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Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 16, 2017 03:28

Great to see faces of IORR gang ....


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: September 16, 2017 11:24

Still on a high from the Hamburg was great and so was Keef.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: September 16, 2017 13:35

my Lady & I met a couple of you guys (way too!) briefly, before the concert;
I remember most of the faces, but only remember ManOfWealthAndTaste & Dandelionpowderman's names...

So please allow me to ask you to introduce yourselves ...once more! Who's who?

P.S.: Dandy, I still owe you that beer I promised smoking smiley - and I will settle that in Amsterdam, since it's now 'official' I'll be attending both your gig at the Waterhole ànd the NO FILTER gig at the Johan Cruijff Amsterdam ArenA. WooHoo!!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 16, 2017 14:14

Check the who's who on page 38, RoughJusticeOnYa smiling smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: September 16, 2017 14:16

grinning smiley

right - must have overlooked that, earlier.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: TE ()
Date: September 17, 2017 17:19

OK, haven't checked all the videos. Kill me if posted before.
Full show in 4K.



Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: September 18, 2017 19:02

thanks for the link!
...better sound than a lot of the clips I've heard up to now...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-18 19:03 by hopkins.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: September 28, 2017 18:30

The German Edition of the 'Rolling Stone' Magazine (Oct. 2017, p. 102) gave in a Review 4 out of 5 stars for the concert in Hamburg:

Hamburg, Stadtpark


Ja, es ist Liebe! Die Beziehungsexperten der Zeitung "Die Welt" hatten vorab tiefere Schwingungen zwischen Hamburg und den Stones ausgemacht, auch wenn die Recherche nur die 1965 obligatorische Saalschlacht in der Ernst-Merck-Halle hergab sowie einen als Pressekonferenz getarnten Hafentrip auf dem MS St. Pauli, fast auf den Konzerttag genau vor 47 Jahren. Doch jetzt: Premiere der "No Filter"-Tour! Erstes Konzert auf der großen Wiese im Hamburger Stadtpark seit 1989 (Pink Floyd)!

Auf der Suche nach einer Bühnenidee ist die Band 2017 bei einer überdimensionierten Bushaltestelle angekommen, umschlossen von vier riesigen LED-Türmen. Und jetzt spielen sie (erstmals seit 1990) "Play With Fire", getaucht in ein wogendes Farbenmeer. "Paint It Black" spukt monochromatisch, während "Miss You" zur Neondisco-Kulisse zelebriert wird. Mal sind die Leinwände nach Motiven gesplittet, dann wiederum rifft Keef über die ganze Breite des gigantischen Beamers. So werden die Songs scharf gestellt, ohne sie zu überfrachten. Man kann viel falsch machen auf so einer gigantischen Optik-Spielwiese – die Stones machen fast alles richtig.

So bleiben sie teils stoisch, teils komisch old-fashioned und bedienen doch Sehnsucht und Sucht des digitalisierten Menschen, in Bildern und Bildschirmen zu leben. Und wenn Musik und Bilder harmonieren, scheint es fast, als könnte die Zeit doch auf die Stones warten. Zugleich schwingt natürlich stets die Ahnung mit, dass es jetzt vielleicht wirklich schon das letzte Mal sein könnte. Was sich in keinem anderen Moment der mehr als zwei Stunden schöner verdichtet als zur Keef-Time, nach einer ausführlichen Vorstellungsrunde, in der Jagger auch einen gewissen "Mister Holz" (Ronnie Wood) aufruft.

Keith Richards also hat gerade sein "Honky Tonk Women"-Solo leicht vergrützt, richtet nun sein Mikro und frotzelt erst mal über Jagger, der immer wieder tapfer Deutsches vom Teleprompter liest (Highlight: "Ick hoffa, eihr benehmt euck bessa als die Pink-Floyd-Fans!"). "Crap German", verspricht Richards, werde man von ihm nicht hören – um sich dann so innig und ganz bei sich in "Slippin' Away" zu schwingen, als gäbe er ein Hauskonzert vor 80.000 Wohnzimmergästen. Es ist dies ein überraschend intimer, anrührender Moment an einem Abend ohne die ganz großen Überraschungen.

