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Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: November 30, 2012 11:09

Silver Dagger
I have just died and gone to heaven. Just got Block A2 row A middle off Ticketmaster for £408.
Congratulations Silver Dagger. I assume this was one they were trying to shift for maximum rip-off on GetMeIn, and finally let go a couple of hours before the gig starts. Grrrreedy bastards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-30 11:21 by lmatth8461.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: November 30, 2012 12:14

OK, so after all the build-up, I finally made it in.
I arrived at the O2 around 5pm with £200 cash set aside, and the intention that I would spend no more if I could possibly help it. Scoped out the official ticket office, and then headed over to Seatwave to find out what the deal was. They told me the leftovers would go on sale at 7:45...cutting it fine! I suspected that was my best option, although I also wanted to see if anyone had any genuine spares closer to the time.
Headed down to the Pilot Inn where I spent a very pleasant hour with Sweet Virginia and her friend (sorry mate, didn't catch your board name), then back to the venue around 7pm to see what fate would bring me. Nobody obviously selling spares, although there were a couple of touts around. I was offered a £106 ticket for £150. 'Are you going in?' I asked. No came the reply. Forget it. Touts were my absolute last option anyway, but I heard there were some fakes going around on Sunday, so I nixed that idea. If someone had a spare to shift, and was actually going in with me, that's a different matter.

The box office was pretty crowded, and I doubted I could get anything at my price range anyway, so headed back to Seatwave at the appropriate time.There was quite a scrum, and the priority was given to people collecting, of course, so time dragged on and on. One guy in particular spent ages trying to sort out his purchase, and his credit card kept getting rejected. 8pm came and went...some people actually buying on their smartphones while in the office, so they could collect quicker. I suspect this was expensive - the prices were dropping minute by minute after official showtime...but not being updated on the site - not enough time. Three came up for cash sale, but they wouldn't split them - I was only after one. By this time I was right up against the desk. Then a pair was announced for £209 each. A guy next to me inquired, but he was only after a single, and as soon as he was told they wouldn't split, I immediately asked if he wanted to go in with me. The deal was done, and then the lady asked for £270! The price had literally dropped in a minute. Bear in mind this was probably 8:15 by now. He paid with his card, and we did a mad dash to the venue. We passed by manofwealthandtaste on the way in, who was less fortunate than us, I think; bad luck mate, must have been a real pisser to get so close.
Only once we were on the escalator did I have the chance to evaluate our purchase - row F, block 418. I paid him £140 (neither of us had any fivers), which meant that I got in for £60 less than I had bargained for. After the gig, I checked the face value - £326, which meant I got a 57% discount! Arriving to the sound of the samba drums - great, the band haven't taken the stage yet! - we took our seats about two minutes before they went on. Real seat of your pants stuff!

There were three factors involved in this outcome:
1. Nerves of steel - no doubt I would have been very disappointed if I couldn't get in, but I was certainly prepared to walk away empty handed if that's the way the cards fell. Worth pointed out that I'm fairly local - I live in Lewisham, so the O2 is literally a bus ride away for me - it's not like I had to travel a great distance to take this chance.

2. The original ticket prices - let alone what the secondary market was charging - certainly left a bad taste in my mouth. There was a certain amount of taking a principled stand, not unlike Gazza in this respect. Think about it: in 2007 - pre-recession, mind - I paid £1500 in total, including charges. That got me, my wife, and her sister in to all three nights. Opening night: Third row, middle night: second row from the b-stage, final night, seventh row. I paid £150 per ticket then, and last night I paid £140 to be way up in the gods. This may be the 'new normal'...but not for me.

3. Overwhelmingly the most important factor was that I just couldn't afford anything except the £106 tickets, which were gone in a heartbeat. My firm is laying off a lot of people, and it's quite possible I could be made redundant before the year is out. It's arguable that I shouldn't even be thinking about going to gigs right now - but I'll cross that bridge if or when I come to it.

Many thanks to all the posters on this thread - while luck certainly played its part, the information here certainly shaped the course of action I took.
Many thanks obviously to my 'partner in crime' who I doubled up with the score the ticket - much appreciated,if you get to read this! I didn't even catch your name, but you did mention IORR, so you are probably a member.
...and finally thanks to whoever had to sell his pair of £326 tickets for £270. Win some, lose some, eh?

