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Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Date: December 10, 2014 00:30

Clayton is known and respected among bass players for having a different sense of rhythm, and that does indeed contribute the U2's sound. I'd say they're lucky to have him.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: December 10, 2014 01:06

Clayton is known and respected among bass players for having a different sense of rhythm, and that does indeed contribute the U2's sound. I'd say they're lucky to have him.

thumbs up

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: OzHeavyThrobber ()
Date: December 10, 2014 01:29

Hear what you chaps are saying and to an extent I agree. But I don't agree that replicating his parts is all that difficult and while I expect nothing of the creativity of Entwistle or Flea I think he could (and should) have stepped out of the U2 bass bubble on occasion. Bono is apparently on record as trying to keep U2 a "relevant force" in music which is great given they've nothing to prove but Adam's bass style I believe jus the very thing that keeps them sounding nowadays all too samey.

The Edge has written some wonderful music over the decades I believe and had he had a bass player that had the creativity of McCartney or Wyman his songs would have been so much the better for it. Of course this is all just opinion so there's no right or wrong and Adam Clayton is a member of the biggest band on Earth so is doing something right.
However if he were ever bowled a googly and the Edge walked in with say "Satisfaction", the song would have suffered because Clayton would never have had the ability to go where Wyman did, and did so often.
As for the bass players of Sprinsteen and AC/DC, they never share song writing royalties and one of them at least is an employee I'm guessing and Rudd is probably just paid a fee as well although I'm getting well and truly into speculative ground here.Point is Clayton rakes in 25% of all U2 music royalties since 1980. That's my point. The others KeefRiff mentioned do not. Given the little he does for it I still think he's the luckiest mother in music ever. Yoko in my eyes isn't a musician and yes I know she's put out albums. She just married well (money wise at least) so I don't see her as being in this (albeit silly) category of mine.
I want Clayton's job. Applied for Bill's but Darryl accepted less money than me...>grinning smiley<

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-12-10 01:31 by OzHeavyThrobber.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 10, 2014 04:51

Hear what you chaps are saying and to an extent I agree. But I don't agree that replicating his parts is all that difficult and while I expect nothing of the creativity of Entwistle or Flea I think he could (and should) have stepped out of the U2 bass bubble on occasion. Bono is apparently on record as trying to keep U2 a "relevant force" in music which is great given they've nothing to prove but Adam's bass style I believe jus the very thing that keeps them sounding nowadays all too samey.

The Edge has written some wonderful music over the decades I believe and had he had a bass player that had the creativity of McCartney or Wyman his songs would have been so much the better for it. Of course this is all just opinion so there's no right or wrong and Adam Clayton is a member of the biggest band on Earth so is doing something right.
However if he were ever bowled a googly and the Edge walked in with say "Satisfaction", the song would have suffered because Clayton would never have had the ability to go where Wyman did, and did so often.
As for the bass players of Sprinsteen and AC/DC, they never share song writing royalties and one of them at least is an employee I'm guessing and Rudd is probably just paid a fee as well although I'm getting well and truly into speculative ground here.Point is Clayton rakes in 25% of all U2 music royalties since 1980. That's my point. The others KeefRiff mentioned do not. Given the little he does for it I still think he's the luckiest mother in music ever. Yoko in my eyes isn't a musician and yes I know she's put out albums. She just married well (money wise at least) so I don't see her as being in this (albeit silly) category of mine.
I want Clayton's job. Applied for Bill's but Darryl accepted less money than me...>grinning smiley<
Okay, I TOTALLY agree with your point about the 25% royalties. Clayton is worth well over $100 million because of that, and odds are he has NOT contributed 25% to U2's songwriting over the decades.

Good points about the Edge too. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant. He's not a riffy, gritty guitar guy in the traditional rock'n'roll sense, but some of the soundscapes he creates using effects racks and pedals are simply breathtaking.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: December 10, 2014 09:48

Good points about the Edge too. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant. He's not a riffy, gritty guitar guy in the traditional rock'n'roll sense, but some of the soundscapes he creates using effects racks and pedals are simply breathtaking.

