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Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 2, 2013 02:25

Just before showtime no one will care what the person next to them paid for a ticket. It's the Stones' - yes, they overpriced the tickets by a mile - but there's nothing like them and when they are gone, they cannot be replaced.

Great, they should make an announcement just before the show..."some of you have paid $2000 for a ticket, some of you have paid $85 for the same seat. You're probably sitting, or standing next to each other right at this moment!

We know you don't care though we just got as much as we, sit back and relax, the show's going to be great!"

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: May 2, 2013 02:48

I wonder if Mick will make anymore "We're raping you and you love it" ticket price jokes after this apparent debacle.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: OneHit ()
Date: May 2, 2013 03:06

Surely LA radio stations are giving tickets away like crazy by now?? 48 hours...

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 2, 2013 03:23

Music industry curmudgeon Bob Lefsetz gets it just about right in his just-issued "Stones Tickets" e-missive. This story will now spread in the "mainstream" press:

"It's a disaster.

And it's hiding in plain sight. All you've got to do is go to their site and see what's available, your jaw will drop.

Enthralled with the ancient British rockers, the mainstream press has completely dropped the ball on this story. So busy reporting last weekend's club gig, the sycophantic reporters refuse to do any...reporting. To see that the bottom just dropped out of the Stones business.

Yes, go to []

And click to "Get Tickets."

Then pull up May 3rd's gig at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, America's number two market, home to more poseurs than anywhere but the Cote d'Azur.

First you'll be stunned how seamlessly AXS works. We've been told for eons that Ticketmaster is an unbeatable champion. But AXS is faster, easier and just an all-around better experience.

So pick the May 3rd gig. If you can't navigate to this page, stop reading this now, you're too ignorant to get the points I'm going to be making anyway.

Select 2 seats. Don't allow for splits. There are frequently single seats available in good sections for the most desirable gigs.

Select "Best seat at any price level."

Then click on "Find Tickets."


You can sit right down front!

But it gets better!

You can still get 8 seats together in desirable sections!

Which means...

Sales are horrific.

It's even worse for the May 20th gig. You can still get 8 seats together right down front!

How did this happen?


And it goes on from there, just in email form to subscribers for now; later today up at his website: [].

Lefsetz is on the ball. I'm not surprised he's all over this. I get the feeling Mick & Keith are surrounded by too many yes-men.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 2, 2013 03:56

Don't like the price of the ticket(s)??


I (gladly) paid $250+ to see them in Brooklyn.
Air. hotel, entertainment not included.

And then gladly,again, picked up $85 seats for a couple more shows.

Longtime loyal fans had every opportunity to do the same.
My advise for the next time if we're lucky enough to have a next time?

Seek gainful employment now or resign yourselves to trying to scrape up the $20
for the rehearsal surprise gigs.

Get off of their Cloud.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:07

Don't like the price of the ticket(s)??


I (gladly) paid $250+ to see them in Brooklyn.
Air. hotel, entertainment not included.

And then gladly,again, picked up $85 seats for a couple more shows.

Longtime loyal fans had every opportunity to do the same.
My advise for the next time if we're lucky enough to have a next time?

Seek gainful employment now or resign yourselves to trying to scrape up the $20
for the rehearsal surprise gigs.

Get off of their Cloud.

That's exactly the point, people aren't going.
Loyalty works both ways.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-02 04:19 by andrewt.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:09

I think the point of this is that, perhaps for the first time ever in their history, the Stones are seeing more and more people take your DON'T GO advice.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 04:09

No way to save face at this point

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 04:12

Keith! Where is that coconut tree when you need one

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 04:20

Now with mainstream media spewing then sad ticket sale facts. Fence sitters will stay home

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: fredlynn19 ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:22

who cares if the shows arent sold out? i dont. It aint gonna make me have a worse ime. i am still gonna be pumped and it isnt not gong to change how the stones play.

the stones messed up, period. but if you dont want to go, dont go.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 04:27

Pride man pride. They were the greatest. Hands down. Wanted it to end that way.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:30

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: Alfonz ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:50

who cares if the shows arent sold out? i dont. It aint gonna make me have a worse ime. i am still gonna be pumped and it isnt not gong to change how the stones play.

A sold out crowd makes for more atmosphere and arguably a better show. Could also help the band play better. A band can feed off the crowd energy. If there is a half-arsed crowd, it won't be helping the Stones, put it that way.

You can say they should be professionals and play the same no matter what, but still, it would be hard not to feel a little deflated considering the egos involved.

Maybe they'd still play as good as they can, but only play 18 songs instead of 23 or whatever.

I don't want to go to these shows and see thousands of empty seats. Though on the flipside, it would mean my $85 tickets might have a better chance of being closer.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: May 2, 2013 04:51

I just pulled SIX seats together in Sec 110 for Staples, plus Floor Seats. Floor4 Row1!

