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Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Date: June 16, 2007 01:31

Bitch was killer. Nothing wrong with Keith in there. He kept it going in a way that made me feel really good smiling smiley

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: Bärs ()
Date: June 16, 2007 01:36

stoneswashed77 Wrote:
> oh my, tell me what drugs you take.

I'm perfectly sober thank you. There's nothing wrong in the Frankfurt clips. What do you take (or what do you not take) to be this depressive?

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stoneswashed77 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 02:00


Bitch was killer. Nothing wrong with Keith in there.
There's nothing wrong in the Frankfurt clips.


oh fine , everything is great then.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stones1 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 02:36

yes it is.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: June 16, 2007 02:53

with sssoul Wrote:
> thank you Open-G honey! sorry you didn't get
> decent sound - where were you located, can i ask?
> and: if you feel like saying what you saw/heard
> during SFTD, i'd love to hear your take on it.
> (there's a separate thread about it around here
> somewhere, if you prefer that to this one ... )
> (thank you too, Ablett - and good luck! i'm
> rooting for you)

I was in 3rd row on Ronnie's side, you can hardly see me in the picture where good TE is sporting the IORR shirt. I'm holding up a camera.
I already stated a little about SFTD on page 10 I think - but I can't tell much about it.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: June 16, 2007 08:56

The Bitch clip from Frankfurt doesn't look or sound bad. With Keith's arthritis as bad as it is, it's amazing he can still bend strings and get his thumbs around the back of the fretboard. As for how he looks, hasn't he looked like that for years? I watched him and the Stones last fall in Oakland, and he was fine. I can't see him going downhill that fast. People see what they want to see. I try to see the best.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: cali stones fan ()
Date: June 16, 2007 12:43

I don't know what the reason for Keith's reportedly poor performance (and I wasn't there), but since people have said that he seemed out of it, like he wasn't trying or didn't care, I was just wondering if he may have known that the sound was really bad for most of the audiance and was mad or sad so didn't give it his all. Does anyone else think this might be a possibility, especially since the reports of IOW a few days before were so good?

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stoneswashed77 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 12:46

i don´t know about others who were there, but i never not one moment thought he wouldn´t want to play better if he only could.
that he wasn´t trying or didn´t care for me clearly was not the case.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: Kartoffelsalat ()
Date: June 16, 2007 12:47

Dunno if this was posted already. Here's a review of the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung on the Frankfurt concert:

Die Gigantomanie frisst ihre Kinder

Wie die Rolling Stones in der Frankfurter CommerzbankArena vor halb vollem Haus ihre eigene Legende zertrümmern

Von Klaus Welzel

Ein Zufall, dass es die "größte Rock'n'Roll-Band der Welt" überhaupt gibt. Hätte der exzellente Bluesgitarrist Alexis Korner nicht in einer Herbstnacht des Jahres 1963 eine Verpflichtung beim BBC-Fernsehen gehabt: Die Herren Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts und Brian Jones hätten nie die Gelegenheit ergreifen können, im legendären Londoner Marquee Club als Ersatz für Alexis Korners "Blues Incorporated" aufzutreten. Das war die Geburtsstunde der Rolling Stones. Vor 44 Jahren.

Der junge Jagger (damals 20) war unter Vertrag bei den "Blues Incorporated". Er nutzte die Chance seines Lebens. So wie er später alle Chancen nutzen sollte. Im Musikgeschäft. Bei den Frauen. Acht Kinder hat er gezeugt. Ungefähr. Denn so genau weiß man das bei diesem superpotenten Selbstdarsteller ja nicht. Mick Jagger ist das "Rock'n'Roll-Animal" schlechthin. Seit 1964 füllt seine Band ganze Stadien. Spielte allein im letzten Jahr mit dem ersten Teil der "Bigger Bang-Tour" 100 Millionen Dollar ein.

