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Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: ycagwywpmd ()
Date: March 13, 2019 17:40

Quote from David Hepworth's book '1971 Never a dull moment'
'It is a truth almost universally acknowledged in the record business that the longer somebody takes to make a record the thinner it's commercial prospects are likely to be. The first thought is usually the best thought and the more time an artist has the more that thought is likely to be overridden by further thoughts that are not quite so good'
So there we have it. They are just doing too much thinking, which will not be good for any of us!

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 13, 2019 19:40

Quote from David Hepworth's book '1971 Never a dull moment'
'It is a truth almost universally acknowledged in the record business that the longer somebody takes to make a record the thinner it's commercial prospects are likely to be. The first thought is usually the best thought and the more time an artist has the more that thought is likely to be overridden by further thoughts that are not quite so good'
So there we have it. They are just doing too much thinking, which will not be good for any of us!

As a visual artist, the same can be said. Sometimes a piece (painting, sculpture, etc.) can be overworked unless it's supposed to be intentionally detailed which of course requires time. Sometimes you can turn it around and make something reasonable out of it, but more often than not it's not of the same initial quality. Other times it can be taken beyond the point of no return and might as well be scrapped- there's no hope in saving it. But these are things you learn by experience when you're beginning. And we're talking rock and roll here, not a symphony orchestra - why is it so difficult for them? They seemed to get that process right with the B&L covers album - wham, bam, and there it was. But now it's seemingly becoming a chore for them to get an album of originals finished - even one song. Could be too many cooks in the kitchen with head chefs Keith and Mick clashing, surrounded by a bunch of other "experts" such as Don Was, Universal, etc., etc. It can be difficult enough at times to make something of quality based on your own instincts, but when everyone in the surrounding area second guesses and adds their two cents, must be close to impossible for them.

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

Well said - most working/relevant artists have the urge to always create something new until the very end.
I'm reminded of an elderly wheelchair bound Henri Matisse - he wasn't content on living off his laurels and living in the past.

Even when bedridden, he had the drive to continuously create:

But in defense of the Stones, at least they're talking about creating something new and original, and haven't fully thrown in the towel yet (though action speaks louder than words).
And they're still touring with their oldies but goodies - 38 days until the tour begins! thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-13 19:42 by Hairball.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: March 13, 2019 22:48

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

I don't find it "too bad" at all.

Agree that "an artist should be making music".. and thank god they still do, and in front of hundreds of thousands of fans most every year lately. Assuming you must mean "new" music, and disagree that criteria somehow wholly defines an artist.
I would also argue that even in a warhorse filled set, they have created a form of new music with versions no one has heard until that moment, at times with other artists etc., and at times songs that even someone who's been to as many shows as bv, or even just a few dozen like myself, hasn't had the extreme pleasure of hearing live.
While no fan wouldn't want a new album, it really doesn't diminish, imo, what they have and are achieving musically, right now. No Filter alone has been seen by over 1.5 million fans, grossing $117,844,618. There's the tenet of money, sales and charts you mentioned. As much as some would like to conclude that without new music they are not relevant artists, the facts state otherwise.
And that's without taking into consideration their numerous solo efforts, grammy winning blues album, guest appearances on albums, as well as a few new stones tunes along the way and by all accounts a bunch in the can.
Zero worries that they will ever lose the "artist" label, as that clearly is what they are.

Are you a salesman by any chance, good sales pitch, fortunately the Stones don't need anyone to sell their product, at least i don't think so.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 13, 2019 23:38


Are you a salesman by any chance, good sales pitch, fortunately the Stones don't need anyone to sell their product, at least i don't think so.

Lol. Thanks, keithsman.
I am, as a matter of fact, a salesman.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: March 13, 2019 23:50

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

i do second this feeling

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: March 14, 2019 00:14


Are you a salesman by any chance, good sales pitch, fortunately the Stones don't need anyone to sell their product, at least i don't think so.

Lol. Thanks, keithsman.
I am, as a matter of fact, a salesman.

