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Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: September 13, 2012 21:30

but they're intending to play shows later this year, and those should be announced shortly with rehearsals starting in a few weeks. Blondie Chaplin even confirmed that to a friend of mine at the Iridium in New York just three nights ago.

I can certainly believe that there'll be rehearsals. I mean, why not? But no
arena shows this year, even if there is some kind of announcement. And no stand-
alone Brooklyn-London shows next year either. As part of a larger tour next year?
Yeah, that's possible.

My own personal take - and thats all it is - is that these shows are a trial run at Jagger's request to see if the band are up for a 'proper' tour. He even admittedly openly a few weeks ago that (despite rehearsing together in May) the band simply 'weren't ready' to play the Olympics and that was one of the reasons why they turned it down.[/[/b]b]

Billboard's o2/Brooklyn story did take me by surprise because I honestly took Mick's 'we're playing shows later this year' comment in July with a pinch of salt as just a way of shutting up journalists, but it does seem to be solid enough.

That's a fair statement. I do beleive that Insurance companies and Promoters do not want and cannot put money on the table if those trials are a deception. On the other hand The Stones love those kind of challenge. Success, success....

I believe phd is French, so for the avoidance of doubt, the proper English translation of the French word deception is "disappointment".

Or does phd actually mean "deception": i.e. that the trials are meant to deceive us?

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 13, 2012 21:54

Gazza, in your opinion what depends about a Tour next year:health,global economy,lucrative contracts,band desire...What?!?And about an album of new stuff is there a chance?!?Thanks a lot!!

I dont think they'll make a new record. I dont think the desire is there, I dont think they have the time to make one and there's no contractual obligation to do so.

I also dont think they'll do a 'long' tour as they've done in the past.

As for the rest - its up to them. The economy is only an issue if they get too greedy.

If they charge whatever pretty much every other A-list act charges, they should be fine. Asking people to pay $500 to look at a video screen in this day and age is just taking the piss. I've no doubt that the more expensive four-figure packages will be through the roof because there's still a market for that and other acts do it, but I'd LIKE to think they'll do what U2 did on their last tour (I think they guaranteed something like 10,000 tickets per stadium show at €30 or something) and make the other end of the market a bit more fan-friendly.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 13, 2012 21:58

but they're intending to play shows later this year, and those should be announced shortly with rehearsals starting in a few weeks. Blondie Chaplin even confirmed that to a friend of mine at the Iridium in New York just three nights ago.

I can certainly believe that there'll be rehearsals. I mean, why not? But no
arena shows this year, even if there is some kind of announcement. And no stand-
alone Brooklyn-London shows next year either. As part of a larger tour next year?
Yeah, that's possible.

My own personal take - and thats all it is - is that these shows are a trial run at Jagger's request to see if the band are up for a 'proper' tour. He even admittedly openly a few weeks ago that (despite rehearsing together in May) the band simply 'weren't ready' to play the Olympics and that was one of the reasons why they turned it down.[/[/b]b]

Billboard's o2/Brooklyn story did take me by surprise because I honestly took Mick's 'we're playing shows later this year' comment in July with a pinch of salt as just a way of shutting up journalists, but it does seem to be solid enough.

That's a fair statement. I do beleive that Insurance companies and Promoters do not want and cannot put money on the table if those trials are a deception. On the other hand The Stones love those kind of challenge. Success, success....

I wasnt actually thinking about insurance when I said that, but I would say you're absolutely right, its potentially a huge issue.

Corporate sponsors arent going to be oblivious to the stories in the press in the last couple of years about Keith's rumoured health issues. Whether they're true or not (and many of them are exaggerated) its something that's going to set off alarm bells to anyone who is being approached to throw millions of dollars in mid-recession at a tour by a band of guys in their late 60s.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-09-13 21:58 by Gazza.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: September 14, 2012 00:12

... the mass premature ejaculations on here. The shows will still be taking place.