Gut, sie exhumieren tatsächlich ihren '73er Todesflirt "Dancing With Mr. D". Auch gibt es ein eher lahmes "Under My Thumb" als Gewinner eines Publikumsvotings zu hören. Und nach dem Keef-Intermezzo, das auch noch ein gewohnt schiefes "Happy" beinhaltet, bleibt die Band dann doch wieder in Erwartungen gefangen, von denen sie glaubt, dass die Menge da draußen sie hätte.

So rumpelt "Midnight Rambler" gewagt über seine Rhythmuswechsel, animiert Jagger aber im Breakdown doch mal zu spontaner Kommunikation mit dem Publikum, um noch finalen Drive zu entwickeln. "Street Fighting Man", das, sorry, blöde "Start Me Up", das eigentlich nur als Opener taugt. Aber da hatten die Stones ja mal eben schon "Sympathy For The Devil" platziert, das sich ankündigungslos, hin- und mitreißend aus roter Pyrokulisse schälte. Dazu passend trug Charlie todschicke rote Socken und imposante Kopfhörer (nur für diesen Song). Aber ein neues Snare-Fell hatten sie ihm zum Tourauftakt nicht spendiert.

"Brown Sugar" bringt immerhin ein schön überblasenes Bobby-Keys-Gedächtnissolo von Saxofonist Karl Denson. "Gimme Shelter" wird ewig dunkel strahlen. Auch ein Bild des Abends: wie Mick Jagger im "Hu-hu-hu"-Finale zwischen den Background-Stimmen Sasha Allen und Bernard Fowler ein bisschen Wärme sucht. Ja, und natürlich, zum Abschluss des regulären Sets: "Satisfaction". Damit schließt sich ein Kreis, denn das ist der einzige Song, den sie schon 1965 in der Ernst-Merck-Halle spielten.

Und ja: Ein bisschen Liebe war auch dabei. JÖRG FEYER - []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-28 18:45 by Irix.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: September 28, 2017 19:04

OK, haven't checked all the videos. Kill me if posted before.
Full show in 4K.



...Nice find! Many thx for the link!! smileys with beer

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: October 3, 2017 15:35

From No Filter Pit: Play With Fire


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-27 13:53 by Christiaan.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: October 24, 2017 23:34

SFTD in Hamburg.

I have a fair question.

How would you rank the Hamburg rendition of Sympathy with a view to the other Filter gigs?

Personally, I like it very much, find it quite outstanding, but difficult to compare since I have attended only Hamburg, and know the others only from the internet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-10-24 23:43 by

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: November 15, 2017 15:34

Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany

Tuesday, 11/14/2017
By: Gideon Gottfried

AP Photo / Michael Euler

The district office that cleared the Rolling Stones concert on Sept. 9 in Hamburg’s Stadtpark received 100 free concert tickets from German concert promoter FKP Scorpio – an endowment that may cause legal trouble.

Germany has strict regulations on the types of gifts civil servants are allowed to accept. Apart from pencils and notepads there aren’t many things they can take with a clear conscience. So when word got out that a number of public officials were given Rolling Stones tickets worth around euro 10,000 in total, the backlash was inevitable.

Hamburg’s DA’s office has launched an investigation into the matter. Since neither FKP Scorpio nor the responsible district office in Hamburg were allowed to comment on an ongoing investigation, Pollstar’s requests were declined.

However, Pollstar obtained the documents of two information requests by two different parties submitted to and answered by the district office.

On May 17, the district office had sent an email to employees, informing them about the 100 free tickets for the Rolling Stones gig, provided by FKP Scorpio. An additional allotment of tickets was available for purchase.

According to Harald Rösler, head of the district office, the tickets went to local top-ranking politicians as well as 25 office employees and their partners. Rösler pointed out that the office employees had surpassed themselves, working after-hours without getting paid for it, to organize and facilitate what he describes as “the biggest concert event in Hamburg thus far.”

81,193 people saw the Sept. 9 Rolling Stones concert, which kicked off the band’s No Filter European tour. The show grossed $11,954,298, the highest single-concert value of the whole tour, according to Pollstar’s box office figures.

Punters reportedly paid up to euro 800 for a ticket on the secondary market, which is one reason why German media leaped at the story once it became clear that certain people – civil servants at that – were given the precious items for free.

According to Hamburger Morgenpost, the district office had never cleared a comparable event in the city’s Stadtpark before, implying that the free tickets may have helped.

