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Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: February 19, 2014 13:41

Keith's Fender Twin is renamed "One Love" in the film!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: February 19, 2014 15:56

L'Express has a song by song account of the February 14 rehearsal. Merci, DominiqueLA!


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Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: djgab ()
Date: February 19, 2014 16:23

thanks for the reports on l'express
merci !

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: strat72 ()
Date: February 19, 2014 17:33

Cristiano Radtke

I thought they sounded great on this, and She's so cold is not my favourite song!

'Right on the money' as Jagger said.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 19, 2014 18:10

Slipping Away with Mick Taylor? Wow!

Silver Train - nice!!!!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 19, 2014 18:33

And today they did their first rehearsals on stage at the Du Arena in Abu Dhabi. See the Abu Dhabi thread: []


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 19, 2014 18:59

Thru and Thru
Thanks for the great review, JJF59, I'm so happy for all of you that got to have this very special experience! This was a truly terrific treat for a lucky few people but you guys deserved every minute of it.

Now on with the show!

Hi Thru and Thru, i think we happened to be neighbors at the Roseland 12 years ago. At that time, i tought that i would never again see the Stones in a small room. How wrong i was!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-19 19:50 by Jumpinjackflash59.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 19, 2014 19:49

Thanks guys for sharing your emotions. I'm surprised from the video about how young the people in the audience were (including the Virgile kid!). Stones really transcend each generation. I remember seeing them in Longchamp in 1995. I would NEVER had thought for a single second that they'd still be touring 19 years later. Yet, here we are and these guys are still trying to please their fans. HATS OFF!

You give me the opportunity to talk a bit about those young people, thanks for that. There's nothing i could add about the show, unfortunately because i'd like to (i suffer from the well known "welcome back in the normal life desease" something that happened to me so often but this time it's especially hard). But Sweet Little Sixteen on Shidoobee, one of those young fans just wrote yesterday a review that could'nt be toped. Well not A review, but THE review, the mother of all the reviews. With nice words about the friends who missed the gig (indeed a double heartbreak for us, when we got in and when we got out).
Anyway, i met all those young guys and gals here and there during the last 10 years, some of them only 14 months ago for the rehearsals in Bondy part 1. And they became good friends.
Some might think that it won't last because they are young, in their 20's or early 30's, and that in 6 months they will jump in another train. There is no way it could happen. Those folks have the Stones tongue printed, even tattooed in their DNA. They are 10 times more crazy about the Stones that i was in my young days. And god (and my parents) knows how crazy i was and still am. More than anything else, they have big hearts, strong guts, and a huge sense of fair play. I'm especially happy that they made it, because they deserved it and there is no way for them to take the gold card and purchase a pair of Chicago pit tixs like i did last year. Even if some of them made big sacrifices to do the London shows (O2 and Hyde Park). But when all you need is strong guts, they are here.
A few words about Antoinefromparis. I met this crazy bastard at the end of the Licks Tour at a Stones gathering and we're now good ol' friends and have been to a lot of shows together. We started talking about our Stones history, and realized that we were neighbors at the Winos gig in Paris, december 1992. Yeah, i remember this small 11 or 12 years old kid, close to me and front row, almost a baby. Eleven years after, the baby was a tall guy, almost 2 meters high ;-).

Anyway, i hope those youngsters will be able to make it for the European trip we plan to do in a few months. I've got the car and the driving license and i'm pretty good at it. Can't wait to follow the Transam Trucking big trucks on the higway. South, north, everywhere you want. Cause i have a debt to pay, they show me the way. When you spend the whole afternoon fighting against the cold, with all the rumours about the warm up gig fading out day after day, you wake up next morning, have a look through the window and realize that you've got 2 new guests for the next one, Miss rain and Mr wind, you tend to think, well, WTF am i doing here? See what i mean? I'm not sure i would have made it on my own.

I pray (don't really believe in god, but i believe in Keith) for them to be able to get some free time, we have to do it big, because it could be the last shot.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-19 20:56 by Jumpinjackflash59.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 20, 2014 02:57

Mr. Jimi
Kinda wish they wore those type of clothes on stage and not have "stage clothes" makes it more down to earth, more real if you will . . .

He's been wearing the same style black skinny pants since 1989.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: angee ()
Date: February 20, 2014 16:41

Love the tape from the rehearsal of She's So Cold!!
It really gives the feel of the session.

Was that shot by the Stones people and posted, Cristiano?

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: February 20, 2014 17:00


Was that shot by the Stones people and posted, Cristiano?

It was posted on the official Rolling Stones website as well as on the appropriate YouTube channel.

