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Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Date: September 26, 2014 16:44

grinning smiley

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Long John Stoner ()
Date: September 26, 2014 17:20


Very sad. He is being treated for dementia

Is dementia at that young age treatable or curable at all?

Very sad...

"Although Young worked extensively on AC/DC's latest studio record, the group made it clear that he would not be touring or recording with them in the future".

But Malcolm didn't play on their latest record - Stevie did...

If by treatable do you mean curable, no. If indeed he has dementia, all that could be done is he might be given medicine to ease the symptoms, but it won't stop the progression. Same with Alzheimer's.

Dementia is different than say, Alzheimer's, but to most people the differences are hard to tell. With Dementia, all that really fades is the memory and patient seems to go into one long period of forgetfulness. They lose focus and the ability to reason. That really simplifies its effects on a person. They forget to eat, go to the bathroom, dress, they forget who people are, etc.

With Alzheimer's, a form of dementia, which my father in law had for 15 years before he passed this summer, parts of your brain gradually shuts down. For example, the part that allows you to have short term memory usually goes first, which blurs the line with Dementia. Almost cruelly though, the patient seems to be living in another part of their past, like 40 years ago or something. Then, maybe the part of the brain that allows you to think "well, I better get up and go to the bathroom because I feel my bladder or bowels full" goes away, and you just go when the urge is there. Then the part of your brain that tells you don't touch something if it's hot fades, or the part that says chew your food goes and eventually, the part that tells you to breath or your kidneys or heart to function starts to go, and then, so do you. People don't die from Alzheimer's per se, but from the complications it causes.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Date: September 26, 2014 17:22

Long John Stoner

Very sad. He is being treated for dementia

Is dementia at that young age treatable or curable at all?

Very sad...

"Although Young worked extensively on AC/DC's latest studio record, the group made it clear that he would not be touring or recording with them in the future".

But Malcolm didn't play on their latest record - Stevie did...

If by treatable do you mean curable, no. If indeed he has dementia, all that could be done is he might be given medicine to ease the symptoms, but it won't stop the progression. Same with Alzheimer's.

Dementia is different than say, Alzheimer's, but to most people the differences are hard to tell. With Dementia, all that really fades is the memory and patient seems to go into one long period of forgetfulness. They lose focus and the ability to reason. That really simplifies its effects on a person. They forget to eat, go to the bathroom, dress, they forget who people are, etc.

With Alzheimer's, a form of dementia, which my father in law had for 15 years before he passed this summer, parts of your brain gradually shuts down. For example, the part that allows you to have short term memory usually goes first, which blurs the line with Dementia. Almost cruelly though, the patient seems to be living in another part of their past, like 40 years ago or something. Then, maybe the part of the brain that allows you to think "well, I better get up and go to the bathroom because I feel my bladder or bowels full" goes away, and you just go when the urge is there. Then the part of your brain that tells you don't touch something if it's hot fades, or the part that says chew your food goes and eventually, the part that tells you to breath or your kidneys or heart to function starts to go, and then, so do you. People don't die from Alzheimer's per se, but from the complications it causes.

Thanks, I know. But if you, at a relatively young age, suffer from this - your chances for a long life aren't very good.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Long John Stoner ()
Date: September 26, 2014 17:36

Long John Stoner

Very sad. He is being treated for dementia

Is dementia at that young age treatable or curable at all?

Very sad...

"Although Young worked extensively on AC/DC's latest studio record, the group made it clear that he would not be touring or recording with them in the future".

But Malcolm didn't play on their latest record - Stevie did...

If by treatable do you mean curable, no. If indeed he has dementia, all that could be done is he might be given medicine to ease the symptoms, but it won't stop the progression. Same with Alzheimer's.

Dementia is different than say, Alzheimer's, but to most people the differences are hard to tell. With Dementia, all that really fades is the memory and patient seems to go into one long period of forgetfulness. They lose focus and the ability to reason. That really simplifies its effects on a person. They forget to eat, go to the bathroom, dress, they forget who people are, etc.

With Alzheimer's, a form of dementia, which my father in law had for 15 years before he passed this summer, parts of your brain gradually shuts down. For example, the part that allows you to have short term memory usually goes first, which blurs the line with Dementia. Almost cruelly though, the patient seems to be living in another part of their past, like 40 years ago or something. Then, maybe the part of the brain that allows you to think "well, I better get up and go to the bathroom because I feel my bladder or bowels full" goes away, and you just go when the urge is there. Then the part of your brain that tells you don't touch something if it's hot fades, or the part that says chew your food goes and eventually, the part that tells you to breath or your kidneys or heart to function starts to go, and then, so do you. People don't die from Alzheimer's per se, but from the complications it causes.