That is true, but he has actually wtitten numerous great riffs too. Not all in a traditional blues / rock sense, but they are great riffs for sure - Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, Vertigo, Fly, Mysterious Ways, Numb... That man is absolutely original, invented his own style completely, wrote tons of great songs and seems to be a very nice, humble, down-to-earth guy.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-12-10 09:57 by Happy24.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: OzHeavyThrobber ()
Date: December 10, 2014 10:11

Good points about the Edge too. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant. He's not a riffy, gritty guitar guy in the traditional rock'n'roll sense, but some of the soundscapes he creates using effects racks and pedals are simply breathtaking.

That is true, but he has actually wtitten numerous great riffs too. Not all in a traditional blues / rock sense, but they are great riffs for sure - Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, Vertigo, Fly, Mysterious Ways, Numb... That man is absolutely original, invented his own style completely, wrote tons of great songs and seems to be a very nice, humble, down-to-earth guy.

I agree with you both. The licks to "Still haven't found what I'm looking for" and "Stay" also spring to mind. And his composing of both guitar and keyboard work on "Kite" is superb. The droning simple riff that is the basis of "When love comes to town" with the awesome sound he gets is killer. The sound and rawness of "Desire". The tranquillity of "One" opening and it's all over the place chord sequences that glue together superbly. Many more to my mind but suffice to say the man has a gift and if he was the lemon many here rag him to be he wouldn't be the musical brains behind the band that has eclipsed the Stones as the biggest in the world since 1987. Joshua Tree, Achtung and All You Can't leave Behind are five star albums. In the same period the Stones haven't made an album as good as any of these I think.
I still love the Stones most though. By a long shot grinning smiley

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Date: December 10, 2014 10:24

The Edge plays some mean wah-wah guitar on Slide On This as well. He's a more versatile guitarist than many give him credit for, imo.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: December 10, 2014 10:40

Hear what you chaps are saying and to an extent I agree. But I don't agree that replicating his parts is all that difficult and while I expect nothing of the creativity of Entwistle or Flea I think he could (and should) have stepped out of the U2 bass bubble on occasion. Bono is apparently on record as trying to keep U2 a "relevant force" in music which is great given they've nothing to prove but Adam's bass style I believe jus the very thing that keeps them sounding nowadays all too samey.

The Edge has written some wonderful music over the decades I believe and had he had a bass player that had the creativity of McCartney or Wyman his songs would have been so much the better for it. Of course this is all just opinion so there's no right or wrong and Adam Clayton is a member of the biggest band on Earth so is doing something right.
However if he were ever bowled a googly and the Edge walked in with say "Satisfaction", the song would have suffered because Clayton would never have had the ability to go where Wyman did, and did so often.
As for the bass players of Sprinsteen and AC/DC, they never share song writing royalties and one of them at least is an employee I'm guessing and Rudd is probably just paid a fee as well although I'm getting well and truly into speculative ground here.Point is Clayton rakes in 25% of all U2 music royalties since 1980. That's my point. The others KeefRiff mentioned do not. Given the little he does for it I still think he's the luckiest mother in music ever. Yoko in my eyes isn't a musician and yes I know she's put out albums. She just married well (money wise at least) so I don't see her as being in this (albeit silly) category of mine.
I want Clayton's job. Applied for Bill's but Darryl accepted less money than me...>grinning smiley<

She's a classically trained pianist who was giving concertos in Japan from childhood - way before she ever met John.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: OzHeavyThrobber ()
Date: December 11, 2014 01:44

I'm aware of that so let me clarify my point - she's not a "rock star", "pop star", "music star" of any sort and never has been. She never landed it lucky with regard to a prominent roll in the creation of music. Adam Clayton did.

