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Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: March 27, 2019 14:48

The bed’s too big without you...

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2019 15:17

Yeah just the other day was watching a DJ being
interviewed and he mentioned that recently after playing
Under My Thumb the station received a call from a female
listener demanding that they never play The Stones
or any other artists version of Under My Thumb ever again …..

The funny thing about that song, is that it's about a guy who had been under 'her' thumb and has turned the tables.

A bit infantile 50+ years on but I think reflects the POV of a passionate, immature adolescent.

I don't think as misogynistic as it's reputation might have it be.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 15:24

Didn't Bill ring the Police at one stage asking if they wanted to talk to him? Or did I dream this?
Yes he did talk to cops voluntarily. No one ever filed charges-her mother for instance. So that was []

not sure how it works in the UK, but the mother not filing/pressing charges is irrelevant in the's statutory rape and will (should) be prosecuted, regardless.

of course, famous/rich people tend to get vastly different treatment by the law (ex. Keith getting busted w/ a pile of smack = "play a concert for charity")

"if you're rich and famous in this country, you can do whatever you want...grab the....whatever." - Donald Trump

Substitute any "Regular Joe" for Wyman and they'd probably still be in jail.

But it's still a lame move to pull the documentary after they said they'd show it.

That being said, I do wonder what a 40-whatever-year-old could possibly see in a 13-year-old on ANY level. Gross.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 27, 2019 15:56

Please do not use IORR to post undocumented rumours and accusations.


Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Date: March 27, 2019 16:02

The bed’s too big without you...

One of my alltime favorite basslines.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: Boognish ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:03

Please do not use IORR to post undocumented rumours and accusations.
So I guess we can't post rumours about various upcoming Stones concerts?

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:08

Think he's referring to a person's character,as in Bill.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:29

His Majesty
In time I am sure this will get round to The Rolling Stones and other 60's and 70's bands in a more legacy damaging way.

There's plenty to crucify them about and much of it is not exactly hidden.


I love The Rolling Stones.

That's my worry, we are getting to a time where anything deemed incorrect will be censored, i can see a day in the not too distant future where it will be wrong for anyone to play this music based on the morel high ground of the likes of twitter facebook and Instagram.
We already have Mick changing the lyrics on certain songs, i wonder where it all ends up, the Stones are sexist sort of thing so must be censored etc etc.

People need to step up. Once again a small minority of loud lefties run things and decide what others can watch. The right wing needs a spokesman that we all stand behind. Boycott anyone that caters to the left wing mob. That will end this crap.

Fully agree.

Yes fully agree.

You guys are nuts, you want a leader to tell you that having sex with minors is totally fine???

And boycott anyone that thinks otherwise.

You are out of your mind.

I always wonder if people like you do this on purpose just to make others look bad. You totally got wrong what the argument is so you can claim people you disagree with are okay with grown men having sex with minors. That is not what anyone said. One thing getting online has shown is tons of people have trouble grasping simple things.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:32

His Majesty
In time I am sure this will get round to The Rolling Stones and other 60's and 70's bands in a more legacy damaging way.

There's plenty to crucify them about and much of it is not exactly hidden.


I love The Rolling Stones.

That's my worry, we are getting to a time where anything deemed incorrect will be censored, i can see a day in the not too distant future where it will be wrong for anyone to play this music based on the morel high ground of the likes of twitter facebook and Instagram.
We already have Mick changing the lyrics on certain songs, i wonder where it all ends up, the Stones are sexist sort of thing so must be censored etc etc.

People need to step up. Once again a small minority of loud lefties run things and decide what others can watch. The right wing needs a spokesman that we all stand behind. Boycott anyone that caters to the left wing mob. That will end this crap.

Fully agree.

Yes fully agree.

You guys are nuts, you want a leader to tell you that having sex with minors is totally fine???

And boycott anyone that thinks otherwise.

You are out of your mind.

Thank you for your voice of sanity Rebelhipi; this thread seems to expose a somewhat surprising support of criminal behaviour, in some, and certainly a backward-thinking ugliness that while sadly still exists is changing and will ultimately leave these types to the dustbin of history.

Another one does the same thing.

Again this on a Stones board is actually incredible. There is no doubt that you enjoy and listen to Wyman's art. What people like me are saying is the mob should not decide who can see or hear Wyman's art. Not sure why you can't grasp this.

