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Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 05:40

I've heard (from boots) bad shows from 1969 (Hyde Park), 1976, 1981 and so on so bad playing and trainwrecks from the Stones are there for almost 50 years now, so we can't complain about bad playing in 2017, what's new under the sun?

When they were cool or at their peak, trainwrecks were cool isn't it?
Now not?

Come on, they are the Rolling Stones, not Pink Floyd or Yes, if I want perfection I go to see other bands, the Stones are what they are, go or stay home.

I agree, if people want perfect sound, if they want it to sound "just like the record" at a concert, they can get that at many shows where backing tracks are used, players are hidden offstage, etc etc are common. There are plenty of groups for people who want the sound perfect... Go see Brittney Spears

Go see Rush, they always sound perfect in concert, but of course they do, 1/2-3/4 of their music is multiple layers of them playing, it is impossible for 3 guys to do that live on stage without "sound reinforcement".

I do not know why some people who obviously no longer enjoy The Stones feel compelled to park on this board everyday to go on and on and on about every little nit p[icky thing as if they are presenting evidence at a court trial proving something. I would guess there would be something else they could/should be doing in their life which they actually enjoy besides spending so much time bashing on a band they longer enjoy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 05:42 by HankM.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: mpj200 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 05:57

Hope you don't mind if I ask, but why do people think Keith is sober? There are Backstage photos of Keith from Havana where he drank a wodka sunkist and smoked a joint. Also in recent interviews there's often a glass of wodka sunkist next to him.

He is much less on the drink when the wife is around. She was in Hamburg.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Librarian ()
Date: September 12, 2017 05:59

I had written a reply quoting some old reviews, 20 year sold, saying the same ol things.... Keith this, Mick that. Charlie blah, blah

In other words:
I says, Hey! You! Get off of my *cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud

*Cloud being the state I am after hearing the Stones. Happy....oh that brings another favorite to mind.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 06:12

I had written a reply quoting some old reviews, 20 year sold, saying the same ol things.... Keith this, Mick that. Charlie blah, blah

In other words:
I says, Hey! You! Get off of my *cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud

*Cloud being the state I am after hearing the Stones. Happy....oh that brings another favorite to mind.
smileys with beer

People been bitching and whining and crying and blah blah blahing about my band for 20...30..40 years... saying they are too old... and they are too this... and too that... and yaddayaddablahblah.... and here they are, IN 2017!!!! STILL ROCKING OUT 82000 HAPPY PEOPLE!!! and what do curmudgeon commenters have to say about that??? the same ol things.... Keith this, Mick that. Charlie blah, blah grinning smiley

It seems one thing in this world which people hate to do, and that is give a man(or woman) his/her due when they earned it, when they proved, over and over.... but still it is not enough...

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: September 12, 2017 06:20


People been bitching and whining and crying and blah blah blahing about my band for 20...30..40 years... saying they are too old... and they are too this... and too that... and yaddayaddablahblah.... and here they are, IN 2017!!!! STILL ROCKING OUT 82000 HAPPY PEOPLE!!! and what do curmudgeon commenters have to say about that??? the same ol things.... Keith this, Mick that. Charlie blah, blah grinning smiley

It seems one thing in this world which people hate to do, and that is give a man(or woman) his/her due when they earned it, when they proved, over and over.... but still it is not enough...

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

thumbs upthumbs up

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: September 12, 2017 06:43

UMT didn't sound too slow to me; i think they are missing some essential in-the-pocket-groove on it tho. PIB maybe drags too much speed-wise.

There DOES seem to be something lacking sharpness and really in-the-pocket kinda groove that always seemed sorta effortless for them; I don't think it's tempo per se, maybe here and there feels a bit draggy; also not really fair to judge youtube live vids; tho I CAN hear everything; tends to me at least to sound a little ragged, not in the traditional slop way that had them capable, and appreciated by a lotta fans with great humor, either courting train-wreck from tune to tune or night to night; and then turning around the same show and something icredibly unifying would click and you'd get your ass good and kicked....

...wella wella wella i dunno....a lot of it sounds a bit like color by numbers but plodding a little to be honest; i'm not sure if it's tempo per se tho....i think maybe it shows a bit when they don't really get together except for some quick rehearsals of stuff that, let's face it, must be pretty by rote and boring to them personally? dunno for sure...