I assume that the clips were shot by the Camera Team that was mentioned once in the Thread about the YouTube Wish-List.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: AntoineParis ()
Date: February 20, 2014 18:20

Thanks JJF59!! It was amazing, Pattie and I can't wait for the european tour!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: February 20, 2014 18:39


Was that shot by the Stones people and posted, Cristiano?

It was posted on the official Rolling Stones website as well as on the appropriate YouTube channel.

I assume that the clips were shot by the Camera Team that was mentioned once in the Thread about the YouTube Wish-List.

thumbs up

I thought about that, too.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: February 20, 2014 20:58

"I don't really believe in god, but i believe in Keith..."

Excellent statement, JJF59!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Jon Lasaa ()
Date: February 20, 2014 23:48

Hi all

I do agree

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: February 21, 2014 02:11

Just a quick comment about MT waiting outside George V that so many thought meant he was upset. I thought he was just amused and taking it all in. I know I would if I had once been at the epicenter of the Stones world only to return to it. By the way, what a gift the last year and counting has been to all Stones fans. We could be watching half the band hawk old coffee mugs on QVC which is where Paul and Ringo might as well be. But instead we get actual shows and tours from the Rolling Stones!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: February 21, 2014 09:35

what a gift the last year ..... we get actual shows and tours from the Rolling Stones!

thumbs up

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: February 21, 2014 15:37

Just a quick comment about MT waiting outside George V that so many thought meant he was upset. I thought he was just amused and taking it all in. I know I would if I had once been at the epicenter of the Stones world only to return to it. By the way, what a gift the last year and counting has been to all Stones fans. We could be watching half the band hawk old coffee mugs on QVC which is where Paul and Ringo might as well be. But instead we get actual shows and tours from the Rolling Stones!

great post! grinning smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Captainchaos ()
Date: February 21, 2014 17:15

chatted with Mick Taylor when he played in Liverpool as a special guest of someone a few years ago.

He was great! really nice humble guy - even when getting put upon by a few mates who'd had abit too much & wanted to suck the living life outa him with a million constant q's on the stones ha ha

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 22, 2014 22:19

The Sicilian
Mr. Jimi
Kinda wish they wore those type of clothes on stage and not have "stage clothes" makes it more down to earth, more real if you will . . .

He's been wearing the same style black skinny pants since 1989.

I guess some things never or rarely change.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:59

We'll at least they don't wear the sequined jumpsuits. Funny how they knew better long before Elvis did.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: March 10, 2014 00:25

Hey everybody!
It feels a bit awkward to be bringing this thread up after quite a while but some folks keep telling me I should post my review of what happened on that legendary rehersal day in Paris. I posted it on Shidoobee and my Facebook before, so those of you who know me or read the american forum as well have seen it already... I wanted to post it here right away, too, so I signed up, but it took a while to have my account activated (I imagine it's because BV is busy on the road! I hope all is well btw and that you're enjoying the shows!smiling smiley)

So... here we gowinking smiley


The smallest Rolling Stones gig ever

Two weeks of rehearsals in Paris, what a great opportunity for fan gatherings in front of the studio! It was fun meeting again all those people I got to know when the Stones came to Bondy for the first time in 2012. The weather was, again, much less fun… but with umbrellas, cars parked close by to provide an occasional shelter and especially with the live Stones music in the background, you can deal with it.

During those two weeks and even before, we were hearing these obvious rumours about a possible warm up gig in Paris. We kept our fingers crossed but by the end of the second week it turned out hopeless. So what the hell, we still got to hear the rehearsals and saw the Stones every day, not bad, we thought. What we didn’t expect was to come to the studio on the last day and... be invited inside!

I mean, sure there were some talks about letting us in during the second week. Even Ronnie suggested it, again. And everyone was dreaming about what happened in 2012. But with more and more people coming over every day, it started to seem impossible, capacity and security wise. We were comparing this situation to what happened before – they also let us in, in the evening of the next-to-last day, but there were roughly 30 people. This time around, with the end of rehearsals approaching, we could easily count 60 to 70 fans in the evening.

But they found a way how to do it... on the last day, before the Stones arrived, one of the security guys (a very friendly and super polite guy) stepped out of the entrance gate and started writing numbers on everyone’s hand. The last fan (a very good friend of mine btw) had the now legendary # 27. He said that these numbers don’t mean a thing for the moment, but may be very useful in a bit.

Not a long time after that (really just a matter of minutes), there’s another friend arriving, the security guy is called to attention and kindly asked to give him a number too. But he explained that it’s over, that he wouldn’t give any more numbers, saying it was actually just to know how many of us there were before the arrival of the first Stone. Many more people show up after that, some of them are friends, awesome fans and great folks in general, all to find out that they’re too late for a number. We still kept hope at this point though, thinking that somehow everybody would get in.

