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4 ***months ***ago
I remenber reading somewhere that Swedish artist Pugh Rogefeldt was one of the visitors (he was an old friend of Astrid L)
Forum: Tell Me
***1 year ***ago
This year: Ian Hunter - 84 Grace Slick - 84 John Mayall - 90 Phil Lesh - 83 Stephen Stills - 78 Still a young bunch compared to Henry Kissinger
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Bangalore 2003. When we left the pre-show party at MG Road in downtown Bangalore with a rickshaw for the concert the weather was still quite ok. The hell rain started the same moment as Stones entered the stage, as I remember it. Then the flood was on until the last tune. (Thank God, it was almost 30 degrees in the air!) Still I had a hell of a time close to the stage, dancing in the flooded fiel
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2 ***years ***ago
No 19th nervous breakdown? They better play it in Stockholm!
Forum: Tell Me
2 ***years ***ago
Pet Sounds! The hype is beyond my understanding. Aftermath, released the same year, is artistically a far superior album. Still it has never received the cred it deserves ...
Forum: Tell Me
3 ***years ***ago
Skellefteå, Northern Sweden
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3 ***years ***ago
Sad. The "Leslie West Mountain" album from 1969 is so beautiful. One of my all time favourite. Have been on a binge on that album over the last year. Has anyone mentioned that Jagger contributes with guitar (!) on Leslies "The Great Fatsby" from 1975?
Forum: Tell Me
3 ***years ***ago
Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane
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9 ***years ***ago
I haven't had a problem with Collins if I wasnt unvoluntarily FORCED to listen to his awful tunes over and over in all kind of public settings (night clubs, shopping malls, bus stations, radio) back in the late 1980s-early 90s. He was such a downer, destroying the atmosphere wherever you happended to be. He owes every one that cares about music (and was around back then!) a deep apologise. L
Forum: Tell Me
10 ***years ***ago
I actually bought 2 tickets through COOP two minutes ago (2 pm), though it says on its site that they are out of pre sale tickets. I failed when I tried earlier today. Pretty good deal: 650 Swedish crowns per ticket, though it is not the best part of the stadium (section B332) At Ullevi in 2007 I think GA tickets where 1000 or maybe 1100 WOW!!! Bjorn Forsberg
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Aftermath rules! To me the album (UK version) has always been way more important than some of the other 1966 albums that critics always and mechanically drops as "classics". For example, I consider Beach Boys Pet Sound (which is obligatory for critics to refer to in Top 10 settings) as lame compare to Aftermath. But music journalists are group animals, and years ago they agreed on &
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Which insurance company will back up Keith? (and thus the rest of the organization). It make Greek bonds look like a safe bet.
Forum: Tell Me
13 ***years ***ago
Next question: Which artists would you have prefered to see at Wembley in 1969 if you could jump into the time machine? 1. Stones (why not a spring gig with Brian?) 2. Blind Faith 3. Grateful Dead (Not the Beatles - too loosy live)
Forum: Tell Me
13 ***years ***ago
video: Boring?
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13 ***years ***ago
1. Grateful dead 2. Jefferson airplane 3. Traffic 4. Träd, gräs och stenar 5. Incredible String Band
Forum: Tell Me
13 ***years ***ago
Jerry Garcia is the best rock guitarist ever, period. Still, there is a strong idea today that you either have to be (1) a heavy metal guitarist (2) have a huge ego or (3) play incredible fast to be counted as a top guitarist (preferably all of them). That is why he is mostly out of the discussion. Garcia had a unique sense for communicating through his guitar and touched on every kind of hum
Forum: Tell Me
13 ***years ***ago
U2: The most boring crap I can imagine. Bonos voice have the same effect as a bunch of sleeping pill Morrisey: Dito. His whining introspective songs about his choice of underwears is the antithesis to rock n roll. Bob Dylan. By far the most overrated artist in modern era. He would certainly deserves some gigs at the local pub, but that is about it. Bruce Springsteen. To straight, in my view he
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