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Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: August 27, 2010 03:22

Where's a listing of where it's showing in the US?

swiss,the only San Francisco showing is here. Century 9 San Francisco Centre.

Cool, thanks SCL -- so just down the block from the Warfield! How'd you find this out? where's it listed? So a Thursday you know when you (and others from SF) plan to go? Maybe we can get drinks or dinner before or afterward!
smiling smiley
- swiss

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: August 27, 2010 03:39

not going, and only buying if the extras are worth it

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 27, 2010 06:07

Where's a listing of where it's showing in the US?

swiss,the only San Francisco showing is here. Century 9 San Francisco Centre.

Cool, thanks SCL -- so just down the block from the Warfield! How'd you find this out? where's it listed? So a Thursday you know when you (and others from SF) plan to go? Maybe we can get drinks or dinner before or afterward!
smiling smiley
- swiss


Yeah maybe we can put together an SF gathering for it. Only one showing at 7:30

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: AngieBlue ()
Date: August 27, 2010 08:40

either AMC Main Street downtown KC or Town Center out here in the burbs by me.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: gimme_shelter ()
Date: August 27, 2010 09:41

Amsterdam, Pathé Arena

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: mrfancyman ()
Date: August 27, 2010 11:28

Groningen, Pathé.
Thursday september 16, 21:00


Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: chelskeith ()
Date: August 27, 2010 16:14

El Dorado Hills CA

Looking forward to the memories.

Used to cut out of parties early as a teenager to catch the midnight show in downtown Chicago on Fri/Sat nights- saw this a lot!

Hope the change some of the angles so its not so much Mick close up.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: Harlem Shuffler ()
Date: August 27, 2010 21:16

Showing Thursday 16th September at the Empire in High Wycombe.

Watch out for a personal appearance by Harlem Shuffler!

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: August 27, 2010 21:21

In the Milwaukee area...I think it's being shown at The Majestic Theater....same place the
had early showings of SHINE A LIGHT.

IORR............but I like it!

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: mrfancyman ()
Date: August 27, 2010 23:43

Amsterdam, Pathé Arena

Hee GS,

Why don't you come to Groningen, like in 1999?


Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: August 28, 2010 01:03

The's not to often you get to see The Stones in The Bronx. smiling smiley

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: The GR ()
Date: August 28, 2010 13:27

If I can make it Southampton UK. But not too worried, seen it hundreds of times over the years and the recent DVDs are excellant quality with the official release to follow.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 28, 2010 14:54

A few of us are going to the Vue West End in Leicester Square on the 16th Sept - see you there Adrian

I was gonna ask you where it was we were seeing it, but you've answered the question for me .... see y'all THAR !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: gimme_shelter ()
Date: August 28, 2010 16:23

You mean, i have to run to FOS again, get all wet and see a warmup band w/ a girl who has nice tits? hmmmm...tempting!

Amsterdam, Pathé Arena

Hee GS,

Why don't you come to Groningen, like in 1999?


Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: lickedlady1966 ()
Date: August 28, 2010 21:58

Berlin UCI Colosseum Sept 23rd.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: boston2006 ()
Date: August 29, 2010 01:32

Another way to see where it's playing .


Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: August 29, 2010 04:19




Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: barking paul ()
Date: August 29, 2010 16:05

I'll be there at the Vue West End on the 16th too.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 29, 2010 16:36

barking paul
I'll be there at the Vue West End on the 16th too.

And where the f***ing hell have you been hiding young man ? Haven't seen or heard you in what seems like years. See you at the Vue !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: Hound Dog ()
Date: August 29, 2010 17:59

White Plains, New York!

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: FreeBird ()
Date: August 30, 2010 21:31

Edith Grove
Flying back from Amsterdam to New Orleans that day.
Still trying to figure out how I can get to the theatre from the airport since I won't be parking my car at the airport.
You could go by train.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: August 30, 2010 21:33

Edith Grove
Flying back from Amsterdam to New Orleans that day.
Still trying to figure out how I can get to the theatre from the airport since I won't be parking my car at the airport.
You could go by train.

No train between the airport & cinema in New Orleans. We ain't that sophisticated yet!

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: belld ()
Date: August 30, 2010 21:44

Teleblaster may I propose Phoenix Showcase Paisley on the 17th September? Usual arrangement, Brown Coo dinner drams etc. When you go to Orkney? And you The Gods They Made? All other Scottish Stones also.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: S.T.P ()
Date: August 30, 2010 22:29

Got my tickets for Prinsen Kino on the 16th in Trondheim todaygrinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-08-30 22:31 by S.T.P.

Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: August 31, 2010 00:25

I'm going to the IMAX in Santa Clarita Calif!!

Will be wearing my " MICK TAYLOR BAND" Tee Shirt!!


Re: So Ladies and Gentlemen, Who's Going Where?
Posted by: FreeBird ()
Date: August 31, 2010 02:08

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
Flying back from Amsterdam to New Orleans that day.
Still trying to figure out how I can get to the theatre from the airport since I won't be parking my car at the airport.
You could go by train.

No train between the airport & cinema in New Orleans. We ain't that sophisticated yet!
Ah, okay. I thought you were in Amsterdam then.

Yes! Ladies & Gentlemen in Sweden!!
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: September 1, 2010 20:16

It will show in Göteborg at Bio Roy, 16,17,18,19 and 20th of september at 2030 CET.
More info and tickets here:

Dokumentär av Rollin Binzer
Detta är Rolling Stones strax efter att ha släppt LP-klassikern Exile on Main Street. Konsertfilmen är gjord under turnén 1972, med material från fyra konserter filmade i Houston och Fort Worth, Texas.

Bland Stones-klassikerna i filmen märks Brown Sugar, Midnight Rambler, Tumbling Dice, Street Fighting Man, Jumpin’ Jack Flash och många fler. Filmen har restaurerats från 16mm film till HD-kvalitet och 5.1 surroundljud, i nära samarbete med Mick Jagger och Keith Richards. 22 juni 2010 filmades en intervju med Mick Jagger i London, som kommer att utgöra introduktionen till konsertfilmen på bio.

Längd: 87 min

Världspremiär 16 september på Bio Roy

Nordic Stones Vikings

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2010-09-01 22:40 by mickijaggeroo.

Re: Yes! Ladies & Gentlemen in Sweden!!
Posted by: erikjjf ()
Date: September 1, 2010 20:25

Also in Stockholm.

Re: Yes! Ladies & Gentlemen in Sweden!!
Posted by: Theospappa ()
Date: September 1, 2010 21:57

any word of Norway?

Re: Yes! Ladies & Gentlemen in Sweden!!
Posted by: yorkey ()
Date: September 1, 2010 22:10

Anything in South Africa? I google "ladies and gentlemen the rolling stones south africa" every day, but looks like SA doesn't have a care about the Stones.. sad smiley

You got the Sun, You got the Moon,
and you've got
The Rolling Stones

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