... or however you reacted

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 00:36

... the mass premature ejaculations on here. The shows will still be taking place.

... or however you reacted

Just a semi, schillid.....

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: September 14, 2012 00:44

My question Gazza is how you find enough time in a 24 hour day to work a normal job, have a life, get all this info, answer all these questions, AND pay attention to Dylan and Springsteen. My God man, whatever you possess in your veins has got to be better than 99.5% methamphetamine! You are a true bezerker! LOL i pray for more than these 4 shows juat ao I can hook up with you again somewhere and buy you a drink in homage and respect smileys with beer

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 01:07

My question Gazza is how you find enough time in a 24 hour day to work a normal job, have a life, get all this info, answer all these questions, AND pay attention to Dylan and Springsteen. My God man, whatever you possess in your veins has got to be better than 99.5% methamphetamine! You are a true bezerker! LOL i pray for more than these 4 shows juat ao I can hook up with you again somewhere and buy you a drink in homage and respect smileys with beer

hahaha....hopefully I'll see ya at the 02, Doc - or next year.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: September 14, 2012 01:42

... the mass premature ejaculations on here. The shows will still be taking place.

... or however you reacted

Just a semi, schillid.....

It will be a real load -- off our minds -- to get some actual information about this.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 02:15

... the mass premature ejaculations on here. The shows will still be taking place.

... or however you reacted

Just a semi, schillid.....

It will be a real load -- off our minds -- to get some actual information about this.

LOL....five years worth of viagra built up for some!

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: September 14, 2012 04:43


I can certainly believe that there'll be rehearsals. I mean, why not? But no
arena shows this year, even if there is some kind of announcement. And no stand-
alone Brooklyn-London shows next year either. As part of a larger tour next year?
Yeah, that's possible.

My own personal take - and thats all it is - is that these shows are a trial run at Jagger's request to see if the band are up for a 'proper' tour.

This is the rationale that keeps being offered, not just by Gazza, but by
everyone who believes in these shows. And it is the rationale that I keep saying
makes zero sense.

At the height of their powers, the Stones would never open in New York or
London, and they're gonna do it now? No freaking way. Put themselves in front
of a finicky big-bucks crowd and the NY/UK media microscope as an all-in gamble
on their future? Ridiculous.

I don't know how long this 4-show farce will take to play out, and I don't
know in the end what excuse will be used to "postpone" these shows, but they
just ain't gonna happen as advertised.

Rehearsals have been mentioned. That of course they need. And now a club show
has been mentioned. I also think that would be a smart thing to do, at some
point. Hopefully soon. Low risk and judged by entirely different standards
than a proper big-bucks show.

To keep the momentum building towards whatever kind of big-top spectacular they
really intend to lay on us. Next year. At the soonest.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: TimeIs ()
Date: September 14, 2012 04:44

Do we know, if the Rolling Stones are in London at the moment or where else they are and what they are doing referring to Stones activities? Keith Richards was in London on September 7, Charlie Watts around September 3, what about the others?

Where was Keith seen on September 7 and is there a source or link?

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: September 14, 2012 04:46

All they have to do is put on a great show with a desirable setlist, maybe a little mayhem for good press, and everyone will most certainly be on board. Its as simple as that.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: September 14, 2012 04:54

Timels, your post quotes me, but I did not ask that question and was not part
of that conversation.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-09-14 04:56 by superrevvy.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: September 14, 2012 06:56


I can certainly believe that there'll be rehearsals. I mean, why not? But no
arena shows this year, even if there is some kind of announcement. And no stand-
alone Brooklyn-London shows next year either. As part of a larger tour next year?
Yeah, that's possible.

My own personal take - and thats all it is - is that these shows are a trial run at Jagger's request to see if the band are up for a 'proper' tour.

This is the rationale that keeps being offered, not just by Gazza, but by
everyone who believes in these shows. And it is the rationale that I keep saying
makes zero sense.

