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Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: zgubi ()
Date: September 11, 2017 11:50

my traditional concert video including a few snippets from the show, hope you enjoy, will be doing one of these in each city so subscribe to get notified video: []

I make daily videos on the tour at []
Going to: London - Manchester - Twickenham - Berlin - Marseille - Prague - Warsaw

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 11:54

Who played acoustic guitar on Satisfaction?

Brian Jones.

I thought this was some "Clavinet" sound almost sounding like an acoustic. I hated it. It was played by Matt Clifford. He does the "choir" sound on YCAGWYW and the "harp" sound on Miss You too. I think they would sound better without him. But it's okay. It was one of the best concerts I have been to. Perfect sound, special songs, Just Your Fool, a long show, 22 songs. THAT WAS GREAT

I didn't hear a harp sound on Miss You?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: MartinB ()
Date: September 11, 2017 11:55

I think with K and R playing fat groovy fun rhythm together; and little licks here and there; and leave the rest to Derek Trucks; tell him he cam bring Susan to sing with Sarah so that should wrap him up; tell him to bring his bass player and piano and you can let go of Chuck and Matt and good ol' Darryl; I mean we should be able to get the gross members down from 11 to 9 at least with some changeups, you'd have the best guitar player in the world in just about any bluesy rocking thing in the world; Mick Taylor level and beyond; whatever bass player HE digs is the guy, whatever piano player HE digs is the guy; Dump Chuckie and really get some southern soul in there...straight from the heart of the original Allmans, that should do it; play anything they want any era or the same things over and over agian; won't matter; it will be ace and perfect, Mick is still engaging and delightful doing his telethon emcee job there; sounds great looks great; the band is not a total catastrophe; ok first night jitters maybe; or narcotics who knows...i mean it's wonderful and also the band's not keeping up with the front; as beautifully as the second line is doing a really good job; this is just first impressions i' will spend more time with it; it seems kinda better than last year but not so very alive; mick is great; the design and lighting and stage are great; a lotta great; the power of the integrated band not so very up to snuff yet I don't think upon first few listens of a fw tracks; gooed stuff tho; mr, d and a lot of things; i wn't shite on it but first impre4ssion not so very in the groove or excitint tho Ron has nice moments and Mick is great imo.

Derek Truck is a great guitarist, but not for the Stones. Completely different approach.

Anyway, they will not invite another guitarist. They would rather stop entirely.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: harald2002 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 12:01

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 12:01

Who played acoustic guitar on Satisfaction?

Brian Jones.

I thought this was some "Clavinet" sound almost sounding like an acoustic. I hated it. It was played by Matt Clifford. He does the "choir" sound on YCAGWYW and the "harp" sound on Miss You too. I think they would sound better without him. But it's okay. It was one of the best concerts I have been to. Perfect sound, special songs, Just Your Fool, a long show, 22 songs. THAT WAS GREAT

I didn't hear a harp sound on Miss You?

[] :-)

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: marcovandereijk ()
Date: September 11, 2017 12:04

I have learned not to judge the quality of the shows by watching youtube-clips.
But damn, have I been impressed by what I saw!
I am really looking forward to the show in Amsterdam, 19 days from now. Hope Trust they'll
be as amazing as they appeared to be in Hamburg.

Just as long as the guitar plays, let it steal your heart away

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: September 11, 2017 12:40

Interesting that aside from Brown Sugar, the Sticky Fingers album was completely ignored.
No Bitch, Wild Horses, Dead Flowers, CYHMK....not even Moonlight Mile which they played nicely during the Zip Code tour!
Maybe one of the above will make an appearance somewhere down the road of this Euro tour.

And just two songs from Exile! Three from Let It Bleed which made it the album they drew most songs from.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 12:49

Who played acoustic guitar on Satisfaction?

Brian Jones.