...some acts couldn't stand to NOT shake it up a bit more than them; i'm thinking we're kinda getting a relfection of their relative real committment to 'music comes first' 'the band comes first' kinda deal they have left long seems in some ways almost a little kinda an uphilss struggle; they snap into Rambler and I get hopeful; got a good groove goin' there; on Mr. D too; so far; haven't heard all of it frankly..

...not that compelling; i missed all the stuff BV had to delete thankfully; i don't need a blood bath here but I do appreciate peeps telling their truths and opionions without tearing them a new butthole personally; cause you is what it is at this point and they themselves are pretty honest about the relative distance they have personally, tho I'm sure they still do love and appreciate each other; i mean they were there for Charlie; Mick and ron were...

...they could have treated Bill's 80th and his fiftieth performances with a little more respect, but they do show up and were gracious and supportive; joinging in a jam would have been cool but hey they showed and said nice things....or as that Charlie's award....yeh Charlies; i think they sorta dissed Bill's 80th??

.... but that' them i guess....they can be pretty small-minded, or maybe just defensive, about stuff like that...

...and actually there is probably some genuine really bad feelings Mick and Keith have cultivated that are not gonna disappear ever too very much for too very long...

...I think Mick is sorta heroic here in some ways; but that cheerleading in the middle of Ramble all that 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' kinda stuff, well it sounds really like kindegarten class or something, to me anyway; when the music isn't really that hot and exciting but the lead man kinda pumps up the crowd like a cheerleader; i haven't too much patience for such stuff usually...

...i mean i don't believe it; 'everybody say owwwww' 'everybody say owwww' well, it sounds sorta fake to me....

it's tough on them too I guess; they are always gonna be compared, and i do it too, to a sterling kickass frothing at the mouth ready-to-kick-ass kinda devoted massive curtain of undeniable energy and grooviness; now even that snap-back into the fast part of Rambler sounds pained to me; tentative; then a lot of uninspired kinda muddled middling guitar 'rave up' that for me, just dosen't cut it. It's not very good guitar work.

I guesss the more I listen to it the more I think maybe don't say anything because i don't want to be disrespectful, but I don't think they are really connecting too very much; and I think Mick is hyper-aware of that throughout personally.

Mick sounds so forced with his little patented remarks; by the time Satisfaction it sounds like a bit draggy instead of uplifting to me personally. Satisfaction is kinda painful; i'm gonna stop here... are entitled to their thrill and I don[' tsay that arrogantly or dismissively; I am very happy if they stop this and play acoustic blues and folky approach ala Banquet; as long as it's soulful, simple, not trying so hard to bve something they aren't when they are perfectly interested and talented people in a far far far away zone, imo, from really expressing, with joy and angst in proper measures, the heart and soul of a great band with great material. They need to move on and further in to themsleves maybe; artistically and otherwise; we fans are all watching the receipts. two generation of fans or more are bragging about how much money they make and seats they fill when they shold be playing audiotoriums with acoustics and really acing stuff like they are truly capable of doing; they are playing at being fifty years yhounger and it's not working anymore. imo. they are talented and capable and their worst enemies in a frozen in time context I that wiill make the cash register ring 80,000 times a night and it is killing the sould of their golden goose; like Elvis done. well tha'ts one way of looking at it anyway. I have close friends in one of Don's bands and really, I know the small places he plays when he plays them and would be easy to say hi to introcued by friends and i just don't want to go there with him and them about any of this; i think they probably love The Stones and won't say too much excpet give them love; and i respect that but really, I think The Stones are verymuchsp;eaking for themselves even if they don't want to grasp the bigger picture on the relative quality control; o rmaybe Mick is just resinged to it; it's quite possible he has very very little of K n his monitors. dunno about that but very possible.... ?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: September 12, 2017 07:00

I am elated that the Stones are still performing, however,some of the
guitar work I heard from opening night(SFD for example) was less than Stones
like.I will be diplomatic in this regard as KR was my inspiration to start
playing guitar 45 years ago.
Set list wise, I was expecting more diversity. Too many great Jagger/Richards
songs have never been played live. IMO, leave the covers off the set list.
If they would have included Parachute Woman and/or Stray Cat Blues, I would have been happy. Jigsaw Puzzle? Why not? Just my opinion.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 08:25

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

There is a single-minded possessiveness ("my Stones") at play here that I cannot help but admire. Because at the end of the day, there are no absolute critiques when it comes to music. Consensuses may develop. Objective criteria may be employed. And one may try to "prove" one's point about whether a performance or a song is any good or not. And "proving" it may make you feel better about yourself or your opinions ... but it's a fleeting feeling and may end up making you feel ultimately shitty about having rained on someone else's parade.