Are you going to be okay if the mob decides that no more Wyman era Stones should be sold? The current mob is very dangerous and it needs to be challenged at every stop.

I think 40 something year old today who has sex with a 13 year old should be thrown in jail. I don't think we should go back and judge people from the past which is what this is.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-27 16:50 by stanlove.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:36

Please do not use IORR to post undocumented rumours and accusations.

not sure if this is aimed at me but if it is, I'd appreciate clarification so I can adjust/edit my post.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:45

meetoo outing people on social media is a disgrace though, they are not courts, people who are accussed have the right to a fair trial.not trial by a public kangaroo court where vigilantes will make sure repercussions take place. the thing with vigilante groups is they think they are above the law, they want revenge on someone they perceive as having committed a vile sin, and they dont hold back till they get someone but often its the wrong person, some innocent who happens to get caught up in someone elses problems. it has happened time and time again cos some idiot has pointed the finger at the wrong person by mistake.

It is not only me too. It is anyone that the mob can demonize. If someone makes a questionable 911 call on a minority the mob makes sure they can't work anymore. If someone makes a joke that the mob finds offense the mob makes sure they can't work or go to college. and so on and so on. If someone did something decades ago and the mob find out the mob tries to destroy their life. It's disgusting and people need to step up.

We all know who the mob is.

Pardon for being a bit slow, but who are the mob, who is pulling the strings, who and what is behind all this.

The mob: women who cannot walk alone on the street at night, moslims who get insulted on the street, black people who get shot by cops, gays who get insulted and treated as inferior beings, sick people who cannot afford healtcare, older people who cannot pay the rent, children who are taken advantage of in so many ways, and - especially - everyone who wants to fight this injustice and hopes for a fairer society.
Not the mob: the people in power who control the media, the banks, the governments and the mindless sheep who keep them in power and who will call everyone who wants to change that "the mob".

I am glad we got that all cleared up.


Don Corleone.

By the way: any news about the "new album"? I met a guy last night in a bar who knew the nephew of the postman of an old friend of the brother of a roadie who told me that "they are in the studio".

FFS.. I stopped after black people who get shot by cops part. Twice as many whites are shot by cops but you could not be bothered to mention them.

You are basically a walking bumper sticker.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:47

Please do not use IORR to post undocumented rumours and accusations.

not sure if this is aimed at me but if it is, I'd appreciate clarification so I can adjust/edit my post.

Or even better, put the censorship issue to bed (oops, sorry) and focus on the film itself. Am sure that when it is finally in the cinemas/theatres it should get plenty of comment. On the material itself and not Bill's private life.
A lot of the archive film footage in particular,provided by Bill, should be very interesting.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:48

Yeah just the other day was watching a DJ being
interviewed and he mentioned that recently after playing
Under My Thumb the station received a call from a female
listener demanding that they never play The Stones
or any other artists version of Under My Thumb ever again …..

Some have been trying to get that Christmas song banned also. This is why you can't let the mob have their way. IF you give them the power do you think they won't just keep pushing it until you push back.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:53

Where will they show it? It's a documentary so regular cinemas are not going to show it. And I don't think TV stations will line up in cue to buy it.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 16:53

meetoo outing people on social media is a disgrace though, they are not courts, people who are accussed have the right to a fair trial.not trial by a public kangaroo court where vigilantes will make sure repercussions take place. the thing with vigilante groups is they think they are above the law, they want revenge on someone they perceive as having committed a vile sin, and they dont hold back till they get someone but often its the wrong person, some innocent who happens to get caught up in someone elses problems. it has happened time and time again cos some idiot has pointed the finger at the wrong person by mistake.

It is not only me too. It is anyone that the mob can demonize. If someone makes a questionable 911 call on a minority the mob makes sure they can't work anymore. If someone makes a joke that the mob finds offense the mob makes sure they can't work or go to college. and so on and so on. If someone did something decades ago and the mob find out the mob tries to destroy their life. It's disgusting and people need to step up.

We all know who the mob is.

Pardon for being a bit slow, but who are the mob, who is pulling the strings, who and what is behind all this.