I thought this was some "Clavinet" sound almost sounding like an acoustic. I hated it. It was played by Matt Clifford. He does the "choir" sound on YCAGWYW and the "harp" sound on Miss You too. I think they would sound better without him. But it's okay. It was one of the best concerts I have been to. Perfect sound, special songs, Just Your Fool, a long show, 22 songs. THAT WAS GREAT

I didn't hear a harp sound on Miss You?

[] :-)

I'll be d....! The sound mix was nothing like that from where I was standing. I actually heard Ronnie play the riff like in 1978, as loud as the «harp» is in this video - I was standing on Keith's side grinning smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 12:58

The full show:


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: erad ()
Date: September 11, 2017 13:12

Wow what a great vid, the sound is excellent too. Thanks dandy!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 13:16

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 13:25

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Luckily, we had a direct flight home, Gregor - as opposed to the hassle we had to go though on our way to Hamburg smiling smiley

We too passed the Stones plane before take-off.

It was great fun indeed thumbs up

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: lox ()
Date: September 11, 2017 13:29

What a great concert! I believe this will go down in history as the "SETLIST-SHOW"!!!... Even though I prepared myself for this tour by reading the reports on the dress rehearsal last week and therefore was beyond happy to find out that we might have the chance to hear "Play With Fire" and/or "Dancing With Mr. D.", they still managed to surprise us on so many levels! "Sympathy For The Devil" as an opener was really cool, however I was kind of thrown off a bit in the begining. I really didn't see this coming at all. At first, I thought that something went wrong with the usual big opening spectacle and I was worried that the screens were broken... It took me a while to realize that this really was the first song of the concert; the pyros were nice!

I think the biggest surprise was the insertion of "Street Fighting Man" in the warhorse run; I didn't expect that at all. Really great version as well! I also enjoyed the other rarities very much, I loved "Dancing With Mr. D.", "Play With Fire", "Under My Thumb" (nice relaxed and sleazy version). So happy that "Midnight Rambler" was still in the setlist, this time Charlie played a very groovy Disco beat for a couple of bars in the middle segment; I have never heard it played in this style before: fantastic version!

Surprisingly, the song that moved me the most and gave me goosebumps was "Slipping Away". I am not a big fan, but this time it was perfect, very, very beautiful. I had the impression that Keith was moved as well, he had misty eyes, I think he even mentioned it in the song and then laughed if off...

Finally, as someone else said it before: A Rolling Stones concert boosts your high-energy level like nothing else in the world. And the band proved it again. A great, great concert... THANK YOU ROLLING STONES!!!!!

And here are some pictures I took:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 13:53 by lox.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 13:38

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Luckily, we had a direct flight home, Gregor - as opposed to the hassle we had to go though on our way to Hamburg smiling smiley

We too passed the Stones plane before take-off.

It was great fun indeed thumbs up

Good to hear that. Well deserved too after the hassle on your out-flight.

When the IORR group of 10 'disintegrated' in the aftershow crowds, did you guys get one of those Hauptbahnhof express buses back to the Centre ?

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Fun times. I usually queue from morning for Stones shows but it was good to do something different and share the experience with a big multi-national group of fans. That setlist was the best I've seen in many years - since my earliest shows when, of course, everything was 'new' smiling smiley.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: September 11, 2017 13:39

The full show:


Thank. I had already seen this, not the whole clip, of course. Seems the quality is not that high, and I am afraid the thing is full of commercial spots. Aint that so?

I wanted to ask if anyone of the aficionados round here who has the instruments, the expertise and the time to do so, could put the best clips together in order to kind of document the full show. Would be nice and thank you anyhow.

PS: And, DP, thanks for all your contributions. Which pit were you in, btw?

Lot of fine reports and accounts already around. I fin d it difficult to follow up with such a vast thread.

Two remarks I'd like to make,

One is the illumination of the trees surrounding or framing the field or meadow. Just beautiful, I've never seen such a thing before. And thanks to whomever organised that.

