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Re: OT British Election
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 00:12

best to leave in the long run, the eu laws on employment rights never seemed to do any country any good, human rights laws seemed to benefit criminals more and the eu dictated what britain does and when.

as a scot i would rather scotland was ran by scottish people, for scottish people and from inside scotland.

it was stated that britain traded succesfully with the rest of the world for hundreds of years and leaving the eu would damage that, what a contradiction, if we have strong trade links historically that ran hundreds of years, then why did we manage doing it when not in the eu as we only joined in 1973.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: ironbelly ()
Date: June 26, 2016 00:24

1.00 EUR = 1.11180 USD
1.00 USD = 0.899445 EUR

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: June 26, 2016 00:57

Of course the pound will fall and the EU will do everything it can to see that happen ,,,that is the iron hand inside the silk glove.,but it will rebound stronger than before.,Tell me what important things Britain got from the EU other than a right to travel and to have a very partial voice in what happened to them ,oh yah they got to pay a bunch of money for debt they didn't sign for,and they go the right to be left till last on any improvements or left out entirely,and of course they got the right for europe to dump all the unwanted on their shores after culling out any who could be of benefit. and they got to give up their sovereignty and live by other peoples laws and justice. What they got was entrance into a club of failures who thought that going down together beat sinking alone The reason that the eu doesn't work is the same reason multiculturalism won't work,,nobody wants it. and above all nobody wants a few political pin heads to force it on them. If that elitist crew want to be European they should move there if they haven't already..because they have a lot of money they certainly can afford it..Problems is that other people don't have the luxury of having several homes all over the world and don't jet to see them. Its the same deal every time the elitist wealthy want everything but want somebody else to pay for it. That somebody is you.
Pretty much how I see it from America. Thanks.

Of course the pound will fall and the EU will do everything it can to see that happen ,,,that is the iron hand inside the silk glove.

Yes the EU apparatchiks will try to punish Great Britain to discourage other would be exiters. You can tell by how they are demanding UK leave as soon as possible. To finalize the details of the exit quickly.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 01:03 by triceratops.

Re: OT British Election
Date: June 26, 2016 01:04

Here in Spain there have been living hundred of thousands of british elderly people for decades. Sun, calm, good weather all the time...They have been cramming public health services everyday (obviously older people is prone to need plenty of care). They are not precisely happy with brexit. They will lose this an other benefits.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: xke38 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:12

Of course the pound will fall and the EU will do everything it can to see that happen ,,,that is the iron hand inside the silk glove.,but it will rebound stronger than before.,Tell me what important things Britain got from the EU other than a right to travel and to have a very partial voice in what happened to them ,oh yah they got to pay a bunch of money for debt they didn't sign for,and they go the right to be left till last on any improvements or left out entirely,and of course they got the right for europe to dump all the unwanted on their shores after culling out any who could be of benefit. and they got to give up their sovereignty and live by other peoples laws and justice. What they got was entrance into a club of failures who thought that going down together beat sinking alone The reason that the eu doesn't work is the same reason multiculturalism won't work,,nobody wants it. and above all nobody wants a few political pin heads to force it on them. If that elitist crew want to be European they should move there if they haven't already..because they have a lot of money they certainly can afford it..Problems is that other people don't have the luxury of having several homes all over the world and don't jet to see them. Its the same deal every time the elitist wealthy want everything but want somebody else to pay for it. That somebody is you.

What a load of utter drivel.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:35

Big Al

Can you tell me how this "EU beurocracy affected your life and average day?[/quote

Oh, come on! Are you a Guardian reader?

Are you going to answer the question?

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:43

Of course the pound will fall and the EU will do everything it can to see that happen ,,,that is the iron hand inside the silk glove.,but it will rebound stronger than before.,Tell me what important things Britain got from the EU other than a right to travel and to have a very partial voice in what happened to them ,oh yah they got to pay a bunch of money for debt they didn't sign for,and they go the right to be left till last on any improvements or left out entirely,and of course they got the right for europe to dump all the unwanted on their shores after culling out any who could be of benefit. and they got to give up their sovereignty and live by other peoples laws and justice. What they got was entrance into a club of failures who thought that going down together beat sinking alone The reason that the eu doesn't work is the same reason multiculturalism won't work,,nobody wants it. and above all nobody wants a few political pin heads to force it on them. If that elitist crew want to be European they should move there if they haven't already..because they have a lot of money they certainly can afford it..Problems is that other people don't have the luxury of having several homes all over the world and don't jet to see them. Its the same deal every time the elitist wealthy want everything but want somebody else to pay for it. That somebody is you.
Pretty much how I see it from America. Thanks.