This unfortunately wasn’t the case. After some time (not sure when exactly, I wasn’t really keeping track of time), the same security guy steps out again, people gather around him and he starts to explain that the band wants to invite fans inside, for 3 or 4 songs, but unfortunately, due to capacity reasons, the number of fans must be very limited. He admits that there’s no fair way to choose those lucky ones, but they had to do it somehow... and that’s why we had those numbers. He says that the 27 people with numbers just won the lottery. He apologizes again and again that he can’t bring in everybody, especially those who he knew came every day.

It was a very bittersweet moment for us with numbers. Obviously we were on cloud nine, but we felt awful for our friends who didn’t make it. We also didn’t like that, among those 27, there were some faces we’ve never seen before, who just were extremely lucky to come on that day. But I understand we can’t blame them. It was simply their lucky day, and it wasn’t because of them that our friends didn’t get in. The decisive factor was the time of arrival (deadline being the arrival of the first Stone), not really the number of fans. Nobody decided that they would stop with 27. It could have been 25, it could have been 32.
Anyway... we were asked by our security friend to leave, if possible, our coats, bags, etc..., in our cars and after a couple of minutes they let us in. We were walked to a room next door of the actual rehearsal studio. The walls were very well insulated, but when somebody opened the door, we heard them loud and clear. Cause yeah, the Stones were actually already playing.

We went through a security check, they gave us wristbands and explained the rules – no cameras, no cell phones, no recordings... what we were allowed to was to scream and shout and clap our hands, you know, we were basically told that this was a concert. When this happened in 2012, they told us very much the opposite – don’t talk, don’t move, don’t disturb them, they’re working. Back then we were allowed to the real rehearsals, we saw them really, well, working on the songs. Now it was a gig!

We spent some time in that room, you know, the time they let us all in, explained everything, then there were the Stones’ drivers, studio staff, the studio owner himself who came in, went through the security check as well and got their wristbands too. People from the Stones entourage were taking photos and videos of us, getting excited. Meanwhile the Stones were playing in the other room... When they got into Doom and Gloom, we were asked to follow, in order of our numbers, and were led through a tight corridor, up the stairs and on to the balcony. I knew the way already, but the atmosphere was different this time. We were basically already dancing on our way.

Once we got upstairs, we all found a nice spot in the first row, with a perfect view of the whole band right in front and with the fabulous, killing sound of their amps. We got into it right away, singing, dancing, all that stuff... and the band looked happy, they were all smiles, really enjoying it. I mean, after two weeks of rehearsals, it must be quite a change to suddenly have an overexcited audience in the same room.
Between the songs we were able to actually talk to the band (we all rather screamed so it was quite a mess, but still, you know, it’s not an arena winking smiley). There was a lot of interaction going on. And when they played, they were really on fire. People outside told us later that they were able to tell at which moment we got in, that there was a real energy boost. And they were really doing the show, especially Mick who got so excited that at times he even jumped from the stage, started dancing between the sofas in front, clapping hands and trying to fire us up even more (not that we needed too much encouragement).

When they started She’s So Cold, I realized we actually couldn’t hear Mick. He wasn’t too loud in general and with 27 fans singing like crazy, you can imagine what you get. I think at that point everybody forgot what we promised to the studio owner before we got in (“the balcony is fragile, keep it cool”), it was a really great rocking version... so we just couldn’t stay still.

When it’s over Mick says that Mick Taylor’s gonna join them, and we were all hoping for Silver Train, which we heard being rehearsed very, very often. And we got it, the first live version since 1973. Keith playing the riff, Ronnie and Taylor both on the slide guitar, it sounded awesome!

After Silver Train they got into Midnight Rambler and that’s the moment when I thought they were crazy, doing this in front of 27 freaks on a fragile balcony. I mean, myself I could be able to tear it down just on my own during Midnight Rambler!

What happened after must have been the best version of Miss You I ever witnessed. We’ve all done that sing-along many times before, but when Mick doesn’t work the whole stadium but basically wants you personally to sing, it’s a whole new experiencesmiling smiley He calmed the band down a little with a simple gesture, saying it’s our turn, dancing and encouraging us.

A big surprise came right after – Mick announced Keith’s set! That’s when I understood that what should have been just 3 or 4, max 5, songs would turn into a usual warm up set. Well, not really, cause we got two Keith’s songswinking smiley When he got to the microphone, looking great, smiling from ear to ear, full of energy, we all started screaming like a bunch of lunatics, the air was filled with your regular “Keeeeiiiiith”, “thank youuuuuu”, “we looooove youuuuu” . We calmed down when he started Slipping Away, it was really heavenly, we all kept singing, but in a much lower voice, to hear our Keith. He seemed touched by everyone staring at him with tears filling our eyes, singing and sighing. No, this wasn’t the Keith set where people go to buy a beer or take a pee.

