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Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 21, 2012 11:40

That would be a nice surprise. But the thing is, even though these releases do not make much money, they are losing it every day now. Everyone wanting to have this show will have it in a form or other easily... Makes me think someone is screwing up things big time now.
- Doxa

Yes, waiting several days between the US and the European release is a disaster for them. THey're either screwing up....or they have something else prepared for Europe. Though I actually doubt it will be something as brilliant as the 2 shows I mentioned above. Something from Licks tour or ABB tour is more likely, I'd say

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Paul Kersey ()
Date: October 21, 2012 11:45

I agree Erik, i'm leaning towards us getting a different show now..

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 21, 2012 12:00

That would be a nice surprise. But the thing is, even though these releases do not make much money, they are losing it every day now. Everyone wanting to have this show will have it in a form or other easily... Makes me think someone is screwing up things big time now.
- Doxa

Yes, waiting several days between the US and the European release is a disaster for them. THey're either screwing up....or they have something else prepared for Europe. Though I actually doubt it will be something as brilliant as the 2 shows I mentioned above. Something from Licks tour or ABB tour is more likely, I'd say

But the idea of offering different shows for different markets, and making it, technically speaking, impossible to get other market's product, is like urging illegal dowloading. That's what they alraedy do now. And who can morally contempt people who would be willing to pay the price if they only could get a chance...

- Doxa

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: stonesdan60 ()
Date: October 21, 2012 12:25

Well, I just bought Light the Fuse and am listening for the first time. So far, I think it's great! I'm up to Ain't too Proud to Beg as we speak...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 21, 2012 12:41

That would be a nice surprise. But the thing is, even though these releases do not make much money, they are losing it every day now. Everyone wanting to have this show will have it in a form or other easily... Makes me think someone is screwing up things big time now.
- Doxa

Yes, waiting several days between the US and the European release is a disaster for them. THey're either screwing up....or they have something else prepared for Europe. Though I actually doubt it will be something as brilliant as the 2 shows I mentioned above. Something from Licks tour or ABB tour is more likely, I'd say

But the idea of offering different shows for different markets, and making it, technically speaking, impossible to get other market's product, is like urging illegal dowloading. That's what they alraedy do now. And who can morally contempt people who would be willing to pay the price if they only could get a chance...

- Doxa

Oh you meant it that way; yes you're right. But they've allready lost lotsa customers by now, too, due to the waiting.
In either case, they don't make much money on these series, and since they're cashing in to the extreme on the 4 shows they're playing this year, maybe they simply look at the vault-releases as a "gift" to the fans, and don't care too much about the income.
The income probably is no more than another pair of handmade Nike sneakers for Jagger and other ancient gun for CHarlie's collection

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: October 21, 2012 12:50

I don't know what they were thinking about 19th Nervous Breakdown... but they played it amazingly sexy x)

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: GUIDO ()
Date: October 21, 2012 12:56

mp3 link, waiting for stones archive...?

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Virtual_Nobody ()
Date: October 21, 2012 13:20

Anyone willing to share a MP3 link for this one, it's still not on Stonesarchive

A big thank you

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-21 13:20 by Virtual_Nobody.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: October 21, 2012 13:24

Virtual_Nobody: mail me please x)
[and anybody else who'd like to listen to the show x)]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-21 14:06 by Amused.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Virtual_Nobody ()
Date: October 21, 2012 14:13


Thank you very much. your great.


Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: October 21, 2012 19:24

Listened to it last night and I liked it much more than I thought I would. I coverted to WAV first,not that it really changes anything but the songs flow from one to the other more smoothly with my burner.The band sounds energetic and there are lots of warts, I thought they got lost a couple of times on Live With Me but that causes me to enjoy it even more and feeling more natural. The Stones really should never be completely polished in my humble opinion..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-21 19:25 by scottkeef.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: October 21, 2012 19:34

I purchased the other boots (brussels, LA, Hampton, Tokyo). I waited for this new one to come up to buy in Canada. It never came up to buy (still not there). Another member here posted a link to download it for free. I grabbed it, and didn't need to give The Stones anymore of my money. I would have bought it, now I don't need to. Thanks interwebs.


Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Telecaster_man ()
Date: October 21, 2012 19:41

Isn't available neither in Spain thumbs down...if someone could pm a link with the mp3 would be much appreciatedsmileys with beer

Shattered !!!

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 21, 2012 19:48


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-22 01:33 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: 5strings ()
Date: October 21, 2012 20:11

Anyone willing to share a MP3 link for this one, it's still not on Stonesarchive

A big thank you

I email You

Thanks .

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Norbert ()
Date: October 21, 2012 21:06

Anyone willing to share a MP3 link for this one, it's still not on Stonesarchive

A big thank you

I email You

Thanks .

It would be awfully kind if you could mail me too...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: October 21, 2012 21:27

just send me mail y'all & I'll mail the album to ya ;^)
I find it amazing & really exciting, 2005-2007 was a great time!