Thanks, I know. But if you, at a relatively young age, suffer from this - your chances for a long life aren't very good.

Actually, if your body is otherwise healthy, you stand a good chance of a long, slow, incredibly undignified decline. My father in law was a very healthy man when diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 65. He didn't die until he was 80.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Date: September 26, 2014 18:00

Yeah, Malc is 61 after all. But if you get it in your 40s or early 50s it's way more life-threatening.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: OutOfTime ()
Date: September 26, 2014 18:58

Yeah, Malc is 61 after all. But if you get it in your 40s or early 50s it's way more life-threatening.

61 is not old at all in the western world these days, but very young to be demented.
It's a real shame. Thanks for the great times and music Malcolm.
I am interested in the new AC/DC album, but Play Ball sounds like more of the same, it's getting a bit boring I think. Even The Stones have aged more mature, that says something. Let's wait and see, maybe we get a surprise.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: September 26, 2014 18:59

Trck listing


Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: September 26, 2014 19:26

Malcolm and Angus...with our boys:

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: capsula ()
Date: September 27, 2014 00:26

Alzheimer is a type of dementia. But this sounds to me to a vascular dementia, probably originated by an ictus or vascular problema. Alzheimer usually is not so quick in terms of symptoms, although information regarding the begining of the illness is not clear.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: September 27, 2014 01:57

What kind of guitar is Angus using in the Rock Me Baby clip? I always wondered that since I saw the footage back then. He uses that same guitar the 3 times that they joined the Stones on stage. He uses Gibson SG guitars in concert. I wonder if it's one of Malcolms's guitars that he borrowed or maybe one of Keith or Ronnie's?

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 27, 2014 23:17

Alzheimer is a type of dementia. But this sounds to me to a vascular dementia, probably originated by an ictus or vascular problema. Alzheimer usually is not so quick in terms of symptoms, although information regarding the begining of the illness is not clear.

Anything that I'm reading on this thread regarding dementia and Alzheimer's is speculation, correct?

It may not be but if someone knows, please point to a link that verifies that. Sometimes speculation gets spun into fact.

It may be that's what he has but I don't think we should be speculating on his one has a clue, unless of course, someone has a clue.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: letitloose ()
Date: September 28, 2014 03:43

He has been admitted to a care home that deals with this illness. I'm afraid it's the truth. The band will never formally confirm it, so if you want to remain in denial, feel free. Mal was the heartbeat of the band. he would be there if it were possible. I can't imagine how awful this is for Angus. But he's a tough guy, and the fans will be there. Fingers crossed for the new album, and thank you Stevie Young for stepping up.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 28, 2014 16:24

He has been admitted to a care home that deals with this illness. I'm afraid it's the truth. The band will never formally confirm it, so if you want to remain in denial, feel free. Mal was the heartbeat of the band. he would be there if it were possible. I can't imagine how awful this is for Angus. But he's a tough guy, and the fans will be there. Fingers crossed for the new album, and thank you Stevie Young for stepping up.

It's hardly 'denial' if all I've asked for is for some sort of evidence, a link, something that confirms this.

Here is something though not confirmation:


Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: September 28, 2014 17:03

Mal was a boozer and a heavy smoker while Angus just smokes like a chimney.

Mal is sick, Ang is fine... so shall we deduct from this that alcohol is more dangerous than cigs? smoking smiley

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: capsula ()
Date: September 28, 2014 23:52

Here is a link commenting that Malcom has had a stroke. Considering that dementia is mentioned, it may be a strong stroke. There are many posible causes for stroke in addition to smoking and drinking. []

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: September 29, 2014 00:24

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: September 29, 2014 02:21

I don't think I'm very down with the band continuing without Malcom. He was the heart of that band. Maybe calling it a day might've been better. I mean, does anyone really want to see Angus running around in a schoolboy uniform at this point? Seems to be sad & ludicrous. They were a great band. Think I would rather not sully the memories.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 29, 2014 16:56

Cristiano Radtke

Great article Cristiano, thanks.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Father Ted ()
Date: September 30, 2014 14:24

I don't think I'm very down with the band continuing without Malcom. He was the heart of that band. Maybe calling it a day might've been better. I mean, does anyone really want to see Angus running around in a schoolboy uniform at this point? Seems to be sad & ludicrous. They were a great band. Think I would rather not sully the memories.

