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Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 11, 2017 17:53

What makes you suspicious of Ronnie? He appears as if he's finally gotten to a good place in his life.

Well i'm not convinced he does take something, its just he seem's so energetic and twitchy, he looks so gaunt and he sweets more. He show's no sign of nerves like he used to when he wasn't drinking. Its not drink, definitely not.
I could be wrong. I just study these guys , always have, you begin to notice things. Obviously he is in a good place and he knows what he is doing, he's had enough practice.
Hey maybe its just that as he has got older he has gotten more confident in himself. He's like a man possessed, good luck to him whatever he takes, i know he is into vitamins and stuff, could be that.winking smiley
I've noticed that twitchiness too, but I put it down to him just being off everything and have a lot of nervous energy to burn off.

The gauntness in his face is very odd, but it could just be down to age and being skinny. Peter Cushing had similar facial features as he aged (hatched-faced).

The makeup enhances it.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 17:53

What makes you suspicious of Ronnie? He appears as if he's finally gotten to a good place in his life.

Well i'm not convinced he does take something, its just he seem's so energetic and twitchy, he looks so gaunt and he sweets more. He show's no sign of nerves like he used to when he wasn't drinking. Its not drink, definitely not.
I could be wrong. I just study these guys , always have, you begin to notice things. Obviously he is in a good place and he knows what he is doing, he's had enough practice.
Hey maybe its just that as he has got older he has gotten more confident in himself. He's like a man possessed, good luck to him whatever he takes, i know he is into vitamins and stuff, could be that.winking smiley
I've noticed that twitchiness too, but I put it down to him just being off everything and have a lot of nervous energy to burn off.

The gauntness in his face is very odd, but it could just be down to age and being skinny. Peter Cushing had similar facial features as he aged (hatched-faced).

I know but a man that age who doesn't smoke anymore shouldn't look that gaunt.
Underneath the stage make up he looks as gaunt as i have ever seen him.
His lifestyle these day's would add a bit of weight to him you would imagine.
Its not just this show, its other shows on the previous outings last year and the year before. He comes out looking high as a kite after the keith songs, i'd like to think he is high on the music.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: September 11, 2017 18:02

'As a matter of curiosity, where was the pit section located in Hamburg?'

'On both sides of the catwalk.'

A lot of well known bands playing a Tour would be more than happy for their total audience to be that size including the Silver Pit area. smiling smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: September 11, 2017 18:07


I for one would love to hear Keith describe his current playing status and respond truthfully to "bum" notes. Be it the cold, arthritis, "piss off" whatever.....last time I saw him was Buffalo '15 and still the best I've seen since my journey in '81.

If you asked a Wayne Rooney or Tim Duncan or a sportsman in his later years that question they would probably just shrug.
I think it's fair to talk about his playing but be fair and be realistic. (I know you are!).

Appreciate it, looking forward to tomorrow's report!!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: September 11, 2017 18:14

The Worst.
From das BILD:

As a matter of curiosity, where was the pit section located in Hamburg?


On both sides of the catwalk.



Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: 06230 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 18:51

well for a wet London Monday afternoon what's a poor boy supposed to do. kick back with a pack of Marlboros and a bottle of cloudy bay ( ha I wish for the latter,
it was just cheap co op wine) and watch a pretty kool video. Thanks dude for uploading . I for one loved it except there was something missing and I could
not put my finger on it.. then it dawned on me. the thing that was missing was ME.. just wish I was there. as I will alas not be going to any of the European gigs this
for me for now is as good as it gets. so again, thanx for posting the entire gig..

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 18:56

well for a wet London Monday afternoon what's a poor boy supposed to do. kick back with a pack of Marlboros and a bottle of cloudy bay ( ha I wish for the latter,
it was just cheap co op wine) and watch a pretty kool video. Thanks dude for uploading . I for one loved it except there was something missing and I could
not put my finger on it.. then it dawned on me. the thing that was missing was ME.. just wish I was there. as I will alas not be going to any of the European gigs this
for me for now is as good as it gets. so again, thanx for posting the entire gig..

thumbs up I like your style 06230 sounds like the perfect afternoon to me.
No traveling, no queuing, no getting ripped of at the venue for crap expensive food and drink. Enjoy your Stones smileys with beer
I'm just getting into my second bottle of Red. Life is good.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: sweet things ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:08

Were you there? My guess would be no.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:12

i noticed a slightly altered but very musical line Keith was playing in UMT...? different than the '81 versions for sure..

its as if he found it recently and decided to keep it..