Yoko Ono was the first of the generation of people famous for doing nothing of note themselves ala Paris Hilton in my opinion. She became famous because she married one of the most famous men in history. We wouldn't know of her otherwise.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: ThatsWhatISay ()
Date: December 11, 2014 02:56

With the exception of a few tunes, I find U2s sound to be lifeless, boring and generic. Never understood their appeal. Their music always sounded to me like the non-distracting music a woman would listen to while ironing.

Even worse when seeing them live. Compared to the Stones' charismatic stage presence and hypnotic performances, U2 simply bores me to death in concert. None of these guys are good showmen. Their shows entirely live from an inflationary use of special and lighting effects. Apart from that I see hardly anything truly entertaining in their performances.

I've seen them twice and will never do again. For those who go, have a great time!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-12-11 03:13 by ThatsWhatISay.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:02

Interesting set up of the tour. Not many cities but all big cities and they all get multiple shows. They basically play back to back shows and have two days of for travel between cities. Six shows in Madison Square Garden!!!


Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:21

ever notice how that tool henry rollins always puts down U2? jealous prick

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:55

Dishonest Kiff Riff? I hardly see how that term applies at all to what I said. I singled him out because this is a U2 thread. Just as if I thought the same re anyone else I may have posted similarly with regard to that artist/band.

This maybe an "anti U2" thread but I am not anti U2 and state as much in my post: "They do have some great music in my opinion though and clearly know their stuff given they're still the biggest band on Earth".

I like U2. A great deal in fact. I'd also say to anyone at least go and see them once if you have the opportunity. Clayton however in my opinion is not a bass player. He plays root notes and when on the odd occasion he veers from that path you get a simple and repetitive line ala "Mysterious ways". Given he rakes in song writing royalties unlike the others you mention, I would have thought in 38 years he could do a bit more than AAA, DDD, EEE etc is all I was saying. Hell good on the guy, but he is the luckiest guy in music I've known.

If you listen to their songs he doesn't just plod along like that. Sure, some songs he does. But he has made a lot more movement on the past few LPs, and going back to ACHTUNG BABY there's been more than plodding. You're (weakly) making a volcano out of a divot. You want DDDDD AAAAA GG DDDDD play almost any AC/DC song.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:57

Dishonest Kiff Riff? I hardly see how that term applies at all to what I said. I singled him out because this is a U2 thread. Just as if I thought the same re anyone else I may have posted similarly with regard to that artist/band.

This maybe an "anti U2" thread but I am not anti U2 and state as much in my post: "They do have some great music in my opinion though and clearly know their stuff given they're still the biggest band on Earth".

I like U2. A great deal in fact. I'd also say to anyone at least go and see them once if you have the opportunity. Clayton however in my opinion is not a bass player. He plays root notes and when on the odd occasion he veers from that path you get a simple and repetitive line ala "Mysterious ways". Given he rakes in song writing royalties unlike the others you mention, I would have thought in 38 years he could do a bit more than AAA, DDD, EEE etc is all I was saying. Hell good on the guy, but he is the luckiest guy in music I've known.

Having played the bass myself for the past 28 years, from my perspective, Clayton IS a bass player... He just doesn't do much with the instrument that could be called "creative" or "innovative". That being said, from what I've heard (mind you, I'm no expert in U2 music - I know the hits and have a couple of their albums in addition to the greatest hits packages), what he DOES play is nearly perfect for THEIR music. In my mind, U2's music, is typically a "soundscape" or a "pad" on which the words and melody lies. A busy, creative, innovate bass line would most-likely reduce the effectiveness. Ever heard of the expression that states: "sometimes less is more"? In my mind Clayton is the poster boy for that concept.

I can't believe that I'm actually defending Clayton's playing but, from a purely technical level, what he's doing actually IS NOT all that easy. While on the surface it may seem that it wouldn't be all that difficult to replicate his parts, the ability to keep rock solid, perfect, never changing 8th notes is only deceptively easy. Anyone who tries to pull it off for any amount of time will tell you that it's a whole lot more difficult than it would seem to be on the surface.