Lol, just a lucky guess, at least the glass is half full with you MisterDDDD, our most loyal positive poster thumbs up
Just out of curiosity is there anything about the Stones you could complain about, just one thing maybe winking smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 14, 2019 00:16


Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: March 14, 2019 00:22


LOL at your ‘Matisse’ omg his wife prolly
These crazy people give you thousands for you scissor work old man keep goinggrinning smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 14, 2019 00:24

Wanna see Hairball's artwork ………….


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: March 14, 2019 01:12

Palace Revolution 2000
It's too bad when someone says that we don't really need a new Stones album anymore. That buys into every tenet that the suits live by: money, sales, charts.
An artist should be making music; it is that simple.
One can counter with all these lines about age, and so many classic records already given to the world, and that is all fine and good. But - are you an artist or not?

And I never feel that they owe me an album. But wouldn't they feel that they owe it to themselves?

I don't find it "too bad" at all.

Agree that "an artist should be making music".. and thank god they still do, and in front of hundreds of thousands of fans most every year lately. Assuming you must mean "new" music, and disagree that criteria somehow wholly defines an artist.
I would also argue that even in a warhorse filled set, they have created a form of new music with versions no one has heard until that moment, at times with other artists etc., and at times songs that even someone who's been to as many shows as bv, or even just a few dozen like myself, hasn't had the extreme pleasure of hearing live.
While no fan wouldn't want a new album, it really doesn't diminish, imo, what they have and are achieving musically, right now. No Filter alone has been seen by over 1.5 million fans, grossing $117,844,618. There's the tenet of money, sales and charts you mentioned. As much as some would like to conclude that without new music they are not relevant artists, the facts state otherwise.
And that's without taking into consideration their numerous solo efforts, grammy winning blues album, guest appearances on albums, as well as a few new stones tunes along the way and by all accounts a bunch in the can.
Zero worries that they will ever lose the "artist" label, as that clearly is what they are.

Are you a salesman by any chance, good sales pitch, fortunately the Stones don't need anyone to sell their product, at least i don't think so.

The bold part is a bit naff - no where is quality mentioned.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: March 14, 2019 01:13

Perhaps The Beach Boys should open for the Stones, seeing that neither one of them is into making new music, just playing the same old hits over and over, sometimes using the same tour name over and over.

You know, as artists and all that.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 14, 2019 01:28

Now you're talkin'!
when i see Mike Love I always get weak in the knees... happens when you lose a lot of water, and food at the same time...
...sometimes in chunks.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 14, 2019 02:02

Perhaps The Beach Boys should open for the Stones, seeing that neither one of them is into making new music, just playing the same old hits over and over, sometimes using the same tour name over and over.

You know, as artists and all that.

That's a really intelligent, well thought out, and brilliantly written argument that's not compete rubbish.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 14, 2019 04:25

No hard feelings Ian. Always up for some heated discussions. smileys with beer


Of course no hard feelings Jordy. I think you may misinterpret people's feelings about the Stones here. WE have been following em for decades. When they are hot we (at least I do) .. inform the masses and speak about em to our friends. When they are not .. we bitch, gripe ..and moan like we are watching our favorite football team blowing big games that they shouldn't (it's the same thing).

There was a time from 1980-2002 when for me The Stones could do no wrong. These are the years in which I first started having them as my main band. In that time I've stuck up for them, argued for them, debated on their behalf, you name it.

However over the last mmmmm 7-8 years I've had it with these greatest hits things and constant re-releases over new original /studio effort. As was said here .. 'artist's create' ... The Stones have not been. I consider them an entertainment act more than artists now .. much more.... and that .. well .... That saddens me.

Think about this: In the first 30 years of The Stones career they put out 17 original studio albums. In the last thirty they have put out 3 ..........?? << Do the math ..

This lack of studio consistency, reluctance, neglect ...and complacency (or laziness) is not new my friend... and I, and many others are finally calling it like it is. Perhaps one of them need to hear it more.

I'm glad your Pa loves them so much (so do we). That is special. Actually, my father took me to my first Stones show in 1981 (because they were my favorite group back then .. just as a boy). Back then nobody did that much bc of The Stones still then, rowdy following ... However I was under his wing and I went.

