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I went to the razors edge and ballbreaker tour and man AC/DC blew me away I wish I could have gone to see them on the black ice tour
I saw Bonfire a couple years ago...I was impressed, and I normally don't care for tribute bands.Quote
Last year I produced a live DVD for a local AC/DC cover band. Usually I hate tribute/cover bands because they try to 'be' the band, rather than play the songs correctly. This band's goal was (and still is) to play the songs just like AC/DC did live. I did a full multi-track mixdown and attempted to keep it as raw as possible similar to Handsome Girls... Rough on the multi-camera work but overall came out pretty solid...
There is no substitute for the real deal but its always nice to hear these tracks played right!
So much for Stevie still being a dead ringer for Malcolm.Quote
Stevie Young is back...
Thats hilarious, but really cool, that they actually got Stevie to fill in again. Who would have thought 20 years later thats immediately who'd they call to get again?! And yeah, Angus looks old there, but I remember thinking that when I saw pictures for Black Ice as well. Once he puts on the schoolboy uniform, and gets on stage, he's eternally 16.
Very true.Quote
Thats hilarious, but really cool, that they actually got Stevie to fill in again. Who would have thought 20 years later thats immediately who'd they call to get again?! And yeah, Angus looks old there, but I remember thinking that when I saw pictures for Black Ice as well. Once he puts on the schoolboy uniform, and gets on stage, he's eternally 16.
Ah yes...didn't even consider his other band.Quote
Yes, he was in his band Starfighters in this timeMalcolm look-alike.
Eh, I'd like to believe that, but I can't think of the last time they made a record with more than 4 or so good songs on it. I mean, I can, but it was Back In Black. IMO Fly On The Wall was their last "good one". Since then, its been two singles that really stand out and the rest kind of falls flat. I liked 5 songs from Black Ice, and if they cut that album down to 10 songs instead of 15 I'd praise it a lot more. But since that album had more songs than most for them, it pretty much evens the score.Quote
The album will be great, AC/DC is never as good as when the band has to fight againt adversity
Fly On the Wall is pretty mediocre. The production is tinny, Brian sounds like he was recorded inside of a cave, and the loss of Phil Rudd hurt the rhythm section immeasurably, though Simon Wright gives it his best.Quote
I think Fly On The Wall is my least favorite album. I think the only songs I even remotely like on the album are Danger and Sink The Pink. When I bought the album when it first came out, I could barely make out any of Brian's singing. The CD was a bit better,but still, not great production. The previous album, Fly On The Wall, had a more raunchy Let There Be Rock style production. It was also the first self produced album. Those two didn't sell very well. To this day, I still prefer the Mutt Lange sound of Highway to Hell and BIB.
I'll have to watch the local news and listen to local radio to see if there's any AC/DC sightings around Vancouver!
Blow Up Your Video (the follow-up to Fly) was plagued by the same tinny, echoey production, but it has some really strong songs on it (This Means War, Nick of Time, Heatseeker, That's the Way I Wanna Rock'n'Roll, Kissing Dynamite).Quote
IMHO Fly On the Wall had several good songs but the production, especially the effect on Brian's voice was horrible.
...Sink the Pink