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Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: September 12, 2017 15:29

Folks, you can accuse "Daily Mail" for one million reasons. But do it for the right reasons. Don't accuse it of being enthusiastic for the Hamburg gig...

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: September 12, 2017 17:57

Lots of great photos here:


Sorry if it was posted before.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 18:45


It is people like you and your troll buddy that I would rather go to GA concerts events these days, I know your type of trouble makers. You are easy to spot... and at a GA show you are easy to move away from and let you play your little games with someone else. It is a real drap to be seated next to hencluckers at a concert.

I typically ignore your lame comments, I typically ignore the other trolling lame comments, I know you trouble makers are just stirring the pot... hoping for a reaction and then you will raise your flags and call for witch burnings and people to be banned... it is what you do.

Putting up with your type is the price of coming to a board like this, having to skim over your nitpicking chickenhouse henclucking gossipy nonsense trying to ruin the fun for others is part of the deal of reading a board like this. But you are easy to move away from, easy to ignore.

I wish there was a feature here (like on other boards) that allowed us to ignore certain members and never see their alwaysnegativecrap.

Instead we have to skim past your drivel and ignore it, and that is easy to do, there are only about 110-15 of you. But when you trolls want to start thread after thread calling the main purpose of the board losers and saying they suck, you are crossing the line and you will get what you deserve... and then predictably you will start crying and supporting your fellow trolls and calling for bannings etc etc. But... that is the way things are.

Stay away from me, and I will skim past your drivel comments as I always do, giving you no reason for you to read or reply to my comments.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 18:45 by HankM.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 18:49

Mick and Keith do enjoy each other's company. When they were in the studio together in NYC in February they got along fine. They were getting along fine in rehearsals. Just because they don't touch each other onstage the first night when they're both trying to concentrate on songs not played in a long time doesn't mean they hate each other. They got along great while making Blue and Lonesome.



thumbs up
smileys with beer X2

They are more respectable than an old, married 50 years, couple.
It is beyond me why people need to create drama where the is none.
Still playing together after 50 years is a rare and amazing feat in this world

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: September 12, 2017 20:03

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

There is a single-minded possessiveness ("my Stones") at play here that I cannot help but admire. Because at the end of the day, there are no absolute critiques when it comes to music. Consensuses may develop. Objective criteria may be employed. And one may try to "prove" one's point about whether a performance or a song is any good or not. And "proving" it may make you feel better about yourself or your opinions ... but it's a fleeting feeling and may end up making you feel ultimately shitty about having rained on someone else's parade.

For both things are true: the Stones are shadows of themselves, embarrassing relics who should have exited stage left decades ago ... and the greatest rock and roll band in the world, capable of delivering performances in 2017 that surpass anything they achieved 40 or 50 years ago. I may agree with the former point of view and think that the latter is ridiculous ... but what does it matter if people enjoy something I feel is shite?

In their current incarnation and at their current level of skill, I wouldn't pay $100 to see The Rolling Stones if they played in a garage around the corner from me ... but I have learned to smile at the happiness of people who pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world to see a band they still adore--there are worse things to be obsessed with in today's world.

Thanks for taking the time to let us know that what you feel doesn't matter.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: EJM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 20:13

A hunch (without evidence as I wasn't there )

: I think Mick worries about Keith at the start of these latter tours, when keith is really nervous and rusty - you can almost see him thinking is this going to be the one when he really can't do it any more and how am I ( mick) going to cover ?
I suspect it's anxiety which makes them uneasy with each other.
The last few tours it has settled down as Keith has loosened up.
Keith has pulled It out of the bag against the odds before so I'm rooting for him.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 20:55


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 20:56 by HankM.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 21:04

A hunch (without evidence as I wasn't there )

: I think Mick worries about Keith at the start of these latter tours, when keith is really nervous and rusty - you can almost see him thinking is this going to be the one when he really can't do it any more and how am I ( mick) going to cover ?
I suspect it's anxiety which makes them uneasy with each other.
The last few tours it has settled down as Keith has loosened up.
Keith has pulled It out of the bag against the odds before so I'm rooting for him.