Second is, I was in GA centre about 10 mts from the fence to the Silver Pit. First time in my life and carreer of Stones gigs it happened that I did not have any direct eyesight to the stage. I am 1 m 82 in height and I tried to figure out what was going on on stage but I could only see the roof of the stage and could not at any stage see a single person moving on stage. Only when I checked my cellphone after the show I found out that from a height of 2 m something, where you hold up the cellphone, there was direct sight to the stage. Thus I could only see what was shown on the video screens. Well, during the gig I was on such a high that I didn't bother about it. Now however I pity it that I was a such a great show without having had a single moment of direct eyesight to any member of the band. That makes you feel kind of cut off.

Anybody round there with similar experience?

Another thing that also occurred to me for the frist time at a Stones gig, is that I found the crowd where I was in was a rather grumpy one.

How were the crowds in Silver Pit and Filter Pit?

Cheers - d.f

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 13:48

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Luckily, we had a direct flight home, Gregor - as opposed to the hassle we had to go though on our way to Hamburg smiling smiley

We too passed the Stones plane before take-off.

It was great fun indeed thumbs up

Good to hear that. Well deserved too after the hassle on your out-flight.

When the IORR group of 10 'disintegrated' in the aftershow crowds, did you guys get one of those Hauptbahnhof express buses back to the Centre ?

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Fun times. I usually queue from morning for Stones shows but it was good to do something different and share the experience with a big multi-national group of fans. That setlist was the best I've seen in many years - since my earliest shows when, of course, everything was 'new' smiling smiley.

RobberBride, Maofwealthandtaste and I walked for an hour and eventually found a taxi smiling smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 13:53

The full show:


Thank. I had already seen this, not the whole clip, of course. Seems the quality is not that high, and I am afraid the thing is full of commercial spots. Aint that so?

I wanted to ask if anyone of the aficionados round here who has the instruments, the expertise and the time to do so, could put the best clips together in order to kind of document the full show. Would be nice and thank you anyhow.

PS: And, DP, thanks for all your contributions. Which pit were you in, btw?

Lot of fine reports and accounts already around. I fin d it difficult to follow up with such a vast thread.

Two remarks I'd like to make,

One is the illumination of the trees surrounding or framing the field or meadow. Just beautiful, I've never seen such a thing before. And thanks to whomever organised that.

Second is, I was in GA centre about 10 mts from the fence to the Silver Pit. First time in my life and carreer of Stones gigs it happened that I did not have any direct eyesight to the stage. I am 1 m 82 in height and I tried to figure out what was going on on stage but I could only see the roof of the stage and could not at any stage see a single person moving on stage. Only when I checked my cellphone after the show I found out that from a height of 2 m something, where you hold up the cellphone, there was direct sight to the stage. Thus I could only see what was shown on the video screens. Well, during the gig I was on such a high that I didn't bother about it. Now however I pity it that I was a such a great show without having had a single moment of direct eyesight to any member of the band. That makes you feel kind of cut off.

Anybody round there with similar experience?

Another thing that also occurred to me for the frist time at a Stones gig, is that I found the crowd where I was in was a rather grumpy one.

How were the crowds in Silver Pit and Filter Pit?

Cheers - d.f

I was in the Silver Pit, and the crowd was great there. I thought that spot was very good, for that price. We could see them on stage. However, this was a huge venue, and I'm used to be a little closer to the stage.

If you look at Silver Dagger's SFTD-video in the set opener-thread, you'll see how it was from our spot.

The lighting was indeed beautiful.

This was a special gig!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 14:10 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 14:10

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Luckily, we had a direct flight home, Gregor - as opposed to the hassle we had to go though on our way to Hamburg smiling smiley

We too passed the Stones plane before take-off.

It was great fun indeed thumbs up

Good to hear that. Well deserved too after the hassle on your out-flight.

When the IORR group of 10 'disintegrated' in the aftershow crowds, did you guys get one of those Hauptbahnhof express buses back to the Centre ?

