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Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: RiffKichards ()
Date: February 28, 2020 19:36

How about to change the title of this thread since there is probably a typo error in this title ?

I may be wrong but... to write « Corona virus » is inappropriate, it looks like an advertisement for a beer brand smiling smiley. As far as I know, the correct term is in one word « Coronavirus ».

Anybody agrees with me ?

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 28, 2020 19:43

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

It takes 12-18 months to make a vaccine. When the bird flu was around, they rushed a vaccine in just few months, and it had some side effects, so testing and verification do take time.


Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 28, 2020 19:50

Please do NOT quote offending posts. I will delete them as soon as I see them.
Please tell me how my deleted posts were offensive. Wow.

Play with fire...

Do you really expect me to repeat your offending words? Don't you remember what you wrote? Please do NOT post anything like that here if it on IORR. This is my advice to you regarding your post:

Take the statement you posted to a person with different opinions than yourself. Ask them if it is ok to say so.

Also, remember IORR is not like Facebook. It is not acceptable to offend anyone, like I see is quite common in other parts of social media. Ethics. Respect. Tolerance. It isn't that hard.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-28 19:51 by bv.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: dennycranium ()
Date: February 28, 2020 19:53

America is a more libertarian society than Europe and especially Asia. I really can't see a mass quarantine happening here.

I live in Canada and in America. I encourage everyone to take this virus seriously.
I'm 60 miles from Toronto where SARS was an issue in 2003.
With all the travel in and out of all the major airports in North America, this can get out of hand. An airplane is basically a flying tube of germs. I feel that an abundance of caution is prudent.

As far as a mass quarantine in US goes? Individual states control things more than federally. A state can declare an emergency or disaster to protect its citizens.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: dennycranium ()
Date: February 28, 2020 19:58

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:03

How about to change the title of this thread since there is probably a typo error in this title ?

I may be wrong but... to write « Corona virus » is inappropriate, it looks like an advertisement for a beer brand smiling smiley. As far as I know, the correct term is in one word « Coronavirus ».

Anybody agrees with me ?

yawning smiley

I don't think there is any confusion about a thread title with "COVID-19" written in it.

No wonder bv gets tired of his place sometimes.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:09

I just read an interview with Dr. Christian Drosten who is a leading expert on this issue. He discovered SARS and was the one who developed the tests to find out if someone is infected for both SARS and COrona.

He said that he expects that up to 70% of the population could get infected but we are talking about a timeframe of the next two or three years here. Because of this authorities are working towards avoiding peaks of new infections and to stretch infections over time cause no health system in the world has enough resources to handle peaks.
BUt he also said that there is no reason for panic, cause most people will have only very mild symptoms and not even recognize that they have the virus.

Anyway, and here it gets Stones related, one measure to avoid peaks of new infections is to cancel mass events like concerts.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: dennycranium ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:10


A science website that seems to do daily updates and offers some great answers to common questions.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: RiffKichards ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:16

How about to change the title of this thread since there is probably a typo error in this title ?

I may be wrong but... to write « Corona virus » is inappropriate, it looks like an advertisement for a beer brand smiling smiley. As far as I know, the correct term is in one word « Coronavirus ».

Anybody agrees with me ?

yawning smiley

I don't think there is any confusion about a thread title with "COVID-19" written in it.

No wonder bv gets tired of his place sometimes.

I do not want to hurt anybody, and certainly not bv who works very hard to manage this website and to make it a success. I apologize.

I am only here for fun and entertainment and to talk and hear about my favorite band. This website is wonderful for people interested in the Stones. Thanks bv !! smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-28 20:31 by RiffKichards.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:19

In addition to BV's excellent reports/warnings/advice I like to make a point of how one can look at the current situation.
In the last decade there were two very serious cases of flew outbreaks in 2013 and 2018 in my country. Just to stick to the latter, on a population of 17 million some 850.000 people did get the flew and ... more than 9000 people died because of it! .... despite a flew preventing injection scheme in October 2017.
The flew as such has caused on average (over the past decade) between 250 and 2000 deadly victims every year.
Although the current COVID-19 virus differs from "the ordinary flew virus", and is apparently more tricky, I do get the impression that (certainly in part due to the massive media attention) it is pretty well "under control". Despite the failures in the past (SARS), I think China is now doing a tremendous job ("only less than 3000 deaths among some 80000 infected" on a population area with some 60 million people. Even if the numbers are higher, look at 2018 in the Netherlands.
For us Stones fans who love to see the band alive and kicking in Northern America, I would say, it's merely keeping a close eye on the developments in local parts of both countries and do not panic. Cancellation of concerts (hopefully not) will be totally in the hands of local authorities. But it should not frustrate your traveling plans.
We (15 people) went to Beijing in April 2003 despite the cancellation of the concert there and had a great time. There were cases of SARS (several hundreds in retrospect) in Beijing at the time but with a population of more than 6 million the chances of being hit were close to zero. So with the current figures... no need to worry too much, let alone panic.
Best of luck with your decisions!

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:42

In Switzerland many events (with more than 1000 people) have been / will be canceled. Including concerts, sport events, etc...

In Basel, the famous Fasnacht will not take place for example the coming days.


Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 28, 2020 20:53

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

That's to get it approved. To produce 100 million vaccines will likely take at least as long let alone a billion or two doses. Right now there needs to be a free flow of information from scientists and the medical community without government censorship. The misinformation from social media and certain governments will only make things worse.

Right now the spread has largely been confined to places where there is some degree of medical care (except rural China). Once this spreads to sub-saharan Africa, northern Syria, Central America/Venezuela or other parts of the 3rd world where there isn't effective medical care this has the potential to be really bad. Closing borders won't work either, the barn door was left open in China a few months ago.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: February 28, 2020 21:59

So far...thankfully..this virus is not pandemic but who knows what will happen in the future. If you really want to be scared watch the movie Contagion. Let's hope COVID-19 is not as virulent.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: February 28, 2020 22:28

If you really want to be scared watch the movie "Contagion".