I won't disagree that Clayton is lucky to have found sympathetic musicians in Bono, Edge & Mullen, but I'd have to say that THEY are lucky to have found HIM as well. Clayton is perfect for what Edge & Mullen have been playing around him and they're lucky to have him in the middle holding them together.

If I had to vote on a topic of "luckiest person in music" I'd pick Yoko Ono as the winner of that title. We'll save that for another thread though. smileys with beer


Huh. Imagine that! It's essentially a shame that you had to point that part out. Seems more than obvious to me but whatever!

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 11, 2014 03:58

The Stones
Hound Dog
Only clicked on this thread to see why there are 5 pages, Bono makes me want to puke and I really find it hard to believe they are as popular as they are cause their music sucks.

You think U2 sucks and still you decide to browse through a topic on U2 and even make a posting. THAT totally sucks!!!

That's... awful bad.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 11, 2014 04:02

Hear what you chaps are saying and to an extent I agree. But I don't agree that replicating his parts is all that difficult and while I expect nothing of the creativity of Entwistle or Flea I think he could (and should) have stepped out of the U2 bass bubble on occasion. Bono is apparently on record as trying to keep U2 a "relevant force" in music which is great given they've nothing to prove but Adam's bass style I believe jus the very thing that keeps them sounding nowadays all too samey.

The Edge has written some wonderful music over the decades I believe and had he had a bass player that had the creativity of McCartney or Wyman his songs would have been so much the better for it. Of course this is all just opinion so there's no right or wrong and Adam Clayton is a member of the biggest band on Earth so is doing something right.
However if he were ever bowled a googly and the Edge walked in with say "Satisfaction", the song would have suffered because Clayton would never have had the ability to go where Wyman did, and did so often.
As for the bass players of Sprinsteen and AC/DC, they never share song writing royalties and one of them at least is an employee I'm guessing and Rudd is probably just paid a fee as well although I'm getting well and truly into speculative ground here.Point is Clayton rakes in 25% of all U2 music royalties since 1980. That's my point. The others KeefRiff mentioned do not. Given the little he does for it I still think he's the luckiest mother in music ever. Yoko in my eyes isn't a musician and yes I know she's put out albums. She just married well (money wise at least) so I don't see her as being in this (albeit silly) category of mine.
I want Clayton's job. Applied for Bill's but Darryl accepted less money than me...>grinning smiley<
Okay, I TOTALLY agree with your point about the 25% royalties. Clayton is worth well over $100 million because of that, and odds are he has NOT contributed 25% to U2's songwriting over the decades.

Good points about the Edge too. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant. He's not a riffy, gritty guitar guy in the traditional rock'n'roll sense, but some of the soundscapes he creates using effects racks and pedals are simply breathtaking.

Perhaps in U2's eyes the bass player coming up with his lines IS part of writing the song. I sure don't know by any percentage what Adam Clayton contributes to songwriting because, as any educated Stones fan knows, it can be a very, what's the word? Widely interpreted meaning.

So if you do in fact know for a fact what Adam Clayton does regarding songwriting please share it. Otherwise you're just speculating and that makes a spec out of you and the bug on your windshield.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: OzHeavyThrobber ()
Date: December 11, 2014 05:45

Only bug about here appears to be the one in your bottom.
Clayton is as replaceable a band member as there ever has been. I don't care if you agree or not. Again when you bring up ACDC - the bassy (Williams?) doesn't cop song writing royalties.

"Perhaps in U2's eyes the bass player coming up with his lines IS part of writing the song" - that's a novel thought. Putting a bass line to a song has nothing to do with its composition - unless the song sprang from the bass line itself. I know of no song ever mentioned that was attributed to him being the catalyst for it. And if there was he's been more than compensated for it living off the song writing talents of Edge and Bono.