Anyway ... Check the amount of live shows, tours, films, museum exhibits and all that out and weigh out their studio output. Im not saying I need a new studio album every year anymore. I dont even need it every two or three. One every five or six would be sufficient enough at their juncture for me. In actuality we should of had a couple of studio albums since A Bigger Bang (which I really liked). Still .. here we are .. 14 years later and they are still in the 'early stages' with more greatest hits releases and another tour based on their catalog. Artists create .. at least every once in a while. Until I get a new album I consider them an entertainment act more-over (and that's disheartening to me). I'm (and many here) are discouraged.. totally ... but look I dont 'hate' The Rolling Stones Lol I don't even slightly dislike them. That's a silly notion. I'm here aren't I?

That's where I'm at. Cheers to you as well. Peace.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-14 04:34 by IanBillen.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: March 14, 2019 04:34

The Beach Boys last album was in 2012, as was actually (surprisingly) very good, and well received generally.

Brian Wilson has put out 5 solo albums since A Bigger Bang was released.

Now, I'm not saying that they play a lot of this recent stuff in concert, but I think rather than being joke to compare the Stones to, in this comparison it the BBs that lead the Stones.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 14, 2019 04:54

No hard feelings Ian. Always up for some heated discussions. smileys with beer


Of course no hard feelings Jordy. I think you may misinterpret people's feelings about the Stones here. WE have been following em for decades. When they are hot we (at least I do) .. inform the masses and speak about em to our friends. When they are not .. we bitch, gripe ..and moan like we are watching our favorite football team blowing big games that they shouldn't (it's the same thing).

There was a time from 1980-2002 when for me The Stones could do no wrong. These are the years in which I first started having them as my main band. In that time I've stuck up for them, argued for them, debated on their behalf, you name it.

However over the last mmmmm 7-8 years I've had it with these greatest hits things and constant re-releases over new original /studio effort. As was said here .. 'artist's create' ... The Stones have not been. I consider them an entertainment act more than artists now .. much more.... and that .. well .... That saddens me.

Think about this: In the first 30 years of The Stones career they put out 17 original studio albums. In the last thirty they have put out 3 ..........?? << Do the math ..

This lack of studio consistency, reluctance, neglect ...and complacency (or laziness) is not new my friend... and I, and many others are finally calling it like it is. Perhaps one of them need to hear it more.

I'm glad your Pa loves them so much (so do we). That is special. Actually, my father took me to my first Stones show in 1981 (because they were my favorite group back then .. just as a boy). Back then nobody did that much bc of The Stones still then, rowdy following ... However I was under his wing and I went.

Anyway ... Check the amount of live shows, tours, films, museum exhibits and all that out and weigh out their studio output. Im not saying I need a new studio album every year anymore. I dont even need it every two or three. One every five or six would be sufficient enough at their juncture for me. In actuality we should of had a couple of studio albums since A Bigger Bang (which I really liked). Still .. here we are .. 14 years later and they are still in the 'early stages' with more greatest hits releases and another tour based on their catalog. Artists create .. at least every once in a while. Until I get a new album I consider them an entertainment act more-over (and that's disheartening to me). I'm (and many here) are discouraged.. totally ... but look I dont 'hate' The Rolling Stones Lol I don't even slightly dislike them. That's a silly notion. I'm here aren't I?

That's where I'm at. Cheers to you as well. Peace.

Spoken like a true fan Ian. thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 14, 2019 04:55

No hard feelings Ian. Always up for some heated discussions. smileys with beer


Of course no hard feelings Jordy. I think you may misinterpret people's feelings about the Stones here. WE have been following em for decades. When they are hot we (at least I do) .. inform the masses and speak about em to our friends. When they are not .. we bitch, gripe ..and moan like we are watching our favorite football team blowing big games that they shouldn't (it's the same thing).

There was a time from 1980-2002 when for me The Stones could do no wrong. These are the years in which I first started having them as my main band. In that time I've stuck up for them, argued for them, debated on their behalf, you name it.

However over the last mmmmm 7-8 years I've had it with these greatest hits things and constant re-releases over new original /studio effort. As was said here .. 'artist's create' ... The Stones have not been. I consider them an entertainment act more than artists now .. much more.... and that .. well .... That saddens me.