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:13

I think The Rolling Stones play much slower because of Keith

They usually play at his tempo. Some of the tempos in the '69 tour were laid back type of grooves.
Does he think he's as good as he was a few years ago? Does he think he's the 'weak link.' Those are ridiculous questions.
I just listened to his mini set and thought it was quite enjoyable. And that's through laptop speakers on youtube.

I for one would love to hear Keith describe his current playing status and respond truthfully to "bum" notes. Be it the cold, arthritis, "piss off" whatever.....last time I saw him was Buffalo '15 and still the best I've seen since my journey in '81.

I too caught that Buffalo show in 2015and I thought Keith's playing was much better than the show I caught previously in 5/13 at the Air Canada Ctr. where I thought he was off, and in my opinion the "weak link." I also tend to agree with another post that a lot of their songs (with the exception of the mid temp rockers) sound more slowed down which may or may not be due to Keith.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:19

sweet things
Were you there? My guess would be no.

Who me ?
I get to see them in Paris next month.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: sweet things ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:36

WOW what a depressing last 5 pages i read!! I did'nt read the whole thread but it sounds like a bunch of negative weirdo's that were not at the show or were somewhere else maybe they need to be at a Justin Beiber show and listen to pre made up music comming from a computer! These guys are old time Rock'n Roll! They actually play there instuments and they all played good as an opeaner it was the best opeaner i've seen the Stones play and i've seen quite a few! Best Paint it Black i've ever seen completly insane they took that to another level that i've ever heard. The show was excellent and the way it sounds this is going to be a hell of a tour! By the way to all this Keith bashing you guys would not even know how to play his guitar all his guitar's are in different tunnings that's what great musicians do! that's why it might sound out of tune to you because you are not on his level!


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 19:50

sweet things
WOW what a depressing last 5 pages i read!! I did'nt read the whole thread but it sounds like a bunch of negative weirdo's that were not at the show or were somewhere else maybe they need to be at a Justin Beiber show and listen to pre made up music comming from a computer! These guys are old time Rock'n Roll! They actually play there instuments and they all played good as an opeaner it was the best opeaner i've seen the Stones play and i've seen quite a few! Best Paint it Black i've ever seen completly insane they took that to another level that i've ever heard. The show was excellent and the way it sounds this is going to be a hell of a tour! By the way to all this Keith bashing you guys would not even know how to play his guitar all his guitar's are in different tunnings that's what great musicians do! that's why it might sound out of tune to you because you are not on his level!


While i agree with Stonesfrkk's sentiments, i don't think anyone in today's discussion is bashing Keith, far from it we are talking about how we imagine keith could improve, and indeed saying that we expect him to improve. We are Keith fanatics having a discussion about his pitfalls and merits. Do try to read the posts before judging people, i feel like Keith's biggest fan, i love the guy.
Also most posters today are saying that although Keith might mess up the odd solo, the rest of the Hamburg gig was good from Keith and the band. He did well for the first night and hope he nails it tomorrow.

Personally i don't give a shit if he messes up a solo, i like to see him move and be more extrovert, i like Keith being Keef the Legend, go Keith go, enjoy yourself, be more like Ronnie, be in the moment. Sod the solo's.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:01


i like to see him move and be more extrovert, i like Keith being Keef the Legend, go Keith go, enjoy yourself, be more like Ronnie, be in the moment. Sod the solo's.

I prefer him to keep his head down and just play. With the video screens and everything, no need to run around.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Rik ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:03

Does anyone know Who played the accoustic guitar in Satisfaction?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:05


i like to see him move and be more extrovert, i like Keith being Keef the Legend, go Keith go, enjoy yourself, be more like Ronnie, be in the moment. Sod the solo's.

I prefer him to keep his head down and just play. With the video screens and everything, no need to run around.

