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Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 5, 2020 18:43

look, people....we're just going to have to get used to a world with Coronavirus.

It's not going away. Ever.

Cancelling events and closing schools etc. is simply pointless. We have to go back to school etc. eventually....

The very notion that nobody will have the virus AFTER a 2-week closing or it can't won't spread at that point is silly.

I mean...the Dark Ages tried mass-quarantines and closed entire cities and that didn't work.

It's here. It's going to spread. It's never going away. Just like "the flu"

We certainly shouldn't be overly casual about this, but we also have to come to terms w/ a world where Coronavirus exists....large gatherings might be "more dangerous"...but, they've always been "more dangerous" for the spread of illness.

Same rules as always apply: Practice better hygiene, stay home if you are sick.

That huge long list about "fist bumping" etc. is can get the virus on your knuckles or clothes or anywhere....fist-bumping is not going to save you if you don't wash your hands.

unless you plan to never have any close-contact w/ other humans're at risk. I've heard that dogs can get it add them to the list.

just wash your hands, use sanitizer, keep them out of your nose, mouth, eyes...stay away from sick people, stay home if you are sick....

you can reduce your odds....but, other than death and taxes, nothing is certain in this world.

anybody who gets offended if I want to use sanitizer after a handshake will just have to deal.

True!thumbs up

I don't think anyone has suggested that it is 'going away'. Trying to slow the spread, until such time as a vaccine can be developed and distributed seems about as prudent a strategy as is possible at the moment. For you to suggest to 'just let it happen' would mean countless lives unnecessarily lost.

We'll get past this for sure, but there's absolutely no reason to not take reasonable precautions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-05 18:44 by stickyfingers101.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: March 5, 2020 20:09

Agree with sticky fingers.
My niece was at school in Italy for a semester. They closed the school and sent her back to the States. They did 'something' but made the situation worse. I fear that in their zeal to show they are in charge - and to expand their powers -- governments will make things worse.
If you feel the need to do 'something' why not look at the real risks in our life, like driving or alcohol or spiritual crisis. Those are big problems. This virus thing feels like a manufactured, entertainment crisis. It reminds me of living in Florida, where everybody evacuated, but old wise hands board up the windows and sit tight.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 5, 2020 20:10

Mass hysteria. We should sue the media for trillions of USD.
They are culpable for overreaction and massive economic loss.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 5, 2020 20:18

Mass hysteria.

Well... 41 people died in Italy within the last 24 hours. This is getting serious, folks! confused smiley

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: franzk ()
Date: March 5, 2020 20:35

Mass hysteria.

Well... 41 people died in Italy within the last 24 hours. This is getting serious, folks! confused smiley

But overall ratio of dead/infected is around the same number as everywhere, circa 3.5%

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 5, 2020 20:45

Mass hysteria.

Well... 41 people died in Italy within the last 24 hours. This is getting serious, folks! confused smiley

But overall ratio of dead/infected is around the same number as everywhere, circa 3.5%
How many are dead of the regular flu?

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:04

During the swine flu pandemic in America in 2009-2010,4000 people died of the flu in the United States. Yet there wasn’t this mass hysteria

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-05 21:07 by Taylor1.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:21

Mass hysteria.

Well... 41 people died in Italy within the last 24 hours. This is getting serious, folks! confused smiley

But overall ratio of dead/infected is around the same number as everywhere, circa 3.5%
How many are dead of the regular flu?

It would be wise to watch this clip and think about what it means: []

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:36

Flu outbreak in Italy: Half a million people struck down in a week
The Local
23 January 2020
14:36 CET+01:00
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Flu outbreak in Italy: Half a million people struck down in a week
Nearly three million cases of flu have been recorded in Italy this winter.
Almost three million cases of flu have been reported in Italy since the start of the winter season, and the number of confirmed cases is rising.
Since the start of flu season in October 2019, 2,768,000 cases across the country have been confirmed by laboratory tests, according to data from InfluNet published on January 19.

A total of 488,000 cases were reported last week alone, signalling that flu season is hitting its peak in January as predicted.

READ ALSO: These are the Italian regions worst hit by the flu outbreak

240 deaths have so far been reported, slightly lower than the expected 258. Most of the fatal cases are elderly patients who suffered complications after contracting the virus.

Influenza, commonly called the flu, is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system.

Flu symptoms typically include the sudden onset of high fever, cough and muscle pain, according to the Health Ministry's website. Other common symptoms include headache, chills, loss of appetite, fatigue and sore throat.

Most people recover from flu within a week or ten days, but some people are at a greater risk of more serious complications or worsening of their underlying condition.

