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Re: Rehearsals 2014
Date: January 24, 2014 17:27

The Dress Rehearsal-thread. If it doesn't rock, the real thread will thumbs up

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 24, 2014 17:31

The Dress Rehearsal-thread. If it doesn't rock, the real thread will thumbs up
smileys with beer

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 24, 2014 17:36

So in the mean time, while we wait, dont click this breakout link [] unless you have some time on your hands... but if you do click it, you might want tp reduce your screen resolution, so it will play correctly.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Date: January 24, 2014 17:37

grinning smiley

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: January 24, 2014 18:38

Cocaine eyes, please give us a glimpse, a glimmer of how you are so HIGHLY connected to the band, to put it in your own words: you are an employee, a son/daughter, some relative, close friend or do you play or sing in the Stones.?
In what category can we put you in?

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: January 24, 2014 19:02

I've always wondered who the "insiders" really are. If they don't want to give their names, then why not reveal what relation they are to a bandmember, or what job or function they perform as an insider? Why not be proud of who you are and your connection? A month or so ago, there were a couple of insiders that graced this forum with their negative, angry presence...haven't heard from them since, I believe. What gave them the right to do that is anyone's guess. I mean, they're not in the band!

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: January 24, 2014 19:41

A month or so ago, there were a couple of insiders that graced this forum with their negative, angry presence...haven't heard from them since

Understandable question, simple answer ... they weren't insiders smiling smiley

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: January 24, 2014 19:51

Rolling Hansie
A month or so ago, there were a couple of insiders that graced this forum with their negative, angry presence...haven't heard from them since

Understandable question, simple answer ... they weren't insiders smiling smiley
i wholeheartedly concur

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 24, 2014 19:57

But are they still insiders? One says he was and is no longer, now the other says they both still are...which is it? If you still have a connection to the band, then you are an insider, but if you are no longer in touch with them, then you aren't on the inside can't be both ways. It shouldn't be so confusing and vague. It's not that complicated...I mean, I was a virgin once, but I have three kids now, so I can't very well say that anymore, now can I? grinning smiley

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: January 24, 2014 19:59

So after 4 pages I'm to understand that there will be rehearsals sometime somewhere and that if Mick Taylor shows up for them that might mean he's invited to play on more songs, or possibly not.

You nailed it dude.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: January 24, 2014 20:02

But are they still insiders? One says he was and is no longer, now the other says they both still are...which is it? If you still have a connection to the band, then you are an insider, but if you are no longer in touch with them, then you aren't on the inside can't be both ways. It shouldn't be so confusing and vague. It's not that complicated...I mean, I was a virgin once, but I have three kids now, so I can't very well say that anymore, now can I? grinning smiley

Well, mentally you still can be.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: clapton71 ()
Date: January 24, 2014 20:18

With Ronnie on social media I bet he will post day to day line up. We really don't need people waiting outside anymore.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: greenriver ()
Date: January 24, 2014 20:33

In 2012, they rehearsed Bondy near Paris because of gigs in paris and london.
In 2013, they rehearsed in L.A. because of the US tour.
Why should they rehearse in France for a downunder tour.
Half of this short tour is in Australia, they could be easily based over there.
But perhaps I am wrong...

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Sister Marie ()
Date: January 24, 2014 21:06

With Ronnie on social media I bet he will post day to day line up. We really don't need people waiting outside anymore.

I don't think so. Not sure he posts the same things than people outside. I'd say they are complementary.
In 2012 it was nice to read the list of the songs rehearsed, the "ambiance" outside the studio, etc.
I think we must be caring with our dear insiders smiling smiley ... and respect their discretion about their source.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: January 24, 2014 21:19

Cocaine eyes, please give us a glimpse, a glimmer of how you are so HIGHLY connected to the band, to put it in your own words: you are an employee, a son/daughter, some relative, close friend or do you play or sing in the Stones.?
In what category can we put you in?

Hoping to see a breath of hope on page 5 of certain insiders rehearsal news but zero,zilch and f*ck all.
Just a couple of chuckles at a couple of comments. thumbs up

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: January 24, 2014 21:27

With Ronnie on social media I bet he will post day to day line up. We really don't need people waiting outside anymore.

The question is whether it is Ronnie posting or his (much) younger wife!

