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Pink Floyd - Meddle
you don't like dog singing ?
Factory girl and Salt of the earth are masterpieces because the lyrics represent the mood of the late 1960s perfectly.
LOL. Because a lyric represents the mood/vibe of a part of a decade it makes a song a masterpiece? How interesting.
Apart from the fact that I have never heard anyone but you saying that these songs are masterpieces (I like them both, don't get me wrong) I think we should first and foremost define the term "masterpiece" and what makes a song a "masterpiece".
"Rock historians/critics" tend to say that albums like Sgt. Peppers and Pet Sounds are milestones and...yes, masterpieces. Personally I don't think that anyone would miss a song like Within You Without You, Good Morning Good Morning or Pet Sounds (the song) if they wouldn't exist. The Beatles recorded and released a lot of crappy songs, and so did the Stones and any other band. There is no band and artist without a fair share of filler songs.
As I already said, I don't think that there is an album outthere where I don't have the feeling that at least one song is skipworthy or much worse/weaker than other ones.
I find some of these lists here ridiculous, really.
2000 LYFH
In the Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
So this thread is a year old...although I made it based on what OTHER people were claiming at the time, I realize in retrospect what a silly question this is.
In all honesty, most great albums benefit from having "filler" songs that provide connective tissue between the great songs. Not every song on a great album has to be a masterpiece...not even close, and I think the number of rock'n'roll-era albums that legitimately meet this criterion could be counted on one hand.
Come On
The Clash 1977 Columbia Records
Probably not, but if there are, it wouldn't number any more than 5 like I said.Quote
So this thread is a year old...although I made it based on what OTHER people were claiming at the time, I realize in retrospect what a silly question this is.
In all honesty, most great albums benefit from having "filler" songs that provide connective tissue between the great songs. Not every song on a great album has to be a masterpiece...not even close, and I think the number of rock'n'roll-era albums that legitimately meet this criterion could be counted on one hand.
Are there really any?
Silver DaggerQuote
Palace Revolution 2000Quote
Cosmo's Factory - CCR
While there are several obvious ones mentioned in this thread......this is a good call
While we're at it - there does not seem to be much love for Bolan here, but I think that Electric Warrior is great from start to finish. And Slider... or even Tanx...
Huge Bolan fan, I have many of his crazy Box sets that I used to get from this crazy label/website. Cant recall their name. I just don't quite think his albums are classics like OP means. Of his albums actually "Warrior" has always been myleast fave.
Sad to see that the incredible T. Rex album from 1971 never seems to get much love from Bolan fans, probably because it didn't have any singles on it. But songs like Jewel, Diamond Meadows, Root Of Star, Beltane Walk, and Summer Deep have a unique late psychedelic/pre-glam rock charm that not only show off the warmth of his song-writing but arguably the best of his guitar playing.
Silver DaggerQuote
Palace Revolution 2000Quote
Cosmo's Factory - CCR
While there are several obvious ones mentioned in this thread......this is a good call
While we're at it - there does not seem to be much love for Bolan here, but I think that Electric Warrior is great from start to finish. And Slider... or even Tanx...
Huge Bolan fan, I have many of his crazy Box sets that I used to get from this crazy label/website. Cant recall their name. I just don't quite think his albums are classics like OP means. Of his albums actually "Warrior" has always been myleast fave.
Sad to see that the incredible T. Rex album from 1971 never seems to get much love from Bolan fans, probably because it didn't have any singles on it. But songs like Jewel, Diamond Meadows, Root Of Star, Beltane Walk, and Summer Deep have a unique late psychedelic/pre-glam rock charm that not only show off the warmth of his song-writing but arguably the best of his guitar playing.
Absolutely right, but what always turned me a bit off with this album is the 8-minute The Wizard which goes a bit on my nerves, honestly. Elemental Child from A Beard Of Stars was much better. Then again, Tyrannosaurus Rex were in a class of its own. Pure genius if you ask me. In fact, nowadays I listen to them more than to T. Rex.
I sanna say Kiss - Destroyer (almost)
Best Kiss-album ever = DYNASTY
There are only two Stones albums in this category, Beggars Banquet & Some Girls.
Some Girls sounds like crap, very trebly and hard on the ears, but all songs are excellent, Lies included.
Country Honk disqualifies Let It Bleed.
You Gotta Move disqualifies Sticky Fingers.
Exile has tons of bottom of the barrel tracks.
Bridges to Babylon would be on the list if it wasn't for ASMB and MAGJ.
Goats Head Soup would be on the list if it wasn't for Mr. D.
Best Kiss-album ever = DYNASTY
Sticky Fingers is only disqualified by Moonlight Mile.
Indeed there is no Stones-album only filled with "masterpieces". IMO, this would be rather boring. Sometimes you need one or two so-so-songs to make the rest shine really bright.
The only "masterpieces" I can hear on SG are Beast Of Burden & Some Girls. All the rest is just so-so, mostly quite enjoyable but far from being masterpieces. I could easily do without Lies, Imagination, Far Away Eyes, Shattered, Whip - there´s almost nothing truly essential on the album. What an overrated album SG is.
"Who´s next" rules.