Review to follow, posted on the appropriate thread.


Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: November 30, 2012 12:18

Nice story, but glad you made it in - albeit as you say, by the skin of your teeth !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Date: November 30, 2012 14:45

The box office was pretty crowded, and I doubted I could get anything at my price range anyway, so headed back to Seatwave at the appropriate time.There was quite a scrum, and the priority was given to people collecting, of course, so time dragged on and on. One guy in particular spent ages trying to sort out his purchase, and his credit card kept getting rejected. 8pm came and went...some people actually buying on their smartphones while in the office, so they could collect quicker. I suspect this was expensive - the prices were dropping minute by minute after official showtime...but not being updated on the site - not enough time. Three came up for cash sale, but they wouldn't split them - I was only after one. By this time I was right up against the desk. Then a pair was announced for £209 each. A guy next to me inquired, but he was only after a single, and as soon as he was told they wouldn't split, I immediately asked if he wanted to go in with me. The deal was done, and then the lady asked for £270! The price had literally dropped in a minute. Bear in mind this was probably 8:15 by now. He paid with his card, and we did a mad dash to the venue. We passed by manofwealthandtaste on the way in, who was less fortunate than us, I think; bad luck mate, must have been a real pisser to get so close.


Hi Lee,
So that was you, well done to you, ......yes, by that stage I thought I would lurk around the entrance in case anything turned up and it so nearly did. It almost makes me weep to write this but here's what happened.......Not long after you went in, just about showtime in other words, a guy came OUT of the venue and through the barrier, thrusting his ticket into my hand as he rushed past, with a 'here ya go mate, its yours!' I couldn't believe it. This was in full view of the ticket checkers at the barrier. So I walk through the barrier and up to the scanner where, naturally, they tell me that the ticket has been scanned. Of course, I said, you have just seen the guy leave, surely I can use the ticket? After a protracted 'debate' during which I was trying to be as cool and charming as possible, no dice. He wasn't having it and came out with the "I could lose my job if I let you in" line. His supervisor came over and despite further logical reasoning on my part, still no joy. The only humorous part of this were two blokes clutching pints of beer who had witnessed the whole scenario and started shouting out "Let him in!" Moral support, if nothing else!

So close and yet so far....this gig was the one that got away for me. But I left it late and went along, prepared not to get it so that's the deal. Great to hear from everyone that it was another stonking performance though.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: November 30, 2012 14:59

The box office was pretty crowded, and I doubted I could get anything at my price range anyway, so headed back to Seatwave at the appropriate time.There was quite a scrum, and the priority was given to people collecting, of course, so time dragged on and on. One guy in particular spent ages trying to sort out his purchase, and his credit card kept getting rejected. 8pm came and went...some people actually buying on their smartphones while in the office, so they could collect quicker. I suspect this was expensive - the prices were dropping minute by minute after official showtime...but not being updated on the site - not enough time. Three came up for cash sale, but they wouldn't split them - I was only after one. By this time I was right up against the desk. Then a pair was announced for £209 each. A guy next to me inquired, but he was only after a single, and as soon as he was told they wouldn't split, I immediately asked if he wanted to go in with me. The deal was done, and then the lady asked for £270! The price had literally dropped in a minute. Bear in mind this was probably 8:15 by now. He paid with his card, and we did a mad dash to the venue. We passed by manofwealthandtaste on the way in, who was less fortunate than us, I think; bad luck mate, must have been a real pisser to get so close.


Hi Lee,
So that was you, well done to you, ......yes, by that stage I thought I would lurk around the entrance in case anything turned up and it so nearly did. It almost makes me weep to write this but here's what happened.......Not long after you went in, just about showtime in other words, a guy came OUT of the venue and through the barrier, thrusting his ticket into my hand as he rushed past, with a 'here ya go mate, its yours!' I couldn't believe it. This was in full view of the ticket checkers at the barrier. So I walk through the barrier and up to the scanner where, naturally, they tell me that the ticket has been scanned. Of course, I said, you have just seen the guy leave, surely I can use the ticket? After a protracted 'debate' during which I was trying to be as cool and charming as possible, no dice. He wasn't having it and came out with the "I could lose my job if I let you in" line. His supervisor came over and despite further logical reasoning on my part, still no joy. The only humorous part of this were two blokes clutching pints of beer who had witnessed the whole scenario and started shouting out "Let him in!" Moral support, if nothing else!