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Fun times. I usually queue from morning for Stones shows but it was good to do something different and share the experience with a big multi-national group of fans. That setlist was the best I've seen in many years - since my earliest shows when, of course, everything was 'new' smiling smiley.

RobberBride, Maofwealthandtaste and I walked for an hour and eventually found a taxi smiling smiley

Yikes, so that means that Wild Sliwowitz was stuck on his own then? It was always going to be difficult to keep such a big group together.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 14:12

The full show:


Brilliant find! I will watch that sometime later, as long as it isn't hunted down and deleted before then.

I hope your journey back home was smooth and without problems. My flight was on time, but the journey home from Stansted Airport wasn't. But never mind, all worth it. My plane was parked very near the Stones' plane at Hamburg Airport, whcih was all ready for the move to Munich.

Thanks a lot,


Luckily, we had a direct flight home, Gregor - as opposed to the hassle we had to go though on our way to Hamburg smiling smiley

We too passed the Stones plane before take-off.

It was great fun indeed thumbs up

Good to hear that. Well deserved too after the hassle on your out-flight.

When the IORR group of 10 'disintegrated' in the aftershow crowds, did you guys get one of those Hauptbahnhof express buses back to the Centre ?

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Fun times. I usually queue from morning for Stones shows but it was good to do something different and share the experience with a big multi-national group of fans. That setlist was the best I've seen in many years - since my earliest shows when, of course, everything was 'new' smiling smiley.

RobberBride, Maofwealthandtaste and I walked for an hour and eventually found a taxi smiling smiley

Yikes, so that means that Wild Sliwowitz was stuck on his own then? It was always going to be difficult to keep such a big group together.

No, we passed his Airbandb on the way. So we walked him home, hehe smiling smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ErwinH ()
Date: September 11, 2017 14:12

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Grzegorz67.... yes some of us wanted some more beers, I think Steinschlag and Silver Dagger went into a club to find 'some'... :-)

It was a great afternoon and night, fun to meet you guys for a pre-party !

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 14:13

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Grzegorz67.... yes some of us wanted some more beers, I think Steinschlag and Silver Dagger went into a club to find 'some'... :-)

It was a great afternoon and night, fun to meet you guys for a pre-party !

What kind of club? winking smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 14:19

ErwinH & brother, Steinschlag & friend, myself & Silver Dagger walked towards the centre, then we found a U-bahn stop and got on. When we got to the HbF, we were all a bit knackered so we didn't bother with any more beer and went our ways. The HbF was crowded until 4am, when I got the S-bahn to the Airport.

Grzegorz67.... yes some of us wanted some more beers, I think Steinschlag and Silver Dagger went into a club to find 'some'... :-)

It was a great afternoon and night, fun to meet you guys for a pre-party !

What kind of club? winking smiley

I'm glad someone else asked that question. Note 'some' in quotes too.
It wasn't completely boring waiting at the HbF. There were lots of people around all through the night and lots of Polizei around to quickly deal wih any trouble. They stand for no nonsense !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 14:21 by grzegorz67.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: September 11, 2017 14:39

Hope you don't mind if I ask, but why do people think Keith is sober? There are Backstage photos of Keith from Havana where he drank a wodka sunkist and smoked a joint. Also in recent interviews there's often a glass of wodka sunkist next to him.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: bv ()
Date: September 11, 2017 14:57

I have added many reports to the Hamburg reports pages now:


PS. More photos to follow. I am busy...


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: mikey C ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:00

I did not see it how much was a beer? I did notice Stones plastic cups...And what beer was it just Curious ....

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:02

mikey C
I did not see it how much was a beer? I did notice Stones plastic cups...And what beer was it just Curious ....

Beer was E 5,50 plus E 3,0 for the Glass. You could return the glass and they would return you the E 3,.
i kept the glass. Its Nice souvenir.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:05

Hope you don't mind if I ask, but why do people think Keith is sober? There are Backstage photos of Keith from Havana where he drank a wodka sunkist and smoked a joint. Also in recent interviews there's often a glass of wodka sunkist next to him.

