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Normal face masks cost a dollar or so, and they do not sit tight. There are of course professional 100% tight masks that do protect a lot more, but those are not on regular sales, and they cost a lot more...
Personally, I’m not yet worried about it. People are hysterical here in Asia but I am very skeptical by nature. I’ll be there for some dates and I promise not to bring ‘it’ with me
We shall see. Just take normal precautions, common sense precautions as you would with your average seasonal flu.
Personally, I’m not yet worried about it. People are hysterical here in Asia but I am very skeptical by nature. I’ll be there for some dates and I promise not to bring ‘it’ with me
We shall see. Just take normal precautions, common sense precautions as you would with your average seasonal flu.
Can you imagine Mick Jagger singing with a face protection mask?
On a more imminent gig — I’m going down to London on the coming Tuesday by train (which takes a few hours to get there) to attend Music For The Marsden, the all star charity event at the O2 Arena. While I speculate it’s too early to be over-cautious and withdraw from every entertainment-related activity, my hyper-hypochondriac self (read: paranoid) wonders if I should go as planned or give it up, waste money (ticket, train and accommodation all booked) and stay home. Seriously folks, what do you think? FYI my seat is a cheap nosebleed.
Go to the show.
Seconded, emphatically.
Forget the hysteric media. Go to the show and enjoy it. Just a precaution, do not kiss, hug or shake hands with people you don't know. Wash you hands and you should be fine.Quote
On a more imminent gig — I’m going down to London on the coming Tuesday by train (which takes a few hours to get there) to attend Music For The Marsden, the all star charity event at the O2 Arena. While I speculate it’s too early to be over-cautious and withdraw from every entertainment-related activity, my hyper-hypochondriac self (read: paranoid) wonders if I should go as planned or give it up, waste money (ticket, train and accommodation all booked) and stay home. Seriously folks, what do you think? FYI my seat is a cheap nosebleed.
Go to the show.
Seconded, emphatically.
On with the show good health to you!
mtaylorForget the hysteric media. Go to the show and enjoy it. Just a precaution, do not kiss, hug or shake hands with people you don't know. Wash you hands and you should be fine.Quote
On a more imminent gig — I’m going down to London on the coming Tuesday by train (which takes a few hours to get there) to attend Music For The Marsden, the all star charity event at the O2 Arena. While I speculate it’s too early to be over-cautious and withdraw from every entertainment-related activity, my hyper-hypochondriac self (read: paranoid) wonders if I should go as planned or give it up, waste money (ticket, train and accommodation all booked) and stay home. Seriously folks, what do you think? FYI my seat is a cheap nosebleed.
Go to the show.
Seconded, emphatically.
On with the show good health to you!
Remember, a lot more people die of a regular flu.
mtaylorForget the hysteric media. Go to the show and enjoy it. Just a precaution, do not kiss, hug or shake hands with people you don't know. Wash you hands and you should be fine.Quote
On a more imminent gig — I’m going down to London on the coming Tuesday by train (which takes a few hours to get there) to attend Music For The Marsden, the all star charity event at the O2 Arena. While I speculate it’s too early to be over-cautious and withdraw from every entertainment-related activity, my hyper-hypochondriac self (read: paranoid) wonders if I should go as planned or give it up, waste money (ticket, train and accommodation all booked) and stay home. Seriously folks, what do you think? FYI my seat is a cheap nosebleed.
Go to the show.
Seconded, emphatically.
On with the show good health to you!
Remember, a lot more people die of a regular flu.
Excellent advice. Additionally, that should help you from getting arrested or beat up.
a bigger nutQuote
Personally, I’m not yet worried about it. People are hysterical here in Asia but I am very skeptical by nature. I’ll be there for some dates and I promise not to bring ‘it’ with me
We shall see. Just take normal precautions, common sense precautions as you would with your average seasonal flu.
Now non-US citizens who have visited mainland China in the past 14 days is not allowed to enter USA.
And under the current situation coronavirus is spreading rapidly here in Japan, I am worrying if US immigration officers allow me into the States in June.
... and if you want to be scared by nonfiction "Pale Rider" a recent book about the 1918 'flu pandemic, is full of riveting research and anecdotes.
Can you imagine Mick Jagger singing with a face protection mask?
a bigger nutQuote
Personally, I’m not yet worried about it. People are hysterical here in Asia but I am very skeptical by nature. I’ll be there for some dates and I promise not to bring ‘it’ with me
We shall see. Just take normal precautions, common sense precautions as you would with your average seasonal flu.
Now non-US citizens who have visited mainland China in the past 14 days is not allowed to enter USA.
And under the current situation coronavirus is spreading rapidly here in Japan, I am worrying if US immigration officers allow me into the States in June.
For those of you fans actually living in Japan, my wife and I have a scheduled trip for a vacation to visit Japan starting March 27. What is the current situation like, would you postpone the trip if you were us? Thanks.
For those of you fans actually living in Japan, my wife and I have a scheduled trip for a vacation to visit Japan starting March 27. What is the current situation like, would you postpone the trip if you were us? Thanks.
For those of you fans actually living in Japan, my wife and I have a scheduled trip for a vacation to visit Japan starting March 27. What is the current situation like, would you postpone the trip if you were us? Thanks.
lem motlow
More people die in car accidents each year worldwide than this virus will ever kill.
We used to have this thing called bravery- stop shitting yourselves every time something scary happens.
lem motlow
I’m shocked that a country filled with people who eat cats and dogs dredged up some horrible disease but I’m still not scared.
More people die in car accidents each year worldwide than this virus will ever kill.
We used to have this thing called bravery- stop shitting yourselves every time something scary happens.
In either way it will turn our lifestyle upside down. Cancellation of mass events, travels, human contact restrictions, quarantines, supply shortages... This is what we are going to witness in the coming months, years or even decades...