I totally agree with this, tension is in the air because Keith feels the pressure and doesn't want to let Mick down, but at the same time he is nervous and it effects him.
On the other hand Mick is the front man and also feels the pressure, if the show is coming over bad, Mick takes the flak in the press etc.
I think tonight will see a much better relaxed show from the whole band.
Really excited about it, i have a feeling Keith will up his game tonight.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 21:49


It is people like you and your troll buddy that I would rather go to GA concerts events these days, I know your type of trouble makers. You are easy to spot... and at a GA show you are easy to move away from and let you play your little games with someone else. It is a real drap to be seated next to hencluckers at a concert.

I typically ignore your lame comments, I typically ignore the other trolling lame comments, I know you trouble makers are just stirring the pot... hoping for a reaction and then you will raise your flags and call for witch burnings and people to be banned... it is what you do.

Putting up with your type is the price of coming to a board like this, having to skim over your nitpicking chickenhouse henclucking gossipy nonsense trying to ruin the fun for others is part of the deal of reading a board like this. But you are easy to move away from, easy to ignore.

I wish there was a feature here (like on other boards) that allowed us to ignore certain members and never see their alwaysnegativecrap.

Instead we have to skim past your drivel and ignore it, and that is easy to do, there are only about 110-15 of you. But when you trolls want to start thread after thread calling the main purpose of the board losers and saying they suck, you are crossing the line and you will get what you deserve... and then predictably you will start crying and supporting your fellow trolls and calling for bannings etc etc. But... that is the way things are.

Stay away from me, and I will skim past your drivel comments as I always do, giving you no reason for you to read or reply to my comments.

I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I don't think i have even reported a post. Once a few weeks ago i think. I'm the guy who gets banned. I got banned last week.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: September 12, 2017 22:06

I am so happy my Stones are still out here playing live.... it is AWESOME!!! Makes me HAPPY

There is a single-minded possessiveness ("my Stones") at play here that I cannot help but admire. Because at the end of the day, there are no absolute critiques when it comes to music. Consensuses may develop. Objective criteria may be employed. And one may try to "prove" one's point about whether a performance or a song is any good or not. And "proving" it may make you feel better about yourself or your opinions ... but it's a fleeting feeling and may end up making you feel ultimately shitty about having rained on someone else's parade.

For both things are true: the Stones are shadows of themselves, embarrassing relics who should have exited stage left decades ago ... and the greatest rock and roll band in the world, capable of delivering performances in 2017 that surpass anything they achieved 40 or 50 years ago. I may agree with the former point of view and think that the latter is ridiculous ... but what does it matter if people enjoy something I feel is shite?

In their current incarnation and at their current level of skill, I wouldn't pay $100 to see The Rolling Stones if they played in a garage around the corner from me ... but I have learned to smile at the happiness of people who pay thousands of dollars to travel halfway around the world to see a band they still adore--there are worse things to be obsessed with in today's world.

Thanks for taking the time to let us know that what you feel doesn't matter.

You're very welcome ... but in the spirit of full disclosure it didn't really take much time.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: September 12, 2017 22:22

I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I don't think i have even reported a post. Once a few weeks ago i think. I'm the guy who gets banned. I got banned last week.

You asked right here.. the post is there, adding lying to your other BS.


Um...If HankM does not get banned for the comments on this thread, banning anyone should be banned. Simply vile.

Absolutely agree, we don't even know if a person is depressed or feels really low and could do something bad to themselves. Don't want to push a man over the edge.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 12, 2017 23:22

I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I don't think i have even reported a post. Once a few weeks ago i think. I'm the guy who gets banned. I got banned last week.

You asked right here.. the post is there, adding lying to your other BS.