So close and yet so far....this gig was the one that got away for me. But I left it late and went along, prepared not to get it so that's the deal. Great to hear from everyone that it was another stonking performance though.

Really sorry to hear that Chris. It happened to me at Wembley Stadium 1995 for the last night. I'd gone to the previous 2 shows and soooo wanted to hear Monkey Man. I knew they were playing it on the tour. So I reluctantly left and caught the train back to Fincheley Road where I was living - just one stop down the line. I got up to my 4th floor room, opened the windows and over the breeze I could clearly hear the gig - about 7 miles away. No buildings in the way. And to my absolute surprise, horror and joy I heard.....the strains of Monkey Man. I lit one up in their honour and listened to the rest of the gig from my window. Weirdest Stones gig experience I ever had.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: November 30, 2012 14:59

Hey, sorry to read that, sad have to wonder what possessed that guy to do that...kid just born in hospital maybe ?!

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: barking paul ()
Date: November 30, 2012 18:20

Sorry to hear this Chris, you were so unlucky.

Join us tonight at Cadogan Hall to sing the blues.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Date: November 30, 2012 18:34

barking paul
Sorry to hear this Chris, you were so unlucky.

Join us tonight at Cadogan Hall to sing the blues.

Thanks BarkingPaul, see you later at Mick Taylor - I have a ticket in advance!

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: November 30, 2012 18:48

barking paul
Sorry to hear this Chris, you were so unlucky.

Join us tonight at Cadogan Hall to sing the blues.

Thanks BarkingPaul, see you later at Mick Taylor - I have a ticket in advance!

Chris, Barking Paul - 6:30 BISTRO COTE Sloane SQ, reservation in my name (it was for 6 - but there's more of us - wtf huh ???)

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: November 30, 2012 21:01

What a night you all had -- one way or another.
Look forward to your Mick T report.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: December 1, 2012 00:15

Hi Lee,
So that was you, well done to you, ......yes, by that stage I thought I would lurk around the entrance in case anything turned up and it so nearly did. It almost makes me weep to write this but here's what happened.......Not long after you went in, just about showtime in other words, a guy came OUT of the venue and through the barrier, thrusting his ticket into my hand as he rushed past, with a 'here ya go mate, its yours!' I couldn't believe it. This was in full view of the ticket checkers at the barrier. So I walk through the barrier and up to the scanner where, naturally, they tell me that the ticket has been scanned. Of course, I said, you have just seen the guy leave, surely I can use the ticket? After a protracted 'debate' during which I was trying to be as cool and charming as possible, no dice. He wasn't having it and came out with the "I could lose my job if I let you in" line. His supervisor came over and despite further logical reasoning on my part, still no joy. The only humorous part of this were two blokes clutching pints of beer who had witnessed the whole scenario and started shouting out "Let him in!" Moral support, if nothing else!

So close and yet so far....this gig was the one that got away for me. But I left it late and went along, prepared not to get it so that's the deal. Great to hear from everyone that it was another stonking performance though.

Wow, Chris, what a kick in the teeth. Sorry you had to go through that, probably would have been better if he hadn't given you the ticket at all.

Following my good luck yesterday, the bad news followed today. I'm 'under consideration' for redundancy...which means it's almost certain. A nice early Christmas present for me!

Hope Mick T had a few guests on Friday.


Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: DartfordRenegade ()
Date: December 1, 2012 03:00

The box office was pretty crowded, and I doubted I could get anything at my price range anyway, so headed back to Seatwave at the appropriate time.There was quite a scrum, and the priority was given to people collecting, of course, so time dragged on and on. One guy in particular spent ages trying to sort out his purchase, and his credit card kept getting rejected. 8pm came and went...some people actually buying on their smartphones while in the office, so they could collect quicker. I suspect this was expensive - the prices were dropping minute by minute after official showtime...but not being updated on the site - not enough time. Three came up for cash sale, but they wouldn't split them - I was only after one. By this time I was right up against the desk. Then a pair was announced for £209 each. A guy next to me inquired, but he was only after a single, and as soon as he was told they wouldn't split, I immediately asked if he wanted to go in with me. The deal was done, and then the lady asked for £270! The price had literally dropped in a minute. Bear in mind this was probably 8:15 by now. He paid with his card, and we did a mad dash to the venue. We passed by manofwealthandtaste on the way in, who was less fortunate than us, I think; bad luck mate, must have been a real pisser to get so close.


Hi Lee,
So that was you, well done to you, ......yes, by that stage I thought I would lurk around the entrance in case anything turned up and it so nearly did. It almost makes me weep to write this but here's what happened.......Not long after you went in, just about showtime in other words, a guy came OUT of the venue and through the barrier, thrusting his ticket into my hand as he rushed past, with a 'here ya go mate, its yours!' I couldn't believe it. This was in full view of the ticket checkers at the barrier. So I walk through the barrier and up to the scanner where, naturally, they tell me that the ticket has been scanned. Of course, I said, you have just seen the guy leave, surely I can use the ticket? After a protracted 'debate' during which I was trying to be as cool and charming as possible, no dice. He wasn't having it and came out with the "I could lose my job if I let you in" line. His supervisor came over and despite further logical reasoning on my part, still no joy. The only humorous part of this were two blokes clutching pints of beer who had witnessed the whole scenario and started shouting out "Let him in!" Moral support, if nothing else!

So close and yet so far....this gig was the one that got away for me. But I left it late and went along, prepared not to get it so that's the deal. Great to hear from everyone that it was another stonking performance though.

Ah Chris that's a real bummer. Hope you had a good time at Mick Taylor tonight. It was a real pleasure meeting you & Paul and a few other IORRians over the last couple of weeks. Hope we get a chance to meet up again real soon at the next Stones related event - 2013 Tour hopefully.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 1, 2012 04:11

I just pulled up 2 of the $280 seats on TM for the 13th, section 102. I decided I can't do that for the middle of the week (since I'm not in the NY area). Hope IORR person takes them. Those are the cheapest pair I've seen at TM for a while.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 1, 2012 04:25

Ooooh. Also turned down 125, row 1. $280 in the middle of the week just doesn't work for me.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: tommyquinn ()
Date: December 1, 2012 06:49

This ticket is up on Ticketmaaster right now, at least it is cheaper than most tickets out there....
Price Level 3
Mezzanine Level Seating
Full Price Ticket
Ticket Price
US $280.00 x 1
Price Details
US $280.00

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: tommyquinn ()
Date: December 1, 2012 06:53

Also $280 tickets for Saturdays show, click rear view, I just got Row 2 Section 125.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: December 1, 2012 06:53

looks like tix are starting to leak out for the NYC shows...i got one for $150 (+$28 in fees) thru TM earlier tonight for the 12/13 show.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: tommyquinn ()
Date: December 1, 2012 15:40

So I ended up getting aticket for both the 13th and the 15th.But I am having second thoughts about all that travel back and forth from Boston.
My Thursday night ticket is Section 125 First Row Seat 2.
Anyone want it forface $286?
Buyers remorse- I got the same section, Second Row on Saturday. And hotels are too expensive to do both shows.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: December 1, 2012 17:30

Ooooh. Also turned down 125, row 1. $280 in the middle of the week just doesn't work for me.

After watching some of the videos from the london shows I think that will end up being a really good seat. especially after they pull the curtians back. It will be alot better than some of the $800 seats in the lodge at the oppositte end of the arena. Or some of the $500 seats in row 7 of the balcony I have pulled up.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-01 17:33 by virgil.

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: JaIsNotDead ()
Date: December 1, 2012 17:42

So I ended up getting aticket for both the 13th and the 15th.But I am having second thoughts about all that travel back and forth from Boston.
My Thursday night ticket is Section 125 First Row Seat 2.
Anyone want it forface $286?
Buyers remorse- I got the same section, Second Row on Saturday. And hotels are too expensive to do both shows.

Yes I am interested. Tommy, is this considered rear or side view?

