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Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Kempyspurs ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:01

I'm in SE England (Kent) and it is just very wet and has been for weeks now. Still, if you were a resident of the Windy City over the pond, you'd be experiencing air temperatures of around -25 at the moment with high winds making the windchill factor -40/-50 degrees. INSANE!!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:10

buurrrrrrrzzzz... DANG RIGHT!!!

Good to hear you are not saying anything other than that,
no disasters of anything, although the people on TV here are
talking about plumbers being busy today with broken water pipes.

It was cold earlier, -10 (= -23 C),
but now it is up to a balmy -2 (= -19 C)
They say will hit a heat wave high today of +3 degrees.

= HOME BOUND for me.
As a rule of thumb, if I dont HAVE TO go someplace, I will not
even attempt to start my car if it is 15 (= -9 C) or colder.
Long long ago I learned my lesson...

Cars, metal, rubber hoses and belts, gasoline, tires, other
people, roads, me, my skin... doesnt like 15 degrees or colder.
Especially when it will be up to 35 or 40 dregees tomorow.

FUN FACT OF THE DAY... -40 celcius = -40 fahrenheit
40 below is 40 below, no matter where you are.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-01-06 19:13 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:12


Good to hear you are not saying anything other than that,
no disasters of anything, although the people on TV here are
talking about plumbers being busy today with broken water pipes.

If the pipes and I survive tonight, I think the worst will be over. One night safely passed, anyway! smiling smiley

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:17


Good to hear you are not saying anything other than that,
no disasters of anything, although the people on TV here are
talking about plumbers being busy today with broken water pipes.

If the pipes and I survive tonight, I think the worst will be over. One night safely passed, anyway! smiling smiley
smileys with beer

I was using the "ear to the tracks" method of listening for running water
this morning... ear to the wall and no water running noise was good noise.

Thank goodness! The cold weather is bad enough withOUT any disasters

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-01-06 19:41 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:23

Glad you made it through the night safely Aqua, and Max, you are a (frozen) fountain of good advice!

Frigid cold coming here tonight, projected temps of -15 F, with the wind chill factor. Hasn't been that cold here in over 25 years. They will probably cancel schools here again.

Remember to keep your pets inside everyone and stay safe!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 6, 2014 19:35

Glad you made it through the night safely Aqua, and Max, you are a (frozen) fountain of good advice!

Frigid cold coming here tonight, projected temps of -15 F, with the wind chill factor. Hasn't been that cold here in over 25 years. They will probably cancel schools here again.

Remember to keep your pets inside everyone and stay safe!

smiling smiley
Stay warm and safe!!
And if anyone gets a chance, maybe put out some bird food in feeders.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: January 6, 2014 21:09

The coldest winter in 10 years is happening Sunday/Monday in the mid U.S.

To whom it may apply... batten down the hatches!!
Shut off/Cut-off those water lines to your outside faucets, keep the faucets slightly dripping if the room may get too cold, open the plumbing cabinets if it backs up to an outside wall, etc etc etc. There is not much worse than frozen burst water lines flooding all your cool stuff.

I am currently Filled with Fear, as we don't usually get weather like this.

How do we shut off the water lines to outside faucets, other than just turning off the faucets? confused smiley (I wasted all afternoon today driving around town trying to get covers for said faucets, only one hardware store had any--I felt like I'd found the Holy Grail.)

When my wife said on Saturday that she wanted to go to Home Depot for one of those things, I had no idea that they even existed so you were at least one step ahead of me! We got lucky though as they still had some... About a dozzen left in a bin that had probably held close to 200 when full. So far no problems at our house other than a German Sheppard who seems pretty confused about having to stay inside on such a beautiful day! 2:06 pm and 9oF in Knoxville, TN. NOT NORMAL for this time of year! Thinking I may need to use the hot tub tonight just for the ability to say I was in it when it was so cold outside... I'm hoping I don't get another opportunity like this anytime soon!


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: alieb ()
Date: January 7, 2014 04:05

Right Now, It's as Cold in Canada as Where Our Rover Is on Mars
A frigid spell has brought Winnipeg's temperature down to that of a planet millions of miles further from the sun than we are.