Maybe the schoolboy outfit should've been ditched years ago? I've no objection to the band continuing without Malcolm. After all, they came back from the loss of Bon Scott. Admittedly that was 34 years ago but I think they are like the Stones and would prefer to continue doing what they love until they are all dead or physically incapable of performing. There may also be contractual issues that we are unaware of that insists that they continue to make new music and tour in the event of the resignation or death of specific band members. It's all big business and as mercenary as this may sound, there's just too much at stake if they call it day. Just my speculation.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: September 30, 2014 14:37

I wish I wouldn't have heard Play Ball for the first time in a MLB commercial. From here on out, whenever I hear the song I will always associate it with playing baseball and not the sexual innuendo I'm sure it is actually about. Looking forward to a new album! Loved Black Ice!

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: September 30, 2014 18:04

I wish I wouldn't have heard Play Ball for the first time in a MLB commercial. From here on out, whenever I hear the song I will always associate it with playing baseball and not the sexual innuendo I'm sure it is actually about. Looking forward to a new album! Loved Black Ice!

Doesn't bother me....for a long period in their career, AC/DC was (IMHO) the master in writing lyrics with double entendre. Maybe the song was written for MLB?

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 1, 2014 05:13

Sorry to hear about Malcolm's health problems. Love the guy.

I can only speculate that partying as hard as he did and standing in front of Marshall stacks turned up to max for as many hours as he did must have something to do with the brain starting to short circuit just a bit.


Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: SharksWillCry ()
Date: October 1, 2014 05:45


Sorry to hear about Malcolm's health problems. Love the guy.

I can only speculate that partying as hard as he did and standing in front of Marshall stacks turned up to max for as many hours as he did must have something to do with the brain starting to short circuit just a bit.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-10-01 06:12 by SharksWillCry.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: October 1, 2014 08:20

I don't think I'm very down with the band continuing without Malcom. He was the heart of that band. Maybe calling it a day might've been better. I mean, does anyone really want to see Angus running around in a schoolboy uniform at this point? Seems to be sad & ludicrous. They were a great band. Think I would rather not sully the memories.


Money talks

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: October 2, 2014 21:43

What was a depressing rumor less than a week ago is now a depressing fact. Founding AC/DC guitarist Malcolm Young is afflicted with dementia, his family has confirmed to People:

“Malcolm is suffering from dementia and the family thanks you for respecting their privacy.”

It was previously reported that Young’s wife, Linda, has checked the guitarist into Lulworth House in Elizabeth Bay (a suburb of Sydney), a nursing home facility which specializes in that illness.

As I said when the rumor first broke, this is horrible news; dementia is a life-shortening illness (Young is 61, not very old at all), and the emotional effects it can have on both the sufferer and his loved ones is often devastating. Just to give you some sense of how horrible this illness is: I once knew someone whose mother had dementia, and she would routinely forget who he was. Dementia is, in short, a heartbreaking nightmare. Really, the best you can hope for is that Malcolm Young is getting top-notch treatment, and won’t ever suffer more than he has to.


Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 3, 2014 00:22

Father Ted
I don't think I'm very down with the band continuing without Malcom. He was the heart of that band. Maybe calling it a day might've been better. I mean, does anyone really want to see Angus running around in a schoolboy uniform at this point? Seems to be sad & ludicrous. They were a great band. Think I would rather not sully the memories.

Maybe the schoolboy outfit should've been ditched years ago? I've no objection to the band continuing without Malcolm. After all, they came back from the loss of Bon Scott. Admittedly that was 34 years ago but I think they are like the Stones and would prefer to continue doing what they love until they are all dead or physically incapable of performing. There may also be contractual issues that we are unaware of that insists that they continue to make new music and tour in the event of the resignation or death of specific band members. It's all big business and as mercenary as this may sound, there's just too much at stake if they call it day. Just my speculation.

Plus they are no doubt having fun at it.

What are they supposed to do, disband and form new groups?

The show must go on, if everyone wants it to.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: rob51 ()
Date: October 3, 2014 00:35

Might a been a great band technically but I don't care for screechers.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 3, 2014 01:05

Might a been a great band technically but I don't care for screechers.

The singer(s) fit the musical style well I think.

Not everyone's cup of tea but they are great at what they do.

Re: OT: AC/DC future in question
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 3, 2014 01:17



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