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Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:05

Thanks Jumpinjackflash59!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:06

thanks a lot JJFlash59. Great Great story. Im happy for you, you got in.
Thanks for sharing.


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:11

Thanks Jumpinjackflash5. You had a wonderful day. The Stones are the greatest Rock'N'Roll band in the word because they care very much of their fans!
You saw it again yesterday! thumbs up

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: EJM ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:14

Thank you so much -you really capture the feeling of the event

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:15

Thank you jumpinjackflash59... I've been hoping someone would write that post. I'm happy for your experience and glad you decided to share it here.


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Sister Marie ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:26

JJF59, thanks for this review. Merci pour avoir pris le temps d'écrire ce compte-rendu. Et bravo ! smiling smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 15, 2014 16:29

Hey jumpinjackflash59, thanks for the great review.....from the heart and very well written.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: desertblues68 ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:31

Thank you for the report JJF59. So happy that you guys and gals got in. Looking forward to catch the boys in Europe later on in the Summer.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:43

Thank you to all the people who braved the cold and the rain on our behalf. Its been wonderful reading your reports and great to hear some of you got your reward! Looking forward to hearing Silver Train and Slipping away and the rest on stage soon.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: February 15, 2014 16:44

Oh one question about Mick: Did he wear the same black shirt like last year or maybe a T-shirt again like on all tours since 1994?

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: February 15, 2014 17:24

Still in Town the stones !

Cool Charlie

"we know it's a bit late but we hope you don't mind if we stay"

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: happyparis ()
Date: February 15, 2014 17:48

What could i add to what just said JJF59. I totally agree with every word of it.

I don't explain more about the selection and the entrance. Just want to say that was my lucky day, sad for the friends who coudn't make it.

That was the second time experience i had with a stones rehearsal, because i was there also the first time. Of course this time was even more intense because it was clear that was a warm up gig. The bracelet i'm wearing today means they wanted it like that.

We were waiting next to the rehearsal studio with a direct door communicating to it. I remember the bass sounding in that room and suddenly a guy came from that door which could let us hear for a second the direct sound from the studio! what a feeling ! loud , clear!!

they made us doing a queue by the number we had on our hands, we waited couple of minutes like that! doing pictures, smiling to each others doing hugs!

Then the go start! I was number four! walked to the corridor, looked to the sign "stage" winking smiley i knew the way already!! shake hand with Tim smiling then climbed the stares!

This is the first time ( not counting the last one) u as a fan, enter the place for the show and the stones are already there! hearing doom and gloom !
Ronnie saw it directly, mick also, keith was really concentrated and saw us only one minute or two after that! When he did he just smiled at us and began to be the keith on stage winking smiley ! the crowd downstair was amused by the situation, looking at us enjoying every note of music!

The sound was amazing! Direct from the amps. my god i love those guys!

Doom and gloom perfect!

Keith with a nice telecaster i have never seen before played with Ronnie the start of she's so cold. that was a high class number all the way! Jagger beeing Jagger, starting the moves and dancing in the post stamp stage!!

Then Silver train! what could i say! History! Taylor who was waiting on the sofa before that did join the gig !! for the records keith had a little trouble on one of the breaks but as it was a real warm up show, they did continue it winking smiley ! Awesome!!!

Then midnight rambler!! Keith and Ronnie were starting the little notes at the beginning , Taylor asked them to wait a bit because his guitar was not ready yet, Pierre was still tunning it winking smiley! As soon as he had it on the shoulders keith started the riff! Charlie kikking !!! I had tears in my eyes since the beginning, but this moment was so strong! Mick at the harmo!! always a dream. Taylor and Mick played alot together on this number. Mick Dancing came down the stage and came right under the mezzanine dancing between the sofas smiling at us and clapping in his hands. !! the stones in youre living room!! that's what i though winking smiley !