For both things are true: the Stones are shadows of themselves, embarrassing relics who should have exited stage left decades ago ... and the greatest rock and roll band in the world, capable of delivering performances in 2017 that surpass anything they achieved 40 or 50 years ago. I may agree with the former point of view and think that the latter is ridiculous ... but what does it matter if people enjoy something I feel is shite?

In their current incarnation and at their current level of skill, I wouldn't pay $100 to see The Rolling Stones if they played in a garage around the corner from me ... but I have learned to smile at the happiness of people who pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world to see a band they still adore--there are worse things to be obsessed with in today's world.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: jonnylamar ()
Date: September 12, 2017 08:59

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 08:59

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

There is a single-minded possessiveness ("my Stones") at play here that I cannot help but admire. Because at the end of the day, there are no absolute critiques when it comes to music. Consensuses may develop. Objective criteria may be employed. And one may try to "prove" one's point about whether a performance or a song is any good or not. And "proving" it may make you feel better about yourself or your opinions ... but it's a fleeting feeling and may end up making you feel ultimately shitty about having rained on someone else's parade.

For both things are true: the Stones are shadows of themselves, embarrassing relics who should have exited stage left decades ago ... and the greatest rock and roll band in the world, capable of delivering performances in 2017 that surpass anything they achieved 40 or 50 years ago. I may agree with the former point of view and think that the latter is ridiculous ... but what does it matter if people enjoy something I feel is shite?

In their current incarnation and at their current level of skill, I wouldn't pay $100 to see The Rolling Stones if they played in a garage around the corner from me ... but I have learned to smile at the happiness of people who pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world to see a band they still adore--there are worse things to be obsessed with in today's world.

Copy one line of my post and call it simple... okeydoeky, about what I expect from you trolling types.

I wonder why people like you, who obviously no longer enjoy The Stones, feel compelled to park on this board everyday to go on and on and on and on droning the same negative bullshite over and over, nit picking every tiny detail, blathering on and on, as if you are building a case and presenting long winded boring evidence to a court trial trying to prove something.

Its only rock and roll... and you are waste of time.

I would guess there would be something else you could/should be doing with your time which you enjoy besides spending so much time bashing on a band you no longer enjoy... then again it seems you are only here to start trouble, THAT IS ENJOYMENT. You not posting for so long, only returning as the new tour starts and people are enjoying it, then you curmudgeons start in with your predictably negative BS.

You are a waste of time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 09:01 by HankM.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: bertrichards ()
Date: September 12, 2017 09:28

I think The Rolling Stones play much slower because of Keith

I think the Stones play much slower because it sounds much cooler.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: September 12, 2017 09:42

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

I noticed at Desert Trip Chuck had an electric guitar sound on his keyboard, and it was plain as day he was using it when Keith tried to play the opening riff to Little T&A. When someone lifts their hands away from the guitar, common sense says it shouldn't be making any noise - yet there was Chuck in the background plonking away on his keys blasting out the riff. It's similar to lip synching I suppose...a bit of trickery with smoke and mirrors.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 09:49 by Hairball.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 09:45

LongBeachArena72 is no troll. He is one of the posters on here who add some color to the otherwise quite grey landscape of this forum (what a shitty metaphor). I still enjoy the band and go to many shows on this tour, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading LBA72's views. Everybody should be able to comment freely on here

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: September 12, 2017 10:02

Would someone help please? Y'day there was a separate thread about Hamburg Video Clips a.s.o. Now I can't find it anymore.

Thanks a million.

PS: Maybe DP can help. He showed me that thread, I believe.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 11:44 by

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: September 12, 2017 10:11

Is on the Hot Stuff section: []

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ouroux58 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:00

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

Next step, concert in playback!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:13

The Sicilian
Under My Thumb sounds better than the BANG tour performance.


Wow!!! I just listened to it now. It sounds great. Even more so, It absolutely reminds me of the 1969 Altamont version. That slow pace and that chord after the "its alright" The only thing missing were the Angels. Best version I've heard in years.

Agree completely. Altamont is my favourite version and this is the closest they've got to it so I love it.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:19

"The only thing missing were the Angels.."