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:13

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:17

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Ha! eye popping smiley. smileys with beer. thumbs up

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:21

I was about to post the Lefsetz article but andrewt beat me to it. I already have a ticket for the Oakland show so given the less than impressive ticket sales, I will try for San Jose the day of the show. Looking forward to seeing them, no matter what the ticket sales are...

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:23

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Ha! eye popping smiley. smileys with beer. thumbs up

I've paid too much for something only to see the price fall later and I hate myself for getting too excited, so I understand the emotion.

But you're right, this is a discussion about a big conundrum they're facing right now. I'll be very curious how full the first show is, and how many tickets are given away. I can't believe that in a city that big they haven't been able to sell out an arena.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:26

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Ha! eye popping smiley. smileys with beer. thumbs up

I've paid too much for something only to see the price fall later and I hate myself for getting too excited, so I understand the emotion.

But you're right, this is a discussion about a big conundrum they're facing right now. I'll be very curious how full the first show is, and how many tickets are given away. I can't believe that in a city that big they haven't been able to sell out an arena.

The truth is out there...

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:37

My advise for the next time if we're lucky enough to have a next time?
Seek gainful employment now or resign yourselves to trying to scrape up the $20
for the rehearsal surprise gigs.

I don't work for the Stones, they work for me.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:40

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Ha! eye popping smiley. smileys with beer. thumbs up

I've paid too much for something only to see the price fall later and I hate myself for getting too excited, so I understand the emotion.

But you're right, this is a discussion about a big conundrum they're facing right now. I'll be very curious how full the first show is, and how many tickets are given away. I can't believe that in a city that big they haven't been able to sell out an arena.

The truth is out there...

It actually isn't, they just tell you that to distract you!

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:42


I don't want to go to these shows and see thousands of empty seats.

I do. Shorter lines at the concession stands and urinals.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:43

The Stones made $85 tickets available. I bought some and so did many others on this board.

So why do people (including those that bought $85 tickets) mock them and delight in the fact that the expensive tickets are not selling?

Personally, I am very grateful that the $85 tickets were made available and very appreciative of several people on this board that helped so many people buy tickets for $85.

We're going to see The Stones! smiling smiley

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:43

Right. Once Again: people aren't going.

That's the point of this thread.
It's not about buzz killing those who are going, it's about the most compelling narrative about this tour so far.

People certainly get their knickers in a twist.

Ha! eye popping smiley. smileys with beer. thumbs up

I've paid too much for something only to see the price fall later and I hate myself for getting too excited, so I understand the emotion.

But you're right, this is a discussion about a big conundrum they're facing right now. I'll be very curious how full the first show is, and how many tickets are given away. I can't believe that in a city that big they haven't been able to sell out an arena.

The truth is out there...

It actually isn't, they just tell you that to distract you!

You will be set free...

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 05:45

Rolling Hansie
Hey jump, where did you get that info, only half were sold?

Where many other posters get their info

Agreed. I think many are jumping the gun before all the facts are in. Let's wait and see what happens over the next 48 hours. It may turn out there was some actual method to their alleged madness. smileys with beer

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:52

I'm trying to think of what was the most poorly attended arena show I've ever been to. I think it was a Ringo Starr concert. It was in a 20,000 seat arena. Ringo has no business playing in a place like that. I think there were maybe 5,000 people there. I had second row. I still remember Ringo trying to get everyone to clap along and looking at me and rolling his eyes when he saw how badly I was doing it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-02 05:58 by tatters.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 05:54

No way to save face at this point

Record a new album; do clubs and theaters. Become artists again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-02 05:56 by JumpinJackOLantern.

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Date: May 2, 2013 05:57

I'm trying to think of what was the most poorly attended arena show I've ever been to. I think it was a Ringo Starr concert. It was in a 20,000 seat arena. Ringo has no business playing in a place like that. I think there were maybe 5,000 people there. I had second row. I still remember Ringo trying to get everyone to clap along and looking at me and rolling his eyes when he saw how bad I was at it.

I guarantee there would be no empty seats for a sons of the Beatles concert!spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: High Priced Tickets not Selling
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: May 2, 2013 05:59

I'm trying to think of what was the most poorly attended arena show I've ever been to. I think it was a Ringo Starr concert. It was in a 20,000 seat arena. Ringo has no business playing in a place like that. I think there were maybe 5,000 people there. I had second row. I still remember Ringo trying to get everyone to clap along and looking at me and rolling his eyes when he saw how bad I was at it.

I guarantee there would be no empty seats for a sons of the Beatles concert!spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Only if they were playing in your house and there was only one seat and you were sitting in it.

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