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Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 5, 2013 18:40

It is not unusual that VIP areas are located in a bad way. I remember in France years ago the Paris ticket was FF 350 and there was a VIP seated eara in the BACK - behind the general admission - at double price FF 700. In Norway at Valle Hovin it is all a flat concrete field for 40,000 people and a small seated VIP area on the right side far way from the stage. In Prague I remember there was a large VIP area at the side. But surely if these VIP areas are sold as FRONT OF STAGE it is a lie.

I am sure AEG Live is a company that is build to make money, so they would probably use all the methods they might have access to in order to sell the tickets. I noticed some place that anyone with a 95 pounds ticket could run to the froint of the stage, probably as decided by the band, so on one side the Stones want cheap tickets up front in Hyde Park, and at the same time AEG LIve want to make money of course.


Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: beepee2 ()
Date: April 5, 2013 18:50

Front of stage is is wide stripe. there's largely enough room to put the diamond, a bit of gold, and some GA tier 1 on the aisles where Mick and Keith will go once during the show... "opportunity to get to the front".

And also, maybe some early birds will be allowed to Gold/diamond.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:04

But surely if these VIP areas are sold as FRONT OF STAGE it is a lie.

Right, that's what it is when the descriptions on the BST site and the layout shown on Ticketmaster indicated clearly
that "tier 1" was a semicircle directly in front of the center stage, "tier 2" was an arc shape just outside "tier 1" -
which is not at all what the new layout shows.

I'm delighted if GA is really GA (was the last time it was like it Budapest 2007?)
but you can't just blithely rip people off for 100-300 GBP by giving bogus descriptions and layouts until the sales are over.

I guess Branston and Dainty must be laughing their arses off at this ...

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:27

The Worst.
Jan Richards
This map must be a joke, right?

If not, then I donno what to do. I have a Golden ticket. Should we all sue the promotor or what? How can they first sell 65 k tickets and then only tell people that: hahha look where you end up.

Please tell me this is a joke....

Jan, this is published on their official Twitter account ... ...

I have also a Tier 2 Ticket and just sent a mail via BST web form and complaint about that ... I think it is legally a fraud ...


They told everybody yesterday that a £95 ticket could get you up in front. Gold circle is still up front but left of the stage. Nothing wrong with that.

What are you talking about?
According to the map, the gold circle is not anywhere close to be front of stage.
It's behind and too far on the side. Certainly not "closer to the stage than general admission".

It's up front to the left yes.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:30

It is not unusual that VIP areas are located in a bad way. I remember in France years ago the Paris ticket was FF 350 and there was a VIP seated eara in the BACK - behind the general admission - at double price FF 700. In Norway at Valle Hovin it is all a flat concrete field for 40,000 people and a small seated VIP area on the right side far way from the stage. In Prague I remember there was a large VIP area at the side. But surely if these VIP areas are sold as FRONT OF STAGE it is a lie.

I am sure AEG Live is a company that is build to make money, so they would probably use all the methods they might have access to in order to sell the tickets. I noticed some place that anyone with a 95 pounds ticket could run to the froint of the stage, probably as decided by the band, so on one side the Stones want cheap tickets up front in Hyde Park, and at the same time AEG LIve want to make money of course.

It's a shame, that this band has ZERO interest in their longtime fans. They don't do anything to avoid all the bullsh*t going on concerning the ticket process. For the fans there always appear technical problems right in the first ten minutes, and right after that all the tickets appear on the scalper Websites. We already had the same last year, and they knew about that. NOTHING CHANGED. But what was going on concerning the Hydepark tix is just CRIMINAL. To show a seating chart, which sells them the best tix for 399 GBP and changing that chart right after the tickets sold out, that is fraud and should be punished.

They were top-notch some time, but now they are embarrassing old farts which are no longer on top, neither musically nor organisation-wise. Two lousy quickies is all they can come up with in 8 years. No album, nothing. Just make the most money out of nothing. That's sad, as I still love this band. For what they were and what they stood for, but not for what they are now.

In the hyde park case they could easily have proved that it's not just about the money. Why no free concert or two?

They can kiss my a.... and deserve the biggest shitstorm-bang in history.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-04-05 19:32 by micawber.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: beepee2 ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:34


It's a shame, that this band has ZERO interest in their longtime fans. They don't do anything to avoid all the bullsh*t going on concerning the ticket process.

What do you want them to do exactly ? you want Mick and Keith storming into House of Parliament with guns in order to get a new law forbidding reselling of tickets ?

You want Woody and Charlie to go get tickets from scalpers house by house all over England ?

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: william060190 ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:37

It's a pain in the neck (an elegant way to say you're down in the hole...)
Run, Rudolph, run...