Um...If HankM does not get banned for the comments on this thread, banning anyone should be banned. Simply vile.

Absolutely agree, we don't even know if a person is depressed or feels really low and could do something bad to themselves. Don't want to push a man over the edge.

Yes your comments were disgusting, i make an exception to you, you are a bully.

Just doing our part to help keep stone-relics from molesting more kids, torturing more small animals or doing more looting in the hurricane damaged areas.
you poor lil dumbfuk loser...
after your mommy stopped beating you, when she kicked you out, you were starved for attention...
but with no social skills you had no friends... nobody to give you attention...
so you stood on street corners ranting at strangers hoping for attention...
then the internet came along along... and now you do this.... you mentally defective idiot

This is not nice HankM
I'm surprised you have come out with more insults and name calling today.
Just stay away from me please.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-12 23:47 by stone4ever.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: September 13, 2017 20:48


Hamburg in 4K and with good sound

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 14, 2017 00:13

IORRers taking over a bar at the Reeperbahn in Hamburg pre-show..

A bull's eye shot by someone (with Silver Dagger's phone)

From left to right:

ErwinH, Dirk (Steinschlag's friend), Manofwealthandtaste, ErwinH's brother, some norwegian guy with a hat, Steinschlag, Silver Dagger, Grzegorz67 and RobberBride.

RoughJusticeOnYa and his wife also came by (nice to meet you!) and Wild Slivowitz was occupied with his Airbandb-hostess in some way smiling smiley He joined us later.

A GREAT night out thumbs up

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-14 11:42 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:42

Nice photo, DP! thumbs up

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:47

So from left to right who are you guys, i only recognize DP with his pint of beer. But i am fairly new here.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: ErwinH ()
Date: September 14, 2017 02:30

That's me in the left corner,
losing my religion... smileys with beer

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 14, 2017 02:42

IORRers taking over a bar at the Reeperbahn in Hamburg pre-show..

TVM thumbs up Is that the photo from Silver Dagger's phone? Perfect souvenir of a fun day.

It was certainly an enjoyable way to while away a rainy afternoon before a Stones show grinning smiley. Made a pleasant change from my usual gig routine of queueing from morning to be up front. 3 things made the latter unappealing:

1. The pissing rain.
2. The gates opening at 2pm with zero activity on stage for 5+ hours! Ridiculous!
3. In the Silver Pit there's a limit to how close you can get anyway.

A warm, dry pub and the company of a multinational gathering of Stones fans was definitely the right choice on Saturday smileys with beer

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 03:11

That's me in the left corner,
losing my religion... smileys with beer

Cheers Erwin, looks like you guys had a blast. smileys with beer

4 hours in there drinking beer and i would have forgot all about the show lol

I'm a lightweight these days.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: September 14, 2017 05:31

This is what it's all about.smiling smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 14, 2017 11:36

So from left to right who are you guys, i only recognize DP with his pint of beer. But i am fairly new here.

From left to right:

ErwinH, Dirk (Steinschlag's friend), Manofwealthandtaste, ErwinH's brother, some norwegian guy with a hat, Steinschlag, Silver Dagger, Grzegorz67 and RobberBride.

RoughJusticeOnYa and his wife also came by (nice to meet you!) and Wild Slivowitz was occupied with his Airbandb-hostess in some way smiling smiley He joined us later.

A GREAT night out thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-14 11:41 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 11:45

Thanks DP hopefully i might meet with a few of you guys for a few beers in Pairs smileys with beer

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 14, 2017 11:50

So from left to right who are you guys, i only recognize DP with his pint of beer. But i am fairly new here.

From left to right:

ErwinH, Dirk (Steinschlag's friend), Manofwealthandtaste, ErwinH's brother, some norwegian guy with a hat, Steinschlag, Silver Dagger, Grzegorz67 and RobberBride.

RoughJusticeOnYa and his wife also came by (nice to meet you!) and Wild Slivowitz was occupied with his Airbandb-hostess in some way smiling smiley He joined us later.