Lol i prefer it when he nails everything and still gets to pose.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:10

sweet things
WOW what a depressing last 5 pages i read!! I did'nt read the whole thread but it sounds like a bunch of negative weirdo's that were not at the show or were somewhere else maybe they need to be at a Justin Beiber show and listen to pre made up music comming from a computer! These guys are old time Rock'n Roll! They actually play there instuments and they all played good as an opeaner it was the best opeaner i've seen the Stones play and i've seen quite a few! Best Paint it Black i've ever seen completly insane they took that to another level that i've ever heard. The show was excellent and the way it sounds this is going to be a hell of a tour! By the way to all this Keith bashing you guys would not even know how to play his guitar all his guitar's are in different tunnings that's what great musicians do! that's why it might sound out of tune to you because you are not on his level!


While i agree with Stonesfrkk's sentiments, i don't think anyone in today's discussion is bashing Keith, far from it we are talking about how we imagine keith could improve, and indeed saying that we expect him to improve. We are Keith fanatics having a discussion about his pitfalls and merits. Do try to read the posts before judging people, i feel like Keith's biggest fan, i love the guy.
Also most posters today are saying that although Keith might mess up the odd solo, the rest of the Hamburg gig was good from Keith and the band. He did well for the first night and hope he nails it tomorrow.

Personally i don't give a shit if he messes up a solo, i like to see him move and be more extrovert, i like Keith being Keef the Legend, go Keith go, enjoy yourself, be more like Ronnie, be in the moment. Sod the solo's.

He did play good on Saturday. I am much more worried that he didn't move nearly as much as last year in SA. And then his relationship with Mick: From where I was standing I don't think I saw them make contact one time during the whole concert, not even during Out Of Control or Midnight Rambler. Keith even said before his set: "I'm not going to screw you up with bad German", referring to Mick's joking. May the reason be Mick's solo singles?

For me a lot of the Stones experience is made up of the interaction on stage. So after the show I went home with a mixed feeling. But other than that it was indeed a fantastic concert. Let's see how the tour progresses...

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:15


Does anyone know who played the accoustic guitar in Satisfaction?

Was there an acoustic guitar?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 20:20 by Irix.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:19

For me a lot of the Stones experience is made up of the interaction on stage. So after the show I went home with a mixed feeling. But other than that it was indeed a fantastic concert. Let's see how the tour progresses...

I feel exactly the same, i love it when Mick and Keith are getting on.
You are right, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth when they appear to have nothing in common.
They will never change, they will always fall out, two alpha males.
Sometimes i get the distinct impression Mick hates Keith's guts.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:20

Does anyone know who played the accoustic guitar in Satisfaction?

Brian Jones smoking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 20:22 by Koen.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:21


I think The Rolling Stones play much slower because of Keith

And Charlie can save some energy ....

I was thinking it's a strategy for the entire band now including Mick- keeping it all slow and low to avoid expending too much energy.
Having watched and listened to the entire set, there's really not much change in the overall tempo of the entire show ( other than going from mid to slow).
Not criticizing it as I'm sure I'll be a bit slower with everything at their age as well, but some of the oomph of a Stones show seems lost with everything being played slower.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Rik ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:28


Does anyone know who played the accoustic guitar in Satisfaction?

Was there an acoustic guitar?


Yes, it can be heard

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:40


Does anyone know who played the accoustic guitar in Satisfaction?

Was there an acoustic guitar?


Yes, it can be heard

If there was such a similar sound, then probably from Matt Clifford's Keyboard - watching him on the right side of the stage ....

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:44

And then his relationship with Mick: From where I was standing I don't think I saw them make contact one time during the whole concert, not even during Out Of Control or Midnight Rambler. Keith even said before his set: "I'm not going to screw you up with bad German", referring to Mick's joking. May the reason be Mick's solo singles?

I was hoping this tour would heal the wounds of the band "hitting the wall" and Mick going off with his solo singles, etc., but evidently there's some bad blood between Keith and Mick that still carries over.
Maybe after a few more shows, or by the end of the mini-tour, things might get better between them and they'll be able to laugh it off. Time heals all wounds, and maybe/hopefully they'll go back to the studio determined and focused when this is all over. Then again, after being tied together for the tour for the next few weeks, they might not want to see each other for quite awhile...

