I grabbed $85s for Wed and Friday. I had zero luck originally, but knew if I kept an eye on this site it would all work out. Thanks to the folks who spread the word once these tickets became available. If you are still having difficulty, you may want to clear your browser of cookies and start fresh. I had to do that, as my previous attempts kept TM from updating correctly.
I refreshed the stones page then I got in .. of coarse they're gone lol oh well .. I'm going Wednesday , I'll find a way in for Friday . Glad Brooklyn wasn't MY "Last Time" .
I eventually got 85s for both shows, but the original link kept going to the regular sale. Finally I opened up rs.com in Chrome and that $85 link worked.
I am so excited... Going to both shows, got a pair of $85 tix for each show. I am assuming the "GA2" and "GA4" sections listed are seats TBD, right? The $85 tix are scattered about the arena? If anyone knows more about this please inform, or direct me to another thread if it has already been discussed? So f---ing excited for this.