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 12, 2017 11:20

What slow tempo? I can't hear the slow tempo. Elaborate, please!


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:29

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

There is a single-minded possessiveness ("my Stones") at play here that I cannot help but admire. Because at the end of the day, there are no absolute critiques when it comes to music. Consensuses may develop. Objective criteria may be employed. And one may try to "prove" one's point about whether a performance or a song is any good or not. And "proving" it may make you feel better about yourself or your opinions ... but it's a fleeting feeling and may end up making you feel ultimately shitty about having rained on someone else's parade.

For both things are true: the Stones are shadows of themselves, embarrassing relics who should have exited stage left decades ago ... and the greatest rock and roll band in the world, capable of delivering performances in 2017 that surpass anything they achieved 40 or 50 years ago. I may agree with the former point of view and think that the latter is ridiculous ... but what does it matter if people enjoy something I feel is shite?

In their current incarnation and at their current level of skill, I wouldn't pay $100 to see The Rolling Stones if they played in a garage around the corner from me ... but I have learned to smile at the happiness of people who pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world to see a band they still adore--there are worse things to be obsessed with in today's world.

Copy one line of my post and call it simple... okeydoeky, about what I expect from you trolling types.

I wonder why people like you, who obviously no longer enjoy The Stones, feel compelled to park on this board everyday to go on and on and on and on droning the same negative bullshite over and over, nit picking every tiny detail, blathering on and on, as if you are building a case and presenting long winded boring evidence to a court trial trying to prove something.

Its only rock and roll... and you are waste of time.

I would guess there would be something else you could/should be doing with your time which you enjoy besides spending so much time bashing on a band you no longer enjoy... then again it seems you are only here to start trouble, THAT IS ENJOYMENT. You not posting for so long, only returning as the new tour starts and people are enjoying it, then you curmudgeons start in with your predictably negative BS.

You are a waste of time.

Please stop with all this name calling. Everyone who has a different opinion to you is not a troll.
Why do you think everyone on this board has to have the same views as you.
Yesterday you called me a Stones hater. Not on this board but in the world i have lived in i have never met anyone love the Stones more then me. People make fun of me i am so fanatical about this band.
I get so excited leading up to and album or a tour or even a new video release.
Yesterday you even accused me of being Stones-Relic, anyone who has followed me on here will know that is impossible.
Can you please just have a little more respect for people.
I know you didn't initiate the Pedophile post, you just added to it, but that still doesn't make it right.

You are passionate about this band and have good intentions, but's lets all try to respect other peoples views of the band, it would be a bit boring if we all had nothing but praise for everything the band does without a bit of critic and some sarcasm or humor thrown in.
I certainly don't agree with a lot of what Longbeach says, but he is like a breath of fresh air sometimes, he makes me laugh and he says it like he see's it.
He is loyal to himself and will never be a yes man. I respect that in a human being. He has the right for his point of view just as i do and just as you do.
He doesn't attack people in a personal way, sure he will call people out in his own unique way, he has called me out several times recently.
I don't want Longbeach to feel he has no place here, i would hate to see him sent packing because of his views. He has the right to express himself within the rules and he does it very well.
Yes he does unwittingly sometimes stir for a fight, but no one is perfect.
Please Hank just draw a line now.
Lets all enjoy our Rolling Stones together.

Hamburg, Germany, 09-Sep-2017 - Stones "No Filter" live show updates
Date: September 12, 2017 11:30

Hi together,

after being back from Hamburg I have to add, that it was dreamlike to see "our boys" again since the shows in Berlin and Düsseldorf in 2014.

They played absolutely fantastic, I really, really enjoyed every second from first row on the left side in the Silver Pit winking smiley. You can feel, that the Rolling Stones love what they are doing!!!

As I saw them for the first time in 1995 (Cologne, Voodoo Lounge Tour), I expected, that it could be also my last Rolling Stones live experince sad smiley! Now, 26 shows and 22 years later(!), I only have to say "THANK YOU ROLLING STONES", for the great music & the great time at all these fantastic shows thumbs up!!!

I can't wait to see the Stones & their Fans again in Düsseldorf smiling bouncing smiley!!!