And all he does for the majority of the music Edge or Bono to a lesser extent writes is bring a whole bunch of mediocrity to it. There's 'serving the song' and then just not bringing any life to it - the latter of which he suffers from too regularly in my opinion. He lives on root notes barely stepping out of them and arguing to the contrary is pointless. I mean listen to when Bono throws to him in "Gloria" on Under a Blood Red Sky. About as musically interesting to listen to as a car crash. And anyone learning the guitar or bass could have played it after a few minutes. Seems he's proof of it.

Wow! "Everlasting love" by U2 just came on the radio. Sounds great! No Clayton on it as far as I can hear >grinning smiley<

Get in a twist about it if you wish as it means nothing to me, but Adam was born under the luckiest of rock 'stars'...

When Clayton first joined the fledgling U2, he did not have formal training in the bass.[7] In the band's early years, he generally played simple parts in 4/4 time.[16] Bono said of Clayton's early bass playing, "Adam used to pretend he could play bass. He came round and started using words like 'action' and 'fret' and he had us baffled. He had the only amplifier, so we never argued with him. We thought this guy must be a musician; he knows what he's talking about. And then one day, we discovered he wasn't playing the right notes. That's what's wrong, y'know?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-12-11 05:46 by OzHeavyThrobber.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: December 11, 2014 16:13

November 10, 11, 14 & 15 - Paris, France @ Bercy

thumbs up

I'm just a Bad Boy Boogie

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: December 11, 2014 16:14

10 guys under the stage? That's more than twice the number in the real band, I don't believe it. However, I do believe one keyboard can make a lot of sounds. Look at Paul McCartney's band, Wix Wickens fattens the sound with keyboards.

And Chuck Leavell with the Stones ???

I'm just a Bad Boy Boogie

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 11, 2014 16:23

Hear what you chaps are saying and to an extent I agree. But I don't agree that replicating his parts is all that difficult and while I expect nothing of the creativity of Entwistle or Flea I think he could (and should) have stepped out of the U2 bass bubble on occasion. Bono is apparently on record as trying to keep U2 a "relevant force" in music which is great given they've nothing to prove but Adam's bass style I believe jus the very thing that keeps them sounding nowadays all too samey.

The Edge has written some wonderful music over the decades I believe and had he had a bass player that had the creativity of McCartney or Wyman his songs would have been so much the better for it. Of course this is all just opinion so there's no right or wrong and Adam Clayton is a member of the biggest band on Earth so is doing something right.
However if he were ever bowled a googly and the Edge walked in with say "Satisfaction", the song would have suffered because Clayton would never have had the ability to go where Wyman did, and did so often.
As for the bass players of Sprinsteen and AC/DC, they never share song writing royalties and one of them at least is an employee I'm guessing and Rudd is probably just paid a fee as well although I'm getting well and truly into speculative ground here.Point is Clayton rakes in 25% of all U2 music royalties since 1980. That's my point. The others KeefRiff mentioned do not. Given the little he does for it I still think he's the luckiest mother in music ever. Yoko in my eyes isn't a musician and yes I know she's put out albums. She just married well (money wise at least) so I don't see her as being in this (albeit silly) category of mine.
I want Clayton's job. Applied for Bill's but Darryl accepted less money than me...>grinning smiley<
Okay, I TOTALLY agree with your point about the 25% royalties. Clayton is worth well over $100 million because of that, and odds are he has NOT contributed 25% to U2's songwriting over the decades.

Good points about the Edge too. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant. He's not a riffy, gritty guitar guy in the traditional rock'n'roll sense, but some of the soundscapes he creates using effects racks and pedals are simply breathtaking.

Perhaps in U2's eyes the bass player coming up with his lines IS part of writing the song. I sure don't know by any percentage what Adam Clayton contributes to songwriting because, as any educated Stones fan knows, it can be a very, what's the word? Widely interpreted meaning.