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: September 11, 2017 20:48

Hi stone-relics, good to know you're still around. I can understand your opinion. For me it wasn't a concert worthy of cheerleading, and I used to do a lot of it. Anyhow, there's always the good argument that any Stones are better than nothing. Suppose it's a matter of perspective. I was planning on several gigs but now it's down to one more because I already paid a big hotel price. At least not much as the total rip-off Start Me Up so called VIP package. I'm completely out of sorts over that and I hate to end my fandom on a sour note over money but what an all out cash grab that is. Maybe I should consider it another lesson in life. Anyhow, really don't want to rain on anybody's parade. That's why I didn't say hello to BV even though I recognized him in the Pit. Really hurt me to pass on that opportunity. Years ago I would have been gushing over The Stones and how great it was to be close to the stage.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: September 11, 2017 21:00


For me it wasn't a concert worthy of cheerleading, and I used to do a lot of it.

What was your experience with the changed layout of the NoFilter-Pit now in the live-concert?

Do you have pictures from the VIP-Package's special Merchandise?

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: barbabang ()
Date: September 11, 2017 21:19

Why are they passé now? It is not an auto-tune concert. It is real live rock and roll. Ok they make some mistakes in the tour opener. Nothing new. Remember these guys are in their seventies. Listen the the first 1981 shows! Full of mistakes.

I would never make judgements after the first concert myself.
More shows and a little bit warmer weather conditions would make the shows better performance wise.

Only three years ago it was fantastic for me and I look forward to the concerts again.
If people are pissed about diamond, gold, and what have you packages I fully understand that. I won't and don't pay these prices for a ticket, but that is a different discussion.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 11, 2017 21:24

And then his relationship with Mick: From where I was standing I don't think I saw them make contact one time during the whole concert, not even during Out Of Control or Midnight Rambler. Keith even said before his set: "I'm not going to screw you up with bad German", referring to Mick's joking. May the reason be Mick's solo singles?

I was hoping this tour would heal the wounds of the band "hitting the wall" and Mick going off with his solo singles, etc., but evidently there's some bad blood between Keith and Mick that still carries over.
Maybe after a few more shows, or by the end of the mini-tour, things might get better between them and they'll be able to laugh it off. Time heals all wounds, and maybe/hopefully they'll go back to the studio determined and focused when this is all over. Then again, after being tied together for the tour for the next few weeks, they might not want to see each other for quite awhile...

Do you think Mick and Keith spend much time together on tour ??
Not a chance, half an hour ( not talking ) at sound check and that's it.
Separate cars, rooms etc, maybe a bit of time talking on their jet but not necessarily. I find it upsetting that these two men, friends from the sand pit cant even make eye contact once throughout a 2.5 hour show.
It must make a horrible atmosphere for the rest of the band, worrying about what camp to be in. Oh will Mick not like it if i talk to Keith kind of thing and visa versa.
Why can't they grow up and man up, either say its over or try to be more forgiving towards each other. Its so obvious Mick does this for the money.
Don't expect an album guys, LB was right, i can't see it now.
Maybe Mick will finish it when Keith checks out.

Sorry to hear about the Start Me Up VIP package rip off Frankotero. That sucks.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: September 11, 2017 21:28

Lrix- I don't have a picture of the VIP merchandise, I can take pictures if needed. It comes in a red and very cheap gym bag. Inside there is an "exclusive" poster, it's all the country flags inside the new tongue design as we've seen since VL. Then there's a red wallet for credit cards, presumably for women. Also in the same color there's a matching key chain. The book is covered in plastic and I was expecting a "book". Nope, it's a notebook with a hard cover, how lovely! The VIP pass is as lame as you can imagine, but it has a lanyard to make it special? And that's the contents of what I like to call the 475 euro bag of crap. I base that on the price of 799 euro ticket for the No Filter Pit Ticket available after they realized there's too few stupid fans like me. If I saw this nonsense at the merchandise stand for 100 I wouldn't buy it. By the way how about the entrance for handicapped and lucky dip ticket holders. That meant my sorry ass could get in the extra long line with everyone else. Wonderful VIP experience! Feeling very sour over this, but who cares. They got their money. Yahoo!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Rik ()
Date: September 11, 2017 21:28

On getting in, did anyone have the early entry package(s), and if so, what time did they open that gate?

What time did they first let most people in?
Yes, curious about that too!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-11 21:29 by Rik.

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