Miss you, Mick with his guitar, Keith playing loud little riffs i always loved Ronnie since the beginning of the show is doing a master piece of work! he is so tight and precise! I say it here i could have say it earlier or later. I just had to say it.
Mick looking during the song at his harmo, calling Pierre for having it. i don't remember i he ever played on it. He made us sing, played with us, amused by the situation, same as the crowd!

"And now keith is gonna sing for you" said Mick!

He came out the stage and waited somewhere else.

We are really on a warm up show!!

KEIIIIIIIIIIIITH What a feeling to shout this and see keith turning back smiling at you! I still can't believe it.

Sleeping away! with taylor!
First i love the song! keith was singing and playing well! Taylor had some trouble findind the keys and after couple of wrong notes he got it! awesome moment for the break when the three of them were close to each others, crossing guitar lines. i was levitating at this moment!

Ronnie was kicking on this one really! Keith as well, but more concentrated on his singing. Keith must have been in the sun before the rehearsals because he is really brown winking smiley !

Paint it black.... Keith perfect on the intro! Charlie starting the engine! Ronnie with his citar guitar. Mick dancing and moving like crasy. They pushed his mike on the mix which was better because before he was a little behind.
I think they started some laudspeakers on the mezzanine to make us hear him better because before we had just the sound coming from the one next to his mike. Perfect number. Rocking. !!

HTW as said a little slow! but so what! so solo of keith was perfect! and the sound ! THE SOUND of his telecaster! incredible.

Then Mick asked us not to move to much on the mezzanine because they were a little worried.

Tumbling dice. A Highway like usual but a little thing on the break winking smiley I love the Stones also for that! it's like they are playing the songs for the first time every time. they can still do little mistakes we love on those they played for ever winking smiley!

Last number said mick, thanking us for waiting in the cold and rain during all those days! We thanks them all in return!

Charlie with his headphones, then the loop from sympathy started. Mick gave us a wonderfull time dancing moving, keith a wonderfull solo!

The show is over! applause! message to each one of them! then we came down the stairs again winking smiley leaving the place, knowing we had be given a wonderfull gift from the sweetest and the biggest rock and roll band of planet earth!

I hope some others from the lucky 27 will do the same as i did winking smiley i hope there will be some footage in the dvd winking smiley i guess it's looking good. then you will understand better the magic moment it was.

Thanks the rolling stones for that!

Tumbling dice!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: happyparis ()
Date: February 15, 2014 17:56

lol i didn't end with tumbling dice my post winking smiley wrong copy and past winking smiley

hope u enjoy the review

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: mighty stork ()
Date: February 15, 2014 21:39

I did not make it for the rehearsals unfortunately. I have been in Paris for 3 weeks, arriving to Paris one week before they started rehearsals, but on Friday I was on the plane back home to Norway while they gave out numbers to the lucky 27. If I had stayed I would have been number 5 or so like I used to be every day.

But no regrets. I wanted to be back home for three small days before I go on the entire tour for nearly two months now. Back home to my wife and family. The toughest part of following the Stones as much as I do is missing the family.

I am so happy for all the good friends I met in Paris who made it into the rehersals performance, but I am also sad for those who spent every day with me there, but just came 5 minutes or so too late on the last day.

I have so many great memories from the rehearsals. Some are posted here in this thread, some are published in this new complete list of reherased songs:

The Paris Rehearsals Feb 2014 : []

I will make the rest of my comments in my countdown thread:

Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2014 Tour start : []

You must have an awesome wife because mine looks at me like I'm crazy to go to more than 1 show. In many ways I envy you so much.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: angee ()
Date: February 15, 2014 21:53

Jjf59 and happyparis, thank you so much for your detailed reports!!

Congrats to you and the other 25 fans who were inside for this rehearsal/warm up show. cool smiley

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 15, 2014 22:20

mighty stork
I did not make it for the rehearsals unfortunately. I have been in Paris for 3 weeks, arriving to Paris one week before they started rehearsals, but on Friday I was on the plane back home to Norway while they gave out numbers to the lucky 27. If I had stayed I would have been number 5 or so like I used to be every day.