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: chriseganstar ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:44

This is the response I got from Front Gate Tickets UK Support after I sent them the link to the layout posted on Twitter :

Christopher Egan
Subject: Rolling Stones stage layout

APR 05, 2013 | 04:03PM UTC
Drew @ Front Gate Tickets replied:

That is a general idea of the layout to the festival but there will be fenced off sections of each tier. An updated map will be posted on the festival's website closer to the event. Tier 1 will be in front of the stage, with 2 behind it and 3 behind it.

Front Gate Tickets

Satisfied since 1976

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:50

This is the response I got from Front Gate Tickets UK Support after I sent them the link to the layout posted on Twitter :

Christopher Egan
Subject: Rolling Stones stage layout

APR 05, 2013 | 04:03PM UTC
Drew @ Front Gate Tickets replied:

That is a general idea of the layout to the festival but there will be fenced off sections of each tier. An updated map will be posted on the festival's website closer to the event. Tier 1 will be in front of the stage, with 2 behind it and 3 behind it.

Front Gate Tickets

Why not post that now? Gangsters...

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:51

with sssoul
But surely if these VIP areas are sold as FRONT OF STAGE it is a lie.

Right, that's what it is when the descriptions on the BST site and the layout shown on Ticketmaster indicated clearly
that "tier 1" was a semicircle directly in front of the center stage, "tier 2" was an arc shape just outside "tier 1" -
which is not at all what the new layout shows.

I'm delighted if GA is really GA (was the last time it was like it Budapest 2007?)
but you can't just blithely rip people off for 100-300 GBP by giving bogus descriptions and layouts until the sales are over.

I guess Branston and Dainty must be laughing their arses off at this ...

Are you going? GA ticket?

smileys with beer

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 5, 2013 19:52


It's a shame, that this band has ZERO interest in their longtime fans. They don't do anything to avoid all the bullsh*t going on concerning the ticket process.

What do you want them to do exactly ? you want Mick and Keith storming into House of Parliament with guns in order to get a new law forbidding reselling of tickets ?

You want Woody and Charlie to go get tickets from scalpers house by house all over England ?

That's easy: they tell their partners what they want and don't want. That's it. They are the Rolling Stones, aren't they?

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: Mirko ()
Date: April 5, 2013 20:04

So I will see on Friday Mark Knopfler in small venue in Bad Mergetheim ( Front of Stage ticket - Saturday not the Stones in London- but Sunday Springsteen with a Front of Stage ticket in Leipzig.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: Ladykiller ()
Date: April 5, 2013 20:17

I hope there is not a 2nd show @ Hyde Park.


Hyde Park is like a big field and people, who are standing far away see (and maybe hear) not as much! A stadium is much better. Who agree with me?

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 5, 2013 20:23

I hope there is not a 2nd show @ Hyde Park.


Hyde Park is like a big field and people, who are standing far away see (and maybe hear) not as much! A stadium is much better. Who agree with me?

I do.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: April 5, 2013 20:28

I hope there is not a 2nd show @ Hyde Park.


Hyde Park is like a big field and people, who are standing far away see (and maybe hear) not as much! A stadium is much better. Who agree with me?

Naha, make the next one free. grinning smiley

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: Jan Richards ()
Date: April 5, 2013 20:53

Why is it that it's this band that always finds new and innovative ways to cheat their most loyal fans!?

This is so ubelievable!!!

Exactly my thinking as well. It is amazing that they still after 50 years find new ways to screw their loyal fans! But I guess that music is not the only thing in Rock'n Roll

Jan Richards


Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Date: April 5, 2013 21:15

Yes - a free London concert for all fans and members of any RS message board - in front of stage - as an apology for all these inconveniences....

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 5, 2013 21:25


It's a shame, that this band has ZERO interest in their longtime fans. They don't do anything to avoid all the bullsh*t going on concerning the ticket process.

What do you want them to do exactly ? you want Mick and Keith storming into House of Parliament with guns in order to get a new law forbidding reselling of tickets ?

You want Woody and Charlie to go get tickets from scalpers house by house all over England ?

That's easy: they tell their partners what they want and don't want. That's it. They are the Rolling Stones, aren't they?

They haven't been the band you mention since 1981

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: April 5, 2013 21:54

They haven't been the band you mention since 1981

This kinda false-nostalgic, socialist bullshit what i most hate in this (otherwise fantastic) site... "Hollywood Era", "hollywood prices" etc., bitching all day.

You might have truth in this "since '81" thing in a MUSICAL point of view, studio etc. But all the music world changed since than. The musical life the Stones lived before just simply don't exist now! The music business changed, the main market opportunity became the show business.

And what's this complaining about prices continuously?? Gentlemen, this is free market. There are huge claim for the Stones. The Stones worth what is worth, and this is the heaven now. Bon Jovi or anyway the Who don't worth this. But the Stones are unique and people know it. They sell the shows about 5 minutes.
So please let's accept this..