Von Tournee zu Tournee wurde der Tross immer größer, die Show immer gigantischer. Ungefähr 70 Meter Laufsteg dürften es sein, die da an die Längsfront der Frankfurter CommerzbankArena gebaut wurden. Natürlich ein riesiger Bühnenhintergrund, bestehend aus LCD-Screens, gestylten Boxen, Gittern, Rampen - ach, einfach alles, was zu einer modernen Rock'n'Roll-Kulisse dazugehört. Die rund 15 Musiker werden später viel Platz haben. Und damit Bläser und Go-Go-Girls auch ihren Standort finden, sind deren Plätze auf dem Bühnenboden schwarz markiert. Man könnte sich ja verlaufen. Das passiert auch später. Aber just auf der kleinen rollbaren Bühne, die die Arbeiter in die Mitte der Arena schieben, während Jagger, Richards und Watts - also die Ur-Stones - nebst Ron Wood (der viel besser Gitarre spielen kann als Keith Richards) und Bassist Daryl Jones. Da wartet Jagger auf den nächsten Einsatz zu "Respectable". Doch der kommt nicht. Beinahe orientierungslos geht er zum Schlagzeug von Charlie Watts, trinkt aus einer Wasserflasche und verpasst den Songanfang. Das wäre dem fast 64-Jährigen früher nie passiert.

Überhaupt das Alter: Jagger sieht immer noch reichlich dynamisch aus, hampelt wie eh und je - und stellt das Herz der Band dar. Nur beginnt auch bei ihm allmählich die Johannes-Heestersrisierung: Wow, bei dem Alter... Die gesamte Dynamik des Abends ist auf Jagger konzentriert. Auch Watts (66) agiert wie immer: Im Hintergrund trommelt er manchmal daneben, sitzt aber stoisch-elegant in der Schießbude. Der Gentleman-Stone. Und Ron Wood? Über ihn gibt es ja den kürzesten Stones-Witz der Welt: "Ron Wood geht an einer Bar vorbei." Sieht man. Der 60-Jährige gibt den ältlichen Kumpel von um die Ecke. Keith Richards (63) dagegen hat sich durch jahrzehntelangen Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch zum Katastrophen-Szenario entwickelt. Seit neustem trägt er einen Bob-Dylan-Lippenbart (dafür aber das Hemd geschlossen). Gitarre spielt er weitgehend nicht. Seine Einsätze verpatzt er regelmäßig - der Gesang während der zwei "Solo-Nummern" kommt ganz sicher vom Band. Gleichwohl erhält Richards den mit Abstand meisten Applaus.

Wobei sich die Frage stellt: Wofür soll man klatschen an diesem Abend? Für den Sound schon mal nicht. Denn die CommerzbankArena ist absolut kein Ort, um dort Musik zu machen. Der Klang wird an den Rängen zermatscht und drei-, viermal auf die Zuschauer zurückgeworfen. An einigen Stellen des Stadions hört man schlicht - nichts.

Viele Fans scheinen das geahnt zu haben. Denn statt der ursprünglich erwarteten 35.000 kamen gerade einmal 20.000. Die hinterließen denn auch reichlich Lücken. Und das, obwohl der Innenraum bestuhlt war (eine merkwürdige Idee, die wohl dem Gedanken geschuldet ist, dass die Arena so einen volleren Eindruck macht). Natürlich sind die happigen Ticketpreise mit Schuld am Leerstand. Unter 82 Euro ging anfangs gar nichts. Kurz vor Schluss gab es noch Stehplatzkarten (in der Tribüne!) für 59 Euro. Andererseits ziehen mittlerweile fast alle Bands ihre Fans beim Kartenpreis über den Tisch. Also: Was war's?

Ein wesentlicher Grund dürfte sein, dass die Rolling Stones vor fast zehn Jahren mit "Bridges to Babylon" ihre letzte anständige Platte vorgelegt haben. Und die "Bigger-Bang-Show“ haben eben auch im letzten Jahr viele hartgesottene Stones-Fans schon gesehen. Man hätte vermuten können, dass die Band dem schwindenden Interesse eine fetzige Show entgegensetzt. Quasi als Beweis, dass sie ihre rund 100 Euro wert sind. Doch das, was in Frankfurt zu sehen war, gleicht dem Niedergang eines Dinosauriers: Zu groß, zu wenig (musikalisches) Hirn. Fast bekommt man Mitleid. Gleichwohl war die Auswahl der Songs gerade für Stones-Verhältnisse reichlich ambitioniert. In einem kleinen Club wäre das sicherlich ein tolles Konzert geworden. Aber nicht auf dieser riesigen Bühne, in diesem furchtbaren Stadion rund.

