This is the place where Stones fans can advertise anything for sale, wanted, trade or whatever, from fan to fan. Advertisements are for free. To see the old ads go here.
Thanks for the info guys. Can anyone here burn me a copy of the Tacoma & Stockholm Cirkus (CCR). Y'see folks I'm on a very slow server and dial up. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
What is the best version on cd to get sound quality wise of:
Stones...Tacoma, Wa 11-6-02
Stones...Stockholm, Cirkus 7-22-03
Please give the name of the bootleg. Better yet who can do a trade
with me for these cds, thanks. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
QuoteSeanC - I am living overseas at the mo (Ireland) So I dont have my collection here but have a few bits and pieces please mail me
Cheers!!! replied to my ad Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
sounds great eh? Seems to work really well and makes the rough footage much more enjoyable
Sean! Whats going on . You give a message on Hotstuff you want to trade. I sent you two emails no reply with your list? Please expalain. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Sean..I just sent you another email. The original message I sent you is still in my sent box. Could be in your spam or trash box. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Please don't mention the Isle of Wight. I would have gone but my daughter was due a fortnight before, how bad timing is that?! For a while I seriously considered going camping with a newborn.
bad timing my dear Forum: Tell Me
Yeah tippy. I'm one of the old fashioned who still trades snail mail. You can check my Email in my profile.
its your turn to reveal your email, you have it hidden. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Would some kind soul please help me. How can I find someones email in their profile? I need to respond to someone but not sure how to go about it. Forum: Tell Me
I agree Rod can sing and very good still. After seeing him in August a very powerful show. But as stated above hes done enough albums of other peoples songs. Its time to write his own. He must have tons of songs from his older lps not even used. C'mon don't get lazy on us. Forum: Tell Me