The mob are the ones who think that everyone has to be just like them and feel just like them or be punished. Make a joke they don't like and your career should suffer. Make a 911 call they disagree with and you should not be able to work anymore. In this case they decided that we should not be able to see this film because they are offended by it.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 17:04

wont give details but i was an unwilling witness to an alleged rape many years ago.

i saw an innocent guy getting dragged through the courts and after many months justice was done. the perpetrator of the false allegations got jailed but much to the inconvenience of myself and the poor guy who done nothing wrong and had to wait a long time for the court date to be set.

today many women make false allegations, ruin guys lives and face no sanctions, yet meetoo stay quiet on that score.

they also say nothing on the horrific increase in rape crime in the city of malmo in sweden in the last 5 years and dont report who the perpetrators are and from which ethnic groups, for fear of being called racist. the facts are there, according to police reports.

so what credibilty do meetoo have, none i think.


I would add that contrary to your suggestions, the #metoo movement is harder on false accusers than anyone else, and for obvious reasons.

Actually the metoo movement has tried to push the idea that all women must be believed. It is really getting out of hand and should scare everyone.

Yeah they were really tough on Blasey Ford. They believed her right away despite her having no evidence and a shaky story and they were fine trying to destroy a man and his family ( two daughters, a wife, and a Mother ) over it. They also attacked anyone who didn't agree with what was going on including other women. That was a prefect example of a mob and how dangerous they are.

Can you point out to me where the Metoo movement was hard on the other two women who came foward against that same judge and who were both obviously lying?

I laughed a little when I saw your point.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-27 17:17 by stanlove.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 27, 2019 17:18


Actually the metoo movement has tried to push the idea that all women must be believed. It is really getting out of hand and should scare everyone.

The snowflakes are upset.
And scared. Sad. They need a safe place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-27 17:19 by MisterDDDD.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 17:24


Actually the metoo movement has tried to push the idea that all women must be believed. It is really getting out of hand and should scare everyone.

The snowflakes are upset.
And scared. Sad. They need a safe place.

This doesn't even make sense. You are trying to hard.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 17:52

meetoo outing people on social media is a disgrace though, they are not courts, people who are accussed have the right to a fair trial.not trial by a public kangaroo court where vigilantes will make sure repercussions take place. the thing with vigilante groups is they think they are above the law, they want revenge on someone they perceive as having committed a vile sin, and they dont hold back till they get someone but often its the wrong person, some innocent who happens to get caught up in someone elses problems. it has happened time and time again cos some idiot has pointed the finger at the wrong person by mistake.

It is not only me too. It is anyone that the mob can demonize. If someone makes a questionable 911 call on a minority the mob makes sure they can't work anymore. If someone makes a joke that the mob finds offense the mob makes sure they can't work or go to college. and so on and so on. If someone did something decades ago and the mob find out the mob tries to destroy their life. It's disgusting and people need to step up.

We all know who the mob is.

Pardon for being a bit slow, but who are the mob, who is pulling the strings, who and what is behind all this.

The mob are the ones who think that everyone has to be just like them and feel just like them or be punished. Make a joke they don't like and your career should suffer. Make a 911 call they disagree with and you should not be able to work anymore. In this case they decided that we should not be able to see this film because they are offended by it.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think they decided you can't see it. They decided that they won't show it at this Festival.

I don't agree w/ the decision, but they are fully within their rights.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 17:55

meetoo outing people on social media is a disgrace though, they are not courts, people who are accussed have the right to a fair trial.not trial by a public kangaroo court where vigilantes will make sure repercussions take place. the thing with vigilante groups is they think they are above the law, they want revenge on someone they perceive as having committed a vile sin, and they dont hold back till they get someone but often its the wrong person, some innocent who happens to get caught up in someone elses problems. it has happened time and time again cos some idiot has pointed the finger at the wrong person by mistake.

It is not only me too. It is anyone that the mob can demonize. If someone makes a questionable 911 call on a minority the mob makes sure they can't work anymore. If someone makes a joke that the mob finds offense the mob makes sure they can't work or go to college. and so on and so on. If someone did something decades ago and the mob find out the mob tries to destroy their life. It's disgusting and people need to step up.

We all know who the mob is.

Pardon for being a bit slow, but who are the mob, who is pulling the strings, who and what is behind all this.

The mob are the ones who think that everyone has to be just like them and feel just like them or be punished. Make a joke they don't like and your career should suffer. Make a 911 call they disagree with and you should not be able to work anymore. In this case they decided that we should not be able to see this film because they are offended by it.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think they decided you can't see it. They decided that they won't show it at this Festival.

I don't agree w/ the decision, but they are fully within their rights.