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-04-05 21:59 by MoreFastNumbers.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:05

They haven't been the band you mention since 1981

This kinda false-nostalgic, socialist bullshit what i most hate in this (otherwise fantastic) site... "Hollywood Era", "hollywood prices" etc., bitching all day.

You might have truth in this "since '81" thing in a MUSICAL point of view, studio etc. But all the music world changed since than. The musical life the Stones lived before just simply don't exist now! The music business changed, the main market opportunity became the show business.

And what's this complaining about prices continuously?? Gentlemen, this is free market. There are huge claim for the Stones. The Stones worth what is worth, and this is the heaven now. Bon Jovi or anyway the Who don't worth this. But the Stones are unique and people know it. They sell the shows about 5 minutes.
So please let's accept this..

No nostalgia clumsy of me. I would love to hear more about this Hollywood Era there a whole nuther era superceding Vegas?

That is intriguing

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:33

It's worse with every tour. I remember in 2002 trying to get club show tickets on-line. Well today was almost as bad. Only difference is I could of had a standard ticket, one of 65,000 compared to 2,000 back then. Sorry, but I don't believe they're sold out. By the way they weren't at Circus Krone Munich. The day before I went to the hotel where there was a box full of tickets. However it was officially sold out 6 months earlier. This has become too much! Why all the stress? Are they trying to kill the fun on purpose?

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:35

No nostalgia clumsy of me. I would love to hear more about this Hollywood Era there a whole nuther era superceding Vegas?

That is intriguing

'I'm sorry' Vegas era of course, but think you know what I mean, the point was clear.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2013-04-05 22:39 by MoreFastNumbers.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:47

His Majesty
Time to get the swastika jacket and helmet out!


Haha, and do that shoulder dance thing they do. grinning smiley

I've walked/run past Hyde Park's concert several times, believe me, if you're toward the entrance on Marble Arch's side, you can see the screens, and hear decently...

This is something I might just do. thumbs up

Lol. here it is

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-04-06 20:01 by open-g.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:51

It is not unusual that VIP areas are located in a bad way. I remember in France years ago the Paris ticket was FF 350 and there was a VIP seated eara in the BACK - behind the general admission - at double price FF 700. In Norway at Valle Hovin it is all a flat concrete field for 40,000 people and a small seated VIP area on the right side far way from the stage. In Prague I remember there was a large VIP area at the side. But surely if these VIP areas are sold as FRONT OF STAGE it is a lie.

I am sure AEG Live is a company that is build to make money, so they would probably use all the methods they might have access to in order to sell the tickets. I noticed some place that anyone with a 95 pounds ticket could run to the froint of the stage, probably as decided by the band, so on one side the Stones want cheap tickets up front in Hyde Park, and at the same time AEG LIve want to make money of course.

Bring back Michael Cohl. ASAP! One ticket desaster follows the other. Embarrassing.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: chriseganstar ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:54

My reply to AEG:

Dear Mr Hallett,

I note your reply to me (which I also note is a standard letter that has been sent out to all of us on the various Fan Forums who have complained). I do not want a downgrade or a refund, I want what I paid for, which is the stage layout as described in the BST text for ticket options, i.e. the Bon Jovi arrangement which will be in place the night before the Rolling Stones show, with a diamond circle directly in front of the stage and a golden circle behind it, allowing Tier 3 access to the front of the stage at the sides.

I do not accept that I have to make a decision within 3 days either and you should be aware that I rang AEG Live Hospitality trhis afternoon and was told that the plan would be as described when purchasing the tickets. I also have an e-mail from Front Gate Tickets this afternoon in response to my concerns regarding the map you tweeted this morning, and I quote...

"That is a general idea of the layout to the festival but there will be fenced off sections of each tier. An updated map will be posted on the festival's website closer to the event. Tier 1 will be in front of the stage, with 2 behind it and 3 behind it."

1 in front, 2 behind, 3 behind amount of obfuscation is going to alter that

How are you proposing to upgrade those with a Tier 2 ticket to Tier 1, should they decide to do so? What is the current capacity of Tier 1 or is that also something that you are proposing to alter as you go along? How can you offer upgrades to a sold-out area ?

Satisfied since 1976

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 5, 2013 22:59

Suddenly there are Tier 3 tickets available right now on the BST site

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: April 5, 2013 23:10

with sssoul
Suddenly there are Tier 3 tickets available right now on the BST site


Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: igowild ()
Date: April 5, 2013 23:25

Tier3 Tickets now available under []

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: April 5, 2013 23:28

Just got a tier 3 ticket myself. Thankfully I will be able to see my favorite band after all. Trying to get my happy groove back after this little sell-out fiasco.

Re: Hyde Park London July 2013 show planning
Posted by: GeorgV ()
Date: April 5, 2013 23:45

Still available. Just got mine

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