Doch bei aller Kritik: Nicht auszudenken, wenn Mick Jagger eines Tages einen BBC-Termin wahrnehmen würde - und eine junge, talentierte, wilde, ambitionierte Band würde statt der Stones das Rock'n'Roll-Tier raushängen. Die Band wäre weg, verschwunden, abgetreten. So wird es wohl kommen. Und dann wird es heißen: "Opa was a Rolling Stone".

P.S.: So eben habe ich mir bei "YouTube" noch einmal "Respectable" angeschaut. In einer Live-Version von 1978. Das Frankfurt-Konzert war schon eine Zumutung. Bei dem Vergleich.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: cali stones fan ()
Date: June 16, 2007 12:50

What I mean about not carring (if that was the case) is that maybe he thought he couldn't be heard and was depressed, so didn't try as hard as he would have. Just speculation, of course.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stoneswashed77 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 12:55

i understand what you mean but, no, i don´t think so

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stoneswashed77 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 13:00

i don´t know if the english speaking people on that board can read this german review about the frankfurt show. i´ve just read it myself for the first time.
it is the worst critic i have ever read about the rolling stones.
even mick gets bashed what is not fair, because it was not his fault.
keith richards is described as catastrophie, which is actually mild expressed.
this is the end of speculating they might get away with it in the press.

if i wasn´t a stones fan, after reading this i would never ever pay 200 euro to see them in düsseldorf or hamburg.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: June 16, 2007 13:06

Kartoffelsalat, this review from Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung ranks among the worst crap i ever read in a newspaper. There are so many things simply wrong (Go-Go-Girls, number of musicians...) that i think the idiot who wrote that wasn't even there. This guy just wanted to bash the Stones, if you read this newspaper on a regular basis you should write him a letter and bash him a bit, he deserves it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-16 13:25 by firebird.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: stoneswashed77 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 13:21

people that work at newspapers can not write what they want to write.
you read in newspapers what people want to read and what people will believe the newspaper.

if the stones would have only played a decent show in frankfurt, nobody would have written such a bad review.

if the stones would have rocked the house.
people and newspapers would have celebrated them again.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: Hanns Rainsch ()
Date: June 16, 2007 13:29

Ive now read the reviews in three German newspapers and they were all pretty bad, although my "home-paper", the FAZ is generally Stones-friendly and made a very positive review about last year's concert in Munich.
Frankfurt must have been a very bad concert from every point of view.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: bumbum ()
Date: June 16, 2007 13:41

Keith's habit(s) are going to screw up the band - both internally and against the supporters..... Who in the end wants to pay 200 euro for a drunk as skunk playing or rather not playing on stage.... Maybe they now have Blondie playing here and there trying to pick up Keith's missing licks, but that cannot last forever.... Stones will loose credibility towards the massiv supporters, that in the future will stop going to the conserts - see fx. Germany, Holland, Belgium etc.

Keith hasn't realised that the world has changed and you don't go on-stage drunk anymore..... most bands don't do it anymore.... at least the ones surviving....
It is not the way to behave anymore - being cool drinking / sniffing.... rather you are a looser if you go around drinking / sniffing like an idiot.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: YPatrick ()
Date: June 16, 2007 14:22

the singer not the bong Wrote:
> YPatrick Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > the singer not the bong Wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > > i think these pictures can join the famous
> > running
> > > Vietnamese girl from the 1970s as some of the
> > > world's most depressing.
> >
> > and I think this comment is probably one of the
> > most disrespectful and tasteless things I´ve
> ever
> > read, if meant seriously----
> and this must be on of the densest posts ive ever
> read, if you really think im serious!