Think about this: In the first 30 years of The Stones career they put out 17 original studio albums. In the last thirty they have put out 3 ..........?? << Do the math ..

This lack of studio consistency, reluctance, neglect ...and complacency (or laziness) is not new my friend... and I, and many others are finally calling it like it is. Perhaps one of them need to hear it more.

I'm glad your Pa loves them so much (so do we). That is special. Actually, my father took me to my first Stones show in 1981 (because they were my favorite group back then .. just as a boy). Back then nobody did that much bc of The Stones still then, rowdy following ... However I was under his wing and I went.

Anyway ... Check the amount of live shows, tours, films, museum exhibits and all that out and weigh out their studio output. Im not saying I need a new studio album every year anymore. I dont even need it every two or three. One every five or six would be sufficient enough at their juncture for me. In actuality we should of had a couple of studio albums since A Bigger Bang (which I really liked). Still .. here we are .. 14 years later and they are still in the 'early stages' with more greatest hits releases and another tour based on their catalog. Artists create .. at least every once in a while. Until I get a new album I consider them an entertainment act more-over (and that's disheartening to me). I'm (and many here) are discouraged.. totally ... but look I dont 'hate' The Rolling Stones Lol I don't even slightly dislike them. That's a silly notion. I'm here aren't I?

That's where I'm at. Cheers to you as well. Peace.

Spoken like a true fan Ian. thumbs up


Thanks, Mate.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 14, 2019 08:35

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.


This is just 'sad', really. Not sad as in depressing but really sad in that they have like absolutely no care about the new album. What kind of attitude is this?

2020???? Really?? 15 years to get out a new album? 4-5 years in working on a record? Still instead the focus is now on another greatest hits thing? Why don't they just set up residency in Las Vegas and play at the Casino's .. ..... That is all they have become .. a Vegas act at this point.

Just speaking my opinion but we REALLY don't even NEED a new Rolling Stones album at this point. What more do they need to prove music wise? This album is a TREAT for us. georgelicks is right, who honestly gives a shit at this point over a new Stones album? Nobody other than the few of us who post on here REALLY care about this album coming out. Will it come out? Yes. When? When they feel like finishing it. Is that an issue? NOT AT ALL. They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history." And I would have said, "Okay, you guys have 25 studio albums, you don't want to make another one? No problem." THEY'RE 71-77 YEARS OLD. They could have retired 25 years ago. They enjoy being The Rolling Stones after almost 57 years, playing 15 shows a year and spending time with their families because THEY'RE OLD and they can do whatever they want. Again, this album is a TREAT that they don't HAVE to be doing. Not trying to knock on anyone complaining but seriously, Mick and Keith know nobody is crying that it's taking them so long. I see 2020 being the year of this new album. And it's obviously Universal's to put out another compilation album. The Stones couldn't give two shits less about putting out another compilation and Universal doesn't give flying @#$%& about when this new album comes out. They're still up on that stage every year, making so many people happy, that's all that matters.

If people think they're a Vegas act, why still post on here? Why knock down the greatest rock 'n roll band that's ever existed? Because we're crying over their 1 millionth and first studio album taking so damn long? WHO CARES!!!!! THEY WILL FINISH IT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT. They don't even need to be playing anymore, but they are. GO, LIVE YOUR LIFE, STOP COMING TO THIS PAGE THINKING WE'LL BE GETTING NEWS EVERY DAY OVER THIS DAMN THING.



Jody Licks .. to address some of your issue I think you are misguided on:

'Universal' cares .. they kinda / sorta got together with their lawyers along with the Stones and paid them a couple million dollars for it (remember).

"They could have just said, "we really don't feel the need to come out with another album, we feel we've concluded that part of our history"

>> They could of said that .. but they didn't ... they claim the contrary and keep purposefully teasing the public about this new album. They (Mick 7 Keith) have said is they feel they are still a viable act with new stuff to offer Lol. I'm just going by what they have always told us. Im saying I am not buying it .. how could I?

It's been 14 years since we had an album .. In case you haven't noticed.. The Rolling Stones are retired since 2005 .. See their films ... tours .. etc. etc.