But no regrets. I wanted to be back home for three small days before I go on the entire tour for nearly two months now. Back home to my wife and family. The toughest part of following the Stones as much as I do is missing the family.

I am so happy for all the good friends I met in Paris who made it into the rehersals performance, but I am also sad for those who spent every day with me there, but just came 5 minutes or so too late on the last day.

I have so many great memories from the rehearsals. Some are posted here in this thread, some are published in this new complete list of reherased songs:

The Paris Rehearsals Feb 2014 : []

I will make the rest of my comments in my countdown thread:

Countdown to The Rolling Stones 2014 Tour start : []

You must have an awesome wife because mine looks at me like I'm crazy to go to more than 1 show. In many ways I envy you so much.

My guess is, that this was an (if not the most) important part of the marriage-settlementgrinning smiley

Anyway, the story-length of the people who contributed the extraordinary experience shows how special these guys are!

ps: @happyparis... the song's called slipping away, not the thing you did at this occasionwinking smiley

congrats to all who had this great opportunity!!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: February 15, 2014 22:34

Thanks to all those who have offered their reports and photos from Paris. So moved to read JumpinJackflash's account of an amazing experience.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 15, 2014 22:39

Wow thumbs up

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Niek ()
Date: February 15, 2014 22:39

Jjf59 and happyparis thank you very much for the reports. It make me cry. I can't image what a great feeling it must be to see The Stones so close.But you make it clear for us.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: February 15, 2014 22:56

Thank you all for sharing. So thrilled to hear some fans had this experience!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: chemicalreaction ()
Date: February 15, 2014 23:07

I love the Stones that they have done this on Friday.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Sister Marie ()
Date: February 15, 2014 23:17

Thank you HappyParis. Tu portes bien ton nom ! Tous ces détails, on s'y croirait, j'adore ! >grinning smiley<

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: February 15, 2014 23:46

Jjf59 and happyparis thank you very much for the reports. It make me cry. I can't image what a great feeling it must be to see The Stones so close.But you make it clear for us.

That's how I felt--reading these reviews was like the nearest thing to being there. smiling smiley So great and so well-deserved!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: February 16, 2014 01:00

What an amazing, once in a lifetime experience! Thank you, thank you!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 16, 2014 01:45

I don’t post usually cause i don’t have that much time and English is not my native language. But it seems that you’re all waiting for a review so…..

I still feel emotional at home typing it on my keyboard. Thank you everybody, thank you so much.
Thank you very much for taking your time to write this and "take us there" smileys with beer

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 16, 2014 01:52

...hope u enjoy the review
I certainly did, thank you very much for that great song by song review smileys with beer

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: carlorossi ()
Date: February 16, 2014 01:57

Thank you for the report, obviously a heartfelt one. Especially for the effort to put it into perfect English-- nice.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: February 16, 2014 07:20

Wonderful that these fans got to see that! Thanks to Happyparis and JJF59 for sharing their experience here.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 16, 2014 09:12

I did not make it for the rehearsals unfortunately. I have been in Paris for 3 weeks, arriving to Paris one week before they started rehearsals, but on Friday I was on the plane back home to Norway while they gave out numbers to the lucky 27. If I had stayed I would have been number 5 or so like I used to be every day.

But no regrets. I wanted to be back home for three small days before I go on the entire tour for nearly two months now. Back home to my wife and family. The toughest part of following the Stones as much as I do is missing the family.

I am so happy for all the good friends I met in Paris who made it into the rehearsals performance, but I am also sad for those who spent every day with me there, but just came 5 minutes or so too late on the last day.

As big a fan as you are, I find hard to believe that you just took it in stride about missing the rehearsals. I would think that you would be pissed after all that time standing around at the rehearsal site in the rain only to leave Paris hours before the viewing. When exactly did you find out about the rehearsal viewing? Do you have any pictures from outside the place?

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 16, 2014 12:32

Thank you very much for your wonderful reviews,

you were very lucky people indeed!!!

How about interaction between Mick and Keith, any comment on that?

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