A GREAT night out thumbs up

Ah-ha! So that explains him joining us just before we entered, and returning to AirBnB shortly after the show grinning smiley Wild Sliwowitz, Mama Mia !!!

I agree - a great night out. Funny how most of those being negative about the Stones weren't actually there themselves. Hope we can do it all again sometime.

6 Nationalities represented in the gathering of 10 - Norway, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, England and Scotland.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: September 14, 2017 12:58

grinning smiley

That's wishful thinking from Dandelion's part!

She didn't show up at the agreed time, so I have been occupied with trying to get in touch with her and in the meantime trying to sort out some plan B for the worst case scenario.

She later showed up, but then I wasn't sure as to whether I could manage to reach you guys in time before you left for the gig, as I assumed that you guys would walk away from the bar way before you actually did smiling smiley .

I agree about the comments being too negative. Indeed from the youtube clips the sound is thin and kind of empty, but in the venue the sound (especially guitars!) was big big big.

Great show, if you ask me!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-14 13:31 by Wild Slivovitz.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 14, 2017 13:12

Wild Slivovitz
grinning smiley

That's wishful thinking from Dandelion's part!

She didn't show up at the agreed time, so I have been occupied with trying to get in touch with her and in the meantime trying to sort out some plan B for the worst case scenario.

She later showed up, but then I wasn't sure as to I could manage to reach you guys in time before you left for the gig, as I assumed that you guys would walk away from the bar way before you actually did smiling smiley .

I agree about the comments being too negative. Indeed from the youtube clips the sound is thin and kind of empty, but in the venue the sound (especially guitars!) was big big big.

Great show, if you ask me!

I enjoyed the show a lot, even though it's the furthest I've been from the stage for 10 years (Paris ABB 2007).
I'm doing my 1st ever Air BnB for Paris, arriving the day before Show 1 so hopefully I won't be unduly delayed. AirBnB seems to be very haphazard but overall usually good value. Always pick a place with good reviews. I'm Lucky Dipping Show 2 so will hopefully see you there.

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 14, 2017 13:22

Wild Slivovitz
grinning smiley

That's wishful thinking from Dandelion's part!

She didn't show up at the agreed time, so I have been occupied with trying to get in touch with her and in the meantime trying to sort out some plan B for the worst case scenario.

She later showed up, but then I wasn't sure as to I could manage to reach you guys in time before you left for the gig, as I assumed that you guys would walk away from the bar way before you actually did smiling smiley .

I agree about the comments being too negative. Indeed from the youtube clips the sound is thin and kind of empty, but in the venue the sound (especially guitars!) was big big big.

Great show, if you ask me!

LOL, I didn't imply anything, hehe. You were occupied, weren't you grinning smiley

The sound was huge indeed!

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: September 14, 2017 13:26

Wild Slivovitz
grinning smiley

That's wishful thinking from Dandelion's part!

She didn't show up at the agreed time, so I have been occupied with trying to get in touch with her and in the meantime trying to sort out some plan B for the worst case scenario.

She later showed up, but then I wasn't sure as to I could manage to reach you guys in time before you left for the gig, as I assumed that you guys would walk away from the bar way before you actually did smiling smiley .

I agree about the comments being too negative. Indeed from the youtube clips the sound is thin and kind of empty, but in the venue the sound (especially guitars!) was big big big.

Great show, if you ask me!

LOL, I didn't imply anything, hehe. You were occupied, weren't you grinning smiley

The sound was huge indeed![/[/b]quote]

Especially when someone at close quarters sang on part of Silver Dagger's Youtube Video winking smiley

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Date: September 14, 2017 13:35


Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: September 14, 2017 19:52

Re: Hamburg Germany 09-Sep-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates
Posted by: RipThisBone ()
Date: September 16, 2017 02:28

video: []

Paint It Black.

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