As far as my own life goes .. and speaking of it .. I was in the studio with a guy who is 74 yesterday. He has recorded three albums in the last ten years. He has no problem getting to the studio ... or making albums (and nobody makes excuses for him). He has about 1/10,000 the cash, connections or free time as The Rolling Stones ... and nobody feels sorry for him or makes excuses for him. Possibly you should think about that?

Yes.. they are / have become a Vegas act at this point (until they come out with a new record .. to me .. they are simply a Nostalgia / Greatest hits package until that happens) .. not a progressing Rock and Roll band.. Why be angry at me (or others) who feel this way because of that. See Paul McCartney .. Dylan .. Neil Young .. etc. They don't have these problems and to me .. they are still viable for not having them. Look .. The Rolling Stones have chosen that route ...don't be angry at me / us for it ... be mad at them Lol. I come here because I've seen them countless times... have all their studio records and they have been my favorite act since I was 10.... I can bitch about them if I want to .. I've bought that right a long time ago Lol

Maybe Americans do not care about a new album but B&L wad very welcome in Europe. Another B&L style album would be great.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: March 14, 2019 10:38

I've been told about a new compilation about a year ago, all their previous compilations are all out of print, including Jump Back and Grrr, so this one is taking over. It's aimed for the US market, if we look at the Billboard 200 chart, about half of it are greatest hits compilations, including Hot Rocks at #183 this week, only one week away from the 300 weeks on chart.

The americans could care less about a new Rolling Stones album (or new stuff for any act over 45-50 years old), all they want is the Hot Rocks songs and a good t-shirt design to go on concerts. For even older fans, the physical target, you get 5 different overpriced versions of compilations and archive releases and they want all of them.

The duets live album was on plans too during 2014-2015 but it was shelved due to contractual problems with some of the guests (Taylor Swift, Kate Perry), it looks like some of it will be released now.

The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.

I'm proud to be a "die hard fan" who wants original material (after 15 years) and not another usless compilation or the millionth live version of SMU and BS!!
I think there are many die hard fans around!

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Lien ()
Date: March 14, 2019 10:45


Available today via @AppleMusic Wild Horses with Florence Welch

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: March 14, 2019 12:36

why is it so difficult for them? They seemed to get that process right with the B&L covers album - wham, bam, and there it was. But now it's seemingly becoming a chore for them to get an album of originals finished - even one song. Could be too many cooks in the kitchen with head chefs Keith and Mick clashing, surrounded by a bunch of other "experts" such as Don Was, Universal, etc., etc. It can be difficult enough at times to make something of quality based on your own instincts, but when everyone in the surrounding area second guesses and adds their two cents, must be close to impossible for them.

This seems quite a realistic scenario. Too many cooks and, I would add, too much care for and weight on the marketing aspect of the whole thing as opposed to the creative urge which they showed for B&L and Mick putting out abruptly two songs last year (whatever one thinks of them).

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: ukcal ()
Date: March 14, 2019 13:08

Shame they did not do a new song live last year to put on Honk!

Seems this April release has killed off any hopes of the EP rumour

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 14, 2019 17:38

Shame they did not do a new song live last year to put on Honk!

Seems this April release has killed off any hopes of the EP rumour

Sad but true, but every time I see the word HONK! I laugh a little bit...
With GRRR I cringed, but HONK!.............. grinning smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 14, 2019 17:41

This is the saddest part of the Stones career. Releasing such a shitty complation, and a duets album.. Come on Stones. where is the balls you once you once used to have.

Fight the Market, release some new songs, release the genuine Archive stuff.

Come on, make us proud, once again.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: March 14, 2019 17:42



The new album won't be ready until next year, we migh get a new song live during the tour but I won't bet on it.

Sadly a new album is not their top priority, it will be ready eventually, but no one except die hard fans are losing any sleep about it.

Keep your expectations low.

The good news is that the new album "will be ready eventually"

Just as a matter of curiosity, is "keep your expectations low" referred to the quality of songs on the new album, or the date of release?

Me, I don't care how long it takes to finish, I just hope that this time it is really good.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 14, 2019 17:46

Bjornulf, please change the Sticky thread in stones album, ready for??? God knows when.