However, a FKP Scorpio rep told German news outlet Der Spiegel, before Hamburg’s DA’s office had launched its investigation, that it was “unrealistic” to assume the authorization process could be influenced by offering free tickets. The spokesperson lauded the “good and very complex cooperation” with the district office and added that FKP didn’t mind if the recipients of the tickets had understood them to be a thank-you gesture.

The district office emphasized that it was only offered the tickets after it had authorized the Rolling Stones concert in Hamburg’s Stadtpark.


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: November 15, 2017 15:53

"100 free concert tickets [...] worth around euro 10,000 in total " !?

That'll probably be those packages including Pit-tickets, then?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: November 15, 2017 16:05

"100 free concert tickets [...] worth around euro 10,000 in total " !?

That'll probably be those packages including Pit-tickets, then?

I don't think you will get pit tickets for 100€ beside Lucky Dips ;-)

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: November 15, 2017 16:41

The explanation was before that, as District Office said, they required these tickets to check the conformity to the conditions they had put down for the use of the Stadtpark.

How did these tickets look then? Were they like "access all sections" or something?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: November 15, 2017 17:22

"100 free concert tickets [...] worth around euro 10,000 in total " !?

That'll probably be those packages including Pit-tickets, then?

I don't think you will get pit tickets for 100€ beside Lucky Dips ;-)

Ooops - you're right... spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I must admit: I was awfyul bad... at maths. smoking smiley

sorry! Do carry on. (I'll get me coat...)

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: November 16, 2017 19:23

Razzia im Bezirksamt wegen Rolling-Stones-Freikarten

Police Raid at the District Office because of Rolling Stones Free Tickets

[] Die Welt

[] Hamburger Morgenpost

Police raided the District Office Hamburg North on bribery suspicion. Investigations include the head of the authority. The point is whether the authority were allowed to accept such a gift after - in their capacity of authority in charge - they had beforehand given approval to that event. 50 tickets were given to employees of the authority, the balance 50 tickets went to members of the District Council.

EDIT: typing errors

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-11-16 19:25 by

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Hanns Rainsch ()
Date: November 17, 2017 13:31

SFTD in Hamburg.

I have a fair question.

How would you rank the Hamburg rendition of Sympathy with a view to the other Filter gigs?

Personally, I like it very much, find it quite outstanding, but difficult to compare since I have attended only Hamburg, and know the others only from the internet.

I was there and have listened to it a lot...I think it was great lyrics delivery by Jagger, Keith was not so well doing solos but the finale of the song was really great with Keith playing the final licks just like on the record (never heard that before). The finale just lacked Jagger doing falsetto...

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: November 17, 2017 14:01

Well, I´m not that big fan of judging a live-songs from second one to the end.
I do not critize people here who do so.
But I like more to tell here if a song delivverd a fantastic feeling to me.

And Sympathy in Hamburg did.
In Hamburg Sympathy was more outstanding than at any other tourstop after.
Because it was such a surprise as an opener!!!
80.000 people awaited SMU, or JJF or...
But then the lights turned on in a amazing red, the percussion started, and wow!
Section 4, directly in front of the T-Catwalk-Stage I got goosebumps all over.
And thean Bang! Keith was there. And bang! Ronnie.
And Mick all over Hamburg asking if they "could please aloud him to introduce himself"!

Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: syrel ()
Date: November 15, 2017 21:49

Interesting little story, though probably a storm in a tea cup. I do like this, however:

"Punters reportedly paid up to euro 800 for a ticket on the secondary market, which is one reason why German media leaped at the story"

Oh no, no, no sir. I think you'll find that was the primary market...



Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany

The district office that cleared the Rolling Stones concert on Sept. 9 in Hamburg’s Stadtpark received 100 free concert tickets from German concert promoter FKP Scorpio – an endowment that may cause legal trouble.

Germany has strict regulations on the types of gifts civil servants are allowed to accept. Apart from pencils and notepads there aren’t many things they can take with a clear conscience. So when word got out that a number of public officials were given Rolling Stones tickets worth around euro 10,000 in total, the backlash was inevitable.

Hamburg’s DA’s office has launched an investigation into the matter. Since neither FKP Scorpio nor the responsible district office in Hamburg were allowed to comment on an ongoing investigation, Pollstar’s requests were declined.

However, Pollstar obtained the documents of two information requests by two different parties submitted to and answered by the district office.

On May 17, the district office had sent an email to employees, informing them about the 100 free tickets for the Rolling Stones gig, provided by FKP Scorpio. An additional allotment of tickets was available for purchase.