Canada is having a cold snap at the moment. This week, in Southern Manitoba, the temperature reached a blisteringly frigid -31 degrees Celsius, or nearly -24 Fahrenheit. (Wind chill values in Winnipeg—in case you were curious and/or in need of some meteorological schadenfreude—dipped to -58 Fahrenheit.) Which is crazy, and which makes for, as Yahoo's Geekquinox blog puts it, "the coldest afternoon temperatures the area has seen in several years."

The cold spell also puts Canada into some rarified company. Because you know what other place has recently registered a temperature of -31 degrees Celsius? Mars. Yep, Mars—a planet located many millions of miles farther from the sun than we are.* Over on the Red Planet, NASA's Curiosity rover regularly sends temperature data to us via its REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) instrument. And over the past month, Yahoo notes, REMS has been reporting daily high temperatures on Mars that range from -25 to -31 degrees Celsius. (Mars seems to be having its own cold spell: The -31 degrees Celsius temperature is the coldest daily high the rover has recorded since it landed on the planet in August 2012.)

It's worth noting that Mars, like Earth, has its own climates—and the area where Curiosity is tooling around, The Smithsonian notes, is roughly equivalent to the latitude of Venezuela. So the temperature comparison is a bit of an apples-to-oranges matchup ... just with really cold apples. And really, really cold oranges.


Sounds about right. I'm originally from Toronto (where some people have been without power or heat for more than 2 weeks because of the ice storm), but my mother grew up in Timmins, Ontario (near James Bay) and the other day it was - 52 degrees celsius there, without windchill.
All I want right now is to be in California.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: January 7, 2014 04:18

Quite interesting. In BC they experience a very mild winter with lesser snow than normal. So I am able to board every day at Sun Peaks lots of smaller ski Areas are closed due to the lack of snow. Kamloops has even rain instead of frigid cold weather like normal.
I hope the cold won't last to Long and that electricity will start again in those areas.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 7, 2014 15:59

CREDIT: AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 7, 2014 16:09

If global warming is real, then why is it so cold?

We are hearing this question quite often today and it will be asked many times by many people over the next few days as record low temperatures are set in many parts of the United States. Here in Minnesota, for example, we have a good chance of setting a record low daily high beating the previous record of 14 degrees below zero F. We may or may not beat the record daily low but we are going to get close. (Donald trump is probably the most famous person to have gotten this wrong over the last few days.)

Global warming is real. The apparent contrast between extreme cold and global warming is actually an illusion. If we look at the local weather in many parts of the US we see a giant blob of cold “Arctic air” moving south to engulf our humble hamlets and cities, as though the Arctic Coldness that we know is sitting on the top of our planet, like a giant frosty hat, is growing in size. How can such a thing happen with global warming?

Actually, if you think about it, how can such a thing happen at all? Imagine a somewhat different scenario. Imagine the giant global hulu-hoop of warmth we know of as the tropics suddenly expanding in size to engulf the United States, Europe, Asia, and in the south, southern South America, southern Africa, Australia, etc. for a week or so, then contract back to where it came from. How could that happen? Where would all the heat necessary for that to happen come from? That seems to be a violation of some basic laws of physics. Now, cold is not a thing — it is the absence of heat — but the same problem emerges when we imagine the giant frosty hat of arctic air simply getting many hundreds of percent larger, enough to engulf the temperate regions of the planet. As easy as it might be to imagine such a thing given the images we see on regional weather maps, it is in fact not possible. The physics simply does not work that way.

What is happening instead is the cold air mass that usually sits up on the Arctic during the northern Winter has moved, drooped, shifted, gone off center, to engulf part of the temperate region. Here in the Twin Cities, it is about 8 below zero F as I write this. If I go north towards the famous locality of International Falls (famous for its cold temperature readings often mentioned on the national news) it will in fact be colder. If I go even farther north, at some point it will start to get warm again, as we leave the giant blob of cold air that has engulfed us. In fact, it is relatively warm up on the North Pole right now. Alaska and Europe are relatively warm as well.

The graphic above from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts shows what is happening. The Polar Vortex, a huge system of swirling air that normally contains the polar cold air has shifted so it is not sitting right on the pole as it usually does. We are not seeing an expansion of cold, an ice age, or an anti-global warming phenomenon. We are seeing the usual cold polar air taking an excursion.

So, this cold weather we are having does not disprove global warming.