Those at risk from contracting the virus have been urged to get vaccinated.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:39

Read about regular flu and pandemic flu here


the thing I want to point out is that other diseases / flu's have much higher numbers without this mass hysteric media. The media should put things into perspective rater that creating much bigger problems

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:57

Mass hysteria.

Well... 41 people died in Italy within the last 24 hours. This is getting serious, folks! confused smiley

But overall ratio of dead/infected is around the same number as everywhere, circa 3.5%
How many are dead of the regular flu?

That is not interesting. The regular flu has got a fatality rate of 0.1% i.e. one out of thousand. The Coronavirus is fatail at 3.4% i.e. one out of 30, so it is 30 times more fatal than the flu. Also, there is no protection. People in the risk zone do take flu shots every year, but there is NO protection like a shot to stop the Coronavirus.

It is like saying that 40,000 is getting killed by hand guns every year, so why worry about the coronavirus? Or 7 out of 10 die from Ebola, so why worry about the Corona? Apples and bananas does not compare.

Fact is the Coronavirus is a big big serious problem worldwide, and luckily leaders across the world start to realize that now. There will be cancellations and companies will go bancrupt, that is why the Coronavirus needs to be contained fast, or at least slowed down as much as possible.


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:57

There will always be some hysteria about new diseases, or new strains of flu or new viruses. But it is important to read the factual data, which is sometimes ignored by the politicians and the press!

For these viruses, getting accurate data is tricky. To start with, not every case get recorded. Take "seasonal" flu: many of us get it and never see a doctor: we just tough it out. There is no record. The same probably applies to Covid-19: many get a very mild case and its not recorded. And with a new illness you only really know the data after the event.

Then there is the question of how many of us will catch it. Currently many folks get an annual flu-jab which gives protection: there is no vaccine yet for Covid-19. It will come, but not for months at least. Current data suggests that Covid-19 seems to be very good at moving from person to person - but its early days to be sure how well.

Finally, how does it affect each of us? It is complications like pneumonia or our body's immune system going into overdrive to try and fight the infection that makes us very ill. If we have existing conditions, and the older we are, the bigger the risk of getting very ill or dying.

The data available here in the UK suggests that Covid-19 is 10 to 20 times as lethal as recent influenza varieties. That data for Covid-19, so far, also suggests that people aged 60-70 are nearly 20 times as likely to die as those aged under 40.

There are far more lethal diseases, and have been far more lethal viruses in recent years (SARs, MERS) - lethal meaning if you get it, what is your chances of dying,,,, But this one is much more dangerous than influenza, if you catch it - and it does seem to be very contagious.

Its the combination of risk of infection and risk of dying if infected that should concern us. Not the estimated 10,000 or 30,000 who die of influenza in the US every year. If the same percentage of the US population gets Covid-19 this year as gets flu, then many many more people will die.

So to mis-quote Harry Callahan.... do you feel lucky punk?

No need for mass panic, but also not a time for ostrich-like behaviour!

Meanwhile..... I'm hoping the 2020 tour doesn't get affected.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 5, 2020 21:59

Read about regular flu and pandemic flu here


the thing I want to point out is that other diseases / flu's have much higher numbers without this mass hysteric media. The media should put things into perspective rater that creating much bigger problems

At this point the estimates are that COVID has twice the infection rate and 20-30 times the rate of fatality, overall, skewing towards the elderly.

I get that doesn't concern you, but you don't need to keep jumping up and down to make your point.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 5, 2020 22:01

Flybe was basically bankrupt before the CoronaVirus outbreak

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 5, 2020 22:02

Read about regular flu and pandemic flu here


the thing I want to point out is that other diseases / flu's have much higher numbers without this mass hysteric media. The media should put things into perspective rater that creating much bigger problems

Please DO NOT use this thread to discuss other diseases. It is spam. This thread is about the Coronavirus. If you continue your campaign other diseases here then I will delete posts and access.


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 5, 2020 22:08

Flybe was basically bankrupt before the CoronaVirus outbreak

you obviously have a point would be good if you made it.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: March 5, 2020 22:45

A news item just noted that 2 major insurance companies will no longer cover cancellations relating to COVID-19. Am assuming this relates to new bookings only. While first wishing for the health and safety of all in the affected areas, this may add another dimension of uncertainty around the tour. Fingers crossed that all goes well.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 5, 2020 23:14

Holmenkollen Skifestival is one of the biggest ski events of the year in Norway. It is running this week-end. Today it was announced it will be running without a crowd, i.e. athlets only, due to the coronavirus.