According to Harald Rösler, head of the district office, the tickets went to local top-ranking politicians as well as 25 office employees and their partners. Rösler pointed out that the office employees had surpassed themselves, working after-hours without getting paid for it, to organize and facilitate what he describes as “the biggest concert event in Hamburg thus far.”

81,193 people saw the Sept. 9 Rolling Stones concert, which kicked off the band’s No Filter European tour. The show grossed $11,954,298, the highest single-concert value of the whole tour, according to Pollstar’s box office figures.

Punters reportedly paid up to euro 800 for a ticket on the secondary market, which is one reason why German media leaped at the story once it became clear that certain people – civil servants at that – were given the precious items for free.

According to Hamburger Morgenpost, the district office had never cleared a comparable event in the city’s Stadtpark before, implying that the free tickets may have helped.

However, a FKP Scorpio rep told German news outlet Der Spiegel, before Hamburg’s DA’s office had launched its investigation, that it was “unrealistic” to assume the authorization process could be influenced by offering free tickets. The spokesperson lauded the “good and very complex cooperation” with the district office and added that FKP didn’t mind if the recipients of the tickets had understood them to be a thank-you gesture.

The district office emphasized that it was only offered the tickets after it had authorized the Rolling Stones concert in Hamburg’s Stadtpark.

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: Deltics ()
Date: November 15, 2017 21:57


"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: syrel ()
Date: November 15, 2017 22:55

Ah - had looked for a new topic on it, forgot about the show threads

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: November 16, 2017 05:02

100 tickets worth €10,000? Gee, sounds like Lucky Dips. I would demand a better bribe. grinning smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: Monsoon Ragoon ()
Date: November 16, 2017 07:51

Well sounds like corruption. Stones people wanted Stadtpark, not the relative small stadium or Bahrenfeld. Nothing special in most countries; in Germany there's always a lot of trouble if such rumours surface.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-11-16 07:53 by Monsoon Ragoon.

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: syrel ()
Date: November 16, 2017 10:44

There isn't enough info in the story to come to a firm conclusion, but it doesn't really sound like corruption to me. 100 or so (presumably) GA tickets isn't enough to swing a deal. There are many complimentary tickets available for large shows, it's just part of the business, like it used to be for records.

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: ()
Date: November 16, 2017 19:34

Had posted this under the Hamburg thread just before, but now that I see this thread here, I guess this post does fit better here.

Razzia im Bezirksamt wegen Rolling-Stones-Freikarten

Police Raid at the District Office because of Rolling Stones Free Tickets

[] Die Welt

[] Hamburger Morgenpost

Police raided the District Office Hamburg North on bribery suspicion. Investigations include the head of the authority. The point is whether the authority were allowed to accept such a gift after - in their capacity of authority in charge - they had beforehand given approval to that event. 50 tickets were given to employees of the authority, the balance 50 tickets went to members of the District Council.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-11-16 19:38 by

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: ()
Date: November 16, 2017 19:54

An interesting question is: How did these tickets actually look like? The District Office had claimed before, these tickets were meant for district officials to check whether the regulations laid for the event were actually obeyed. In this case tickets should be like "access all sections or areas" or something, and they might have easily been sold for several hundred Euros a piece.

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: November 16, 2017 20:50

Vengeful to say but I hope they're punished. I knew something was wrong when this Promoter refused to make right the so called VIP pit experience, plus the square turned into a catwalk. They could have made me happy with a vip pass for a few drinks in a tent and a special entrance and exit. That's a VIP experience. I will avoid any concerts by this Promoter.

Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: November 17, 2017 04:37

Vengeful to say but I hope they're punished. I knew something was wrong when this Promoter refused to make right the so called VIP pit experience, plus the square turned into a catwalk. They could have made me happy with a vip pass for a few drinks in a tent and a special entrance and exit. That's a VIP experience. I will avoid any concerts by this Promoter.

Well, in Paris I had VIP tickets for two nights and I didn't get any free drinks, much less in a tent, so that's not necessarily part of the VIP experience. And while we had a separate entrance, we had no special exit, but were in with the entire crowd going thru the single exit.


Re: Rolling Stones Tickets Freebies Spark Investigation In Germany
Posted by: ()
Date: November 17, 2017 13:12

District-Chief Rösler under Pressure after [Stones Ticket] Freebies Scandal

Update by Hamburger Abendblatt (in German only, however)


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