Well i will try to answer that question best to my knowledge, as drink is my favorite subject lol.
Keith went through a period of sobriety after his wife had a big operation removing a lot of cancer. I think he was off booze much more than he was on it between 2008 to 2014 or thereabouts. I get the feeling he is on and off the drink still to this day. Its very easy to see when Keith is drinking as he has got older from his face and his speaking voice.
Its my guess that he just did the last show sober, maybe he had a little weed before the show, that seems to slow him down a bit but it probably calmed his nerves.
Ronnie i am more suspicious of, not drink but something else.

Just to add that Cocaine is out of the question now for Keith since his head injury in 06'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 15:19 by stone4ever.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:16


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 15:26 by 35love.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:25

Five reasons for seeing the NoFilter tour

1.The new show opener - I think if there was something called « jaw-o-meter», measuring the jaws falling as RS opened with Sympathy, the jaw-o-meter would be on 11. At least in the IORR camp present.  And putting Gimme Shelter as an encore, "finally" acknowledges its status as one of the most known songs in their catalogue.

2.The long set list. Enough said.
3.The willingness to change up the order and throw in all those goodies:  the blues numbers, the mesmerizing Play with Fire, the swagger of Under My thumb, the utter masterpiece Mr D.  YCAGWYW early in the show, and without the choir. 

4. Slipping Away - just so moving, a showstopper really. 

5.The new stage design. STUFISH really upped the game here. Loved it. The four LED towers, resembling four smartphones standing side by side is very effective and stylish IMO. They also projects knife sharp images (with the exception of the mini cameras on Charlies drums). Loved the way each screen made it possible to focus on one person. Also, instead of the usual widescreen image, with a small subject and a lot of deadspace left and right, the standing format naturally "follows" the human bodyshape. We get much closer to the subject while still seeing their singing/playing. And the graphics are fresher and less tacky this time around.

It would not be a perfect evening without the absolutely wonderful IORR crew – it´s such a special treat meeting up beforehand and going there together. Highly recommended.
Thanks a lot grzegorz67 (best Hamburg tourguide ever), DP, ManofWealthandTaste, Silver Dagger, ErwinH and his funny brother, Steinschlag and great friend.
See you all soon smiling smiley 

grinning smiley eye rolling smiley smileys with beer Well I suppose I got us there...

Glad to hear your journey home was better than the nightmare flight out to Hamburg.

Might see you later on tour. I often gig solo, queueing from 10-11am in the morning to get the best possible viewing spot I can but being in a big group made it fun and more than compensated for not being so close up. Great memories.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 15:28 by grzegorz67.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: September 11, 2017 15:26

Hope you don't mind if I ask, but why do people think Keith is sober? There are Backstage photos of Keith from Havana where he drank a wodka sunkist and smoked a joint. Also in recent interviews there's often a glass of wodka sunkist next to him.

Well i will try to answer that question best to my knowledge, as drink is my favorite subject lol.
Keith went through a period of sobriety after his wife had a big operation removing a lot of cancer. I think he was off booze much more than he was on it between 2008 to 2014 or thereabouts. I get the feeling he is on and off the drink still to this day. Its very easy to see when Keith is drinking as he has got older from his face and his speaking voice.
Its my guess that he just did the last show sober, maybe he had a little weed before the show, that seems to slow him down a bit but it probably calmed his nerves.
Ronnie i am more suspicious of, not drink but something else.

Just to add that Cocaine is out of the question now for Keith since his head injury in 06'

I'm curious to hear reports on Keith's progress thru this tour. Not being in attendance it's tough to get a true barometer but bum notes are bum notes. Being a "professional" maybe Keith should be a little more prepared for the first night. But hey my Patriots stunk in their first game and hopefully they rebound and hopefully more promising reports on Keith's next show. Despite this there were many glowing reports and like I said you HAVE to be there to truly appreciate!! smileys with beer

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