As for the insiders, they are probably somewhat "in" with a member of the extended Stones' entourage and if they identified who they actually are or what their connection is, they may risk being disconnected from said member of the entourage!

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Bellajane ()
Date: January 24, 2014 22:12

Maybe I'm being old-fashioned, but I don't think it's a good idea for celebrities like Ronnie (including family, friends, and the so-called insiders) to engage too much in social media. I always thought there should be a respectable distance between celebrities and the masses. That's the way it used to be. There was a mystery and allure about them. The unknown! I mean it's okay to talk to fans at concerts or at meet-and-greets, sign autographs, etc. Now, however; everyone has gone Kardashian and it's annoying. Lack of privacy and confidentiality is at an all-time high, oftentimes, the celebrities are mostly to blame....especially the younger ones. It's at the point you don't know what or whom to believe. Even on this thread, there's lots of questionable information and innuendo. IMO

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: January 24, 2014 22:30

They are not rehearsing yet...

#FF See you cats soon @RollingStones @MickJagger @officialKeef @ronniewood @lisafischersing @touchingbasses @ChuckLeavell #STONESONFIRE

- Bernard Fowler, Twitter, 5:39 PM - 24 Jan 2014


Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: clapton71 ()
Date: January 24, 2014 22:35

I really don't care what they are practing as I antipate the set list.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: January 24, 2014 23:59

They are not rehearsing yet...

#FF See you cats soon @RollingStones @MickJagger @officialKeef @ronniewood @lisafischersing @touchingbasses @ChuckLeavell #STONESONFIRE

- Bernard Fowler, Twitter, 5:39 PM - 24 Jan 2014


Why do you think he sent this message??
I mean: at what moment do you think Bernard & Lisa usually join...?

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:23

Cocaine Eyes
Cocaine eyes, please give us a glimpse, a glimmer of how you are so HIGHLY connected to the band, to put it in your own words: you are an employee, a son/daughter, some relative, close friend or do you play or sing in the Stones.?
In what category can we put you in?

An EMPLOYEE. smoking smiley And hence, a good friend to all of them.tongue sticking out smiley In particuler, a friend to Keith. They value their long-time, loyal emloyees, members of the their entourage. OK? eye rolling smiley

** Hey Dreamer - remember I said they'd not hassle us/you this time. Forgive me please for my mistake. **yawning smiley

*** I am a daughter to my parents, a relative to my aunts and uncles, and I do sing along with the radio/CD's. ***spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Hope that gave you some 'satisfaction'.

Now let's leave it all up to BV. This is HIS site; certainly not mine.........

Don't worry!
Can't leave the office for a couple of hours... eye rolling smiley

People can't read anymore? Cocaine Eyes is probably the best informed person on iorr. We just give a clue sometimes that something is on the way. But what people probably want/demand (NOW!!!) is a setlist. Pictures. Videos.
Or sensational blabla to hide there is nothing to tell.
I just started this to inform iorrians that people were packing & travelling and that we could expect first arrivals this week...
Cocaine Eyes confirmed and soon after that she said (Jan 23) "As of yesterday/last night, Chuck Leavell was on his way to rehearsals."
And after that we exchanged some knowledge about the (im)possibilities of a R-gig or a S-gig.

Sorry we don't have a setlist!
Sorry we don't have pictures!
Sorry we don't have videos!
And to expect we should say who we are...are you for real yourself? confused smiley

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:31

So after 4 pages I'm to understand that there will be rehearsals sometime somewhere and that if Mick Taylor shows up for them that might mean he's invited to play on more songs, or possibly not.

You nailed it dude.

I also piss anywhere, man.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:35

Cocaine Eyes
Cocaine eyes, please give us a glimpse, a glimmer of how you are so HIGHLY connected to the band, to put it in your own words: you are an employee, a son/daughter, some relative, close friend or do you play or sing in the Stones.?
In what category can we put you in?

An EMPLOYEE. smoking smiley And hence, a good friend to all of them.tongue sticking out smiley In particuler, a friend to Keith. They value their long-time, loyal emloyees, members of the their entourage. OK? eye rolling smiley

** Hey Dreamer - remember I said they'd not hassle us/you this time. Forgive me please for my mistake. **yawning smiley

*** I am a daughter to my parents, a relative to my aunts and uncles, and I do sing along with the radio/CD's. ***spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Hope that gave you some 'satisfaction'.