In fact, the cold snap we are experiencing in the middle of the US and adjoining Canada may be because of global warming. The Polar Vortex can go off center any given winter, but we have been having some strange large scale weather activity over the last few years that is thought to be related to global warming and that may have contributed to this particular weather event (explained here). This may be an effect of this strangeness, though the jury is still probably out on this particular weather event.


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: January 7, 2014 23:16

Aaaaand the pipes survive another night! smileys with beer One more to go!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: January 7, 2014 23:38

It's seems that around the globe records are broken, yesterday we had the warmest 6th of January since they measure the temperature daily from1901 we had 14.5o C


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 7, 2014 23:46

THE AGE ----------------------- 8 January 2014


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 8, 2014 00:16

Chicago has been renamed Chiberia

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: January 8, 2014 01:14

Aaaaand the pipes survive another night! smileys with beer One more to go!
thumbs up

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: January 8, 2014 09:38

Stay warm & safe to all & pets! I remember going to work in Chicago Christmas Eve of '83 when wind chill was -90 degrees! Gas lines on busses & cars froze, my car door froze shut after I washed it the prior day & it hurt to even take a breath outdoors! eye popping smiley

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 9, 2014 19:07

Hell, Michigan

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: slew ()
Date: January 10, 2014 04:00

Its global warming!!!!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: owlbynite ()
Date: January 10, 2014 09:17

Right Now, It's as Cold in Canada as Where Our Rover Is on Mars
A frigid spell has brought Winnipeg's temperature down to that of a planet millions of miles further from the sun than we are.

Canada is having a cold snap at the moment. This week, in Southern Manitoba, the temperature reached a blisteringly frigid -31 degrees Celsius, or nearly -24 Fahrenheit. (Wind chill values in Winnipeg—in case you were curious and/or in need of some meteorological schadenfreude—dipped to -58 Fahrenheit.) Which is crazy, and which makes for, as Yahoo's Geekquinox blog puts it, "the coldest afternoon temperatures the area has seen in several years."

The cold spell also puts Canada into some rarified company. Because you know what other place has recently registered a temperature of -31 degrees Celsius? Mars. Yep, Mars—a planet located many millions of miles farther from the sun than we are.* Over on the Red Planet, NASA's Curiosity rover regularly sends temperature data to us via its REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) instrument. And over the past month, Yahoo notes, REMS has been reporting daily high temperatures on Mars that range from -25 to -31 degrees Celsius. (Mars seems to be having its own cold spell: The -31 degrees Celsius temperature is the coldest daily high the rover has recorded since it landed on the planet in August 2012.)

It's worth noting that Mars, like Earth, has its own climates—and the area where Curiosity is tooling around, The Smithsonian notes, is roughly equivalent to the latitude of Venezuela. So the temperature comparison is a bit of an apples-to-oranges matchup ... just with really cold apples. And really, really cold oranges.


Sounds about right. I'm originally from Toronto (where some people have been without power or heat for more than 2 weeks because of the ice storm), but my mother grew up in Timmins, Ontario (near James Bay) and the other day it was - 52 degrees celsius there, without windchill.
All I want right now is to be in California.

thumbs upsmileys with beer That's why I moved here after Chicago & New York!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: January 10, 2014 09:37


Hell, Michigan

Hell, Michigan is not North Pole..

2 1 2 0

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 13, 2014 09:24

THE AUSTRALIAN -------- 13 Jan 2014


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: January 13, 2014 09:30

I am now glued to the Oz Open for the next two weeks--well, the available parts of them--and am already somewhat horrified by the weather. Though I think I'd still take it over the polar vortex.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: klrkcr ()
Date: January 13, 2014 09:36

I am now glued to the Oz Open for the next two weeks-- quote]

Yeah,I always enjoy the tennis as well Aquamarine....until the "grunts/screams"start.Stay cool down there Rockman.Cheers.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: January 13, 2014 10:24

Finally some winter temperatures around here (Northern Sweden). -15 C and clear skies. Just waiting for the snow the come so that we can have a normal winter in 2014.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: January 13, 2014 10:40

Stockholm -8 C and snow....I have to admit I prefer this weather to what Rockman have to offer from down under...drinking smiley

2 1 2 0

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 13, 2014 10:47


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: January 13, 2014 13:48

Sparks will Fly!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 13, 2014 23:30


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: January 13, 2014 23:42

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