Of course the pound will fall and the EU will do everything it can to see that happen ,,,that is the iron hand inside the silk glove.

Yes the EU apparatchiks will try to punish Great Britain to discourage other would be exiters. You can tell by how they are demanding UK leave as soon as possible. To finalize the details of the exit quickly.

Of course, EU wants a fast process. EU has lots of other things to do and can't let Brexit stop the work in EU. England doesn't seem to have any plan for their exit, no surprise - the two of them, Johnson and Farage, are populists and have no common plan. That is why Boris is in no hurry to initiate paragraph 50.

In the end, EU and UK are pragmatic and have common goals. UK residents in EU will not loose their rights, and contrary. Basically, there will not be that big a change. UK will have the option of stronger immigrant control, but then they will have to implement that control themselves, but it will not stop immigration. UK wants to pay less to EU.

As usual Germany will pick up the bill. Germany can see the advantage of a stronger and wealthier EU, that means better and stronger export possibilities for Germany, a goal England unfortunately can't see. Already today, I have read about several companies that have skipped plans of building new companies in UK, and instead building it in Germany. Which company wants the uncertainty in UK!!!!

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 26, 2016 10:25


England doesn't seem to have any plan for their exit, no surprise - the two of them, Johnson and Farage, are populists and have no common plan.

In all fairness you can't plan Brexit. It's so huge it can only trigger it and see what happens next. if you have a plan you're a liar or an idiot.

What's certain is, in the UE fortress "they" (Merkel Hollande Juncker) have agreed to make Brexit a fast and painful experience for the UK. As painful as possible so it can serve as a lesson for other UE countries tempted to leave.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 10:58 by dcba.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 10:51

Big Al

Can you tell me how this "EU beurocracy affected your life and average day?[/quote

Oh, come on! Are you a Guardian reader?

Are you going to answer the question?

Oh, so you do read the Guardian?

Look, it doesn't affect me as an individual on a day-to-day basis. I'm reasonably intelligent and sensible; I haven't fallen for the scaremongering over foreigners, etc. For me, personally, it is about the principles. I like the idea of the United Kingdom having total control of it's law-making. You know; being able to fish as much as we like in our waters and not be told bananas cannot be sold if the curvature is incorrect. An ideal scenario would have involved Cameron walking-away from Brussels with a reformed European Union deal for the British; it didn't happen. Too many British folk - of all ethnicities abd cultural backgrounds, I might add - feel marginalised, let-down and forgotten about. I am concerned for the future, however. We will see.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 10:52

For Bastion :-

Look, it doesn't affect me as an individual on a day-to-day basis. I'm reasonably intelligent and sensible; I haven't fallen for the scaremongering over foreigners, etc. For me, personally, it is about the principles. I like the idea of the United Kingdom having total control of it's law-making. You know; being able to fish as much as we like in our waters and not be told bananas cannot be sold if the curvature is incorrect. An ideal scenario would have involved Cameron walking-away from Brussels with a reformed European Union deal for the British; it didn't happen. Too many British folk - of all ethnicities abd cultural backgrounds, I might add - feel marginalised, let-down and forgotten about. I am concerned for the future, however. We will see.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: June 26, 2016 11:43

btw: it BV on holiday? (Brexit is about politics - shhh)

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: June 26, 2016 12:19

A list of one sentence stream of consciousness explanations and spoken thoughts. The order is of no importance.

The conservatives are not the elderly who voted for Brexit but the young ones who didn't want or even feared a change.

No, Germany will suffer first as it will have to pay the debt that origins in UK's leaving. Rich countries pay for poor ones. That is even the case in the federal system of Germany: four Bundeslaender pay for the twelve others! Therefore, it was rubbish to distribute refugees evenly in all EU countries, including the poor ones.

There is no sense in repeating elections over and over again until you have the desired (who's desire counts more?!) result.

The EU works perfectly - if you are a big multinational company. If Trump says "America comes first" and becomes President and the EU still wants TTIP then there should be a mutiny and not another referendum.

Now it is Get out of here, I don't want to see you anymore after crying Stay? If the EU wants the UK to leave as soon as possible (though this takes two years minimum anyway and not wait until Cameron's official demise) then this only means: They never needed the UK!

The EU never cared about explaining why you and I have this job due to the EU or despite.
The EU never cared about explaining why you and I have lost a job due to the EU or despite.

If the EU has an easy relationship with countries like Switzerland, Norway or Iceland then it will have one with 60 million British consumers too!