At the height of their powers, the Stones would never open in New York or
London, and they're gonna do it now? No freaking way. Put themselves in front
of a finicky big-bucks crowd and the NY/UK media microscope as an all-in gamble
on their future? Ridiculous.

I don't know how long this 4-show farce will take to play out, and I don't
know in the end what excuse will be used to "postpone" these shows, but they
just ain't gonna happen as advertised.

Rehearsals have been mentioned. That of course they need. And now a club show
has been mentioned. I also think that would be a smart thing to do, at some
point. Hopefully soon. Low risk and judged by entirely different standards
than a proper big-bucks show.

To keep the momentum building towards whatever kind of big-top spectacular they
really intend to lay on us. Next year. At the soonest.

Wait a minute, weren't you one of the people who more or less guaranteed they would play on SNL, and announce a tour of "festivals" - none of which ever happened of course. And then you said there was a secret "pre-announcement announcement" during Jagger's SNL perfromance? So maybe your information isn't so good.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: September 14, 2012 07:10

Yeah, Tele, that was Revvy's prediction at the time, but he didn't claim insider knowledge, it was his reading of the cards. However, the Revvy talking today isn't being fanciful at all, he's being logical. I agree 100% with the logic that for a band that is rusty and needs very much to prove they still have their chops together, choosing to return to the stage after five years in two of the biggest cities on the planet makes zero sense. If we were placing bets, for once I'd move my chips away from Gazza and put them on Revvy's number. It's a matter of playing it safe and besides, it's not like I'll be disappointed if Gazza's right and there are shows. I suppose its worthwhile to note Gazza isn't sticking with November dates in New York and London only as Billboard suggested. He's just saying dates this year are still the plan today and taking a wait and see approach himself. Same thing Bill German is saying in his latest update. I think all of us are reluctant to follow blindly this time. Hope for the best, expect the worst is more likely what most of us are feeling.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: September 14, 2012 07:59

Rocky Dijon
Yeah, Tele, that was Revvy's prediction at the time, but he didn't claim insider knowledge, it was his reading of the cards. However, the Revvy talking today isn't being fanciful at all, he's being logical. I agree 100% with the logic that for a band that is rusty and needs very much to prove they still have their chops together, choosing to return to the stage after five years in two of the biggest cities on the planet makes zero sense. If we were placing bets, for once I'd move my chips away from Gazza and put them on Revvy's number. It's a matter of playing it safe and besides, it's not like I'll be disappointed if Gazza's right and there are shows. I suppose its worthwhile to note Gazza isn't sticking with November dates in New York and London only as Billboard suggested. He's just saying dates this year are still the plan today and taking a wait and see approach himself. Same thing Bill German is saying in his latest update. I think all of us are reluctant to follow blindly this time. Hope for the best, expect the worst is more likely what most of us are feeling.

Well, I guess we'll see, won't we?

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: September 14, 2012 08:03

As Rocky says, I've got various modes (NOT various identities). Sometimes I'm
being cooly logical and other times, I'm just living out a fantasy of what
I wish was happening.

Like any other fan.

Except even my flights of fantasy are based on what facts are known at the time,
and my analysis of how Jagger plays the game. The biggest problem with my
fantasies over the years has not been their content, but rather their timing.
I am the guy who accurately predicted that the center of the stage would come
out on rails into the center of the crowd. The only problem: I predicted it for
the No Security tour.

So, Tele, if I were you I wouldn't yet bet the house against the Free Farewell
Festival concept (which if you remember included as a part of it very expensive
arena shows, like Brooklyn and the O2). It still may be where we are ultimately
headed, and it is still in my opinion the only viable touring concept that has
yet been put forward for this band at this time.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Lien ()
Date: September 14, 2012 09:37


Interview with Chuck ;

A. We had our first rehearsal in May. It was the first time we’d been in the same room together in five years. It was just fantastic. I cannot say enough about it. It was just the core band – six of us – and the exercise was basically, we haven’t done this in awhile so let’s see if we still remember. Mick [Jagger] had called me and said, listen, how about putting together a list of 20 or 30 songs that would be good for us to do.