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Lynd8 ()
Date: October 22, 2012 01:31

I've listenbed to it twice all the way through and really like this show.
I kind of like the bluesy 19th Nervous, And am glad to have Back of My Hand. I also think She's So Cold, Mr. Pitiful and rough Justice are all good. I find it hard to believe people are whining about $5 for this...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: October 22, 2012 04:27

It's decent enough, but I think the complaints are stemming from the gazillion shows they could have chosen from. There are far far far better than this era...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: fyp933 ()
Date: October 22, 2012 05:53

Anyone willing to share a MP3 link for this one, it's still not on Stonesarchive

A big thank you

I email You

Thanks .

It would be awfully kind if you could mail me too...

if you could email me also, it would be greatly appreciated
thank you

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Date: October 22, 2012 08:39

It's decent enough, but I think the complaints are stemming from the gazillion shows they could have chosen from. There are far far far better than this era...

True, but we have them all: 65 (soon to be released), 69, 72, 73, 75, 78, 81, 90 and 05.

We could always hope for a 70, 71 or 77-show, but I don't think the Stones see the big difference between a 69 and a 70-show, or between a 76 or 77-show.

I have a feeling the last archive release will be a nugget, though, since their career span now is covered with these releases + the other box-sets.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:29


Oh you meant it that way; yes you're right. But they've allready lost lotsa customers by now, too, due to the waiting.
In either case, they don't make much money on these series, and since they're cashing in to the extreme on the 4 shows they're playing this year, maybe they simply look at the vault-releases as a "gift" to the fans, and don't care too much about the income.
The income probably is no more than another pair of handmade Nike sneakers for Jagger and other ancient gun for CHarlie's collection

The Stones couldn't care less how many people buy this -they got their money when they sold the six shows to Google, whom use it to push their Google Music thing.


Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: OneHit ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:34

Get Up, Stand Up is a real highlight for me. Great performance.

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: genco ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:34


Oh you meant it that way; yes you're right. But they've allready lost lotsa customers by now, too, due to the waiting.
In either case, they don't make much money on these series, and since they're cashing in to the extreme on the 4 shows they're playing this year, maybe they simply look at the vault-releases as a "gift" to the fans, and don't care too much about the income.
The income probably is no more than another pair of handmade Nike sneakers for Jagger and other ancient gun for CHarlie's collection

The Stones couldn't care less how many people buy this -they got their money when they sold the six shows to Google, whom use it to push their Google Music thing.


Mathijs, for european people is not Google. We buy through

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Date: October 22, 2012 10:37


Oh you meant it that way; yes you're right. But they've allready lost lotsa customers by now, too, due to the waiting.
In either case, they don't make much money on these series, and since they're cashing in to the extreme on the 4 shows they're playing this year, maybe they simply look at the vault-releases as a "gift" to the fans, and don't care too much about the income.
The income probably is no more than another pair of handmade Nike sneakers for Jagger and other ancient gun for CHarlie's collection

The Stones couldn't care less how many people buy this -they got their money when they sold the six shows to Google, whom use it to push their Google Music thing.


Mathijs, for european people is not Google. We buy through

True, but the Stones run the Stonesarchive-site themselves, but already got paid for the Google Music-thing - hence the archve will never be priority # 1, unfortunately...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:37

And guess what ? It's still not on stonesarchive

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Date: October 22, 2012 10:43

I'm starting to believe it will never turn up there, Tom. Dunno what's got over them...

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:45


Oh you meant it that way; yes you're right. But they've allready lost lotsa customers by now, too, due to the waiting.
In either case, they don't make much money on these series, and since they're cashing in to the extreme on the 4 shows they're playing this year, maybe they simply look at the vault-releases as a "gift" to the fans, and don't care too much about the income.
The income probably is no more than another pair of handmade Nike sneakers for Jagger and other ancient gun for CHarlie's collection

The Stones couldn't care less how many people buy this -they got their money when they sold the six shows to Google, whom use it to push their Google Music thing.


Oh yes that's true. It really makes no big difference if they care or not, point is that they're losing out on money by delaying the European release with a week, doesn't matter if it's google or RS losing. So maybe they have plans for a different show to available as lossless from stonesarchive, for us europeans

Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:59

Oh yes that's true. It really makes no big difference if they care or not, point is that they're losing out on money by delaying the European release with a week, doesn't matter if it's google or RS losing. So maybe they have plans for a different show to available as lossless from stonesarchive, for us europeans

There IS more to the rest of the world than YOU Europeans....


Re: Toronto Phoenix (Live, 2005)
Posted by: stonesdan60 ()
Date: October 22, 2012 11:21

Now that I've listened to it a few times, I think it's really enjoyable until they get to the closing warhorses. I was surprised,as someone pointed out how tepid Keith's intros are on the last three songs and how lukewarm they play TD, BS, and JJF compared to how they played up to that point. If they wanted to represent the ABB Tour I'd like one of the stadium gigs from 2005. I have a boot from the show I saw at Giants Stadium with so-so sound but great performance. I'd love to hear that in pro quality sound. Night Time is the Right Time was awesome. Keith was awesome that night, pre-head thunk.

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