So if you do in fact know for a fact what Adam Clayton does regarding songwriting please share it. Otherwise you're just speculating and that makes a spec out of you and the bug on your windshield.
Good point. I'm doing nothing but speculating and it's not fair to Clayton or U2.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: December 11, 2014 17:08

I find it kind of humorous that as I read multiple posts blasting Bono, Edge and Clayton, I'm actually liking them more than I had prior to this thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm still only luke-warm about their music and still have no desire to have Bono preach to me.

Where I'm liking them more is in their apparent dedication to each other and their band. Although I can't prove this, reading between the lines of posts above, it sounds like they collectively decided long ago decided that they would split writing credit & publishing royalties (I'm assuming gig & merchandise monies as well) four ways and stuck to that agreement. For all the grief that Bono gets over his wealth and how he manages it, it sounds like he & Edge have given half of what they could have claimed as their (assuming that Bono writes the melodies and lyrics while Edge writes the music) publishing rights to their two bandmates. Can anyone here imagine the same action from Jagger/Richards, Henley/Frey, Lennon/McCartney?


Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 11, 2014 17:18

I find it kind of humorous that as I read multiple posts blasting Bono, Edge and Clayton, I'm actually liking them more than I had prior to this thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm still only luke-warm about their music and still have no desire to have Bono preach to me.

Where I'm liking them more is in their apparent dedication to each other and their band. Although I can't prove this, reading between the lines of posts above, it sounds like they collectively decided long ago decided that they would split writing credit & publishing royalties (I'm assuming gig & merchandise monies as well) four ways and stuck to that agreement. For all the grief that Bono gets over his wealth and how he manages it, it sounds like he & Edge have given half of what they could have claimed as their (assuming that Bono writes the melodies and lyrics while Edge writes the music) publishing rights to their two bandmates. Can anyone here imagine the same action from Jagger/Richards, Henley/Frey, Lennon/McCartney?

Have to agree with you on the songwriting bit. I think the team approach has worked well for them and why shouldn't it. No bitterness, no jealousy.

I'll bet not one of the members EVER develop their own line of metal detectors.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: December 11, 2014 17:55

I find it kind of humorous that as I read multiple posts blasting Bono, Edge and Clayton, I'm actually liking them more than I had prior to this thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm still only luke-warm about their music and still have no desire to have Bono preach to me.

Where I'm liking them more is in their apparent dedication to each other and their band. Although I can't prove this, reading between the lines of posts above, it sounds like they collectively decided long ago decided that they would split writing credit & publishing royalties (I'm assuming gig & merchandise monies as well) four ways and stuck to that agreement. For all the grief that Bono gets over his wealth and how he manages it, it sounds like he & Edge have given half of what they could have claimed as their (assuming that Bono writes the melodies and lyrics while Edge writes the music) publishing rights to their two bandmates. Can anyone here imagine the same action from Jagger/Richards, Henley/Frey, Lennon/McCartney?

Have to agree with you on the songwriting bit. I think the team approach has worked well for them and why shouldn't it. No bitterness, no jealousy.

I'll bet not one of the members EVER develop their own line of metal detectors.

I love it when I get to laugh! smileys with beer Thanks, I needed that!


Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: RScollector ()
Date: December 11, 2014 19:59

As a long time Stones fan I like the music from U2 also.
I don't understand why people hate U2 it look for me that some people are a little bit jealous about how U2 do the shows.
I've seen almost every tour since 1987 (Joshua Tree) here in the Netherlands and the 360 I've seen in Dublin.

I think the U2 internet fanclub is better then the one from
The first year is 50 dollar and the second is 40 dollar. You Always get a nice item like a cd or a book and a presale code for the shows. So for the item you pay only 40 dollar. The stones fanclub you pay 50 dollar for nothing. There was a time I had 3 memberships and three times I didn't receive the item or when I receive it it was not in good shape.