Oh and of course, the big surprise, Mick Taylor joined in on guitar and vocals. It seemed as if it was the first time he did, cause he wasn’t quite sure what to play, but he found his way around and there was a beautiful moment when all of them did the break oh so perfectly. Everyone applauded them spontaneously.

Before They Make Me Run was wild, full of energy and kicking some serious ass. I suppose we weren’t looking too good, but oh my, we were feeling real well!

After that Mick came back on stage, and this time his amp was louder, we could hear him very well from that moment on. They went on with Paint it Black, with some lovely guitar work and Charlie’s perfect drumming.

Honky Tonk Women was awesome. I heard some people saying it was slow, but I have to disagree. I mean, yeah, the tempo wasn’t hundred miles per hour, but it was just the perfect pace for this song. I love the lazy rhythm, when you feel the blues literally dripping off of the guitars. Awesome. Keith did a perfect intro, Mick was very much concentrating on the ladies in the audience (well that’s the way I see it anywaywinking smiley we were three girls standing together and I think we got quite a lot of attention).

After HTW, there’s a guy (a technician I suppose, I don’t really know who it was) coming to talk to Mick. It seems that if it was up to him, they’d kick us out right away, I kind of understood it was about the balcony. But Mick tried to save the situation, came to his microphone and explained, in French, that they’re getting worried about the balcony, that it really is fragile, that we should maybe sit down – to which some people laughed a bit (we couldn’t be able to see anything if seated, due to the barrier), so he said he wasn’t kidding. We said we wouldn’t move, promised, that we’d calm down. He added in English, that he’s serious, “we don’t want the balcony to fall down”. He chuckled saying that. That whole speech was actually incredible. First, it’s Mick Jagger, whose job is to get people on fire, and he’s trying to calm us down! And then, the way he was talking, it was so natural, a Mick Jagger we’ve never seen before. A friendly chap nextdoor.

On with the show, they carried on with Tumbling Dice. My almost exclusive memories of that one are unfortunately my worries about not moving much, I was trying to really control myself, just as everyone else, as we were hoping to stay a bit more.

When it’s over Mick announces the last song, Sympathy for the Devil. Since it’s the last song, I forget about controlling myself – they will kick us out anyway, and I don’t really care anymore if we fall down Keith is great on guitar, Mick is doing his amazing dance moves, we’re enjoying the last moments of heaven.

Then the show is over, they ask us to leave the balcony, before we do we thank the band of course, each and every one. Then we walk away, back to the room where we waited, to collect our belongings we left there. Some more pictures are taken, we are all extremely happy, hugging each other, people are crying, it’s really a wonderful scene.

On our way out we all thanked the security and studio staff and we walked out the entrance gate. That was a very tough moment, cause that’s when I realised there are dozens of fans who just weren’t as lucky as me and I almost felt ashamed. I still feel awful sorry for them, but they coped well, asking us to share with them our experience.

A couple of general notes I might have forgotten in the text... the band sounds really awesome, it’s tight, it’s rocking, it’s flawless, they are really in an amazing shape. Yes, I know, I am not considered the most objective fan ever, but even the most demanding witnesses said it was truly perfect. Keith is very concentrated and plays great, Ronnie is just amazing (and so much fun to look at, he’s a real sweetheart, he was even trying to throw me his guitar pick, without success obviously, as it was a bit more difficult than at a usual concert where we are under the stage rather than abovesmiling smiley). Charlie might have slowed down as people say, but it’s alright with me! Mick is a great performer, doesn’t matter if it’s on a stadium stage or between the sofas. But it was more fun between the sofas than on a huge stage – and I think he had more fun too, cause he knew exactly who he was doing the show for. We weren’t a faceless crowd.


Anyway, speaking of all that... I have to add some thanks and praises to Mr. JumpinJackFlash59. It is indeed very nice what you wrote - about us, about my review, about it all winking smiley Looking forward to seeing you again!
(And I am incredibly sorry if bringing this up after some time makes you go thru it once more, I know it's hard to go there and back to normal life once again! :-))

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: AntoineParis ()
Date: March 10, 2014 14:58

Great Review!!!!!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: March 10, 2014 15:26

Wow - that was worth waiting for.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: March 10, 2014 15:27

thanks a lot for this sharing this unique experience. You'll never forget that.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: March 10, 2014 15:42

thumbs up

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 10, 2014 15:42

Great review SLS...glad you had a great time!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 10, 2014 15:51

Thanks, Im happy for you and the other 26 people.
Great review.
must have been heaven !!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: djgab ()
Date: March 10, 2014 16:02

merci !

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: March 10, 2014 16:16

Just doesn't get any better than that. Thanks!

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