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 14, 2019 18:13

I now see where you're coming from Ian. My apologies for getting so heated. If I were a fan for as long as most people here have, I can see how another compilation could be infuriating. Also, like Mick said, it's a shame they haven't put out more new music over this past decade. I think when this new album comes out next year, it will be a fitting close to their musical catalogue. Their days are drawing to a close it seems. I can see a final tour around the World for their 60th anniversary, however long that may take lol. As a young Stones fan I look at things differently. I'm really catching them in their latter days through my life, so really anything they do or release, I'm happy to buy and listen to. I've only gotten to experience 2 new studio albums at release (I was only 1 when BRIDGES TO BABYLON came out). So this new one, no matter how long it takes, you'll find me waiting up all night until midnight when it drops on iTunes, like I did for BLUE & LONESOME. smiling smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: IanBillen ()
Date: March 14, 2019 19:50

I now see where you're coming from Ian. My apologies for getting so heated. If I were a fan for as long as most people here have, I can see how another compilation could be infuriating. Also, like Mick said, it's a shame they haven't put out more new music over this past decade. I think when this new album comes out next year, it will be a fitting close to their musical catalogue. Their days are drawing to a close it seems. I can see a final tour around the World for their 60th anniversary, however long that may take lol. As a young Stones fan I look at things differently. I'm really catching them in their latter days through my life, so really anything they do or release, I'm happy to buy and listen to. I've only gotten to experience 2 new studio albums at release (I was only 1 when BRIDGES TO BABYLON came out). So this new one, no matter how long it takes, you'll find me waiting up all night until midnight when it drops on iTunes, like I did for BLUE & LONESOME. smiling smiley


I check the news every day about the new album. I'll be up on that night there with you (trust me when I tell you that)... If you ever glanced through this thread ... I'm one of the ones who are dying to hear a new album from them.

Blue & Lonesome was 'wonderful' .. Very special... Love it. I just was expecting the new album or original stuff out the next year .. or after.. or after lol Now I'm frustrated.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: March 14, 2019 20:43

any minute; charlie is rushing that last number before deadline.
yes, had to deadline them. for their own good.
mick was kinda pissed keith was kinda pissed charlie talked about his shoes
ronnie had put his parts on in 1997 for the most part -
darryl said whatever chuck said can i play on this one please please i could put on an overdub and you won't have to even see me!! and who else...
tim and karl. well, neither was present; but i saw tim outside with KR tee and a nasty look on his face...
i didn't see Don Was ; a smart move on his security's part but sooner or later...
bernard and i talked sinatra and he would NOT give me the new singer's number;
so he's getting bad reviews no matter what he does. sorry, but there ARE rules of engagement if i'm to get this record OUT!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-03-14 20:44 by hopkins.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: March 14, 2019 20:50

I now see where you're coming from Ian. My apologies for getting so heated. If I were a fan for as long as most people here have, I can see how another compilation could be infuriating. Also, like Mick said, it's a shame they haven't put out more new music over this past decade. I think when this new album comes out next year, it will be a fitting close to their musical catalogue. Their days are drawing to a close it seems. I can see a final tour around the World for their 60th anniversary, however long that may take lol. As a young Stones fan I look at things differently. I'm really catching them in their latter days through my life, so really anything they do or release, I'm happy to buy and listen to. I've only gotten to experience 2 new studio albums at release (I was only 1 when BRIDGES TO BABYLON came out). So this new one, no matter how long it takes, you'll find me waiting up all night until midnight when it drops on iTunes, like I did for BLUE & LONESOME. smiling smiley


I check the news every day about the new album. I'll be up on that night there with you (trust me when I tell you that)... If you ever glanced through this thread ... I'm one of the ones who are dying to hear a new album from them.

Blue & Lonesome was 'wonderful' .. Very special... Love it. I just was expecting the new album or original stuff out the next year .. or after.. or after lol Now I'm frustrated.

Absolutely Ian. I was so excited as well when Blue & Lonesome came out. The day after it came out, my dad and I went to Exhibitionism in NYC. It was such an exciting time for me as a Stones fan. Looks like 2020 for this new album. I have high expectations for this one, most likely their last studio album. I'll still download HONK from Apple Music though, even though I have every compilation to date. June 13th can't come faster.

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