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 1, 2012 19:56

YES YES YES YES YES hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley

Just got me two in SECTION 10 (aaaaagh shriek hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley) for the 15th .....

NYC here I come ...................... !!

Sorry folks, gotta do more cartwheels ...... hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley

There's one VERY happy American cousin in New Jersey right now, she's never seen the Stones before. Can you believe that ? I know I know, it's OK, I'll have strong words with her when I get there. Don't worry, she'll see the light by the time I've finished with her !!

Now do concentrate Paul .... Brooklyn and Prudential 1 to go (sound of man furiously rattling laptop keyboard hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley)

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: December 1, 2012 20:08

Wow, that's what I'm talking about, #9 is coming up to now. Do we know how the numbering of the seats works over there? So were you planning on going to the US for Christmas anyway? I think I'll save my cash for next year in Europe ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 1, 2012 20:19

Wow, that's what I'm talking about, #9 is coming up to now. Do we know how the numbering of the seats works over there? So were you planning on going to the US for Christmas anyway? I think I'll save my cash for next year in Europe ;-)

No, don't know how the seat numbering works, or for that matter how many rows there are, but hey - at the end of the day the position relative to the stage will be pretty much the same as it was for where I was on 29th November, in block 112. The view is awesome, just the right perspective. What an amazing stroke of luck, can't believe it. And this is for the PPV show too - the second Prudential one !!

I live in UK but don't work in it. My next work project has been delayed till Jan 2013, so I really have no excuse not to go, because I have family that lives just 30 minutes from the Prudential Center & that I've not seen for a while. I think it's a case of catching as many Stones shows as possible from hereon; that's what I plan on doing in any case. Why not ? Very fortunate timing - so to say.

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: December 1, 2012 20:42

Yes, go for it, there can't be that many left to go...oh wait that's what we thought 10 years ago already ;-) Will try to catch you on the PPV feed ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 1, 2012 20:44

Yes, go for it, there can't be that many left to go...oh wait that's what we thought 10 years ago already ;-) Will try to catch you on the PPV feed ;-)

I'll be easy to recognise, just look for someone doing these ..... hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley .... in block 10 about 13 rows up !! winking smiley

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 1, 2012 21:56

Lucky Saturday for me obviously, just scored one in the same block (10) row 18 for the Prudential on the 13th !!

Jeez, Ticketmaster are surpassing themselves today ... I can scarcely believe my luck !!

More cartwheels .... sorry people !!

hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: December 1, 2012 22:06

Congratulations pauly!

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 1, 2012 22:17

Green Lady
Congratulations pauly!

Thank you Green Lady, I am still reeling from shock .... barely able to comprehend how lucky I have been today. Golly gosh, if only buying tickets for all concerts was as easy as this has been for me on this particular afternoon. Sadly though, it isn't !! As those of us that fought like demons to get decent seats for the O2 shows know all too well !!

Makes me wonder whether or not Ticketmaster are monitoring my IP address and when they see me online they go "O no, it's HIM again - give him a decent seat and shut him up once and for all, we're sick to death of all his bitching and moaning" ... ? winking smiley

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: Garbie ()
Date: December 1, 2012 22:18

I am happy for you, PAuly. Well done!

From time to time I find myself having a look at TM to see if something appears for NY, NJ...hope not because my wife may kill me if I leave her at home with the 3 girls and I disappear for 3 or 4 days...

Hope they will tour next year. I cant really accept the 25th was my last concert...

Yes, go for it, there can't be that many left to go...oh wait that's what we thought 10 years ago already ;-) Will try to catch you on the PPV feed ;-)

I'll be easy to recognise, just look for someone doing these ..... hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley hot smiley .... in block 10 about 13 rows up !! winking smiley

Re: The official "TICKET DROP" thread
Posted by: angee ()
Date: December 1, 2012 23:30

See you Dec.15th in Newark, paulywaul.
I will be one section over in Section 11...unless I somehow score a pit seat.
Congrats!! TM is popping some decent seats out lately for the show.
One of these days someone should start a topic, who's in for the 13th and the 15th topic?
After Brooklyn, or sooner...

~"Love is Strong"~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-01 23:30 by angee.

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