Last week I bought 2 U2 tickets for 143 euro in Amsterdam.
There were times I bought Stonestickets for the same places for 350 each.
I will do it again.
There were more expensive ones but the ones from 71 are good for me. And i understand that a die hard fan from U2 willl buy them. I do the same for the Stones.
But you like U2 or you don't and for me U2 is the second band after the stones.
I don't like springsteen but I will never say bad things about the man or his shows.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: RScollector ()
Date: December 11, 2014 20:15

what's is the problem with the 10 guys behind or under the stage.
At a Stonesconcert they are also behind the stage and onstage.
As long I like the show I don't mind if they are on or off stage.

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: December 11, 2014 20:29


about the Edge. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant.

He's a one-trick pony. He stays away from power chording, he plays on the top strings, he tends to avoid the root note... since 1981!
He's a good song-writer but yeah a one-trick pony.

And who has he influenced? Keith ahs influenced tons of guitarists but The Edge?

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 11, 2014 20:32

I find it kind of humorous that as I read multiple posts blasting Bono, Edge and Clayton, I'm actually liking them more than I had prior to this thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm still only luke-warm about their music and still have no desire to have Bono preach to me.

Where I'm liking them more is in their apparent dedication to each other and their band. Although I can't prove this, reading between the lines of posts above, it sounds like they collectively decided long ago decided that they would split writing credit & publishing royalties (I'm assuming gig & merchandise monies as well) four ways and stuck to that agreement. For all the grief that Bono gets over his wealth and how he manages it, it sounds like he & Edge have given half of what they could have claimed as their (assuming that Bono writes the melodies and lyrics while Edge writes the music) publishing rights to their two bandmates. Can anyone here imagine the same action from Jagger/Richards, Henley/Frey, Lennon/McCartney?

Have to agree with you on the songwriting bit. I think the team approach has worked well for them and why shouldn't it. No bitterness, no jealousy.

I'll bet not one of the members EVER develop their own line of metal detectors.

I love it when I get to laugh! smileys with beer Thanks, I needed that!

with pleasure!

Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: December 11, 2014 21:56


about the Edge. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant.

He's a one-trick pony. He stays away from power chording, he plays on the top strings, he tends to avoid the root note... since 1981!
He's a good song-writer but yeah a one-trick pony.

And who has he influenced? Keith ahs influenced tons of guitarists but The Edge?
I'm sure the Edge has influenced loads of young guitarists.

And are you seriously suggesting Keith ISN'T a one-trick pony who took Chuck Berry and Ry Cooder for everything they were worth (his words)?


Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: December 11, 2014 22:14


about the Edge. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant.

He's a one-trick pony. He stays away from power chording, he plays on the top strings, he tends to avoid the root note... since 1981!
He's a good song-writer but yeah a one-trick pony.

And who has he influenced? Keith ahs influenced tons of guitarists but The Edge?
I'm sure the Edge has influenced loads of young guitarists.

And are you seriously suggesting Keith ISN'T a one-trick pony who took Chuck Berry and Ry Cooder for everything they were worth (his words)?


Wouldn't that make Keith at least a two trick pony?


Re: OT: U2 officially announce world tour
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: December 11, 2014 23:25


about the Edge. I cannot BELIEVE people are bashing the guy on here...he is incredibly innovative and brilliant.

He's a one-trick pony. He stays away from power chording, he plays on the top strings, he tends to avoid the root note... since 1981!
He's a good song-writer but yeah a one-trick pony.

And who has he influenced? Keith ahs influenced tons of guitarists but The Edge?
I'm sure the Edge has influenced loads of young guitarists.

And are you seriously suggesting Keith ISN'T a one-trick pony who took Chuck Berry and Ry Cooder for everything they were worth (his words)?


Wouldn't that make Keith at least a two trick pony?


lol. Keith's incredible songwriting, his stuff on songs like Beast of Burden, his Gram influenced country stuff and decent piano playing, and his early blues influenced playing make him at least a six trick pony. That's more versatile than most rock guitarists and good enough for me.


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