Skifest & RAW AIR closed for spectators


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: March 5, 2020 23:59

Respectfully, I am dropping out of this discussion. If people cannot bring facts that put this in context, or share opinions outside what the moderator expresses, then maybe we should drop the thread altogether.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: March 6, 2020 00:24

I haven’t seen this discussed before, and it might be premature, but if the tour
would be cancelled or postponed - I would guess the decision would be made prior to the 2nd week in April due to rehearsals etc. However, I don’t think they would cancel shows unless other bands and or festivals were doing the same. Their tour insurance, and what it covers, would be a major factor in any such decision.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: March 6, 2020 00:43

In my opinion here we should talk about this disease only in relation to the Stones tour.
Right now, I understand that the tour is confirmed, if things change, they will talk about it again.
It is useless to speak here of a virus on which, however one thinks, not enough is known yet. We leave this task to the experts. It's just my opinion, if I'm allowed to have it. A greeting.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 6, 2020 01:16

I haven’t seen this discussed before, and it might be premature, but if the tour
would be cancelled or postponed - I would guess the decision would be made prior to the 2nd week in April due to rehearsals etc. However, I don’t think they would cancel shows unless other bands and or festivals were doing the same. Their tour insurance, and what it covers, would be a major factor in any such decision.

Be curious as to how the insurance works as it pertains to individual shows vs all the shows- ie the whole tour.
For example, if Vancouver "banned" indoor events over a certain size, but no other cities did etc. Seems likely each venue would be on a case by case basis for insurance, but who knows?
Here in Seattle the question about large events being cancelled has been asked and local authorities say "not yet" leading me to believe it's a distinct possibility, as well as the other cities doing so around the world.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: March 6, 2020 02:16

I haven’t seen this discussed before, and it might be premature, but if the tour
would be cancelled or postponed - I would guess the decision would be made prior to the 2nd week in April due to rehearsals etc. However, I don’t think they would cancel shows unless other bands and or festivals were doing the same. Their tour insurance, and what it covers, would be a major factor in any such decision.

Be curious as to how the insurance works as it pertains to individual shows vs all the shows- ie the whole tour.
For example, if Vancouver "banned" indoor events over a certain size, but no other cities did etc. Seems likely each venue would be on a case by case basis for insurance, but who knows?
Here in Seattle the question about large events being cancelled has been asked and local authorities say "not yet" leading me to believe it's a distinct possibility, as well as the other cities doing so around the world.

Yes it would be interesting to know how the tour insurance might work.
My best guess is both individual show cancellations and the whole tour
cancellation would be covered in some manner. Hope that doesn’t happen -
but it does seem more possible now than it did a couple weeks ago.

I was told Amazon temporarily shutdown some offices in Seattle either
today or yesterday. Encouraging their employees to work from home.
Maybe not true though since I didn’t see the report in the news today.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: March 6, 2020 02:39

I just spoke with my friend in Milan. She says it is a ghost town. Lot of places are closed & most events cancelled. Here in Seattle, big companies like Amazon, Microsoft & Boeing (& others) are sending workers home & telling them to work virtually until further notice. Some schools are closed & some events cancelled. Comic con is next week & at this point they are giving full refunds to anyone who does not want to or can't attend. It hasn't been cancelled yet but that could happen soon. Some events are still going on but as the situation gets worse I think more are going to be cancelled. Things are escalating dailly.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: March 6, 2020 02:45

This thread is a REAL DRAG....please delete it.Thank you

If you stick your head in the sand, I guess at least you can't contract the virus. confused smiley

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 6, 2020 03:05

This thread is a REAL DRAG....please delete it.Thank you

perhaps you could self-delete out of this thread if it proves concerning to you?

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: March 6, 2020 03:14

I went to an automotive parts supply store today and got a box of 10 N95 masks (with the valve) for a friend and her family. The guy at the counter said a big box hardware store had cleaned them out of stock two weeks ago.

It's possible that in a month N95 masks will be worth their weight in gold.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 6, 2020 03:39

This is complete Horseshit !...95.000 cases worldwide, 3,300 dead world wide as of Mar 5 2020 8pm EST source CNN....What is your source? Why do you post garbage like this? This is why this thread shold be deleted.

Oh you're "fake news'ing" this?

I don't think this thread is actually about debating whether or not their IS a coronavirus.

Go hang out on a political'll get way more entertainment value.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Slimreaper ()
Date: March 6, 2020 04:03

Entertainment value??. I'm from Toronto and I saw first hand what SARS fearmongering did to the city and the economy.Until public health officials make a decision I don't see how all your 'expert' opinons do sweet F A

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: WelshEdge1 ()
Date: March 6, 2020 04:22

Why should the thread be deleted?

This is relevant to the tour as a number of events and music festivals have already been cancelled.

Coachella is in a months time. That will be a big blow if it is cancelled/postponed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-06 04:32 by WelshEdge1.

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