My apologies then, though I think some people could have written AND seriously meant that when I look at where this "reports" thread has gone by now...
Great irony, I didn´t get it, sorry

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-16 14:23 by YPatrick.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 16, 2007 14:56

stoneswashed77 Wrote:
> ---
> Bitch was killer. Nothing wrong with Keith in
> there.
> There's nothing wrong in the Frankfurt clips.
> ------
> oh fine , everything is great then.

Sure, Bitch was killer and Keith on fire.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:03

latvianinexile Wrote:
> Looks like they're singing the national anthem smiling smiley

In the meanwhile I'm really asking myself what's up these
days with Stones shows?

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:09

stoneswashed77 Wrote:
> bitch didn´t sound good and didn´t groove, the
> main theme was only played by the brass section.
> the guitars played some double stops here and
> there but did not really play the song.

I guess you are fighting against wind mills, stoneswashed77.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:18

Kartoffelsalat Wrote:
> Dunno if this was posted already. Here's a review
> of the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung on the Frankfurt
> concert:
> Die Gigantomanie frisst ihre Kinder
> Wie die Rolling Stones in der Frankfurter
> CommerzbankArena vor halb vollem Haus ihre eigene
> Legende zertrümmern

How the Stones smash their legend in front of an half empty

Respect to tell people the brutal truth!

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:23

firebird Wrote:
> Kartoffelsalat, this review from
> Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung ranks among the worst crap i
> ever read in a newspaper. There are so many things
> simply wrong (Go-Go-Girls, number of musicians...)
> that i think the idiot who wrote that wasn't even
> there. This guy just wanted to bash the Stones, if
> you read this newspaper on a regular basis you
> should write him a letter and bash him a bit, he
> deserves it.

Just face it! Sometimes a bit sharp but the truth. Luckily
the guy didn't know the correct ticket prices as the most
expensive ticket have been 190 EUR instead of 100.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: DoughboyUK ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:30

"Keith hasn't realised that the world has changed and you don't go on-stage drunk anymore..... most bands don't do it anymore.... at least the ones surviving....
It is not the way to behave anymore - being cool drinking / sniffing.... rather you are a looser if you go around drinking / sniffing like an idiot."...

not entirely true!.. look at ass-wipe pete docherty!.. he does this and ends up with Kate moss!


Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:47

rknuth Wrote:
> firebird Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Kartoffelsalat, this review from
> > Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung ranks among the worst crap
> i
> > ever read in a newspaper. There are so many
> things
> > simply wrong (Go-Go-Girls, number of
> musicians...)
> > that i think the idiot who wrote that wasn't
> even
> > there. This guy just wanted to bash the Stones,
> if
> > you read this newspaper on a regular basis you
> > should write him a letter and bash him a bit,
> he
> > deserves it.
> Just face it! Sometimes a bit sharp but the truth.
> Luckily
> the guy didn't know the correct ticket prices as
> the most
> expensive ticket have been 190 EUR instead of 100.

It's not that I'm not facing it, i did the second review of the show in this thread and wrote that Keith is in bad shape. But this article is just bullshit.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: harald2002 ()
Date: June 16, 2007 16:17

This Von Klaus Welzel from the "Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung" must be an frustradet little writer, who wants to use greatest band of the world to get some attention.
sad sad sad...

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: June 17, 2007 18:16

The worst except for the 'raté' in symthapy and Charlies drumsolo off course. This is going to be a new gimmick thruout the tour.

Senior Food Critic IORR

?Remember Vilvoorde?
94 concerts & counting

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-20 11:39 by bartfrombrussels.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: June 18, 2007 00:45

Bild: / Sven-Oliver Schibat []

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Date: June 18, 2007 02:53

>Here's a review of the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung on the Frankfurt concert:<

Don´t worry about that report. Over here the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung is also called the "Rhein-****-Zeitung" - just ignore it, it´s not worth to take any report of that paper seriously

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-18 23:13 by ThroughTheLonelyNights.

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: June 18, 2007 19:14

I uploaded a clip of Tumbling Dice here:

it's got bad sound from the venue and bad sound from my little cam - so I'm only sorry for the last.

Rrronnie you can spot yourself there winking smiley

Re: Frankfurt reports here please
Posted by: harald2002 ()
Date: June 19, 2007 21:14

new youtube: start me up from FOS

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