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shatteredI wanted to compliment on your work about trouble with the venue and tracking the ships.Quote
Someone - I think Jambay, posted something really nice about me tonight that made me blush. Of course, now I can't find the post. But thank you, it was very sweet of you.
I wish I'd been in Havana - of course I would have spent the whole concert walking around looking for signal. I would have found it if I had to get a couple of tin cans, a string and are Reynolds Wrap.
Nice to see Argentinians fans everywhere!
Save up cash since I think the next show in NYC Madison Square is No. 25.Quote
shatteredI wanted to compliment on your work about trouble with the venue and tracking the ships.Quote
Someone - I think Jambay, posted something really nice about me tonight that made me blush. Of course, now I can't find the post. But thank you, it was very sweet of you.
I wish I'd been in Havana - of course I would have spent the whole concert walking around looking for signal. I would have found it if I had to get a couple of tin cans, a string and are Reynolds Wrap.
I love that stuff, I think I was Sherlock Holmes or a bloodhound in another life.Thank you for the compliment.
I want to thank all of you for the Periscope links, photos, videos, setlist complaints and praises, humor and fun on concert nights. I felt like I was there instead of at home, on the couch with the Kitten Cats, in my jammies with an array of devices surrounding me. There were nights (the rainy ones) when I was glad I was watching with all of you via Periscope.
It's an abrupt ending to the tour - so I'll probably wean myself off Olè by watching The Who and Springsteen scopes. I hope you're there too.
And we have the fall to look forward to - hopefully I meet some of you in Vegas, Chicago and NYC. And of course hanging out twice a week here watching the scopes together.
I think I might have to invest in Bluetooth speakers for the autumn leg. If I don't spend too much on tickets and travel. Any suggestions?
So what's a guesstimate on the crowd in attendance, numbers wise?
Cristiano RadtkeQuote
So what's a guesstimate on the crowd in attendance, numbers wise?
By watching the photos and videos, I guess 200,000.
Cristiano RadtkeQuote
So what's a guesstimate on the crowd in attendance, numbers wise?
By watching the photos and videos, I guess 200,000.
News here and there says half a million
Nice to see Argentinians fans everywhere!
Cristiano RadtkeQuote
Cristiano RadtkeQuote
So what's a guesstimate on the crowd in attendance, numbers wise?
By watching the photos and videos, I guess 200,000.
News here and there says half a million
Yep, I read that too. But by watching this video I highly doubt about that. And this report written by someone who was in Havana says there was more than 100,000 people there.
Nice to see Argentinians fans everywhere!
Hey Jan, 1st row as usual? Hope you got a great time in Cuba!!!
I'm kind of curious as to the percentage of Cubans that attended the concert as compared to those coming in from other countries. Many Cubans do not have enough money to even travel to the concert,
I'm kind of curious as to the percentage of Cubans that attended the concert as compared to those coming in from other countries. Many Cubans do not have enough money to even travel to the concert,
I've read there were caravns of buses bringingppl to the show from all the island.
Methinks Mick had a far greater impact on Cuban ppl than Obama...