They bowed to the pressure. The mob pressured them not to show it,.The mob decided that if they didn't want to see it than nobody should.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 18:09

meetoo outing people on social media is a disgrace though, they are not courts, people who are accussed have the right to a fair trial.not trial by a public kangaroo court where vigilantes will make sure repercussions take place. the thing with vigilante groups is they think they are above the law, they want revenge on someone they perceive as having committed a vile sin, and they dont hold back till they get someone but often its the wrong person, some innocent who happens to get caught up in someone elses problems. it has happened time and time again cos some idiot has pointed the finger at the wrong person by mistake.

It is not only me too. It is anyone that the mob can demonize. If someone makes a questionable 911 call on a minority the mob makes sure they can't work anymore. If someone makes a joke that the mob finds offense the mob makes sure they can't work or go to college. and so on and so on. If someone did something decades ago and the mob find out the mob tries to destroy their life. It's disgusting and people need to step up.

We all know who the mob is.

Pardon for being a bit slow, but who are the mob, who is pulling the strings, who and what is behind all this.

The mob are the ones who think that everyone has to be just like them and feel just like them or be punished. Make a joke they don't like and your career should suffer. Make a 911 call they disagree with and you should not be able to work anymore. In this case they decided that we should not be able to see this film because they are offended by it.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think they decided you can't see it. They decided that they won't show it at this Festival.

I don't agree w/ the decision, but they are fully within their rights.

They bowed to the pressure. The mob pressured them not to show it,.The mob decided that if they didn't want to see it than nobody should.

Not disagreeing, my friend.

The Festival Directors (or whomever makes the call) have the right to bow to the mob if they choose, that's all I was saying.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 18:12

Where will they show it? It's a documentary so regular cinemas are not going to show it. And I don't think TV stations will line up in cue to buy it.

It'll be on some sort of streaming service soon enough, I would imagine.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: March 27, 2019 18:29

Film festivals is a market place for filmmakers. Film- and TV-companies buy broadcasting rights there. It's a major blow if you can't show your product there. If you're unlucky no one will buy it.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 27, 2019 18:49

Interesting to see that it is now allowed to talk about politics here at IORR. And seemingly especially one big mouth is using that freedom to spread his extreme political views.

Quite a typical social media forum our IORR is these days. A bit sad.

- Doxa

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: March 27, 2019 18:51

Interesting to see that it is now allowed to talk about politics here at IORR. And seemingly especially one big mouth is using that freedom to spread his extreme political views.

Quite a typical social media forum our IORR is these days. A bit sad.

- Doxa

I agree with you. That poster seems to push it a little.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-27 18:54 by stanlove.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: March 27, 2019 19:27

Film festivals is a market place for filmmakers. Film- and TV-companies buy broadcasting rights there. It's a major blow if you can't show your product there. If you're unlucky no one will buy it.

Bummer for them.

Re: Wyman hit by "me too"
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 27, 2019 19:43

Didn't Bill ring the Police at one stage asking if they wanted to talk to him? Or did I dream this?

Yes he did when there was a major crackdown on all the child abusers/molestors.
Maybe Bill had a guilty conscience (and maybe he still does?), but whatever the case they said they didn't want to talk to him.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: March 27, 2019 21:21

Film festivals is a market place for filmmakers. Film- and TV-companies buy broadcasting rights there. It's a major blow if you can't show your product there. If you're unlucky no one will buy it.

The Wyman documentary had distribution deals lined up before it was finished. The filmmakers have been at least partially paid for those deals, The film will be shown somewhere, in some format.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 27, 2019 21:43

I grew up listening to the Stones and their music. During my young years, I put them up on a pedestal as larger than life human beings. As a teenager in the 1970's, I was truly mesmerized by them. I thought they were the coolest things going, the way they talked, dressed, acted, etc. They could do no wrong in my eyes, but that was the young and impressionable Sighunt talking. Later on in life, I began to separate the music from the personalities. The more I read about their "supposed" personal/private lives, the more I began to disengage. The realization finally dawned on me that I could still like their music (which provided the perfect sound track to my life- keeping alive through good times and bad), but not necessarily their life style choices or behavior they engaged in. Realizing this has help me find closure and balance in my own life.

Re: The Quiet One ~ documentary about Bill
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: March 27, 2019 21:46

I will go and see the movie because I am interested in the subject matter and also in support of Wyman. Keep on rocking Perks!

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