Now let's leave it all up to BV. This is HIS site; certainly not mine.........

Don't worry!
Can't leave the office for a couple of hours... eye rolling smiley

People can't read anymore? Cocaine Eyes is probably the best informed person on iorr. We just give a clue sometimes that something is on the way. But what people probably want/demand (NOW!!!) is a setlist. Pictures. Videos.
Or sensational blabla to hide there is nothing to tell.
I just started this to inform iorrians that people were packing & travelling and that we could expect first arrivals this week...
Cocaine Eyes confirmed and soon after that she said (Jan 23) "As of yesterday/last night, Chuck Leavell was on his way to rehearsals."
And after that we exchanged some knowledge about the (im)possibilities of a R-gig or a S-gig.

Sorry we don't have a setlist!
Sorry we don't have pictures!
Sorry we don't have videos!
And to expect we should say who we are...are you for real yourself? confused smiley

You 'insiders' are a funny lot. You bitch and complain about people hassling you but you're the ones that out yourself and keep reminding us you're insiders.

I personally could care less, but obviously some on the board might be the slightest bit interested in your connection to the band, so you shouldn't get your nose out of joint if you get questions.

Simple solution though, I think. If you don't like the notoriety, or 'fame' that comes with it, stop reminding us every time you post that you're insiders.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:42

That Chuck Leavell "news" was posted on Twitter by CNBC's Steve Liesman three days ago:

"@ChuckLeavell, the 5th Rolling Stone, comes to @SquawkCNBC this AM en route to rehearsals in Paris for the Stones tour."


Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:49

R-gig, S-gig?

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Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: January 25, 2014 00:57

Mick's enigma machine says it's insider code for Rehearsal, Secret.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: January 25, 2014 01:12

I do wonder how those guitars travel between tours or if they are being played in the meantime

I often wondered this myself. On Mick Taylor's website, under equipment, it lists his amplifier as from "the Rolling Stones collection". Where is this collection between tours and who is the curator?

Most bands store their equipment in some type of secure warehouse when they are not on tour or recording. In the case of the Stones, their gear used to be stored at a specialised high-security facility in New York but I believe most of it is now kept somewhere in London (with the exception of many of Keith's guitars and amps which are kept in a storage building on his property in Connecticut.) In early 1999 just before the start of the No Security Tour, I had the opportunity to visit their warehouse in NYC with their then-equipment manager, the late Chuch Magee. I was there helping him to sort out the instruments they would be taking on the upcoming tour. Inside this building there were four or five rooms filled with all their guitars, amplifiers and wardrobe and dressing room furnishings. The room containing the guitars had rows of metal shelves filled with stacks of guitar cases. The cases each had labels on the side indicating what guitar was inside: '58 Les Paul, '64 Strat, '52 Tele, '59 ES-355, '74 Zemitis, '48 Martin acoustic, etc, etc. All the famous instruments we've come to associate with Keith and Ron were there, plus many more. There were probably close to a hundred vintage guitars in that room along with dozens of newer models. It was guitar heaven! The amp room was equally impressive. It was packed with stacks of road cases containing a variety of different models, sizes and brands...Fender, Ampeg, Vox, Mesa, etc. Likewise, the drum room had a number of Charlie's Gretsch kits from over the years (some not even in cases) and assorted drum heads, hardware, cymbals and other gear. There was another room that had rows of tall wardrobe cases filled with the band's stage clothing as well as the dressing room furnishings they use while on tour (furniture, rugs, lamps, exercise equipment etc.) I was there with Chuch for a couple of hours but could have easily spent the whole day poking around and looking inside every case and box. It was an amazing experience and one I will likely never forget.

Edited 20 time(s). Last edit at 2014-01-25 09:12 by TornAndFried.

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 25, 2014 01:15

It was an amazing experience and one I will probably never forget.

No story TornandFried, thanks for sharing!

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: January 25, 2014 01:47

Cocaine Eyes
Rolling Hansie
A month or so ago, there were a couple of insiders.....

Understandable question, simple answer ... they weren't insiders

One of them, the female, did not deny when she was outted.....

That ain't me, babe.

Just to get it right. I didn't have you in mind when I answered Bellajane's question.

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Rehearsals 2014
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: January 25, 2014 01:50

so I can't very well say that anymore, now can I?

Of course you can say that. But if people will believe you ..... smiling smiley

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

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