The Euro wasn't in all EU countries: Stupidly our last holidays were in Denmark, Sweden, the UK. So my family never had that kind of advantage told to us as a profit from the EU... Intensive Customs controls are something you and I appreciate in today's times of terrorism, don't you?

The EU started as a community of countries that had fought two world wars against each other just a few years before and had a 'tradition' of wars for centuries. Starting with a common coal and iron business was intended to be the beginning to put an end on war in (then Western) Europe.
That worked until de Gaulle didn't want the Britsh to join (that was in the 1950s already!) and later also failed when Yugoslavia fell into pieces by war - just some examples.
By making business easy they forgot the idea of common identity and solidarity among the peoples of their nations.
That is even more necessary nowadays out of economic reasons! Europe is stuck between economic blocks US/The Americas - Russia/former Soviet Union states - China - Japan with vague opportunities in the Arab and African world left.

We have the Euro Cup in France in the moment. This has nothing to do with the EU, that's right. But clever politicians usually pick up every opportunity to promote themselves and their causes. This should be the feast of the European nations in all their colourfulness showing that it is us who still play the best football in the world! Mr Juncker and Mrs Merkel should be there.

No, Mrs Merkel flew to China on the day Germany played. Her plane stuffed with the creme de la creme of Germany's industry. She didn't think about the UK referendum.
Russian and British/English fans/hooligans fought in the streets of Marseille.

That's Europe's reality today.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 14:20 by JJHMick.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 13:24

btw: it BV on holiday? (Brexit is about politics - shhh)

Very true. However, I have been rather impressed with the peacefulness of this thread so far. We may not all agree, but we're disagreeing rationally, sensibly and fairly. Let's keep it up.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: June 26, 2016 13:35

Big Al
btw: it BV on holiday? (Brexit is about politics - shhh)

Very true. However, I have been rather impressed with the peacefulness of this thread so far. We may not all agree, but we're disagreeing rationally, sensibly and fairly. Let's keep it up.
thumbs up

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: June 26, 2016 13:49

A list of one sentence stream of consciousness explanations and spoken thoughts.
If the EU has an easy relationship with countries like Switzerland, Norway or Iceland then it will have one with 60 million British consumers too!

right, but they (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway) pay for it and they had to accept that EU citizens are allowed to live and work in their countries (that is the condition for getting access to the EU single market) and that's precisely what the Brits voted against

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: June 26, 2016 15:04

Big Al
For Bastion :-

and not be told bananas cannot be sold if the curvature is incorrect.

Urban legend. Fiction. Call it what you will, but of the many real issues that wasn't one of them

Captain Corella

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: June 26, 2016 15:31

Interesting read. Boris certainly does not seem to have the happy demeanor of a man that's just one a huge race at the moment. Probably explains why.

Come on Boris, show those that voted for your lot you actually meant it and that is wasn't as many suspected just a public schoolboy spat that got out of hand


Just imagine a world where Boris and Trump rule two countries ... Haaaa

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: June 26, 2016 16:21

Big Al
For Bastion :-

Look, it doesn't affect me as an individual on a day-to-day basis.
You know; being able to fish as much as we like in our waters and not be told bananas cannot be sold if the curvature is incorrect.

Absolutely shocking.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: desertblues68 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 16:28

The EU is far from perfect and needs modernising. The EU was a proxy for the NO vote, people voted mostly NO for reasons that have nothing to do with the EU. The UK does not feel like a safe and stable place today. When life becomes harder for the majority, it becomes easier to blame those that are different from you. It has happened before.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 16:33

Absolutely shocking.

Oh, now, come on! I'm not being entirely serious, here.

Enjoy your Observer newspaper

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: June 26, 2016 17:38

As Big Al says, there were a lot of people in the UK who felt that they had been marginalised and forgotten by multinational big business and the London political establishment - they wanted to kick somebody - anybody - and stick two fingers up to the powers-that-be, and the referendum provided an opportunity. Messages about how much we had to lose just fell on deaf ears because many felt they had nothing to lose anyway but shit jobs or no jobs in neglected parts of the country. The trouble is that they have (imho) kicked the wrong target, and Brexit will solve almost none of the problems it was sold as a solution for. When this becomes clear, there is going to be trouble. Meanwhile, nobody seems to have any idea how to organise our exit, possibly because nobody thought Leave would actually win.