Q. For what reason, exactly?

A. Well, you know, I think mainly to test the waters and see how everybody was, the health of everyone. And the answer is, everyone was healthy, happy, energetic.

Q. So what is the status of a tour?

A. They have not made any announcements, so there’s no official news to report. They [rumored Brooklyn dates] will remain rumors until the band confirms, but we recently had sessions in Paris and worked on two great songs. One, Keith [Richards] brought in called ‘One More Shot.” It’s really cool, great guitar riff. And Mick has one called ‘Doom and Gloom.’ The song sounds a lot different than the title. The theme is that he’s talking to a girl saying all I hear from you is doom and gloom – let’s go party, let’s go dance. It’s an up-tempo tune. They’ll be on the 50th anniversary set coming in November.

Q. Do you think they’re thinking of doing a full tour or just a couple of major market shows?

A. As far as what’s left of this year, I can’t see that it would be very much. But I do think the possibility exists that the band would want to tour again, so I think the answer is yes. Having spent time in rehearsal and the studio recently, there’s nothing but smiles and backslaps and hugs going down. It reminds you of how passionate we all are about doing this and how much you miss it when it’s gone.

And 50 years? It’s such an incredible landmark, isn’t it? I’ve seen Keith talk about how long can the band stay together and basically his answer is that we’re in uncharted waters now. You’ve seen what the blues and jazz guys can do, but rock ‘n’ roll only came around in the ‘50s, so there is no precedent. We are the precedent! All we know is that as long as the band can write good songs and perform them well…and right now, is everyone’s health there? Absolutely.

Q. Even Keith? There had been talk that he might not have the dexterity to do another full tour.


 A. Based on the recent experience I’ve seen, I would say Keith would have no problem [going on tour]. I’m waiting for the call. I’m on standby and will remain so.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: September 14, 2012 11:33

Nice interview. Thanks Lien

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 11:36

Do we know, if the Rolling Stones are in London at the moment or where else they are and what they are doing referring to Stones activities? Keith Richards was in London on September 7, Charlie Watts around September 3, what about the others?

Where was Keith seen on September 7 and is there a source or link?

There was an online story that he'd jammed with some band in London a few days ago but I think this was later proven to be false.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: September 14, 2012 11:46

" And 50 years? It’s such an incredible landmark, isn’t it? I’ve seen Keith talk about how long can the band stay together and basically his answer is that we’re in uncharted waters now. You’ve seen what the blues and jazz guys can do, but rock ‘n’ roll only came around in the ‘50s, so there is no precedent. We are the precedent! "

Chuck's IN the band then....???

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: orson ()
Date: September 14, 2012 12:15

He´s in the band since voodoo lounge

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Date: September 14, 2012 12:19


Interview with Chuck ;

A. We had our first rehearsal in May. It was the first time we’d been in the same room together in five years. It was just fantastic. I cannot say enough about it. It was just the core band – six of us – and the exercise was basically, we haven’t done this in awhile so let’s see if we still remember. Mick [Jagger] had called me and said, listen, how about putting together a list of 20 or 30 songs that would be good for us to do.

Q. For what reason, exactly?

A. Well, you know, I think mainly to test the waters and see how everybody was, the health of everyone. And the answer is, everyone was healthy, happy, energetic.

Q. So what is the status of a tour?

A. They have not made any announcements, so there’s no official news to report. They [rumored Brooklyn dates] will remain rumors until the band confirms, but we recently had sessions in Paris and worked on two great songs. One, Keith [Richards] brought in called ‘One More Shot.” It’s really cool, great guitar riff. And Mick has one called ‘Doom and Gloom.’ The song sounds a lot different than the title. The theme is that he’s talking to a girl saying all I hear from you is doom and gloom – let’s go party, let’s go dance. It’s an up-tempo tune. They’ll be on the 50th anniversary set coming in November.

