look like an unfull house. I like your thinking.

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: clance65 ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:08

@clance65 - I have a plan for Chicago... It involves looking out for empty sections, then having a phone tree/twitter-tree/email-tree........

Ah...ok, so how does it work?

Re: "Thousands" of $85 Tickets - latest news!
Posted by: CarlG ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:13

For those that have $85 seats, my strategy in San Jose worked well. I checked stubhub and Craigslist a few hours before show time for unsold seats or rows with muliple sets of unsold seats - and then I went to those seats assuming Ty would not be sold at $300-600 by showtime. Worked well. Had to move a couple of times but ended up in a great seat lower level side stage.

The same applies to unsold seats on ticketmaster, although I learned in Oakland that those seats were issued to late arrival $85 people when the entire row filled at ~8:20.

Never settle for a bad seat.

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