I think Mick might be right: this may turn out to our advantage twenty years down the line, but between now and then things have the potential to get very rough indeed.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 26, 2016 17:58

The Joker
Figures and facts… and clichés
. “The European Union is a kind of octopus with a massive number of lazy civil servants”. This is laughable, really
The UK has 45,000 civil servants for 1 million people in the UK… The EU has 0.63 civil servants for 1 million people in the EU (including the UK)

Denmark: 800,000 civil servants, which is 145,000 civil servants for 1 million nationals of this country (highest rate in the EU)
The UK: 2,750,000 civil servants, which is 45,000 civil servants for 1 million nationals of this country

EU: 32,066 civil servants for 508,000,000 (half a billion inhabitants), which is 0.63 civil servants for 1 million people of the EU.

Isn't that rather apples and oranges? The civil servants in each country are tasked with all aspects of public administration, while the EU is supposed to (I thought) have a limited, specific role fo all of the EU.

Indeed. Furthermore the actual figures are ridiculous. UK 2.75 million civil servants? You mean every public sector employee presumably, so doctors, nurses, teachers, librarians etc etc are counted as civil servants. Secondly, 32,066 for 508 million people is 63 per million, not 0.63.

even if the math is off (by a lot!) it still doesn't sound like a 'bloated bureaucracy'.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: xke38 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 18:04

Green Lady
... but between now and then things have the potential to get very rough indeed.

Not surprising once people realise the magnitude of the lies that have been fed to them.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: June 26, 2016 18:31

Not sure the referendum will turn out as the UK mandatory leaving the EU.
Seems the referendum has no binding results in the UK, and MPs may have to validate the people's choice, which seems uncertain.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: ROLLINGSTONE ()
Date: June 26, 2016 18:44

BBC News Website carrying an article on how Brexit may affect touring acts due to a weak pound. Mick has never been slow to pick up on the financial impact fiscal change can bring, Moving to France in 71 and the hullabaloo with the tax implications of the UK leg of the 98/99 European Tour being two examples. The UK (and Europe in general are usually loss-earners at the best of times....) eye rolling smiley

"I'll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 18:46 by ROLLINGSTONE.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: June 26, 2016 18:46

When American politics are talked about on this forum people go through the roof and demand that the thread be deleted.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 18:51 by stanlove.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 19:45

When American politics are talked about on this forum people go through the roof and demand that the thread be deleted.


That's because the U.S. political threads usually become farcical name-calling exercises. This thread is relatively peaceful. Besides, this is a huge event; a happening that in effect, affects the entire world. There is plenty in these postings for an American to take note of.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 26, 2016 20:02

Yeah, an element of the leave vote voted that way to "keep out the muslims" and other related, but misguided reasons.

It's understandable why some people would develop thoughts like this. There is a burden of responsibility on a voter to know what they are voting for, but, being force fed shit day in day out by the media and our utterly inept politicians is also, probably mostly to blame.

These people are blaming the wrong establishment. It's shit government after shit government that is to blame for the majority of the UK's problems not the EU.

The whole set up is awful and does a lot to distort and little to assist people in making fact based informed decisions.

Btw, lots of talk of respecting democracy in UK at moment, pretty funny in a country with a monarchy and an unelected house of lords. grinning smiley

I hate politics and every single vote should have a None of the above option. thumbs up

In the end... UK will be ok. Still kind of @#$%&, but a slightly different kind of @#$%& and one that the country voted for. hot smiley

It's the affects of UK leaving EU that is more worrying, others might follow and the possibility of war returning to Europe increases. There's some far right extremists waiting in the wings in various countries. eye popping smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-06-26 20:08 by His Majesty.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 26, 2016 20:30

Good points, His Majesty. Indeed, a lot of the 'out' voters are somewhat misguided. Many have a blinkered, out-of-touch view of the United Kingdom; or 'England', as they'd incorrectly term the nation state. It is telling, when you look at the map of the British Isles, where the 'in' and 'out' votes were cast. It's also somewhat odd that many of those in the provincial towns across the nation that voted to leave, rarely come across non-British E.U. citizens in their day-to-day lives anyway. Too much Farage and Dads Army and not enough reading-up on the facts to enable balanced reasoning for 'for' and 'against'.

Re: OT British Election
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: June 26, 2016 21:11

His Majesty

It's the affects of UK leaving EU that is more worrying, others might follow and the possibility of war returning to Europe increases. There's some far right extremists waiting in the wings in various countries. eye popping smiley

Well, considering the likely economical effects of the Brexit for the UK (or what will be left if it) I guess the Brexit will strengthen the EU on the long run. No other country will chose to leave the EU - the Brexit will show that the price of leaving is much too high.

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