Q. Do you think they’re thinking of doing a full tour or just a couple of major market shows?

A. As far as what’s left of this year, I can’t see that it would be very much. But I do think the possibility exists that the band would want to tour again, so I think the answer is yes. Having spent time in rehearsal and the studio recently, there’s nothing but smiles and backslaps and hugs going down. It reminds you of how passionate we all are about doing this and how much you miss it when it’s gone.

And 50 years? It’s such an incredible landmark, isn’t it? I’ve seen Keith talk about how long can the band stay together and basically his answer is that we’re in uncharted waters now. You’ve seen what the blues and jazz guys can do, but rock ‘n’ roll only came around in the ‘50s, so there is no precedent. We are the precedent! All we know is that as long as the band can write good songs and perform them well…and right now, is everyone’s health there? Absolutely.

Q. Even Keith? There had been talk that he might not have the dexterity to do another full tour.


 A. Based on the recent experience I’ve seen, I would say Keith would have no problem [going on tour]. I’m waiting for the call. I’m on standby and will remain so.

1. Thanks for confirming, Chuck!
2. You're NOT in the band winking smiley

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Steinschlag ()
Date: September 14, 2012 12:34

The Sicilian

All they have to do is put on a great show with a desirable setlist, maybe a little mayhem for good press, and everyone will most certainly be on board. Its as simple as that.

I`m completely with you, Sicilian.... They only have to set up a stage, put some Amps to it, turn on the lights and start PLAYING!!!! No big deal....spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Stoneswolf ()
Date: September 14, 2012 12:47

Do we know, if the Rolling Stones are in London at the moment or where else they are and what they are doing referring to Stones activities? Keith Richards was in London on September 7, Charlie Watts around September 3, what about the others?

Ronnie is in Mallorca with his girlfriend accoring to recent press (

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Steinschlag ()
Date: September 14, 2012 13:27

Barclays Center`s schedule says there`s a Basketball match on Dec. 7th..... Schedule there is pretty packed anyway!

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 14:18

Barclays Center`s schedule says there`s a Basketball match on Dec. 7th..... Schedule there is pretty packed anyway!

yep. Theres nothing to stop an arena stage being disassembled for a day or two and then reassembled again, though. Happens all the time.

Likewise with the 02.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Date: September 14, 2012 14:48


Something went wrong with your quotation. It was me who asked, where the Rolling Stones are at the moment, and thought Keith had been in London. I read on iorr that Keith allegedly took part in a project called "Africa Express". reported it. I also saw his name on what seems to be the official website of the procject and thought it was true. But after Gazza mentioning it was false I just found that later said, they couldn't confirm it was Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones. The official website lists the name for several days, so it seems to be another musician with that name.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Sam Spade ()
Date: September 14, 2012 15:14

Barclays Center`s schedule says there`s a Basketball match on Dec. 7th..... Schedule there is pretty packed anyway!

yep. Theres nothing to stop an arena stage being disassembled for a day or two and then reassembled again, though. Happens all the time.

Likewise with the 02.

The basketball game on Nov 7th is a road game being played in Miami, Fl.

Re: Billboard: Rolling Stones To Play London, Brooklyn In November
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 14, 2012 15:49

Sam Spade
Barclays Center`s schedule says there`s a Basketball match on Dec. 7th..... Schedule there is pretty packed anyway!

yep. Theres nothing to stop an arena stage being disassembled for a day or two and then reassembled again, though. Happens all the time.

Likewise with the 02.

The basketball game on Nov 7th is a road game being played in Miami, Fl.

Yep. Steinschlag said December 7th, though. Brooklyn Nets are listed as being at home to Golden State Warriors on that night.

The venue is available on the following dates in November-December:

Nov 6,7,8, 22, 26, December 6,8,13, 16,17, 19,21.


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