All the best -

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:31

Quite weird...
Matt is playing on this one for sure, but I don't listen it clearly

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

I noticed at Desert Trip Chuck had an electric guitar sound on his keyboard, and it was plain as day he was using it when Keith tried to play the opening riff to Little T&A. When someone lifts their hands away from the guitar, common sense says it shouldn't be making any noise - yet there was Chuck in the background plonking away on his keys blasting out the riff. It's similar to lip synching I suppose...a bit of trickery with smoke and mirrors.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 11:35 by powerage78.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:37

I noticed at Glastonbury when the Stones came on to JJF that all i could here was Chucks keyboards doing Keith's main rhythm.( or could have been Matt) This is how it comes out on the sound track through your TV screens if you watched it at home.
But what is weird is that when you are actually at the gig you here Keith's guitar load and clear.
can someone explain why Chuck was in the mix when he didn't need to be.
Why doesn't Keith tell Chuck or Matt to stay out of his Guitar parts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 11:39 by stone4ever.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 12, 2017 11:41

Quite weird...
Matt is playing on this one for sure, but I don't listen it clearly

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

I noticed at Desert Trip Chuck had an electric guitar sound on his keyboard, and it was plain as day he was using it when Keith tried to play the opening riff to Little T&A. When someone lifts their hands away from the guitar, common sense says it shouldn't be making any noise - yet there was Chuck in the background plonking away on his keys blasting out the riff. It's similar to lip synching I suppose...a bit of trickery with smoke and mirrors.

It's not weird. It's Chuck playing a Fender Rhodes, which he also does on Start Me Up and Jumpin' Jack Flash, among others. Mac did the same in 1981 on Little T+A. Surely, you must have heard that?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:41

"I want to know how far we can take this..."

Now you know, you know...

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:52

"I want to know how far we can take this..."

Now you know, you know...

What do you mean ?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:55


I don't have a picture of the VIP merchandise, I can take pictures if needed.

It would be nice for comparison purposes.

Looks like the VIP-Merchandise of the EUR 1275 StartMeUp-VIP1-Package is the same as the EUR 250 TumblingDice-VIP6-Package ....

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 11:56

Quite weird...
Matt is playing on this one for sure, but I don't listen it clearly

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

I noticed at Desert Trip Chuck had an electric guitar sound on his keyboard, and it was plain as day he was using it when Keith tried to play the opening riff to Little T&A. When someone lifts their hands away from the guitar, common sense says it shouldn't be making any noise - yet there was Chuck in the background plonking away on his keys blasting out the riff. It's similar to lip synching I suppose...a bit of trickery with smoke and mirrors.

It's not weird. It's Chuck playing a Fender Rhodes, which he also does on Start Me Up and Jumpin' Jack Flash, among others. Mac did the same in 1981 on Little T+A. Surely, you must have heard that?

Have you listened to the beginning of JJF at Glasto DP.
The electric piano is so loud and over bearing, i can't see why it needs to be there when Keith is taking care of business. If you at the gig all you could here was Keith's guitar load and clear.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ()
Date: September 12, 2017 12:02

Is on the Hot Stuff section: []

Spunky, thank you! BTW, your screen name reminds me of Rocko's Modern Life, a series our kids used to watch on TV in the early 90s. Any relation to that? My son even uses Spunky as user name here and there in the internet.


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 12, 2017 12:08

Quite weird...
Matt is playing on this one for sure, but I don't listen it clearly

Whats with the acoustic guitar sound coming from a keyboard during satisfaction ? I don't like the fakery , the stones didn't need it before ,maybe they do now !!

I noticed at Desert Trip Chuck had an electric guitar sound on his keyboard, and it was plain as day he was using it when Keith tried to play the opening riff to Little T&A. When someone lifts their hands away from the guitar, common sense says it shouldn't be making any noise - yet there was Chuck in the background plonking away on his keys blasting out the riff. It's similar to lip synching I suppose...a bit of trickery with smoke and mirrors.

It's not weird. It's Chuck playing a Fender Rhodes, which he also does on Start Me Up and Jumpin' Jack Flash, among others. Mac did the same in 1981 on Little T+A. Surely, you must have heard that?

Have you listened to the beginning of JJF at Glasto DP.
The electric piano is so loud and over bearing, i can't see why it needs to be there when Keith is taking care of business. If you at the gig all you could here was Keith's guitar load and clear.

Yeah, but it's the first number, and the sound mix is still in the process of being adjusted. If memory serves, the mix didn't stay that way, right?


Here's from Oslo 2014. Ronnie is way too loud there, but it does get adjusted.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 12:09 by DandelionPowderman.

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