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CindyC - Let me know how you make out with the tickets. If I can't get one I'd rather buy from you than one of these really overpriced brokers.
Hello all,
I will open my home to 2-3 fans from this board that are long suffering IORR Board members. The real long termers....BV ,Lorenz, Erik, Dillard, Steffe , Zagalo, Jaap, UrbanSteel, Ludwig, Stretton Bull, the stonesvault crew, NICOS , mattps,. Hemi04, etc . You know who you are!
email me at if interested.
Those Boston pictures looks great. I have a 94 km Mountain Bike race to do late August, "Birken", so I am planning to rent MTB's in LA, San Jose and so on to be prepared. Boston for MTB trials looks great too.
Coyote country? OK. It will be daytime for me... Thanks for the advice!
I am trying for the presale and will buy as many tickets as I am allowed. If I can get extra, I'll post on IORR and give to the real fans for no mark-up. We should all do that, make sure everyone here gets a ticket without having to deal with the brokers.
I am trying for the presale and will buy as many tickets as I am allowed. If I can get extra, I'll post on IORR and give to the real fans for no mark-up. We should all do that, make sure everyone here gets a ticket without having to deal with the brokers.
As will I attempt to get as many as possible
And not just Boston--but across the U.S. as well, coyotes have become a shadowy suburban phenomenon, with numerous accounts in recent years of family pets and children and infants being attacked. The spread of such animals into suburban areas is the result of years of wildlife protection laws here in the U.S.
The range of coyotes has even on occasion spilled into urban areas as well. The Stones will be playing Chicago--those photos below of wild coyotes was taken within Chicago city limits in November 2012 right outside the sports stadium Wrigley Field!
When you're in Chicago, chances are that humans won't be the only potential danger after dark.
Wild coyotes hanging out at Chicago's Wrigley Field.
Gerht estimates that there are about 2,000 coyotes living in Cook County. Although coyotes typically remain well-hidden, it’s likely that there’s a coyote or two in your neighborhood.
“They’re found throughout the city. We can’t find a place where there aren’t coyotes,” he said. “The tricky thing about Chicago is that it doesn’t help [them] to go out at night because there’s always people out, even at night.”
Full story at: []
Above photo taken from a 2012 article on urban coyotes in Chicago.
20 hrs and counting
It takes 2 weeks to get a Citibank card- I applied for one on Monday, and I won't get it in time for the presale.
And not just Boston--but across the U.S. as well, coyotes have become a shadowy suburban phenomenon, with numerous accounts in recent years of family pets and children and infants being attacked. The spread of such animals into suburban areas is the result of years of wildlife protection laws here in the U.S.
The range of coyotes has even on occasion spilled into urban areas as well. The Stones will be playing Chicago--those photos below of wild coyotes was taken within Chicago city limits in November 2012 right outside the sports stadium Wrigley Field!
When you're in Chicago, chances are that humans won't be the only potential danger after dark.
Wild coyotes hanging out at Chicago's Wrigley Field.
Gerht estimates that there are about 2,000 coyotes living in Cook County. Although coyotes typically remain well-hidden, it’s likely that there’s a coyote or two in your neighborhood.
“They’re found throughout the city. We can’t find a place where there aren’t coyotes,” he said. “The tricky thing about Chicago is that it doesn’t help [them] to go out at night because there’s always people out, even at night.”
Full story at: []
Above photo taken from a 2012 article on urban coyotes in Chicago.
Amazing! Reminds me of that "old" horror movie titled "Wolfen"...
Hello all,
I will open my home to 2-3 fans from this board that are long suffering IORR Board members. The real long termers....BV ,Lorenz, Erik, Dillard, Steffe , Zagalo, Jaap, UrbanSteel, Ludwig, Stretton Bull, the stonesvault crew, NICOS , mattps,. Hemi04, etc . You know who you are! live closer than I do but you are of course welcome
I live 90 minutes from Boston. I have a 3 bedroom home so you can share a bedroom and/or use my couch. I would prefer to share with those that are coming from a long distance/overseas or are strapped for cash.
You must love dogs...I have 5. My 19 year old son will be there too.
If I go to the show, we can commute together. If not, I can get you to a train station that will get you to downtown Boston.
No thieves or active dopers please. I am single so I don't do much food shopping so please don't expect to be fed. I am offering shelter,laundry and shower only...not tucked in at night, no mani-pedis, no hair styling,no massages (at least for men).
As an FYI, I am single,52 years old, hard working and gorgeous..just 1 hair cut away from being a super model promoting testosterone replacement therapy drugs for magazine advertisements.
Girls? Ladies? anyone?
email me at if interested.
I Gots 1 ! Tried at 10:00:02 for 6 Nothing . Tried for 2 nothing . Tried for 1 ,, Got MY one !