It did scare me... It was so awful! grinning smiley And the fake phoney plot twist that consisted in letting Gwyneth Paltrow die pretty early in the movie... Lame!

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: February 28, 2020 22:43

Gwyneth Paltrow's autopsy scene was awful!! The movie got pretty good reviews by being scientifically accurate.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: February 28, 2020 22:59

How about to change the title of this thread since there is probably a typo error in this title ?

I may be wrong but... to write « Corona virus » is inappropriate, it looks like an advertisement for a beer brand smiling smiley. As far as I know, the correct term is in one word « Coronavirus ».

Anybody agrees with me ?
thumbs up


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: February 28, 2020 23:11

So far...thankfully..this virus is not pandemic but who knows what will happen in the future. If you really want to be scared watch the movie Contagion. Let's hope COVID-19 is not as virulent.

... and if you want to be scared by nonfiction, Pale Rider, a recent book about the 1918 'flu pandemic, is full of riveting research and anecdotes. (Basically, its spread could have been slowed if people had opened their windows and got some fresh air, but that was difficult in the slums and tenements.)

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Date: February 28, 2020 23:37

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: ThePaleRider ()
Date: February 28, 2020 23:46

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows
At the risk of being labelled a cynic there is big money to be made here by any Pharma company that comes up with it...let alone a government. And I'm sure they are all working overtime...

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: February 29, 2020 00:04

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows
At the risk of being labelled a cynic there is big money to be made here by any Pharma company that comes up with it...let alone a government. And I'm sure they are all working overtime...

Make the vaccine free for everyone, the 1% should do that much but they won't.
As cynical as I try to be, I can't keep upsmiling smiley

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: February 29, 2020 00:11

Self edited.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-27 21:04 by windmelody.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: February 29, 2020 00:17

Thanks BV for this informative thread smiling smiley

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 29, 2020 00:59

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows

There needs to be at least 2 waves of clinical trials before it gets wide spread distribution. They need to determine 2 things. One, that it doesn't kill the recipient and 2 that it actually works. I have multiple biotech clients and the extent of clinical trials and review is not something they want to cut corners on because if the vaccine kills people the company will be bankrupted by lawsuits. Understanding side effects for warnings and disclosures is also very important. If there is any vaccine out in 2020 I would be surprised.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 29, 2020 01:02

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows
At the risk of being labelled a cynic there is big money to be made here by any Pharma company that comes up with it...let alone a government. And I'm sure they are all working overtime...

Vaccines are not inherently profitable for drug companies. Medicines that requires daily or weekly doses are. Unless government(s) fund the research, development and distribution the vaccine will not be free. Drug companies are not in the business of giving away their products no more than the Rolling Stones will do a free tour.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: NilsHolgersson ()
Date: February 29, 2020 01:14

I heard the vaccin is still in early stages!

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: February 29, 2020 01:49

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows
At the risk of being labelled a cynic there is big money to be made here by any Pharma company that comes up with it...let alone a government. And I'm sure they are all working overtime...

Vaccines are not inherently profitable for drug companies. Medicines that requires daily or weekly doses are. Unless government(s) fund the research, development and distribution the vaccine will not be free. Drug companies are not in the business of giving away their products no more than the Rolling Stones will do a free tour.

The Stones have played for free in Brazil and Havana, rich sponsors made it possible so that people didn't have to buy tickets. The Pharma companies/1% should rise up to meet this global threat.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 29, 2020 01:57

This is a serious issue, of course...but I'm confident a vaccine will be developed soon enough...

A vaccine is a year to 18 months away per CDC

Heard on the news this morning that Israel says they are weeks away...but who knows
At the risk of being labelled a cynic there is big money to be made here by any Pharma company that comes up with it...let alone a government. And I'm sure they are all working overtime...

Vaccines are not inherently profitable for drug companies. Medicines that requires daily or weekly doses are. Unless government(s) fund the research, development and distribution the vaccine will not be free. Drug companies are not in the business of giving away their products no more than the Rolling Stones will do a free tour.

The Stones have played for free in Brazil and Havana, rich sponsors made it possible so that people didn't have to buy tickets. The Pharma companies/1% should rise up to meet this global threat.

I know this ins't an Aerosmith board but the song title Dream On comes to mind. Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and a few others might but most wouldn't give a dime and neither would the Pharma companies since they answer to stockholders. Maybe the Sacklers would if they could convince the FDA to make Oxy's more available in exchange.

Re: Corona virus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: February 29, 2020 02:09

There needs to be at least 2 waves of clinical trials before it gets wide spread distribution. They need to determine 2 things. One, that it doesn't kill the recipient and 2 that it actually works. I have multiple biotech clients and the extent of clinical trials and review is not something they want to cut corners on because if the vaccine kills people the company will be bankrupted by lawsuits. Understanding side effects for warnings and disclosures is also very important. If there is any vaccine out in 2020 I would be surprised.

First they need to invent a vaccine
Then they need to test it on animals in large, escalating doses
Then study the results.
Then test it on healthy human beings in small, escalating doses
Then study the results again.
Then test it on people with the disease.
Then study the results yet again.
After couple of years, a couple of billion dollars, and thousands of pages of paper, hopefully the government will approve.
Then start all over again to get approval from other countries' regulators.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: February 29, 2020 06:50

video: []
Always look on the bright side of lifewinking smiley

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: February 29, 2020 07:21

Good lord, it’s gonna be fine .my only concern is trying to figure out why the hype job. I’m not trying to be flippant but does anyone else see what I see?

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